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Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
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Document Creation Date:
December 19, 2016
Document Release Date:
March 30, 2006
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Publication Date:
June 30, 1948
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CIA-RDP70-00211R000900290001-9.pdf | 2.2 MB |
Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-0021IR000900290001-9
Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000900290001-9
Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000900290001-9
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Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000900290001-9
Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000900290001-9
Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000900290001-9
to m k'
Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000900290001-9
Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000900290001-9
. a ,' si or
400Ktivo, `w*~ mt `
^RI.' ,_ Tio Ak` 59 'fib n .rK it
u* * a
al 3 st Sri tie c t x nt, iac~?I c`rs, r, ^r as Born ns tl-#- Archivist and A.r*1tst emp'~ o~* !ee
are on ~7uty. me ,,ties will. he roti t i e -n nature typing or foss, Inventories,
?~-; _; arc r? s., rizintenance of routine records and the filing of docwr~ents for the
of't'mt of ttur- ctiom Head.
5. In view o'' the increasing score of t}'e records adr inIstratir , with the 1/W ti on of
.ny new duttee the rc uest for one new Professional and one alerie al pcition are 3ust,i''iad.
Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000900290001-9
Approved For Release 2006/04/1 10AP70-00211 R000900290001-9
pO3.t1- &" Vie.
C-411-5 ?mil to se
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?bnl s. it v-12-1 be t zu
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F u1r#
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Approved For Release 2006/04/13 (EcgEFI70-00211 R000900290001-9
Approved For Release 2006/04 DP70-00211 R000900290001-9
tfC~1 LB_I APY I"N 1t ARC1TMS DM'!T 1T _ ,, 'C?RDS
each deem ant, ; the r ?`or inf tion or c+'=iotzs to pt I"Ce the -- -L
;r d lea the engy't IU%gd tt central
a roe ? all actriini stratiye do ct rnt s c u
i ing correct utti ~ of them on basis of the *ddect content
ca l of " w r "mrdso dote
{-i "' let
msf ttnE
~ccpl3 3E
Section has nrocess*a an river increasim n bor of d nte. The growth has been
f'reao atu v r' of 7E31 m r onth duriM ,Tan. . jbw 19L?, to IM 6 per nor_t b for the IaNt bait
of 1941, to 9!x'`5 per month or the First six ~a.hs of 19A& A reorgwniz xt ion took Pie at
that title ao :.{e,-t c1'1 routine tynee were or'+ :x ed s3.t*ftonat recording. This revolted in a
sharp - . . d o c r o 3a on * , t the average ceased *ner -ontlt or the last sic menthe of " anounted
to IOW. T *^imt three rionthe of 1949 again shored an increase # so that the mew i! for the
first rive moths of 14 r of tnts to 1492 documents oceas W per month.
t=; i11 be ti an, trees L but in addition
it... r
Year 19511
' *r xct' tt ees o .son .
it as ra ro r k tea x ns bilities or the filing of certain types of awl-active rGOt3r65
in the train 't on'etieen o 'ice fflee and the A. ' Archives, It Y411 be b e~mt
F trds `an s*0,',ont etaff to care f'or records ~dh tc re free !!t service
Administrative Records "action telft n';t and
nrcbably not ttkc nice during ?iscal Year
amid rn ftpe ,. 2 evolve into the staff i.cth ae tua Ij t-4
g rrt. This will
R rds !at .,r e wont " tton may 'heed couple enga - in tee -'?
E;e'~C.'7ITiLi.: L Ly T.:.YIZ.Ui F3~: Lr.WU a +zt a vsu sssfvssvv. .... ?_ ~ rte- - -- - _~
Ola tnr e c 'Lt 's VbIU as
S "a S
VT 395'1 vihich %.l1 be placed
i ra+icae b
Tre nT -U c.? 1 or the creation of a ^i.cro-! a c* ors is +I.?.ri. to a 'illdted
under the M : xtis river ?tesearcles Section. The section is already engaged
extent, for t'ho Aso of speeding the handling of doc urente. 'Phis rnoSeetsd ti Vrs
is for the roso of rednoing the srxwe required for '11,09s and to considered as an a l
Approved For Release 2b6t% / 3 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000900290001-9
Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : Cl
0211 R0009029~,Oe,P~
1. To advise wid assist the Top Sept Control Officer in the devejoprert of efficient
Procedures for the control and trannamissio' of Top Secret and Registered documts. To reed eM
to the Top Secret Control Officer the establishment of Area control offices which *prate under
Alternate and Assista nt Top fret Control Officers. To advise the Top Secret trol Officer on
procedt'res for control and transmission of certain spoeial types of highly c o if ied tents and
on special problems involving OPC and O50 which require s crate channels for processing..
2 a To receive. control a n d d f t # . h TA, P.+ 4,4,.114'--- - - - 2
3. To nrov5 c F414
- --?-- --_...... ...~~....* WW W WUWU L'= J4gW30Y GM owner agent
of t!e rede al Govern and between offices of the Ate. To maintain contras control over
these documents the Area Top Secret Control O'fices. To serve the Area Control Office Itor
the Off%tA nP t":e411ari+4w~ ,-4
___ _ ?_,._ .... ....:... . & owvauia am u e..I PXVVILW nrcnITai
service for non-current records. To pr vide stor a and ire services for plus copies of these
The work-load of the Section
1948 the umber of documents processed increased
the first half -year to 352 per month for the last
average, was nearly static at 342 per moat. But the vo
the existing T/O was filled tt apbr tel3r the saw thime: so that the
satisfactorily by additional cle cal. help provided a detail basis.
a minima of oe tenth per mouth had been required for its + ation. The vacant
On 10 Pebrutar7 i9 :9 the Section took over the duties which bad been
CCb Area Top Secret Control. adjustment was am made in the T/ O when this dut
Fiscal Year 1949.
147 documents
3my t'.
so that during the month of alone the cep was 506 documents proms
A study of the situation in early April 1949 revealed an increase in the umber
of service requests of more than 5*g over a four month period. It was reveal that a isr bbe
Approved For Release 2006/04/13 CIA-RDP70-00211 R000900290001-9
Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-(10211 R000900290001-9
Ares fT T T' g TOP :C- ? " ti C'"ION (contd. )
log of clerical work had accu~ ilateed as the ineream of giber of doem^onts to be m. seed had required
the tlxll-time of the Section Read as well as the Clerlesal staff. In spite of their willingness to
work a xt nrov sign of extra help, in several instance research re~.re nts of the Assistant Director
and, othe- V1 h level offices ire not cmpletely t t2 ui b aloe vial details we" r ovided. It was
shown that !tl Fe ? action had no o?rortuni ty to devote ti-e toward either improving his own nrooednres
rip is visory "r vices to office of the A9ncy a is a ted of hilt,, The back-log of murk
as to } ,a ;Inca cannon' be ehec ion an +I "e reemnt level of nork continues.
"ice of stficienei
deve1.n ant per it wr1earreed use
lal types of office
tion anticipates that '7t h additional help it will be able to eliminate the
Section Head to devote adequate :arar punts of time to the i ap ementt of control
ontrol 0" Ices.
Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211R000900290001-9
Top ,`.'yec-0t docent is at a w.vsn time. This cR rlets control can be achieved only ith the use
.2. TI-4 "action has assisted In the devei ant of plans which, it is o ecfed will be
t ainim,p a continuous control over east *off of every Top Secret document,
the control. of 'op Secret doementsi, lookiM toward the de velox a at of a more efficient
y l9lt
The Of "ice of Inenection ana Security has made several inctzl.rises into the procedures
neratin; in 1`?"t 17151,9 Thereby it can be determined thin a foss winutca ct - each oozy of
s of orrice machines,
It Is also planned to -educe nts
Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : SM~WP70-0021 R000900290001-9
Ly-. M .f R! RYNCH
VICTIMS D V iTIf "P -" m '..T 3 CTT
1. The work-load of the feet ion h- s ~ =ed dtrrirp they Flow! Year just ended by
several tires. In era of se-Vice requests t! .c ircre has been 500 %, of th le seer i cre-'.ses
in other sasea of t?e work.
2. The coxr+plm ty of the tasks ha a increased because of the addition of ne ,* types ^f
clesi ied, hi/*l y sensitive doc nts vhi.ch must be controlled and accounted for
3. The Division Chief has found it necessary to delegate greater responsibilities to
+ ectior read with regard to the develor-ent of plans and procedures for establishing and
inta!ni.nf co';tinums contrels over blrb!7! classified doctsementss. The Office of Tnapection
and >ecurity has been particularly concerned with the need for increasing the effectiveness
. P,?-?4'o! cne of control operations within the Section and r+.intenance of control m.r
To} Secret Control.
c clerk-4;
rve f o '`f' -,,e to office will :T Tarose adds ioral clerical duties On the
1'e rerformed only with the u!-,e of z chine techniques and the employment o"
9. The b?s.ck-lop, of zork for the assir ilation into the prover f ilirg systen of the large
r bers rf dom rsents returned '-o the Section for filing as a portion. of the Agency Archives,
can be rerforned 00 7 If addition:l assistance is continuously provided to perform routine
and other neral clerical operations.
. he tioYi will beco involved, 11ncrre^siYgly In to r field or downgrading of
sec city classifications. Such down r~a'1in can take r?aoe only after .ge of time bee ode
Tc !e+rret e' assi fi o-atior e no longer necessary. The Section ill. be required also to adv1 se
;,.,.7 ~~qi t other control areas in thus "attorsss.
7. "or '^ sr k?eeao` it t. bell v-d the requests i'or Wition of' Cne iiew r(Fition ?snd
the ,dr, rr the Section !lead are seers.
Approved For Release 2006/04/13