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Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-F7DP70-00211 R000300050076-9
Draft 6-20-55
the security requirements of the agency.
(3) File folders - Square cut, plain tab reinforced, 11 point
Kraft folders sh l4 be used, except as provided for in
paragraph It below. 5fr-
(4) Heavy duty file folders - Pressboard folders with metal tabs
third cut, slot punched in first and third positions., and
linen ffWff type expansion gussets will be used for maintenance
of records, subject to usage that would necessitate replacement
of 11 point kraft folders during the active life of the records.
(5) File guides - Pressboard guides with angular metal tabs, 1/3
cut with lower projection will be used.
Maximn utilization of file cabinets shall be obtained bys
(1) Transferring inactive records to the Agency Records Center.
(2) Disposing of records in accordance with Record Control
Schedules established through the Records Management Division,
Management Staff.
(3) Removing office supplies, and other nonrecord material from
filing cabinets.
(4) Using letter size cabinets when less than 20% of the material
to be filed is of legal size.
(5) Centralizing files in vault areas, where feasible, to permit
use of non-safe type cabinets.
(6) Using non-safe type cabinets for unclassified records,
g. A report of filing equipment showing accretions and total in use
by type will be made annually. by K,CWV% eok~ ,,
a. The Chief of Management Staff is responsible fort
(1) Developing standards for Agency file procedures., systems,
equipment and supplies,
(2) Reviewing and approving requests for nonstandard file equip-
ment and supplies.
(3) Maintaining Agency liaison on file standards with other
Federal and private organizations.
Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300050076-9
Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : ClA RDF'7O-B0211R000300050076-9
25X1 NO.
Draft 6-20-55
b. The Director of Logistics is responsible for restricting the
procurement and issuance of filing equipment and supplies in
accordance with the requirements of this regulation.
as File Guides and Folders (11 point kraft) - Available from Building
Supply Offices without requisition,
be Hea Dut~Folders Submit Form No. 88,E Requisition and Shipping
Instructions for Supplies and Equipment bearing the following
certification signed by the person responsible for the Area Records
Management Program:
"These folders are needed because the frequent reference
requirements of the file would necessitate replacement of
the standard 11 point kraft folders during the active life
of the records,"
c. Letter and Leal Size Filing Cabinet - Submit Form No. 88,E
eq ME and Shipping Instructions for Supplies and Equipment
bearing the following certification signed by the person
responsible for the Area Records Management Programs
"This certifies that this office has complied with the
utilization rovisions of Section 13, paragraph bp'(#) of
25X1 Regulation I"
d. RRe_ports - The Deputy Director (Plans), Deputy Director (Intelligence),
and the Deputy Director (Support) or their designees will maintain
file equipment records from which a report will be prepared and
D u ~''~s submitted to the Records Management Staff not later than the
15th of August each year. Form No. , Annual Inventory of Filing
Equipment will be used in making the report which will show by type
of equipment:
(1) Number of pieces on hand at beginning of the fiscal year.
(2) Number of pieces received during the fiscal year.
(3) Number of pieces released during the fiscal year.
(1t) Number of pieces in use as of the end of the fiscal year,
Approved For Release 2005
Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300050076-9
Draft 6-20-55
Efficiency and economy in the conduct of Agency record operations
will be promoted through the application of appropriate record
systems,, practices., and devices pertaining to filing, processing
of mail, reproduction of records,, posting and recording operations,
and communications.
ao The Chief, Management Staff, is responsible fors
(1) Conducting-studies of recognized records systems in order
to determine possible applications in the Agency &4 -in
collaboration with other appropriate-technicians act as E
'record systems advisor in connection .th the selection,/
.installation and utilization of suoh systems,
I mg.-r4
(2) Promote record systems applications through the develop-
ment and dissemination of guides illustrating techniques
and devices for solving record problems.
(3) Conducting surveys of record problems in collaboration
with appropriate representatives of affected Agency
components in order to recommend more efficient systems
and devices.
V, The Deputy Director (Intelligence),the Deputy Director (Support)$
and the Deputy Director (Plans) or their designees, are responsi-
ble for continuing reviews of record operations to assure
performance in the most efficient and economical manner, and for
requesting technical assistance from the Chief, Management Staff,,
in the study of problem areas.
a. No record shall be destroyed or removed from Agency custody except
in accordance with this regulation.
Approved For Release 2005/1112?! CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300050076-9
Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300050076-9
25X1 NO.
Draft 6-20-55
b. Records of permanent value shall be identified and preserved as
the official archives of the Agency,
c. Noncurrent records shall be scheduled for removal from office space
and filing equipment to economical Records Center storage,
d. Records of temporary value shall be identified and scheduled for
legal destruction according to their retention values.
e. An Agency Records Center shall be maintained for the storage,
processing, and servicing of noncurrent Agency records, including
top secret material.
a, The Chief, Management Staff is responsible fors
Reviewing and approving records control schedules governing
the disposition of records accumulated by the organizational
elements of the Agency.
(2) Reviewing all recommendations for the destruction of records
and obtaining necessary legal authority for their destruction.
(3) Serving as the CIA Records Officer and Archivist.
(L) Liaison with the National Archives and Records Service on all
records disposition matters, and with other agencies in all
inter.-Agency transfers of records in which this Agency is an
interested party,
(5) Technical supervision of the Records Center,
b. The Deputy Director (Plans), Deputy Director (Intelligence), and
the Deputy Director (Support) or their designees are responsible for=
(1) Preparing records control schedules covering all records in
their areas,
(2) ,Implementing the approved records control schedules.
(3) Initiating the retirement of noncurrent records to the Records
(!) Reviewing and maintaining records control schedules on. a
current basis.
(5) Submitting an annual report of disposition activities.
Approved For Release 2005/11 /2 j0IA-RDP70-00211 R000300050076-9
Approved For Release 2005/11/2 'GiA-RDP70-00211 R000300050076-9
25X1 NO.
Draft 6-20-55
c+ The Chief, Records Center is responsible fors
(1) Storing and protecting inactive records and providing
reference service.
(2) Destroying records in accordance with approved schedules.
(3) Preserving records with permanent or long retention value.
a. Records Control Schedules.
(1) Pre aration. The Deputy Director (Plans), Deputy Director
Intelligence), and the Deputy Director (Support) or their
designees will prepare and maintain on a current basis,
records control schedules covering all files of each area
program, both record and nonrecord, These schedules will
be prepared on Forms 139, Records Control Schedule, and
139a, Records Control Schedule-Continuation Sheet, in three
copies, one of which will be signed by the Chief of the
primary organizational unit concerned. The three copies of
the. schedule will be submitted to the Records Management
Staff for review and approval.
(2) Review and approval. The Records Management Staff will
re ew and approve the schedules and obtain necessary legal
authority for all disposal actions. After approval the
schedules will be returned to the originator for implementation.
(3) Application, Except in emergencies, the approved records
control schedules shall be the sole authority for the disposal
of records of the Agency, w will be accomplished in
accordance with Regulation
(fit) Annual review. To keep the schedules current an annual review
be made as time permits during the year. However, it is
recommended that it be done toward the and of the fiscal year
so that preparation of the annual statistical report will be
simplified and more accurate. The revised schedules will be
submitted to the Records Management Staff in the same manner
as the initial schedules*
b. Retirement of Records.
All arrangements for the retirement of noncurrent records to the Records
Center will be made with the Records Management Staff.
Approved For Release 2005/ ~ PA DP70-00211 R000300050076-9
Approved For Release 2005/11/21 CitArR1 70-00211 R000300050076-9
Draft 6-20-55
c. Reference Service.
To obtain reference service on retired records, Form 1494,, Records;
Center Service Request-will be prepared and forwarded to the Records
d. Reports.
Volume data on records disposition activities of the area programs
shall be collected, compiled and reported to the Records Management
Staff by the Deputy Director (Plans), the Deputy Director (Intelligence),
and the Deputy Director (Support) or their designees. The report will
be submitted not later than the fifteenth of August each year aid will
consist of the following information expressed in linear feet,
(1) Records on hand at the beginning of the fiscal year.
(2) Records destroyed in current files area during the fiscal year.
(3) Records retired to the Records Center during the fiscal year.
(4) Records on hand at the end of the fiscal year.
The Chief, Records Center, will submit a monthly report to the Records
Management Staff containing the following data expressed in cubic feet.
(1) Records on hand at the beginning of the month.
(2) Records received during the month.
(3) Records destroyed during the month.
(!,) Records on hand at the and of the month.
(5) Number of references received and processed during the month.
Approved For Release 2005111& i CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300050076-9