Designation of Intelligence Officer to Represent ORR Substantive Interests at NSA

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Document Release Date: 
February 26, 1998
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Publication Date: 
February 6, 1953
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Approved For Relea 25X1 A9a 25X1D1a Se-o 5473? P70.1490666R000100010027r 5 /00fie SOSIECT 25X149awith =hearten**, effective th ORR, is deeighated to reprogram of ORR at the National. Security Agency Hall Station ? to ANSA t the ORR win each Be ce Approved For Release 20 OT00666R000100010027-5 Approved For Release 2001/ ? IMEQ1p0666R000100010027-5 TOP SWIM/ RIM 25X1D1a 25X1D1a Approved For Release 2001 25X1D1a TO0666R000100010027-5 Approved For Releasceach TAB PA" RESPONSIBILITIES OF 0 140RDP70T4p666R000100010027-5 III The ORR Representative to NSA would be the "general agentr far ORR (DA) for handling any matter which ndght ems up in the normal courts? of conducting day-to-clay busi- ness there with various processing components of NSA, with tho IAC CCMINT components located at NSA, with represents- titre of other CIA Offices at NSA, or with the Senior CIA Representative. He would be the informal clearing point for all OR (Dit) analysts visiting NSA' he would be ed. mimistratively responsible for the conduct of all 014" (DA) an4yets working at NSA; he would be the official an the snot to receive any referral matters from ORR (D/Z) analysts, from NSA people or from the CIA Senior Representative at SSA. The ORR Reinummuntative to NSA would also be authorised to present OR (p/z) interests in any negotiations or dis- cussions on substantive or reeeerch aspects of any problem with components of NSA, any of the IAC COMINT shops located at ISA, or meumentativee of other CIA Offices. This last function will probably increase in tyre-tante during the seeing moths as the movement of the U,S4 foreign policy over to the positive" begins to call for more and more Integration of supporting information in intelligence /edg- seats for each new policy Tine. (NOTB..The above ostmMnt of the OUR reprosentative to NSA in the general trameword of CIA policy and with guidance and assistance of the Senior CIA Regrown NSA in interpreting CIA policy.) Approved For Release 20G1103102: IA-RDP70T00666R000100010027-5 25X9A5 Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP70T00666R000100010027-5 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP70T00666R000100010027-5