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Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA-RDP70B00338R0 0300070022-4
March 7, 1968 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - Extensions of Remarks E 1633
The Solicitor General said pupil assign-
ment is traditionally a government function
that cannot be delegated to private persons
to lend "encouragement" to segregation, es-
pecially when geographic zoning and other
"more promising alternatives" are easily
Supporting the contentions of the NAACP
Defense Fund, Griswold said geographic
zoning or school "pairing" plans should be
ordered for schools in New Kent County, Va.,
and Gould, Ark.
He said courts should direct authorities in
Jackson, Tenn., to redraw "gerrymandered"
district lines and eleminate a "free transfer"
provision there.
Gardner Calls for Budget Cuts in Non-
essential Areas To Allow for $250 Mil-
lion Increase in Federal Housing for
the Poor
Wednesday, March 6, 1968
Mr. GARDNER. Mr. Speaker, I joined
yesterday with eight of my Republican
colleagues in the House to call for a mas-
sive $6.5 billion cut of nonessential items
in the President's budget that would al-
low Congress to redirect $2.5 billion to
meet urgent human needs and urban
crisis in our Nation.
This administration has consistently
refused to exercise the political integrity
required to establish positive national
spending priorities. Bowing to political
expediency, it has allowed its attention
to drift from our most pressing human
and urban needs. Congress cannot allow
this drift to continue. What we have out-
lined here is a new set of priorities which
reflect the impact of a major domestic
crisis on a war-strained economy.
The Republican "Human Renewal
Fund" would allocate $2.5 billion addi-
tional to governmental incentive pro-
grams in the categories of jobs, education,
housing, pollution control, crime, rural
revitalization, and the District of
As a member of the House Education
and Labor Committee I have repeatedly
expressed special interest in Federal pro-
grams to encourage homeownership for
the poor. Any attempt to meet the prob-
lems of our cities and their residents
must include a workable program to pro-
vide safe, sanitary, and decent housing
for those without a suitable home. This
has been a national policy objective since
the Housing Act of 1949. But, unfortu-
nately, progress toward implementation
has been limited to Government-owned
housing, with totally inadequate results.
The act of 1949 authorized and appro-
priated funds for the production of
135,000 public housing units per year
over a 6-year period for a total of 810,000
units. Twenty years later, we are still
far short of accomplishing that total.
The gap between promise and per-
formance is growing. Congress, in the
Housing Act of 1965, authorized and ap-
propriated money for the construction of
60,000 low-income units per year with a
projected total of 240,000 units for fiscal
years 1966 through 1969. In 1967, the
program was running at a rate of only
35,000 per year.
The President, in his message on the
"Crisis of the Cities," has called for a
program for fiscal 1969 that would pro-
duce 300,000 units at a cost of $1.4 bil-
lion. The "Human Renewal Fund" that
we have proposed would add an addi-
tional $250 million to that figure. If the
President's figures are correct, the in-
crease should result in an additional
25,000 units in 1969. More importantly,
our program, by using incentives through
the free enterprise system will results in
homeownership and self-respect rather
than rentals and dependency.
Of the seven programs outlined by the
President, three clearly reflect Republi-
can ideas. We urge that these practical
approaches, which the President himself
figures to produce half of the projected
300,000 new units, be fully funded. I am
speaking, for instance, of the plan to
enable low-income families to buy modest
homes financed and built by the private
sector. This is modeled on the Percy-
Widnall housing bill, which I cosponsored
last year, and is expected to produce some
85,000 new units. Another example is the
program to involve private business in
rehabilitation of 15,000 existing housing
units in fiscal year 1969. This idea was
originated by Congressman WILLIAM
WIDNALL. A third proposal would make
75,000 units available through the public
low-rent housing program, a substantial
portion of which will be provided by the
Republican rent certificates program.
While there is no quick and easy means
of providing good housing for the disad-
vantaged, this measure would be a re-
sponsible. step in the right direction. Too
much has been said and too little done in
the field of Federal housing programs.
We would provide additional funds for
an expanded approach which incorpo-
rates the tested principles of self-help
and the commitment of the vast energies
and productiveness of the private sector.
By bringing these important factors to
bear, we are hopeful that the challenge
of housing the Nation's poor can be met
and overcome.
a P__
More Trade With the Communists
Thursday, March 7, 1968
Mr. RARICK. Mr. Speaker, as fast as
we destroy our time-honored loyalties
with our stanch free world allies, we
build bridges to Communist countries
begging for trade with the enemy.
Why should Russia and her Quisling
puppets like Poland and Yugoslavia stop
aiding in killing American boys in Viet-
nam and Korea? Seems like the more of
our boys they kill, the more favored treat-
ment our leaders want to give them.
I include a recent news clipping from
the U.N. Conference on Trade and Devel-
opment in New Delhi from the March 1
edition of the Washington Pravda fol-
lowing my comments:
[From the Washington (D.C.) Post, Mar. 1,
NEW DELHi.-A State Department official
said the United States is planning legislation
to expand its trade with Communist coun-
John W. McDonald told a committee of the
United Nations Conference on Trade and De-
velopment that America now has most-fa-
vored-nation agreements with Poland and
Yugoslavia and that President Johnson is
seeking legislation to enable him to extend
such agreements to other East European
VFW Voice of Democracy Contest
Wednesday, March 6, 1968
Mr. MARTIN. Mr. Speaker, the Veter-
ans of Foreign Wars annually conduct a
Voice of Democracy contest. Over 400,-
000 students throughout the country
participate in this contest. The VFW
awards five scholarships to the top five
contests winners.
James M. DeCamp, of Neligh, Nebr.,
which is located in the Third Congres-
sional District was the Nebraska win-
ner. I am very much impressed by his
speech which I list below for the benefit
of the House:
Where will you find me? What do I look
like? I'll tell you.
I have the strength and beauty of youth
and the wisdom and experience of age. I'm
anywhere and everywhere in this great land
of ours. I'm there when you walk into
church on Sunday and hear the entire con-
gregation sing, "A Mighty Fortress Is Our
God." And I'm there when your neighbor-
walks into his church and says, "Hail Mary,
full of Grace." Yes, and I'm there when the
little neighbor boy makes his Bar Mitzvah
in the synagogue down the street.
My Name is Democracy, American Demo-
cracy to be exact. And I speak for myself-I
speak for democracy.
I was born out of an impossible dream a
group of English rebels had nearly two
hundred years ago. They didn't know enough
to give up against overwhelming odds when
the British armies tried to crush them.
And I guess I haven't known enough to give
up either.
There have been times when my life was
in grave danger. Times when I was ashamed.
Like when my sons clad in blue and grey
fought a savage civil war to test whether I
might be allowed to live or not.
Nearly one hundred years later I watched
in sorrow as thousands of sandy haired sons
fell and spilled their blood on a beach
Yes, and I watched with a heart bursting
pride when a dying 20-year-old lad on a
Pacific isle called Iwo Jima raised his head to
tell his commander-who happened to be his
own father-I'm feeling pretty good, Sir. Tell
Mother I love her and make her understand
it was worth it." And then he died.
His Mother and tens of millions of other
American women understood why it was
worth it. They understood enough to volun-
teer for the Army, Navy and the Air Force-
to become nurses, jeep drivers and teachers.
They understood enough to work at ammuni-
tion factories, airplane factories and as civil-
ian volunteers at service clubs.
You know, I get disturbed sometimes with
the way some of my people treat me. I've
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Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA-RDP70B00338R000300070022-4
I+:1634 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - Extensions of Remarks March 7, 1968
given my people just about everything they
could,possibly want. They have more free-
dom, more opportunity, more wealth in this
land of America than anyplace else on this
Cod's green earth. And sometimes, it becomes
necessary to defend this freedom, this oppor-
tunity, this luxury we enjoy. Yet these very
people who partake most fully of all these
freedoms, are so often the very ones who
are the first to refuse to defend this free-
dom. Some burn their draft cards. Some
openly help the enemy. And far, far too many
are helping those who would destroy me sim-
ply by doing nothing.
Today I need my sons to defend me in a
land called. Viet Nam. Most of them are do-
ing it. And a lot of them have fallen forever
in. the nameless rice paddles of Viet Nam.
I'm proud of them for it.
Yes, I've had a rich and a full life. And
I speak for myself, I speak for democracy.
And speaking, I ask you my people, to
let me live. That's right, I, Democracy, am
begging you, my people, for my very life, for
without you I am nothing. I a mnothing
more than the people who share me. But
with you guiding me. and being guided by
me-with you protecting me and being pro-
tected by me-with your cherishing me and
being cherished by me, I am the most pow-
erful force for peace and freedom ever un-
leased in this world. I can give dignity to
men and hope to the oppressed. I can change
lands of famine to lands of plenty. I can
make the impossible dreams of the world
possible. I can lead men to beat the unbeat-
able foe. I can lead men to reach the un-
reachable stars.
But will you, my people, let me live? Will
you protect me? Will you defend me? Will
you continue to give me life? I have the an-
swer to that question. I have it and I will
give it to you. The answer-is-what you
make it!
The Nurse Training Act of 1964
Thursday, March 7, 1968
Mr. MACDONALD of Massachusetts.
Mr. Speaker, all of us in the Congress
take pride in the series of laws enacted
during the past few years to alleviate
this country's severe shortage of health
The Nurse Training Act of 1964 is one
of these landmark acts. Under this act,
73 schools of nursing have been assisted
with the construction of teaching facili-
ties. These will provide about 9,000 more
places-including 2,900 new first-year
places-and improve 12,000 places in
schools which were in poor physical con-
In his health message, President John-
son has requested the extension and im-
provement of the assistance now pro-
vided to nursing schools and students
under the act.
If we are to succeed in relieving the
nurse shortage and in meeting the needs
of our growing population-if we are to
assure all of our people adequate nurs-
ing care-the assistance to schools and
students of nursing provided under this
act must continue.
President Johnson's proposal is direct-
ed toward this end. It extends the pro-
gram of Federal grants to aid the con-
struction of teaching facilities in schools
of nursing. It assures the schools- the fi-
nancial support they must have to keep
pace with modern nursing practice while
accommodating larger enrollments. It
supports their efforts not only to im-
prove curriculums but also to develop
new programs or needed modifications in
existing programs of nursing education.
And it offers significant incentives to
help recruit nursing students.
Together, these programs-some of
them broadened from the original act-
constitute a powerful attack upon the
nurse shortage. I am confident that the
Congress will act swiftly to assure their
Thoughtful Citizens Help Save Tax
Thursday, March 7, 1968
Mr. ERLENBORN. Mr. Speaker, the
cooperative efforts of the U.S. Weather
Bureau and thoughtful citizens around
the country is resulting in a savings to
taxpayers of $180000 per year. To effect
this saving, the Weather Bureau main-
tains a small facility, the National Re-
conditioning Center, in Joliet, Ill.
This is in the 14th Congressional Dis-
trict of Illinois, which I am proud to
The Weather Bureau issued an an-
nouncement about this this morning,
and with permission I insert the an-
nouncement in the RECORD:
$180.000 EACH YEAR
Note to Americans: If you find a radio-
sonde-that balloon-borne package of weath-
er instruments that flashes back information
to weathermen around the world-please
return it.
Such thoughtful acts by citizens today are
already saving the American taxpayer about
$180,000 a year over the cost of buying new
instruments of this type, the Department of
Commerce's Environmental Science Services
Administration, reported today.
A small Weather Bureau facility in Joliet,
Illinois called the National Reconditioning
Center, recently repaired its 400,000th radio-
sonde since the facility was established in
Radiosondes, which measure temperature,
humidity, and air pressure as they rise
through the atmosphere and radio this in-
formation back to the ground, are launched
from stations around the world more than
300 times each day. Most of them are lost in
remote or uninhabited areas or in the sea
when their balloons burst and they parachute
back to earth. But about 25 percent of them
are found and returned to the Weather Bu-
reau where they are reconditioned for use
again. (One record-making radiosonde was
flown, recovered, and reconditioned seven
Printed on the side of each radiosonde is a
legend asking the finder to deliver the in-
strument (in a postage-paid mailing sack
which is provided) to the nearest post office
or mailman for return to the National Re-
conditioning Center. The instrument pack-
age also contains a brochure explaining the
use of the radiosonde and urging the finder
to return it to the Weather Bureau for pos-
sible reconditioning. Return of even the more
badly weatherbeaten or damaged ones can be
of value as parts can be salvaged for use in
other instruments.
A new radiosonde costs from $15 to $30. The
average cost of reconditioning one is $6.37
which includes parts, labor. and even over-
head expenses at the Joliet center.
The radiosonde section at the center em-
ploys only 15 people who have set their goal
at 125 reconditioned instruments a day.
The National Reconditioning Center re-
pairs other weather instruments, too. One
section, staffed by only three men, handles
the reconditioning and calibration of 123 dif-
ferent instruments and components rang-
ing in complexity from relatively simple
anemometers to radar systems. In one year
these men have saved the Weather Bureau up
to $250,000 by repairing defective or damaged
The center is headed by Glenn M. Miller,
who has been in charge of the facility since
it opened.
Human Renewal Fund for Fiscal Year
Thursday, March 7, 1968
Mr. COWGER. Mr. Speaker, I have
joined with seven of my colleagues in
making an intensive study of the 1969
Federal budget. We urge immediate cre-
ation of a $2.5-billion human renewal
fund for fiscal year 1969 to meet urgent
human needs and the urban crisis in our
Nation. Creation of the fund would be
coupled with a $6.5-billion cutback in
Federal expenditures in line with neces-
sary wartime priorities.
By firmly cutting $6.5 billion from the
President's budget, we can responsibly
plow back $2.5 billion into urgent human
This administration has consistently
refused to exercise-the political integrity
required to establish positive national
spending priorities. Bowing to political
pressures of the moment, it has allowed
its attention to drift from our most press-
ing human and urban needs. Congress
cannot allow this drift to continue. We
propose a new set of priorities-one
which recognizes the enormous financial
and economic difficulties facing us, but
one which also recognizes the terrible
human waste which is resulting from
past and current inattention.
Five hundred million dollars would be
allocated to mobilize private industry to
provide meaningful jobs and training for
the hard-core unemployed and under-
employed. To provide jobs with dignity,
we urge immediate enactment of the Re-
publican Human Investment Act and full
funding of realistic manpower training
programs. The Riot Commission recently
endorsed this Republican initiative that
we have urged for years. Our proposal
also doubles the money for vocational
education and technical training.
Upon the same assumptions used in the
President's budget, an additional $250
million of expenditures for housing in
fiscal year 1969 would expand the suc-
cessful Republican rent certificates pro-
gram, fully fund the Percy-Widnall ap-
proach to stimulate private enterprise
construction, and expand the low-income
construction and rehabilitation incentive
programs to produce an estimated total
of 325,000 housing units.
Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA-RDP70B00338R000300070022-4