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November 25, 1967
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. Approved For Reknee 6WO-dQ907 : CIA-F4pf?a7r @Qs338R000300220005-6 0 Back in 1953 Rebecca West did a pair of articles for the London Sunday Times in which she sought to inform the Bri Dish public that all the talk they had been hearing of how the U.S.A. was in the grip of hysteria in the course of which "people of liberal opinions are dragged before inquisitorial commit- tees t_ be defamed and insulted on the uns.dported evidence of informers of the lowest character," was a lot of bilge. In the course of her articlc?Miss West reviewed the successes which the Com- munists had had in penetrating the Amer- ican "power structure," and then raised the question: Why do people in America and Britain denounce those who seek to expose the Communists as "witch hunters" Miss West's answer was this: "The immediate reason is the hypnotic power of the word `McCarthyism': the belief that the United States is at present practically governed by a dictator named Joe McCarthy, that he invented and controls the investigations and uses them as the instruments of his tyranny." Miss West went on to demonstrate the absurdity of this myth and added that the myth has been of tremendous use to the Communists, for one reason because it caused a large section of the public to "regard persons called before the committees as delicate Davids brav- ing a gross Goliath, and such of them as were Communists would get the bene- fit of the doubt." Despite Miss West's thoughtful analysis-to say nothing of what those of us who "lived through Mc-' Carthyism" could see with our own eyes-the myth is still routine doe- trine among liberals and is taken seriously by too many others who ought to know better. It is no surprise to find Archibald MacLcish blasting off with the plain yfabrication that in the "McCarthy era" ? British/Soviet double agent Harold (Kim) Philby's disclosure , of his espionage activities may help awaken even doctrinaire liberals to the Com- munist threat. to dedicate a public library was "an act of defiance and protest-defiance not of a demagogue in Congress alone, but of the whole miasma of suspicion and censorship he had let loose on the country." This is the kind of fiction which liberals feed each other. And _how! Now we have the Philby. case, and with it the revelation that the belief in "McCarthyism" is not just something to argue about with liberals, but, as Miss West predicted, a weapon which the Communists have used most effectively in their effort to paralyze' the will of the anti-Communist West. Who doesn't recall the obscene per-? formances of liberal columnists doing their best to be "persecuted" by Sen. McCarthy in order to pose as heroic fighters in the battle for free speech? But how many of us then recognized these exhibitionists as instruments, will- ing or deluded, in the Communist plan bl to unt public authority in its far from determined effort to thwart- the con- spiracy? The extent of the damage caused and the number of lives lost because of the success of Soviet agent. Harold Philby in worming his way to the top in British Antclligence may never be fully known. Through the virtually unimpeded oper-; ations of Philby, George Blake and the two dipsodiplomats Burgess and Mc- Lean, the. Soviet apparatus doubtless ..~ possesses an impressive dossier on Wes`t- ern an ti - R c d activity, supposedly "secret" and otherwise. We do not know, of course, how many other Communist agents and their local subordinates have man aged to carry on without interfer- ence because government official More disturbing is to find a careful dom has been hesitant to act lest historian like A. L. Rowse in The the cry of "McCarthyism!" be Churchills comparing the anti-Papist hys- raised. teria in 17th Century England to "that ? ' which the United States experienced In Great Britain, the former Tory under McCarthy." However, in the Prime Minister Harold Macmillan used American edition of the book the phrase McCarthyism . to explain the outcry "under McCarthy" is changed to "a against Philby, after our own CIA had short while ago," and Mr. (Rowse con-, tipped off the British on Philby's - ac- cedes that "there was a certain amount tivities. This, was as earl s 1955 y a , of justification for this fear." but Mr. Macmillan fatuously dismissed the matter with thcA D d ft r EI3&ease 2007/01/17: CIA-RDP70B00338R000300220005-6 was "no reason to conclude that Mr. Philby had at any time betrayed the interests of this country." Old Boy network? Well, Philby and Macmillan are both "public school" Old Boys, but the more probable answer is the same one that Mr. Macmillan gave in another crisis over a suspected spy (Vassall): fear of being sneered at as a McCarthyite. As Peter Simple of. the London Telegraph put it, "the word McCarthyism [has] the paralyzing effect of nerve gas." It is indeed a shocking indictment of liberalism that its major contribution to "social advance" was to hand the Com- munist conspirators a defensive weapon probably more potent than the 5th Amendment's provision against self- The fiction of "McCarthyism," which deluded even some of Joe McCarthy's colleagues in the Sen- ate, has become a sort of Terror operating against anybody in pub- lic life, or in the press and educa- tion system, who undertook to ex- pose or frustrate the Communist drive to take over the world. It has been, as Miss West wrote 14 years ago, "much easier, much more popular, much safer, to follow the middle-class fashion of today and repeat what may or may not be true, but is certainly irrelevant: that we are all much superior to Sen. McCarthy." It's all pretty humiliating, but.Ameri- cans have a distaste for being "had" twice and we may be fortunate enough to experience a New Wave of McCarthy- ism. Should that happen, the Commu- nists m.ght conceivably find their erst- while liberal errand .boys really terrified, this time terrified enough to refuse to pull more Communist chestnuts out of the fire: Or is , that just too naive? NOV 2 5 '067