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Approved For Release 2005/09/28 : CIA-RDP70B00338R000300210027-3
H.S. RESEAfiJJJIjLp Federal Agencies Vow to Ent
i Continued From Page 1, Col. 6
~r-oral talks were held as well
21 Agencies Promise to Stop' with leading. academic figures.
Covert Funding of Studies ' The officials declined to name
g o "the scholars who were consult-
on Foreign Countries ed. Officials said the drafting of
the guidelines was not related
B PETER GROSE ..to the work of the committee,
Y headed by Secretary of State
s~e~~t to The Now Y i Times Dean Rusk, that is trying to.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 19-I determine a way of providing
twenty-one Government agen-.. ,overt public financing for proj-
,les pledged today to abandon ects previously supported se-
the controversial practice of ;.cretly by the C.I.A. nor, they
said, is the code a result of
providing secret funding for the public disclosures last win-
academic research on foreign.,ter of C.I.A. funding operations.
;ountries. Nevertheless, the code will
The pledge came in the an. have the effect of eliminating
.nouncement by an inter-agency One of the sources of embar-
rassment resulting from those
committee of the State.Depart disclosures - the fact that
ment of a code of procedure. ,scholarly institutions may not
aimed at dispelling long stand. -have known the sources of the
know about the project until!,
it was reported in the Chilean
Forced to cancel the study,
take steps to minimize any ad-
verse foreign reaction to a re-
search subject, for instance on
sensitive matters of social or
political behavior, and in some
cases will seek permission of
the host government for Ameri-
can scholars to work abroad.
Exact procedures for carry-
ing out the principles have not
been laid down. It is under-
stood that the public disclosure
of each agency's researchcon-
tracts will be made in an an-
nual report of the inter-agency
committee that drew up the
guidelines, the Foreign Area
Research Coordination Group,
The extent of secret' funding
for academic research by Gov-
ernment agencies over the
years has never been disclosed,
President Johnson ordered Sec-.
retary Rusk to set up Govern-.
ment machinery to insure that
research, projects should not
prove embarrassing 'to the,
United States Government.
A foreign, Affairs Research
Council in the State Depart-
ment 11 was the. result, with
authority to coordinate and. ex-
amine.for foreign policy i,li-
cations? all. research projects
proposed by 'other 'agencies.
,The agencies adopting the
research guidelines are: Agency
for International Development;
Arms Control and Disarmament
Agency; Central Intelligence
Agency; Departments of Agri-
culture, Labor, State and,Health
Education : and Welfare, Na-
tional Academy of Sciences;
National Aeronautics andSpace
Administration; National En-
dowment for the Humanities
National Science Foundation;
United , States Information
Agency; White House Execu-
though there are indications
C.I.A. programs in this
field State Department contracts
only about $70,000 of the
$35 -million total yearly figure.The Department of Defense
is by far the largest contractor,
through its various military and
civilian branches.
I Project Camelot Recalled
ing uncertainties in the rela~ funds that they accepted under
tions between the academic ,klovernment contract.
Among the other points in
community and the Federal tithe statement of principles are
Government arising from the these:
use of Government money to liThe Government must not
support scholarly research. do anything that would call
Officials said this was the into question the . integrity of
first time that a set of ground .academic institutions.
gAgencies should encourage
rules had been established on
earth, though the "practical
a Government-wide basis for
the disbursement of some $35-
million a year in Government
contracts with universities and
private research institutions.
Among the 14 guidelines laid
down is the statement that "the
fact of Government research
support should always be ac-
knowledged by sponsor, uni-
versity and researcher.
The principles have been ac-
cepted by the Central Intelli-
gence Agency and other intelli-
gence branches, as well as ma-
jor Government departments in-
volved in support of academic
research in' the social a nd be-
havioral sciences.
Projects involving the na-
tural sciences are not covered
by the guidelines
seafph in this cpun_ try that
does' not involve j`o' et n
society or area.
It was the outcry over an
Army research project in 1965
that triggered the present code
of procedures, the project,
called Camelot, was a multi-
million-dollar inquiry into the
sociology of rebellion in under-
developed countries, carried on
by scholars attached to Amer-
ican University here.
The Army's support of the
project was not acknowledged
until it became a political is-
sue in Chile, one of the coun-
tries being studied. Even the
United States Ambassador to
Chile, itaiph 'Dungan, did, not
'ern. world" may require some
9Research projects should be
.t`$esigned to advance general
t,knowledge as well as meet im-
4mediate policy needs.
r )The Government agency
E must inform the scholarly in-
The code
legal authority of an Executive
order, nor does it contain any
.provisions for policing the ban
on, secret funding.
C.I.A. Vows to Follow Rules
Officials ex ressed, the be-
11, ef, however, that having pub-
licly, endorsed the code, no
agency copld safely continue
a practice that has spread con-
fusion and resentment in this
country and abroad.
A spokesman for the C.I.A.
said: "We participated in draw-
tive Office, and the Peace
The following Defense De-.
partment agencies also parti-
cipated:' Advanced Research
Projects Agency; Defense Re-
search and Engineering Direc-
torate; Office ? of International
Security Affairs; Defense Intel-
ligence Agency, and the De-
partments of the Air Force,
Army and Navy.
Percy Talks With Eban
JERUSALEM, Dec. 19 (Reu-
ters)-Senator Charles H. Percy,
Democrat of Illinois, was
briefed today on the Israeli
position on Middle East prob
lems during a meeting with]
Foreign Minister Abba Eban.
ing up these guidelines and we,
of course, will abide by them."
All the agencies concerned
were consulted in the prepara-
tion of the code, State Depart-
ment. officials said, and infor-
ContinueddrtPCqt?`proved For Release 2005/09/28 : CIA-RDP70B00338R000300210027-3