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Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300250004-6 Chief, ement Staff Its October 195LL gent Division Weekly Report Week Ending 23 October 1954 1. Progress is being made on overall plane for wing the Records Center to the new location, Agreement has been reached with the Logistics Office for daily courier service to the new location,, and for two ple ntal. trips per week to handle large accumulations records which cannot be acco odated by the courier service, has also agreed to make the services his ca., courier service to headquarters a il- able to na, This will. provide two regular trips every day bstween headquarters and the now location. This servicb should be sufficient to meet the normal needs of all head- quarters offices for Records Center material. 2, Inactive records were received from three offices amounting to the equivalent of ten four drawer safe tyre cabinets. Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300250004-6 -CO FIDENTIA Approved FeoRelease 2005/11/21: CIA-RDP70-002 000300250004-6 Accessioning Report for Week Ending 13 October 1954 RECORDS CENTER BRANCH During this week the following accessions were made: Comptroller Personnel OCD Sub-total Finished Intelligence Total Total Accessions to date - 298. General 9 Cubic Feet (4 separate jobs) 4 n rr 20 Cubic Feet 60 it it 80 Cubic Feet is drafting proposed operating procedures for the Center. A chapter on accessioning has been submitted to and the Chief of the Center for comment. Space lay out plans are being drawn up for the new building and all shelving is being numbered. This is a first step in developing a plan that will insure control of records as they are moved. A series of reports are being prepared on the staff work accomplished in coordinating the move of the Center. Clarification is needed in respect to what role the Records Center is to play in the segregation and forwarding of VM documents for various offices. is working with the Center on this problem. 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Relea _ :CA N -RDP70-00211 R000300250004-6 r ,ry u a .L ~,f3 z~ Approved F'Releaise 2005111/21: CIA-RDP70-002R000300250004-6 Report for Week Ending 13 October 1951 from RECORDS SYSTEMS BRANCH Project 4-79 - Records Management Survey, FB]D No change from previous report. Project is approximately 99% complete, Project 4-80 - Agency Wide Microphotography Survey No change from previous report. Project is approximately 19% complete. Project 13-81 - Security Desk Trays No change from previous report, Project is approximately 87% complete. Project 4-82 - Filing System - Handbook for the Subject Classification and Filing of Correspondence Records, I No change from previous report. Project is approximately 99% complete. Project 4-83 - Vital Materials Deposit Schedules for All Offices No change from previous report. Project is approximately 61% complete, project 4-84 - Vital Materials Microfilm Project Microfilming of the OCD/BR dossiers continues. This project is now approximately 60% complete. Microfilming of vital materials in the Personnel Office is continuing. This project is approximately 50% complete, .Project 4-96 - Vital Materials Handbook No change from previous report. Project is approximately 12% complete, General Information Comments have been received from all offices on proposed Notice "Standardization of Heavy Duty File Folder." A cursory examination of these comments reveals that DD/P is the only component having substantial objections. A meeting with representatives from the DD/P area will be scheduled soon to resolve these differences, Form No. 36-29 has been received and forwarded to the Repository. This form will be used for the first time for the quarter ending September 1951 to list the vital materials deposits and withdrawals activity of each office. The form will also be used for listing the annual inventory of each office. Approved For Release 200 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300250004-6 Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300250004-6 Approved FOrRelease 2005/1 1 ' ` fA-E F 02 VP .0000300250004-6 Report for Week Ending 13 October 195 from REPORTS AND CORRESPONDENCE MANAGEIEN T BRANCH Project 4-91 - Review of Records Management Program Logistics office a. Repo_rts Management - No change in program status. Project is 20% compree, b. Cotes ondence Management - Progress continues on the correspondex to be tested in e Logis-L:Lc`s Office. See summary under 'General Informati on," Project 4-91i - Office of the Comptroller Reports Management Program No change in program status. Project remains 23% complete. Project 4-98 - Correspondence Handbook Final typed copy was reviewed jointly by I land the secretaries 25X1 to the DCI and DDCI. The Handbook was four corm e sly acceptable to the secretaries. DDP/Admin is now reviewing the copy for wording of the "exception clause" in the Foreword.. of that staff also asked 25X1 that the Handbook be left for general review, not in anticipation of recommending changes, but to get reaction as to the need for a Clandestine Services correspondence handbook. General Information a. Headquarters Corre ondex of Administrative Reports and Requests - Forma o e mo e or Testing in gis ics Office ais- -'6e-en agree upon, The index will be composed of two parts: (1) a battery of visible index cards and (2) sample memorandums, pattern paragraphs, or reports keyed to the appropriate index cards. The index card has been designed and copies for the test model are expected this week. Flexible use of the correspondex by any Headquarters component will be possible. Either the card index or format samples can be expanded to meet individual needs. Also, the card index can be maintained in either low cost vertical files if references are not too frequent, or on visible index panels if other,7ise. b. Employee Suggestions (1) No. 1093, Signing Inter-office Memorandums With Name and Telephone Number of Signing Official - Completed the writt ,l evaluation. Approved For Release 2005/11!2'1 CIA-RDP70,-00211 R000300250004-6 Approved For Release 2005/11/21 ! ~CiA.'b17C-'00211 R000300250004-6 25X1 '1l also be tested. Although these masters each cost about /3? more than those of the Coronet Company, the supplier guarantees 100% more impressions (150), and longer shelf life (2 years). The cost and quality of Azograph reproduction are also being considered in our evalu- ation. c. Program Promotion - Because of a reorganization, another meet ing with 0. drain personnel is scheduled 15 October to discuss reports and correspondence management programs in the Office of Training. d. Training Literature - Completed the pamphlet "Analyzing Requirements for Administrative and Management Reports," including a pencil-slcetched cover. 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/114$1.: CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300250004-6 6 !'~, Fdw N ff 3 Approved For.Zelease 2005/11/21 CIA-RDP70-0021 v 1R000300250004-6 Report for Week Ending 13 October 195L from FORTS MANAGFM ENT BRANCH Project L-85 - FI Info nnation Reports No change from previous report. Project 147% complete. Project 14-86 - Forms Index No change from previous report. Project 78% complete. Project 4-95 - Forms Management Handbook No change from previous report. Project 4% complete. Project 4-103 - Preparation of Final-Type Forms Copy b Forms P Tanagement Branch Status is substantially the same as in previous report. Stud of No change from previous report. Hoover Commission All interviews have been completed. Reports on State and Justice Departments have been submitted to the Commission. Analysis of reports and statistics from bureaus and services of the Agriculture Depart-. ment are nearly completed. The report on this Department will be completed and submitted to the Commission this week as will the final government-ride report. A follow-up will be made next week to discuss reports with State, Justice and Agriculture officials, A detailed summary of findings will be included in a subsequent progress report. Summary of Individual Actions New Revised Reprints Overprints Other Government Forms Total Redesignated No. of Requisitions No* of Copies 7 142, 900 9 151,tcoo 4 1 22 314, 500 14, 000 232, 8010 25X1 Approved For Release2005/ F1-12 t : C1A=RDP70-00211 R000300250004-6 Report for Week Ending 13 October 195L from MCORT)S DISPOSITION BRANCH Project !,-77 - Office of Scientific Intelligence Concurrence and approval was received from the Security office on several its of the schedule. This approval will cover all past and future items of this particualr series of records. The disposal schedule for this Office has been forwarded for appraisal to the National Archives. Project is 99% complete. Project !-78 - Office of General Counsel The installation and training of personnel in the use of the developed file plans are continuing. Project l-97 - Records Disposition Handbook Teo change from previous report. Project is 75% complete. Project 1~-11G - Security Office No change from previous report. Project is 85% complete. Project 5-2 - Office of National Estimates The disposal schedule has been forwarded for appraisal to the National Archives. Project is 99% complete. Pro'e~ ct 5-32 - Office of Research and Reports As of this date, 135 describable items covering an estimated 1257 linear feet of records have been listed. Project is continuing and is approximately 13% complete. Project 5-to - Office of Chief of Operations No change from previous report. Project is 75% complete. General Information 25X1 Information was supplie for his use in the preparation of a staff s u y on the methods used in the destruction of classified waste in the Agency. contacting all Area Records Officers. e information was obtained by 25X1 COMPIMIJ& Approved For elease 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300250004-6 Approved For ReleasetMW 70-00211 R000300250004-6