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Publication Date: 
July 1, 1966
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PDF icon CIA-RDP70-00058R000300010057-5.pdf111.13 KB
Aug FOIAB3B Approved For Release 2001 The View from Albania CPYFR'E Td from LA1KO VIMA, Giinoko,ler The fierce and simplistic Stalinists of Albania still regard the United States as an implacable foe to be bludgeoned relentlessly with any weapons at hand. Since the only weapons at hand are words, their propaganda is a very blunt instrument, as these three articles from recent issues of the Greek-lan- guage daily, Laiko Vima, evince. The newspaper cir- culates in the prefecture of Gjinokaster, a commu- nity of 150,000 in Albania's Pindus Mountains. THE C.I.A., MOST MYSTERIOUSI IN 'I TIE mysterious section of Washington known as Foggy Bottom, there is an unusual building. It cost $sn million, and its architccturc inspires dread: win- lows with iron bars, iron doors, labyrinthine corridors, astounding automatic devices. In this building, the C.I.A. has its headquarters! There arc another fifty villas in Washington, and about thirty in New York of this governmental espionage organization. C.I.A. is cloaked in deep mystery. Nobody knows how it operates. Its personnel includes 100,000 un- identified agents, and its budget is neither announced nor discussed. It is known that $5 billion from the budget go to C.I.A. But there arc also other billions of 'dollars which flow like a river into special projects un- dertaken by the C.I.A. The American government has given special attention to this organization, which is linked to an endless series of conspiracies, coups d'dtats, aggressions, provocations and bestial murders. The black hand of the C.I.A. spreads terror every- where and depresses the peoples. Allen Dulles, the brother of John Foster Dulles, said once that C.I.A. is "a great school of a silent art which guides the policies of the U.S.A." This means that C.I.A. is the architect of sabotage and of disgusting and brazen in- terventions. It employs airplanes like the U-2 and' RB-47, which spy over the Socialist countries. Let us not go back very far, but ten years ago C.I.A. engi? neered a coup d'dtat which brought down Mossadegh. and resulted in the annihilation of thousands of Irani-- an democrats and Communists. Tic- counter-revolu-tion in Hungary in 1956 was also organized by C.I.A., D together with the Yugoslav revisionists. 'i'hc first air- plancs that reached Budapest were aircraft employed by C.I.A., and marked as Red Cross planes. C.I.A. also organized revolution in the Congo, killed Patrice Lumumba and overthrew other African governments. C.I.A.'s activities arc multifarious and well caniou- flaged. The Peace Corps is an instrument of espionage, because under the name of the engineer, doctor and veterinarian who goes to help an underdeveloped country, in reality hides an American spy. "Phis is the reason why Ghana, the Sudan, Indonesia, Ceylon and Mexico have thrown out the Peace Corps. Another, C.I.A. project is the "Food for Peace Program" orgy-; nized by Eisenhower. And former President Kennedy established the Alliance for Progress not to help Latin America but to spy on them. Who organized the coup d'ctat in Brazil? Who provoked the American inter- vention in the Dominican Republic, the blood baths in Panama, Bolivia and Uruguay? The C.I.A. Now let us learn a bit about the No. 1 personality; of this organization. Allen Dulles started his career at the age of twenty-three, serving all subsequent Amer- can presidents as a spy. When in 1953 Dulles became' C.I.A.'s chief, lie gathered around him sixty billion- aires and millionaires, so that espionage would be ele- vated to the highest spheres of politics and economics. The present chief of the C.I.A. is John McConc, an engineer and millionaire industrialist, former Under- Secretary of the Air Force. Between 1958 and 1961, McConc was chairman of the Atomic Energy Com- mission, and he is a major speculator in military in- vestments in airplanes, automobiles, etc. Some of the investments of billionaire McCone are in the Standard Oil Company of California and Standard Oil of New Jersey, which own oil fields in Latin America and the Middle East. McCone's investment in this monopoly is well over $1,028,965, and he is the second stock- holder among the millionaires of the company. He has nfinite connections with shipyards and with indus- rialists who produce guided missiles and jets. This is lilp man who head C LA I s . . A clique of millionaires and politicians are acting on he, basis of the orders of C.I.A., which is the real ower behind the American government, and. its chief s a ..dexterous spy, [:I`A-RD070-00058R000300010057-5 6 (UAVANA)