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Document Release Date: 
January 12, 2006
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Publication Date: 
October 16, 1968
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Approved ForRelease 2006/01/30: CIA-RD PTOB00338R000200180026-9 JOLRZ'N AL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Wednesday - 16 October 1968 Called Mr. Jac? Stempler, Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Legislative Liaison, and discussed some common problems including upcoming European trip on which Stempler is escorting and making arrangements for Senator Stennis. I said we would like to offer the Senator a briefing prior to departure and invite him to call f he so wished, although I realized the trip was primarily a DOD matter. Stempler said this was entirely agreeable. I called Stan Kimmitt, Secretary to the Senate Majority, who is also accompanying Senator Stennis and making some of the arrangements, to tell him of the foregoing. Kimmitt suggested I contact the Senator's office in order to arrange a meeting with him. Approved For Release 2006j01130,-; # tG -RDP70B00338R000200180026-9 Approved For Release 2006/01/30 : C,1.A-RDP70B00338R00'0200180026-9 L Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Wednesday - 16 October 1968 Called Senator John Stennis' office and learned that he is now in Mississippi and will not return to Washington before his trip. I tried `o call him in Mississippi, but was unable to reach him. the Department of Defense, Deputy Staff Director, J.oint__Go.mmittee on Atomic Energy, to suggest that he might call Fredrick S. Wy le_ TTenuty Assistant Secretary. TSA. in On the advice of DDCI, I called Mr. Murphy, Murphy thanked me but said he was not optimistic a e cod thin out of Wyle. Murphy said he was "sure" that ..gust have 25X1 some information about the development of the case and asked if we couldn't query them by cable for a status report. I said we would find out what we could. Murphy said that the Director would undoubtedly be cal., upon to testify before the JCAE early in the year and that he should expect them to be particularly interested in the Agency's performance in keeping abreast regardless of whether the new chairman was 1epresenta ive o i (D. , Calif.) or Represe *ativc Hosmer (R. , Calif.). At her request sent the Agency's profession--,! employment brochure to Mrs. Evelyn Pali, in the office of Representative Paul Findley (R. , III,), for use with a consitutent who is interested in Agency employment. 25X1 I I Met with Mr. Robert Michaels, House Appropriations Committee staff, in response to his query concerning I and provided a brief outline of the status of the agreement. ee Memorandum for the Record for details.) Briefed Mr. Michaels on the ASW exercises of the Soviet helicopter carrier Moskva, North Korean underground storage, aircraft parking, and maintenance facilities, the current situation in Panama, and indicators of Soviet leadership problems. Approved For Release 2006/01/30 l RD 70B00338R000200180026-9