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Document Release Date: 
November 22, 2004
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Publication Date: 
January 25, 1968
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Approved For Release 2004/12/15 : CIA-RDP70B00338R000200010071-7 MISSING PAGE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT MISSING PAGE(S): CRC, 3/25/2003 Approved For Release 2004/12/15 : CIA-RDP70B00338R000200010071-7 Approved For...Release 20D4/12/15 : CIA-RDP70B00338ROO0200010071-7 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Thursday - 25 January 1968 4. (Internal Use Only - JSW) Senator John Stennis called inquiring if the Agency could furnish him a briefing on the PUEBLO matter. A. time was set for 2:30 today. At the Director's request, the DDCI and John S. Warner were to meet with Senator Stennis. Subsequently, Senator Stennis had to cancel. 5. (Internal Use Only - JSW) Senators Milton Young and Charles Percy located me on the Hill and requested information on the PUEBLO incident. I informed them both that the basic facts are in the public domain and pointed out the Defense Department release on this. It appeared as if both simply wanted Agency assurance that the facts as being reported are accurate. 6. (Internal Use Only - JSW) Briefed both William Woodruff, Senate Appropriations Committee staff, and William Darden, Senate Armed Services Committee staff, on the PUEBLO incident pointing out that the basic facts are well in the public domain. In addition, I asked Mr. Darden to mention to the Chairman that the Director stood ready to brief the Chairman or be of whatever assistance possible. Mr. Darden indicated that the Chairman had been briefed by the Pentagon but he would pass the message. 7. (Internal Use Only - JSW) Talked with Pat Holt, Senate.. Foreign Relations Committee staff, about his recent trip. In discussing Chile, Mr. Holt indicated there were varying views on the seriousness of the situation but the general climate of the times and economy moves were more involved in the probable difficulties in further aid. 8. (Internal Use Only - JSW) Talked with Mr. Michaels, House Appropriations Committee staff, who indicated the Chairman would like the Subcommittee to visit the Agency for breakfast and briefing on the 31st. Mr. Michaels stated that current planning was for all morning and possibly longer. He had no suggestions as to content except he thought a general discussion of the budget would be useful as well as a visit to the "tank. " Approved For ReleaseCM04N i31$NtA 7ORQ.0038R000200010071-7 Approved For Release 2004/12/15 : CIA-RDP70B00338R000200010071-7 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Thursday - 25 January 1968 9, I ket with Mr. Carl Marcy, Chief of Staff, Senatp- Foy e;3gn R .;nns, Comittee, and returned to him copy number two of the transcript of the Director's briefing of the Committee on 23 January. I received back from Mr. Marcy the copy of the Director's prepared notes which had been provided for use by the Committee reporter. After reviewing the Agency's suggested editorial changes with Mr. Marcy, I entered the changes in longhand in every one of the three transcripts. It is noted for the record with regard to the three copies furnished the Committee by the contract reporting firm, copy numbers one and three of the transcript were Xerox. Copy number two was a typed carbon duplicate of the original. 10, Met with Mr. Robert Michaels, House Appropriations Committee staff, and reviewed with him the arrangements for the CIA. Subcommittee's visit and breakfast here at the Headquarters, Wednesday, 31 January. Mr. Michaels advised that transportation would be advisable for one and possibly more then one of the Committee members, I met later in the day with Representative Andrews and arranged to pick him up at the Congressional Hotel at 7:30 a. m. , Wednesday the 31st. 25X1A JOHN S.;, WARNER Legislative Counsel 25X1A cc: Ex/Dir-C ompt O/DDCI DD /I DD /S Mr. Goodwin Mr. Houston OPPB SAO /DD P DD /S&T Item 2 - C /EUR Item 3 - DCI Item 9 - D/Security Approved For Release 2004/12/15 : CIA-RDP70B00338R000200010071-7