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Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : CIA-RDP711300364R000300010001-3
CIA's Low Repute'
On Campuses Hinders
Its Hiring of Scholars
Academic-Type Studies Account
For Much of Agency's Work;
Rules on Publishing Relaxed
WASHINGTON ? "What the hell do they
want?a stupid CIA?"
The outburst from an official of the Central
Intelligence Agency expresses a growing Wash-
ington worry?that continuing opposition on
American college campuses will impair the
CIA's ability to provide the President with
first-rate analyses of global developments.
It's widely known, of course, that repctrts of
the CIA's clandestine financial aid to young
people for travel behind the Iron Curtain, along
with general anti-Government sentiment
aroused by the Vietnam war, have made tbe
agency extremely unpopular among college
students. A CIA employe can expect rough
treatment should his presence become known
when he visits a campus or to brain-
storm with faculty member. Less publicized
but just as upsetting to some CIA officials is
the increasing difficulty of recruiting high-
quality thinkers from those faculties to serve
stints with the agency. -
That's what's behind the CIA policy rever-
at now allows its agents to write bOoks
jnagazine articles in which the authors'
fffliation is clearly spelled out. Let their
11401111c pratttesS be displayed, the
Ing goes, and the agency's tarnished im-1
mong American scholars will be bright-
-- -
men deplore the unreal picture created
and paperback tales of espionage and
g-do. Though the real CIA has its mo-
.,_#.1s of 007-style operations, they say, the
bunt of its work would bore a James Bond type
?yet is vital to the country.
'The work these scholars do at the CIA is not
unlike the work they would do on a university
faculty, except that their findings are passed
along to the White House and State Depart-
ment rather than to students and colleagues.
Just as a businessman may go on leave from
his company to work a few years for the De-
fense or State Department, so may a scholar
take leave from his classroom to work for the
But the agency's bloody reputation for
spying and revolution is deterring academic
experts from taking the plunge. According to
some university instructors (who prefer not to
be identified), their administrators have
passed the word that requests for time off to
work for the CIA will be frowned upon. Says an
instructor in Latin American affairs on a Mid-
western faculty: "They've let us know we
wouldn't be leaving with their blessings."
Under Suspicion
Going back to the campus after a CIA stint
can be a problem, too. The feeling persists thai
there's no such thing as a former intelligence
officer--that once a spook, always a spook
Thus, ex-CIA men are saddled with the suspi
don that they're not entirely independent and
that they may still have secret links with their
former employer.
The agency's effort to erase these stigmata
D y permitting staff members to be openly iden.
Zed when they write is already under wal-.
)ne of the agency's China scholars, Charlea
leultauser, will soon publish, through Harvard
Jniversity, a paper based on work he did while
m a CIA study assignment at Harvard's East
ksian Research Center. CIA Soviet experts
Silliam Hyland and Richard Wallace Shryock
note the book The Fall of Khrushchev.
The agency says that these publications are
si no way "official" CIA documents; they are
lndependent work by employes and don't nec-
essarily reflect the CIA's conclusions, just as
publications by private scholars don't always
jibe with university policy. The Khrushchev au-
thors stress that they limited their source ma-
terial to Russian newspapers and other jour-
nals?public information available to any pri-
vate scholar with the time and talent to ana-
lyze it.
Universities are ideal sources of such talent,
so the CIA tries to maintain close ties with the
I academic community. But it isn't easy. Says
one bitter CIA official: ''They kick us off cam-
Watching the World
Is the Soviet economy stagnating or boom- puses and tell us we're sick. But people afraid
Ing, and will the trend continue? Are the na- to work for their Government because they
tions of Southeast Asia apt to move doser to a j think it may hurt their careers?that's sick."
China orbit or farther away? In what East Eu-
ropean country is a liberal policy most likely to
develop? The CIA is supposed to knave what's
going on in every country and what's likely to
happen next.
You can't simply send in a spy and expect
him to bring back the answers, the agency
says. (In fact, "It's a safe bet that the Rus-
sians have their own people trying to figure out
what happens next in Eastern Europe," one of-
ficial remarks.) Instead, specialists comb
through mountains of published material and
transcribed broadcasts for scraps of informa-
tion that might be pieced into an illuminating
Approved For Release 2002/01/02 CIA-RDP71600364R000300010001-3
WASHINGTFONplu.Pveur rAID NurT. Release?thirituE1142--131:343664. R000300010001e14'GE
lie Request
CIA Is Modest
ou can believe the Federal
The Central Intelligence Agen-
g out of business this year,
saving the Government $183,-
Lpy agency's lone appearance in
budget book shows just one
In the current fiscal year, $183,-
"construction of a classified
facility." Since there is no ex-
e mentioned under this head-
e accounting year that begins
it must be assumed that the
is nearing completion.
ly what goes on at the "facil-
of course, secret. Friends of
ond might assume that it
cures fake passpOTtr-iffil
49-7:44V. ;
121114114 .
e REQUEST. A13. err'
forg0 +rendes of oountnies that CIA
Wet is Olanning to penetrate:
might say, simply, that it is a
that thinks the Langley, Va.,
ri is really folding is naive,
The agency's budget, thought
at least $2 billion dollars, is
n items for the Defense De.
and other Federal agencies.
is supposed tree-ate
asse w a ong life as oppM7f
the outlays for daily, operating ex-
The new budget estimates such capi-
tal spending in the civil sphere at
$30 billion, up $1.4 billion from the
past year and a bit more than 15, per
cent of the total Federal budget. The
Increase is almost entirely acEounted
for by enlarged spending for educa-
tion, training and health.
One item that is barely growing this
year is Federal employment. The nuffi-
ber of full-time civilian employes is
expected to reach 2,693,508, a gain of
only 42,797 over the previous year.
Congress has ordered the Government
to cut its payrolls back to the level of
four years ago and this is a major rea-
son for the holddown.
The Post Office will put on another
11,000 employes, but there is no
guarantee that the steady decline In
e will be arrested.
for international De-
lose 700 of its 16,600
at tells its owinittle
story about the Nation's shrinking in-
volvement abroad in what is regarded
as good works.
The Federal payroll?civilian and
military?is listed as rising $1.2 billion
to $46.1 billion. This presumably in-
cludes the 250,000 part-time workers
not counted in the total of 2.7 ;million
Federal employes. But it does not In.
elude the $2.8 billion pay increase that
Congress has voted for both military
and civilian workers.
'er unbelievable statistic is the
tag of $16' billion for Titer-
es on the Government's boTnds
er debt instruments. Thingttmber is simultarieonairta?
too low.
is. top high because an estimated
ion of interest will be paid on
ties held by the Federal Reserve
and Government trust funds.
suin will flow baek to the Federal
7 7
is probably too low because the
siiry conventionally assumes that
price it will have to pay for new
ings is the same as the current
or money. Since the Federal Re-
squeezing the supply of credit,
t rates will more likely continue
e. The Government, like any
'buyer, will thus have to pay
or its debt. To be sure, the cen-
ank usually overdoes these things,
iter on in the year, may have to
e its ground and bring interest
-down. Then, the Government's
'ng costs will decline, too.
of the more meaningful, if little
budget figures, is the outlay
lian capital expenditures. This
relArOdbffOikR. 40494:412QOT1111/0 2 : CIA-RDP71 B00364R000300010001-3
ys, sewers, neattn bun ings,
s -and the like
WASHINGAPPUNIBtloStir ReleaseDIMD1/024dgalkIDIPT1B00364R000300010001:2GE g
STQP?, o tieblo
Associated Press
Richard Helms, director of
the Centr al Intelligence
Agency, denies that the CIA
had anything to do with the
mission of the USS Pueblo.
"Neither this agency nor I
personally have had anything
to do with the mission of the
USS Puebla, the ship itself or
of its crew," Helms said
Sen Stuart
Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : CIA-RDP71600364R000300010001-3
WASHINCAPOIT/PCbEqrReleaseaciP2M1/021744444461300364R000300010001-taGE 13
The Federal Diary
THE WASHINGTON POST Wednesday, March 12 196
- $
Early Bird Finch Gets Stopped at Ne
By Williard Clopton Jr.
and Mike Causey
SQ1118 Federal officials are
euaPiefous of people who come
to Work early. For that,"and
for reasons of building secu-
rity, a number of Government
agencies now require passes
or identification from em-
ployes who arrive early, or
eal're after the regular quit-
ting time.
Vtonday morning, about
8:30, an early bird at Health,
,Education and Welfare. was
oing through the check-your.
d-sign-in-please ritual.
He wasn't due on the job for
half an hour.
While the civil servant end
the building guard were com-
pleting their business, a tall
V= breezed past them, head-
rdown a hall toward some
0 m to show his pass. He
'Thejruard called out for the
"e around and confessed
be didn't have one, but
he was the Secretary of
, and would that do?
e guard then recognized
his new boss, Robert Finch,
and said lie could proceed.
As he continued down the
hall the Secretary turned to a
man walking behind him and
said: "I guess I'm not too visi-
ble around here!" He didn't
have any trouble getting past
the guard yesterday.
General Services Adminis-
tration workers at Crystal
Mall say the elevators are at It
again. The six elevators in
Building No. 4 are working,
employes note, but they seem
to be programmed for express
trips to the 11th floor.
People in between floors
one and 11 find it takes awhile
for an elevator to stop at their
level. Most of GSA's top offi-
cials work on the 11th floor.
Fisalai call: A stranger mad
way past the well-tende
portals of the Central Intelli-
gence Agency's Langley, Va.,
preserve the other day, but it
wasn't a security breakdown.
It was just President Nixon,
making another in his series
of personal visits to Federal
agencies?in this case, his first
stop at a non-Cabinet level de-
His talk to CIA employes
was mostly serious. He praised
them for doing well a difficulty
and necessary task without re-
ceiving the kind of public ac-
claim they might get in other
As ha 4c b
throughout his e
the bureatieraCY,
yoked some chuckles. He told
this story:
"The first time President Ei-
senhower came out here to lay
the cornerstone, he couldn't
find the CIA or the building.
So he ordered a sign be put up,
'The Central Intelligence
"Then when President Ken-
nedy came out in 1361 he saw
the sign and he ordered it
taken down because, after all,
if it is the CIA it should not
be so well advertised.
"So that leaves me with
somewhat of a dilemma. I
usually have said as I have
gone to the Department of
State, the Department of De-
fense, the Department of Com-
merce, the Department of Ag-
riculture, and all the others,
'It is, a pleasure to be here.'
"But the CIA is not sup-
posed to be here. So I suppose
what I am supposed to say
now is, it is a pleasure not to
be here."
edication: Postal Recor
tells of the harrowing experi-
ence of a Groton, Conn., post-
man who saw a crow making
off with a letter he'd just
placed in a rural mailbox.
"After chasing the crow sev-
eral hundred feet down the
road and over the fence, the
Chagrined carrier finally
caused the bird to drop-the
letter, which he personank-de-
livered to the patron."
The elusive misstve-it
turned out, contained it A=
announcement of the doling
of a local store. Remamks- the
Journal: "Who knows *hat
would have happened 4t the
patron would not have Ieafned
this information?"
Checkup: During V58,
health units of the U.S. Palk
Health Service's Division of
Federal Employe Figalth
screened 40,000 workers And
turned up nearly 4000 cam of
previously undetected phy4ical
ailments. The condition% In
eluded cancer, diabetes ;And
There's hope: The giOP
Newsletter reports that 47
members of Congress arejor-
mer journalists. There ar4184
with business or bankingpe-
rience, 73 teachers, and 50
farmers., Well over half, 389,
are service veterans and 310
are lawyers.
Joseph P. Smith Jr., who
during his career oversaw the
sale of more than $100 niillion
worth of real estate in three
Atomic Energy Commission
communities, has retired from
the Department of Housing
and Urban. Development after
38 years in government.
Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : CIA-RDP71600364R000300010001-3
oystgsFpr ReleasEDWM1/ AVI:e0300364R0003000100111-4PE
resident Praises CIA
s Instrurnent of Peace
y Carroll Kilpatrick
hinatOn Post Staff WritF
ident Nixon went to the
e of the government's
secret and defenseless
yesterday and said that
one of the great instru-
' for preserving peace.
was talking aboui the
al intelligence Agency in
IA auditorium before an
ally appreciative and
stratiVe audience.
ut the CIA employes out-
ost Of, the . others the
e CI* ExpentIye was
served in his praise of the
andestine agency's work.
114 President later flew to
a, telling., ITP,Nlers en
that tie, planned a long
cnd of rest, relOcation
:study' Of a, briefcase full
eports and memoranda on
a Oentinel anti-ballistic mis-
e program.
his televised news con-
e Tuesday, Mr. Nixon
that he would announce
decision early next week
MI +Whether tO.go ahead with a
limited ABM system.
During his talk, to.r4ga em-
ployes, the President said the
agency has a mission th t
"runs counter to some of
deeply held traditions in
country. The American people
don't like war. They don't like
SeereeY? They don't like cold
But he said that "it is neces-
sary for those who make deci-
sions at the highest level to
have the very best possible in-
telligence so that the margin
of error will to that extent be
The American people should
understand, he said, that the
CIA "is a necessary adjunct of
the Presidency." He quoted a
message former President
Truman sent the CIA calling
it "absolutely necessary to any
President of the United States
?from one who knows."
"I know, and I appreciate
what you , do," Mr. Nixon
Presents Medals
The President told the CIA
officials that he had had "the
great honor" earlier in the day
to present Medals of Honor to
three Army enlisted men.
There will be no medals and
no recognition for heroic work
done by CIA officials, he said.
"Your successes will never be
made public and your failures
will always be public," he said.
"I regogni4?,. Ube, and I am
1 vr teful to those of
you who make that kind of At
The President presented
his first Medals of Honor at
an East Room ceremony to
Staff Sgt. Joe R. Hooper of
Saugus, Calif., Spec. 5 Clar-
ence E. Sasser of Rosharon,
Tex., and Sgt. Fred W. Zabi-
tosky of Trenton, N.J., for
heroic service in Vietnam.
These soldiers, the Presi-
dent said, are "men who faced
death and instead of losing
their courage gave courage to
their fellow men."
Later, the President met
with the Cabinet Committee
on Economic Policy and
named a task force to investi-
gate "dramatic" increases in
Douglas fir and plywood
Budget Director Robert P.
Mayo was named chairman Of
the task force to identify 'the
causes of the price increases
to recommend immediate
corrective action, and to rec-
ommend a long?term policy to
facilitate supply and demand, ?
adjustments in the industry.
Press Secretary Ronald L.
Ziegler said that fir and ply-
wood prices had increased
from 30 to 92 per cent in a
year's time, causing inflation-
ary pressures in the wtole
construction Industry.
The President met with Tifb
erian Vice President Wigivn
Richard Tolbert, who is in the
country to attend a meetips of
the World Baptist Allian
Nomination of Governor
In another action, the
dent announced that he
nominate Peter A. Bpye a
ione-time Republican can
for Governor of Vermont and
since 1957 comptroller of the
Virgin Islands, as Governor of
the islands.
If confirmed, Bove will suc-
ned Ralph M. Paiewonsky, a
Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : CIA-ROM
CPYRCI IT 6) _?..4..."...-
EVENI4WroSiii'dkFlbr Release 2002/01/02 : IMA-R1131411EMA611144000300010001-3 ,,G.g; p
Domestic 1m6g?1A Brightens,,
The Central Intelligence kept him informed about what lie," Pulbright said. IratdMil
'really going may not be living was going ' . ted his proposal did have one
quite as dangerously these It is hard to believe these possible drsauwrrbeapctkitious"Plylinhge
agencies were feeding that out things
days as it used to, but its said, "is the only way it's
kind of information to John-
reputation, in the United son, or that they were spying credible to intelligence
States at least, is improving, on US. senators. It seems agents."
and this has been helped along more likely that the President ,
w indulging himself in one of
by the revelation that it was
his s loccasional tantrums and '
not as widely thought, respon- cited the CIA and FBI to
aible for the Pueblo's spy mis- dramatize and fortify his
slop of North Korea.,
After its U2 flights over Rus- It is true that the present
sia and other James Bond-like director of the CIA, Richard
War episodes, it was nat-
Helms, came to power in June
Cold 1966, and got off to a shaky
Urtil to suspect that the CIA start by publicly congratulat-
was in charge of the special ing a newspaper for an editori-
intelligence unit aboard the al attack on Sen. J. W. Pul-
eblq. It now appears, how-
bright, chairman of the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee,
O'er, that it was controlled by and the leading critic of John-
the Pentagon's super-secret son's Vietnam policy.
_ ,
National Security Agency, and But in the light of Heinle
that CIA had nothing to do ' subsequent performance, this
it. would seem to have little sig-
o much suspicion has been nificance. As the director of
Mused by CIA activities in CIA he has impressed a num-
raCent years, though that ber of senators, including Pul-
/Orly are ready to believe any bright, with his relative de-
spry about it, no matter how tachment about Vietnam. He
Improbable. The most recent has not struck them as a f a-
hiStance is District Attorney natical cold warrior.
Jim Garrison 's reckless As a result, the agency has
charges that the agency was recently enjoyed a better
involved in the assassination standing domestically, but
of John F. Kennedy. elsewhere in the world it is
UnfOrtunately for the CIA, still the favorite whipping boy
its image can be damaged by of governments which have
hoastful friends as well as ene- learned they can get away
Mies. Former White House As- with blaming anything on it.
*taint Eric Goldman's new In Russia the CIA has even
rdk on Lyndon Johnson pro- been blamed for the sow notes
es an astonishing example of famous visiting U.S. orches-
that. tras. The agency was actually
As 1966 wore on., and Con- accused of planting men in the
essional oppositaon to the orchestras who were better
ietnam wax intensified, the spies than musicians, with the
rmer president, Goldman result that the performances
, became convinced that were not up to par.
e Russians were in con- In Yugoslavia, the CIA was
gtant touch with anti-war sena- subjected to such absurd
rs ? and he named names. charges that Borba, its leading
These senators ate lunch and newspaper put its tongue in
went to parties at the Soviet cheek and solemnly informed
Embassy, children of their its readers that the CIA was
Staff people dated Russians." not responsible for the recent
Goldman quotes Johnson as drop in the price of imported
saying to him, and to a Cabi- whiskey.
net member and two other Sen. Fulbright also put his
White House officials, "The tongue in cheek when he sug-
Russians think up things for gested that the U.S. and Rus-
the senators to say. I often sia simply freely exchange the
know before they do what intelligence information each
their speeches are going to now gather at immense effort
say." Goldman says he was and expense as well as great
"staggered." When he ques- risk.
.the_, Vresicknes state- tilt. would saw otb plcet
r rimy 364R000300010001 -3
tfMrePr`ONitastifig0Q?741404 . V i*e-
MA and, FBI because "they everything and made it pub-
cpyftRitved For Release 2002/01/02 : CIA-R 0300010001-3
lure Shortly After Asian
Blast-Off Is Reported
itOecial to The New York ThEll
titrnanned Soviet spacecraft
bund for Mars is belfehd" to
hive failed shortly after7brest-
evly today at the central
Asian space launching itaion.
1This would mark a '
.1 4'
bacic to the Soviet Pro am
traqrplanetary explore on,
16, despite its high lirinrity
oviet space planning, has
en plagued with difficules
te the first attempts to reach
s in 1960.
:The Soviet ?authorities have
n?k announced the latest re-
*Acted abortive Mars attempt,
t fragmentary inforinatiOn
allable to Western monitor
cats that trouble arose
h ignition failure of the
or third stage of the
rJUeports suggested some
ity of an explosion on
'close to the launching pad
the -Baikonur space station'
is was not confirmed by rater
information, which pointea
ore to failure after launcFing,
Us g the spacecraft to turn-
.e bk to, earth.
An sts said the repolted
clung failure would have
a negligible effect on-the
ans' manned space pro-
since an entirely differ-
t type of spacecraft was ap-
rently involved.
Pariial Success in 1965th
Recent Soviet attempts to
itch Mars have been carried
t by spacecraft of the Zond
L. After a total of six
W11 failures during 1611,
ATI 1964, the Russians
vat a partial success in
en the Zond 2 space-
aft passed within 1,000 mirel
Marg. A failure in the solar
s that power the spacecraft's
nsing equlpment, however,
eant, that the craft Was out
Of communication fi5i-iffaS1 6f
its journey through snale:
The` eiiIief 'failure's are be-
lieved to have been a result of
diffiWitits in the upper stages
ff the rocKets. tn 1962, five
attempts to reach Mars and
Verity were aborted from fail-
in the third or fourth
atag, leaving the instrument-
packed payloads in earth orbit
These difficulties seem to
been solved in the smaller
130-pound spacecraft that the
ussians have been using in
their exploration of Venus.
?Two Venus-bound craft are
itow midway in so-far success-
ful, flights aimed at achieving
pft landings on Venus on May
16 an 17. They were launched
ftve days apart in early Janu-
ary. ?
The Russians have already
saieved one soft landing on
V up on Oct. 18, 1967.
estern analysts are avialt-
frig sVo"rd of a major new Soviet
step in rocket technology, the
launching of a giant booster
rocket that United States offi-
cials believe will be far larger
an the American Saturn V.
e first of this new series of
tketS is known to have been
wady for launching for several
Cnntr ry to the immediate
ganeloion on hearing of to-
day's reported launching fail-
ure, information now available
?cientific analysts indicates
that thii giant new rocket was
not involved in today's Mars
Ironically, the United States
!las hacrmore success in explo-
ration of Mars than the Rus-
sians. *Though such interplane-
tary attempts have had lower
priority in the American space
program than the manned
The first United States at-
tempt to approach Mars was a
suctess. This Was the flight of
Mariner 4 in 1965. This space-
craft passed within 6,000 miles
of the planet, transmitting back
to earth 21 photographs.
The next American Mars
flights are only now under way,
Mariner 6 launched on Feb. 24
and Mariner 7, launched today.
If all goes well, these two
Fjoacecra-ft will pass within
ZOO miles of Mars in August,
sending back telemetric data
that could indicate whether or
not there is water vapor in the
Martian atmosphere.
The first American attempt
to make a soft landing on Mars,
the Viking project, is scheduled
for 1973. There are no Ameri-
rarr plans for exploration of
Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : CIA-RDP71600364R000300010001-3
I Approved Ii
r Release'2002/01102 CIA-RDP71B00364R000300010001-3
THE rAgnINGTON POST Thursday, A'pril 18, 1969 A.15
? ?
U.S. Is Dismantling
Peshawar Spy Base
By William J. Coughlin
Los Angeles Times
PESHAWAR, West Paki-
stan, April 9?The American
sPY base here still is so secret
t,bt the U.S. Air Force refuses
talk about the problems of
dismantling it.
Pakistan announced last
May it had notified the United
States it would have to vacate
the base at the expiration of
its ten-year lease this coming
equipment has been under
Some of the information
previously relayed from the
base now is obtained from or-
biting U.S. spy satellietes.
Peshawar hit world head-
lines in 1960, when an Ameri-
can reconnaissance U-2 flown
by Francis Gary Powers was
shot down inside the Soviet
Union. Powers refueled at Pes-
hawar before taking off on his
high-flying penetration of So-
viet airspace. The Soviet bor-
der is only 150 miles from
July 1.
Since then, the removal of
acres of towers and antennas,
infrared scanners, long-range
radars and electronic listening
The original lease on the
base provided for a ten-year
extension with either party
having the option to cancel at
a year's notice.
Last April, Soviet Premier
Kosygin visited Pakistan. In
May, it was announced the
base agreement would not be
In early July the Soviet
Union disclosed it had agreed
to supply arms to Pakistan.
There is? reason to believe
those events were related. Nei-
ther China nor Russia could
have been pleased about the
U.S. intelligence-gathering op-
eration on their doorstep. Ko-
sygin may well have used the
lever of military assistance to
bring about its removal.
Once-Busy Base
Communications Link
Peshawar, though, was not a
U-2 base. When the tep-year
lease establishing it was
signed on July 18, 1059, it was
Identified as a link in a world-
wide U.S. communications net-
IAA could serve Far
knd Middle East mern-
_ers of the Central Treaty Or-
nitedion (CENT 0) and
outtelst Asia Treaty Organi-
lation (SEATO). Pakistan was
thitdber of both organiza-
The strategically located
base *as, however, a highly
sophisticated and computer-
ize listening post to eaves-
drop oh electronic communica-
tions within the Soviet Union
land China. From here, tape re-
tordings could be made of
sile countdowns, military
tions, civilian radiate-
communications and
electronic emanations
entral Asia.
e time the agreement
igned, Pakistan was
y tied to the U.S. by de-
alliances and military
ilograms. When American
talj aid to Pakistan was
6 in 1965 after the 22-day
th India broke out, the
Piethre changed.
Pakista n 's government
tuited lirst to the Chinese
an& last year, to the Soviets
for military equipment. The
More than 300 Americans
were stationed here at one
time. Although base officials
refused to discuss the evacua-
tion timetable, the local talk is
that at least half of the Ameri-
cans have left.
The American Embassy in
Rawalpindi, which maintains a
noncommittal attitude on the
spy base 108 miles distant, has
arranged auctions of house-
hold goods for those American
families at Peshawar depart-
ing for home. Advertisements
of the auctions appear in the
Rawalpindi newspapers.
Many of the residents of
Peshawar will be sorry to sec
the Americans leave. The GIs
have left their economic im-
print. As many as 300 Paki-
stanis once worked at the base,
according to a former em-
No announcement has been
made as to final disposition of
the base. Peshawar is a military,
stronghold of the Pakistanis,
just as it was of the British.,,
When the last American.
leaves, the former U.S. spy
base most likely will become a
Pakistani military installation.
ftroUl cona- "What the Pakistanis will do
only military `eirhipthent no*
Approved For Releastg - 411RINREI 3641400'0166Aftrioylia-li:
toriletha iteniST? lartiond remains a my t .
= ?
Approved For Release 2002/01/02 :
meEs 1VI.. Roberts
arts re ching_Washing
a possible Sa-
lle Chinese nu
lex have increased
stration alarm
s of a war be
o Communist
these ,reports,
number, tbe
been making
qu r es of some fel-
ommuwst leaders, both
power in t astern Eu
some out of power in
oPe, on what
e reaction to such
Strike: There are no
on the responses.
ears that the inquiries
e at the world,
hering MO's:
and later re-
er place. That
no e ascertained yes-
e reports are considered
bui it is Conceded
trey migTif somehow have
been sUrfacea. as part of the
Kremlin's psyChologicar war-
- sI the Peking re-
unifsiOn between
CLASHES ?Urumchi
Lop Nor
Production Plants
Assembly Plants
Test Sites
N Koko Nor
er of the new magaz
11 be playing "a more
Ant role" in the m
ack movement.
Second class postage pal
at Washington, D.C. Prints
at 1515 ? L St. NW. 200f
Telephone Numbers:
223-6000?News & Busini
223-6100?Circulation Se
The Associated Press Is entitle
clusively to use for republicati
all news dispatches credited to
not otherwise credited In this
and local news of spontaneous
published herein.
WTOP-TV (9) Radio (1!
Daily and Sunday: 1 weer, 7;
month, $3.23. Daily Only: 7 v
.45c; 1 month, $1.95. Sunday Only
(Payable in Advance)
Daily and Sunday: I year, $4
6 months, $20.00; 3 months, $10.1
month, $3.50. Daily Only: I 1
$27.00; 6 months, $13.50; 3 moi
56.75; 1 month, $2.50. Sunday C
1 year, 516.00; 6 months, $8.01
months, $4.00; 1 month, $1..50.
(Payable In Advance)
Daily and Sunday: 1 year, $5,
.6 months, $27.00; 3 months, $13.5
month, $5.00 Daily only: Y
August 28, 1969
Map of Soviet-Chinese border area shows locations of
major border clashes this year as well as some of the
China and the Soviet Union,
most marked since the clashes
on the Siberian border in
March, has led American offi-
cials to draw up scenarios of
what aoscow .and Peking
might do and what the United
States reaction could be. It is
understood there has been a
National Security Council
The sense of alarm over a
possible war has been steadily
rising in Washington for
months. The border clash in
$36.00; 6 m6nths. $18.00; 3 no
$9.00; 1 Month, $3.25. Sunday 0
I year, $24.00; 6 months, $12.00
known Chinimonths, UM; 1 month. $2.50.
sites known. Rates outside U.S.A. upon mu
siderably ; 17th & R Sts., N.W.
One key
month earli
chances of
Soviet fight
hr. shirt laundr
Daily InEXTRAcluding Saturd
Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : CIA-RDP71600364R000300010001-3
cp#Rentryed For Release 2002/01/02 : CIA-RDP71600364R000300010001-3
Soviet Strikes a
? .)3()RDE4, From Al
As viewed here there are at
least three major possible
Soviet tactics:
1. A punitive action such as
at extensive border clash, ini-
tiated by Moscow as it is be-
lieved was the case last month
_. ,?..
is entral Asia, in which a
ge thinese force would be
ro ed by superior Soviet
r , -
ttempts to subvert the
minority groups in Sin-
g CI the Chinese side in
ntrar Asia where anti-Pe-
'g feeling is thought to run
_S. A preventive strike, by air
it 0-the ground.
This latter, by far the most
and thought likely to
14 " to major conflict if not
-out war, includes the strike
exiiiirse- 6Chrutihweisilechnutheleeanrewcorrne:
S are concerned. It is be-
',ed that such an attack
Would be with conventional
iho nib's ,
Perhaps the single most crit-
ical target in such a case
*tad be the gaseous diffusion
plant at Lanehow which
the fissionable material
'nese mItleal4"weapons.
owever, the advantages
that the Soviets enjoy in
tPrril8 of logistics in Central
4aia are thought to be missing
Siberia. There, in the Soviet
r tast, the Soviets are de-
Trident on the single double-
track Trans-Siberian railway
which runs close to the
inese border in many places
and which could be cut by
raiding parties. This would be
dipecially true in the long
winter months when the Amur
and Ussuri river borders are
It is the virtually unanimous
view of those here who follow
China that the Peking govern-
ment would retaliate if there
Nkere a Srovietittike of any irn-
Vortance. Bat there is a divi-1
sion of opinion as to Whether
Peking would use its nuclear
The Chinese lack a missile
capability but do have a few
Soviet-made bombers and
many Soviet fighters that
could be modified to carry
bombs. The Soviets have
mounted a massive defense in
Siberia but there can be no
guarantee that a plane or two
would not get through. Such
important Siberian cities as
Blagoveshchensk, Khabarovsk
and Vladivostok are barely on
the Soviet side of the long bor-
The Nixon administration
had proclaimed a public policy
of not taking sides in the
Chinese-Soviet dispute but
rather of trying to improve re-
alations with both countries.
Moscow and Peking, however,
appear to remain suspicious
that the United States will
join the other against it.
There has been minimal of-
ficial public comment here on
the possibility of a Chinese-So-
viet war. On Aug. 20, however,
Secretary of State William P.
Rogers told a group of college
students that "our best judg-
ment is that border clashes
and incidents will continue"
since "we are convinced that
the hostility between them is
deep." He expressed hope
such clashes would not turn
into a war.
Rogers went on to say that
China watchers in Hongkong
had told him the Soviets had
the capability to "take over a
good section of the country
near Peking and probably Pe-
king itself." However, it is
widely felt here that the Sovi-
ets would shrink from such a
major attack lest they become
bogged down in a major land
war in China much as were
the Japanese in the pre World
War II period.
Recent polemics from Mos-
cow and Peking show the in-
tensity of feeling. soviet corn-
-Sites Hinted
munist Party chief Brezhnev
in June charged that China
was preparing to wage "both
an ordinary and a great nu-
clear war" and declared that
the Soviet people "are not in-
timidated by shouting." Other
Russians have rattled their
own nuclear weapons.
Anatoly V. Kuznetsov, the
prominent Soviet writer who
recently defected in Britain, .
told the New York Times in
London that the great fear of j
the ordinary Soviet citizen
today is. China. He said Rus-
sians fear a Chinese attack
and believe war cannot be
avoided. Even though Kuznet-
sov broke with his own 'gov-
ernment he put all the blame '
on the Chinese.
, A Peking broadcast on Aug.
14 charged that the Soviets
have "built a series of airbases '
and guided missile bases along
the Sino-Soviet and Sino-Mon-
golian borders" and have
"plotted to gather some of the
satellite troops of the Warsaw
Pact and organize them Into
so-called 'international col-
muns' to oppose China."
The current issue of Peking
Review contains a scathing
denunciation of "the new
Czars" in Moscow. It egkeetal-
ly attacked Soviet oreign
Minister Andrei Grofnyko's re-
cent friendly words about
President Nixon's call for an
"era of negotiation' to replace
confrontation. Gromyko was
charged with revering the
Nixon formula and with hav-
ing "prostrated himself before
Some Soviet watchers have
concluded that the Kremlin
leaders have decided there is
no merit in waiting for Mao's
death in hopes he would be
followed by leaders who would
repair the breach with Mos-
It also is theorized here that
Soviet military leaders have
been making the case that th
Chinese before long will hav,
an invulnerable nuclear capz.
bility and thus the time ti
strike is now. But earlie
American estimates o.
Chinese nuclear developmeir
have proved to be overopti
mistic, judging by known
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NEW Ittimpy RpE ge lease 2002/01/02 : C1152RE70,10194641,90999fi9tip101 -3
PAGE C 21#
West Germans Freed for
? _
Man South Africa Held
. BONN, Aug. 22 (Reu
Qualified sources said?roffay
, -
that the Soviet riton ha a re-
turned 10 captuIerre'rt's er''-'
man agents in eichange for
Yuri Nikolayevich- Loginov, a
' -Russian spy held-lh-South Af-
rica who is said to hav
trayed the names of Sovie
ents in many countries to
West. -- -
The dearigrAti-
the Russians ca-ffreoi.-Tt-1-
month ago, 'Vhen'101ii
Was brought fo ).urope "Mr the
dchange, the-Official Western
sources said:? - ? -- ---
? NO identification of the -West
rmans was provided:- They
were released from priSTIff In
-0t Germany and, the stinrc
d, "they rendered their coun-
substantial services." Off i-
1 spokesmen refused all corn-
nt on the exchange.
Despite the apparent !m-
ance of the exchange, the
sians got the better part of
site bargain, the sourceS sat&
The latest exchange, corning-a
month after the repatriation of
a Briton, Gerald Brooke, In ex-
change for the Soviet spies
Peter J. and Helen Joyce
Kroger, appears to be the end
of_ a series of major spy ex-
rn February Heinz Felfe, a
Soviet double agent who pene-
trated t he West German secret
service, was returned to Mos-
t* in exchange for three West
German students held by the
ittIssians. - =
A Western intelligence source
said tonight, "After the Krogers
and Felfe the Russians seem to
have got nearly all the cows
back in the cowshed."
The sources said the West
Germans had played the cen-
tral role in engineering the ex-
change, usually a complex pro-
cedure involving a secret ren-
dezvous somewhere on the
heavily guarded frontier be-
tween East and West Germany
or at a crossing point at the
Berlin wall.
- The sources were unabie to
say last night what South Af-
rica had secured from the deal.
But it was noted here that Mr.
Loginov was held for two
years in South Africa without
having been brought to trial.
One possibility was that the
South Africans felt they had
? squeezed the Soviet agent dry
of information and saw no use-
ful purpose in having the
affair aired in court.
Mr. Loginov, 36 years old,
was arrested in Johannesburg
in 1967 after having entered
the country on a Canadian
passport undhr the name of
Edmund Trinka. He was inter-
rogated for weeks by security
men and was said to have
"sung like a canary."
The South African security
police chief, Maj. Gen. Hen-
dric J. van den Bergh, said
the spy had named Russian in-
telligence men around the
world giving a long Hsi? of con-
tacts he had made in 23 other
Mr. Loginov's mission in
South Africa was said to have
been an attempt to determines
the extent of Rhodesia's de-
pendence on South Africa as
well as to find out how it was
cooperating with another West-
ern country ? the name was
withheld?in atomic and rock-
et research.
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DATE aliti a4 U1 PAGE A- /o
CPYRGHTApproved i-or Release 2002/01/02 : R
-DP7 00364R000300010001-3
Around the Wort!
Russians Make 10-for-1 Spy Swap
BONN?The Soviet Union
has traded 10 West German
agents for Yuri N. Loginov,
a Russian spy held in South
; Africa who is said to have
betrayed the names of
many Soviet agents in the
West, official Western
sources told Reuters news
It quoted a Westerdintel-
ligence source as saying,
"after the Krogers and
Felfe, the Russians seem to
have got nearly all the cows
back in the cowshed."
He was referring to the
eXchange of convicted SF--
viet spies Peter and Helen
Kroger for British univer-
sity don Gerald Brooke lagt:
month and the exchange in
February of Heinz Felfe, a
Soviet double agent who
penetrated the West Ger-
/Tian sceret service, for three
West German students.
The latest swap was pro-
posed by the Russians and
ied out a month ago
n Loginov was brought
urope for the exchange
fficials said.
Despite the apparent im-
balance, the Russians got
the better part of the deal,
the sources said. But they
added that the 10 "rendered
their country substantial
Services." Their identities
were not revealed, but all
were said to have been serv-
ing prison sentences in East
Loginov, 36, was arrested in
, Johannesburg in 1967 after'
I entering South Africa with
a Canadian passport and an
alias. He was held for two
as without trial and was
said to have "sung like a ea-
nary," giving interrogators a
list of his contacts in 23
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Approved For FUe`ttE600-02/01/02 : CIA-RDP71B 364R000300010001-3
anne riveon icia s
_ _ _
OillietcOng Is Said to BeFailing
US. Sources Say Suspects
Are Often Freed by Local
Vietnamese Authorities
Alpeolal to Th.. NM!' York Times
SAXON, South Vietnam,
Aug. 18--Operation Phoenix,
a program designed by the
United States Central Intelli-
gence Agency to track down
- arid ildeline Vietcong officials,
is reported to be bogging down.
American officials blame local
acconunodation by the South
Officials in charge of the pro-
- 7-iliranticknowledge that fewer
than 20 per cent of the 25,233
,Suspdeted agents and sympa-
- _ Ahizep, who have been arrested
ve secerved prison sentences
_ ,
a ?year or more.
r!toe than BO per cent have
n eleased or permitted to
cape by Vietnamese authori-
? ties it the local level, acquitted
?dr_ given sentences of a few
40ntbs o-r less.
7r, Since American involvement
3$ -Ole program stops at the
.,?int of arrest, United States
i. ciils say they are unsure
ut- what happens when the
.ebts are turned over to the
% 1 Ma,authorities.
ny of them just g out
back door of the jail," said
'Mason, the head of the
17.erican advisers to the pro-
"We know that.
rne Are Treated Favorably
avoritism is part of it, he
. "Sometimes family rela-
ships are involved. We
very well that if one of
units picks up the district
$ brother-in-law, he's go-
o be released."
ibery and payoffs are also
of the explanation, Amen-
oficials maintain. In some
there seems to be a sub-
foui sympathy on the
part of the local authorities
Understand that accommo-
d4tion with the Vietcong is
:men the key to survival in the
In other cases the Vietnamese
authorities have been reluctant
Gen. William C. Westmore-
land cordoned off villages
in action now thought to he
inferior to Operation Phoen-
ix in detecting the enemy.
questioned intensively. If the
local Vietnamese authorities
believe there is sufficient evi-
dence, a suspect is turned over
to the provincial authorities.
Many are released at this point,
After a period in the provin-
cial jail ranging from one to
four months, depending on the
backlog, the suspects casea 'are
put before the province securfty
council. This quasi-judicial body
is composed of the province
chief, a local court judge and
six law-enforcement officers. It
is supposed to meet once a
week and often considers,. 20
to 30 cases at a sitting.
As a rule neither suspects nor
witnesses appear. A judgment
is usually made on the basis
of the written record of the
The suspect is not usually
permitted a lawyer and fre-
quently is not allowed to reach
his family until the investiga-
tion is completed.
This procedure is acknowl-
eedged to result in a variety of
abuses. Often the case against
a suspect consists largely of
'ze a, Vietcong cadre intelligence Indications rather
rd as a' result of a than hard evidence. Despite
chiffllilse Settlement achieved
at the I":'aris peace talks, might
jLoujtobe a province of-
cl,ai. e -many 'Vietnamese,
e Inral authorities tend to
neene ? b t
This is said to result in-
this, if the security council re-
gards the case as conclusive,
the man is imprisoned.
System an Improvement
Harsh as this may seem,
American officials insist that
weakenin of a pm_ the technique is an improve-
a mencan offidmal
been describing as the
mbitiOus intelligence-
ering etrort ever mounted
outh Vietnam.
reated Phoenix
oenix was conceived by
e CerAral Intelligence Agency
1967 and put into operation
luly-of 196g. The object was
10 identify, ferret out and dis-
pose ot the Vietcong "infra-
structure," enemy agents, or-
' waltzers -an cadre merribers
that exist in nearly every vii-
a city in South Vietnam.
Vle4lieory was that if these
people &raid- be eliminated,
tcoxig and North Vietnamese
would be denied the vital
geiious support they have
(Dyed in intelligence, supplies
I1lopiZ teams," composed of
1th vjnamese"1ntelligence
a "-National policemen,
ment over the old "county
fairs" operations conducted
under Gen. (former United
States commander in Vietcong)
William C. Westmoreland, in
which a whole village was cor-
doned off and screened and
perhaps hundreds of people
were detained with little sem-
blance of due process. Now,
the officials maintain, there is
at least a quasi-judicial review
of the evidence.
In theory, if the suspect is
found to be a Vietcong organ-
izer or official, he is supposed
to be given a two-year sentence
?the maximum without trial.
A number of reforms are be-
ing drafted to tighten the pro-
gram and increase its effective-
The teams will attempt to
concentrate their efforts on
Vietcong leaders ?? the, so-
called hard core ? and ig-
nore the rank and file. There
will also be efforts to improve
evidence-gathering techniques
so that more conclusive cases
can be presented to the securi-
ty committees.
Regardless of how effective
the reforms prove to be, the
Phoenix program still stands a
good chance of becoming obso-
lete overnight as a result of the
Paris talks.
"If the negotiators reach an
agreement in Paris," Mr. Mason
said, "they will legitimize the
very same people we are trying
to round up. If they decide to
give the Vietcong a role in the
Government, the people we are
hunting today may be in charge
of delivering the mail or l-
lecting the garbage t
did's m
and Government repre-
' To 'tattves; have been installed
In all 44 provinces and most of
4th*,, districts districts and cities
thre61-giiit the country. Each
i'm fOrie- or two American
Ifeadvise ?Smile 450 in all. i
Bogie of the advisers are n.
, telligence officers of the Spe-
cial Forces, or Green Berets,
but itna reliably reported that
none 'WI these are involved in
? the cten't C'ase involving eight
., ecia rore's soldiers who are
, f obis:ossible murder charges
' In the 'death of a Vietnamese
?114611?"ib? t
naTi. earns coordinate all
a e intelligence to corn-
' -Vick-list of Vietcong re-
orters and sympa-
.?.quittbizir supporters
a given area. Once
?? the. dossier on an individual is
' itigeted, a aramilitary unit
Approved For R wini Ael e
le,f. iglAt DP711300364R0003000100
defect or to arrest nim or, if
?nece-gaty to kill him.
he arrested suspects are
Approved For Release 2002/01/02:
36 OVV01011.01-3
epartment said to-
eard rumors from
e" that the Soviet
e considering bomb-
mese' nuclear installa-
artment spokesman
does not think the
mon will attack China,
?arder clashes might
and could flare up into
cOritricts than either side
,esman, Robert J.
oskey, was answerng ques-
t "intelligence re
ng Soviet leaders
out allies and oth-
reaction to a possi-
e against China.
reports had suggested the
viet nion might attempt to
estroy rdhinese facilities for
'Ming nuclear weapons in
Lariphow, Paotow, Lop Nor and
elsewbere. '
IftCloskey replied, "We have
heard that rumor from time to
time,?----Asked whether it was a
rumor or a report, he said he
considered a report to be con-
firmed information but he would
not argue how reliable this infor-
mation was.
McCloskey said sueh rumors
hai been heard for "the last
couple ormonths." It was under-
stood from other sources that
new information along the same
See INO-SOVIET, Page A-6
Although they may look like giant beach balls
or perhaps vveather balloons they are really
part of the Sophisticated electronic gear aboard
412-- -
the Soviet satellite-tracking vessel Komi
Valadimir Komarov. The ship is taki
supplies at Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : CIA-RDP71600364R000300010001-3
Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : CIA-RDP71 p4 003zote01-3
11441 ~rit
?\China Raid rian Reported
Continued From Page A-i
lines had reached Washington
within the last Week.
"McCloskey said the present
judgment of the State Depart
ment is still that expressed by
Secretary of State William P.
Rogers on Aug. 20.
Remarks Called Inconclusive
Rogers was asked by a group
of government summer interns
whether he thought the Russians
would attack China. He replied
that the State Department's
"best judgment is that proba-
bly the Soviets will not do that."
McCloskey said today that
Roger's remarks could be taken
to include the possibility of an
air strike at Chinese nuclear in-
United Press International re-
ported earlier that the reports
came from Communist sources
of varying degrees of credibility
?and say that Soviet leaders
have been sounding out their
Warsaw Pact partners, as well
as some Communist party lead-
ers in Western Europe, as to
what their attitude would be if
the Soviet Union had to take
such an extreme step.
There have been six signifi-
cant border clashes between the
two countries this year, the most
recent one coming two weeks
And Moscow and Peking have
escalated their war of words.
The Soviet Communist party
newspaper, Pravda, said today,
for example, that Red China's
"dangerous, recklessly adven-
turistic attitude" toward war
could lead to a nuclear world
New Chinese Arming Cited
"The military arsenals of the
Maoists are being filled up with
. . . new arms," Pravda said.
"No continent would be left out
if a war flares up under the
present conditions, with the ex-
isting present-day technology,
with the availability of the lethal
weapons and the up-to-date
means of their delivery."
The assumption of those au-
thorities here who tend to be-
lieve the reports of a possible air
attack on China, is that the Sovi-
et -Union wants to determine
whether such extreme action
would cost it support within the
international Communist com-
munity, particularly in Eastern
Europe. Approved
The reports all appear to be
talking about a possible Soviet
attack by bombers armed with
faced with a decision of whether
to use nuclear weapons to halt
the Chinese.
The information reaching
Washington on Moscow's talks
with Communist leaders in
Eastern Europe and other coun-
tries fall into roughly three time
? Just after the international
Communist meeting in Moscow
in June, reports began coming in
from Communist sources that
the Soviets had been telling dele-
gates to the meeting that the
Chinese threat was far greater
than many of them realized, and
the international Communist
world should close ranks against
Peking on the ideological front.
? A bit later, there were re-
ports that Soviet officials had
told Communist party leaders in
variotis countries they believed
China m ht escalate the border
fighting, in which event Moscow
would have to "take military ac-
tion." The action was not speci-
? The latest reports were that
Soviet officials, in discussions
with leaders of countries in
Communist East Europe, had
said that developments might ul-
timately force them to take ac-
tion to destroy China's nuclear
Their argument was that al-
though China has not proceeded
very rapidly in deploying nucle-
ar weapons, it is bapable of
doing so in a relatively short
time if Peking decides on this
The Chinese are said to have a
quantity of medium-range atom-
ic warhead missiles, although
they are not yet deployed. How-
ever. these could be placed in
one to two years, and if they are
aimed at Russia, this could vast-
ly change the military situation.
For Release 2002/01/02 : CIA-RDP71600364R000300010001-3
Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : CIA-RDP71600364R000300010001-3
But It Heard Reports That
Moscow Considered Idea
Speclal to The New York Times
The State Department said to-
--day that it saw little likelihood
of a Soviet air strike against
Communist China's nuclear fa-
cilities, but it acknowledged
that it had heard rumors that
Moscow had sounded out Com-
, punist supporters elsewhereon
this matter.
The Cen telligence
rstood- to
taken more seriously re-
orts that Soviet officials had
iscreetly asked some fellow
ommunist leaders, in Eastern
nd Western Europe; about
eir reaction to a preemptive
trike against Peking's nuclear
cilities. - , _
- - Officials in both agencies are
ported to consider the re-
rts as authentic. But some
lieve that pro-Moscow Coin-
unist sources may have sie-
erately circulated them as
rt of a psychological-warfare
mpaign against Peking, rather
an as an indication of Mos-
w's actual military plans.
- t With border tensions and
lashes between the Soviet lin-
t n and China rising over re-
Cent months, officials here no
-Ringer dismiss out of hand the
Oance that war between the
liwo Communist nations might
eak out through miscalcula-
on, i
All-Out War Doulited
'Nonetheless, Secretary -or
State William P. Rogers said in
" talk' with summer internes
the State Department on 1
ug. 20 that the best judgmenti
. .
ould continue but that neither
tse diplomato tw h e nb nor
ocr r d se Peking
ee kc iisankl gii rs mt s wi s howiunai gds ,1
launch an all-out war. i
A State Department spokes-
man said today that that was
still the considered judgment
of the department.
Officials said that since Mr.
Rogers- made his remarks,
Washington had picked up
ore e orts of Soviet sound-
--ptgatbility of a
ai* . allg-t-11M China but
_t the degrtrnent was still
Kieptical that one was likely.
is talk Secretary Rogers
he Nixon
ministration did not share
the view of some Americans
"who argue that it would be a
good thing for the United States
to let the Soviet Union and
Communist China engage in a
fairly sizable war,",
"We don't think so," he said.
"We think warfare anywhere is
harmful to the total world com-
munity, and we think this kind
of war would be injurious to
all people, and we hope it
doesn't occur."
Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : CIA-RDP71600364R000300010001-3
ASHIAINVInactarIROlease 2002/01/02 :
_111 sit
Russ-China scar- Travel subsidies
Li MA/ Aft. ow e?
Rogers seen trying to play down
reported threat of Soviet strike
Oripps-liowaed Staff Writer
Secretary of State William P. Rogers is
trying to dampen down what is reported to be
a c -inspired scare story that Soviet Russia
may he thinking about destroying Communist
China's nuelear installations with a surprise
air strike.
Mr. Rogers and his associates fear that the
widely publicized report ? the source of which
tiNerstood to be Central Intelligence Agen-
4** director Richard Helms ? will damage the
ipeerdtal of state's efforts to establish a policy
Azgertcan neutrality in the Sino Soviet word
border war.
to House in California has not been
oin on this latest intra-administration
rsy. Nor is it known whether Mr. Rog-
firti feels strongly enough to make an issue of
it with President Nixon.
But if it should precipitate a showdown, Mr.
ims is unlikely to carry as much weight
th Mr. Nixon as Mr. Rogers, who is an old
and dose friend of the President.
What is most distrubing to State Department
officials is that giving even a little credence to
the kin qf.aSoviet pre-emptive strike against
a 'lint plays into the hands of the Soviet propa-
garMT ts.
La a4jJjon, it could complicate the Nixon-
Rogers efforts to work with the Soviets on dis-
arr4afljt, the Middle East and Vietnam if the
Krtmlin wants a pretext for further delay. The
GhIese are expected to regard the report a
of- that the United States is ganging up
wttbItussia against China, thus thwarting Mr.
Rogers' neutrality effort.
For a couple of months Soviet officials have
beertgying to peddle all kinds of scare stories
titruout th world to woo sympathy and sup-
t against the Chinese.
A State Department spokesman conceded
that there have been "rumors" that the Rus-
sians might at some stage "take out" the
Chinese nuclear installations. But he added
that these have been unconfirmed and come,
at best, from second-hand sources.
Department officials take the position that
anything is possible in the Russian and
Chinese worlds. But what is probable is some-
thing else.
With that caveat, most of the experts ? on
both Soviet and Chinese_ affairs -- lean to the
theory that the "rumors' of a -possfbTe SbyTel
strike against China are part of Moscow's war
of nerves against Peking.
Credibility of the "rumors" of a possible
viet strike at China's nuclear installations wag:
put into perspective this way by one observer:
"If the Soviet Union is, in fact, planning a
surprise attack on China, it is unreasonable-to
believe that the Kremlin hierarchy would ell
low-level officials and authorize them to dis-
cuss it with non-Russians."
On his recent return from Asia, and after
several days of discussion with top U. S. offi-
cials in Hong Kong, Mr. Rogers said:
"The best judgment is that probably the So-
viets will not use its forces to strike against;
China, and probably the Chinese will not
(strike Russia). The Russians . . . would be
faced with a very serious problem if they
made a strike. . . then they would be involved
in a land war with 800 million Chinese. On the
other hand, the Chinese Communists realize
that they are not really able militarily to cope
with the Soviet Union."
Nevertheless, for many months the Soviet
Union has been going to extraordinary lengths
to persuade other countries to join them in
Moscow's anti-Chinese crusade. On March 29
and June 14, the Soviet government delivered
to the State Department written statements
giving Russia's versions of the difficulties
along the Chinese border.
At his last press conference, Mr. Rogers told
of the abnormal diplomatic activities of the
Soviets this way:
"The Soviets have gone to embassies all over
Western Europe and this hemisphere present-
ing their case against the Chinese, which is
really quite unusual."
Officials explained today that these Russian
diplomatic overtures in no way suggested So-
viet military action. On the contrary, the So-
viets were arguing that they were threatened
by the Chinese.
Why the rumors?
The Soviet-Chinese border fights and rumors
of a Soviet plan to bomb China's nuclear arse-
nal may be part of an intricate battle of strate-
gy Moscow hopes will produce a change in
Chinese leadership, according to Dr. Richard
C. Thornton, consultant to the State Depart-
ment on Asian affairs. He offered this analysis
of the situation in an interview with United
Press International:
? The current border clashes are Sqviet
"probes" aimed at pressuring China and open-
ing the way for establishment of new, inde-
pendent border republics in China. Dr. Thorn-
ton predicted one to three of these reputylics,
perhaps in Manchuria, Inner Mongolia and
Sinkiang, and all controlled by Soviet Puppets,
will be established within the next six months.
? As a result, the Soviet_s__haye_tn ,??????
pared to face the threat of a retaliatory attack
from Chinese nuclear-tipped missiles which
are in the final stages of development. The
threat, therefore, that the Soviets might try to
knock out the Chinese nuclear missile installa-
tions before the Chinese could strike is a real
? The Soviets would not want all-out war
with China and so would hope the puppet bor-
der republics and the pre-emptive nuclear at-
tack, if they decided to risk it, would fragment
Chinese leadership. The result could be a civil
war, or perhaps the emergence of pro-Soviet
forces erased from power during Mao Tse-
Tung's proletarian cultural revolution. RD
Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : CIA-RDP71600364R000300010001-3
iNiAlor Release 2002/01/02 : Cl?ka'
,Leakecl Story, but
itaff Writer
U/Oer,,, pf similar news
Or OS said yesterday that the
us is msht have leaked
they were considering
rig_ Chinese nuclear in-
are psychological
a move against Peking.
ries attributed word
alleged Soviet thinking
igence reports" or
ply "reports."
of the dispatches ex-
what psychological
_considerations there
be ni-liaving word of a
le Soviet pre-emptive
at hina come from
inlemained unex-
ecause CIA Director
M eTms, the source
? - I l?atches does
lout wh'ihthey
no# e entral
enand, apparently,
was not asked,
alum of a possible Soviet
attempt to destroy China's nu-
clear weapons potential before
it got too dangerous had been
circulating for some time.
The rumors sounded
00veap3 g-,
..--,...wor luncheon was held 4n r
"background" basis, meaning
otitat reporters present could \
-, agli identy the source of their
h ,ic-illd hiotn htahveire ast:prr leerstl, ?
? TheGrSmtaar
sent and printed a ver- I
strangely like echoes of a
discussion two decades ago.
Then some "big bomber men"
called publicly for the United
States to eliminate Soviet nu-
clear installations before the
Soviet Union became danger-
ously armed with atomic
Now the Kremlin's version
of hawkish generals were ru-
mored to be advising a quick
blow against the Chinese gas-
eous diffusion plant at Lan-
chow, another plant at Pa-
otow,. the test site at Lop Nor
and other nuclear installa-
The State Department had
been hearing such rumors for
a couple of months.
It did not put too much im-
portance on them, preferring
to believe Moscow is too cau-
tious to do it. Continuing bor-
der clashes were one thing,
but attacking vital Chinese
sites would lead to a bigger,
e dfiffsIfoirrwa-r than the
wanted, State 13-iplif-
tate Department even
card the Russians were
ng with allies and
ly Communist parties on
the reaction might be to
-emptive strike. It had
"rumors," meaning un
ed reports, a spokes-
Said, but he added diplo-
cally that perhaps they
"r eport s," meaning
What more reliable.
A. Scali, who reports
the State Department for
erican Broadcasting
arranged for a selected
of diplomatic correspon-
tOlunch-With CIA Direc-
that hincheon Wednes-
emerged the stories say-
Moscow was checking
on what the reaction-
be to a hypothetical
on Chinese nuclear in-
of the backgrotmder
transmitted by United Press
The "reports" of what the
Soviets might be thinking, said
the stories, had come first
from Communist party con-
tacts of the CIA in Italy and
other West European countries
then from Eastern Europe.
They were a little vague, com-
ing from sources of varying
credibility, according to the
news stories.
But the newspaper headlines
and the 30-se00nd broadcast
surnMaries focused attention
on the possibility of a Soviet
1 pre-emptive strike rather than
' on the vagueness. There was
plenty of attention here and
abroad to the stories, with
some of the versions going
abroad being second-hand dis-
patches of foreigners uninvited
to meet with Helms.
The dispatches faithfully re-
flected the suggestion that the
Russians might be engaging in
psychological warfare. There
was an implication that Mos-
cow wanted to warn Peking to
quit stirring up border
trouble if, in fact, it is the
Chinese rather than the Rus-
sians who are doing the stir-
ring, which is uncertain from
this distance.
So, was the CIA trying to
warn Moscow not to strike at
China? Was Helms engaged in
a little psychological warfare
of his own to try to head off an
attack which many officials
here think would escalate into
a war with world-wide reper-
"We think this kind of war
would be injurious to all peo-
ple, and we hope it doesn't
occur," Secretary of State Wil-
liam P. Rogers said Aug. 20.
Pravda, the Soviet Commu-
nist party newspaper, seemed
to agree. It repeated yester-
day earlier Soviet charges that
the Chinese are preparing for
war, adding:
con?Serit -wo- fild be lift
? _ _
-ott if a, war flares up untier
thepiesent eoncaionis, with
the ,existing present-day tech-
luilegy, with the availability of
ixtodhone lethal ateu.rii31fs tahnedir tdhee..
For Release 2002/01/02 : CIA-RDP71B00364R000 vvepo
Approved For Release_2002/01.?
A44 er6
Q. When the CIA murders men in the line of duty,
does the Central Intelligence Agency then make a
report to any branch of government on the names
find number of enemy agents it has liquidated? For
example, does anyone in government know how
tilany men the CIA has liquidated in Vietnam??
__ E T., Baltimore, Md.
A. The CIA knows, but it is not telling. Such infor-
-rnation is available to the President, conceivably, to
the head of the CIA aid oniyabandftil oi others.
Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : CIA-RDP71600364R000300010001-3
NEW YRATICaard4W Release 2002/01/02 : 01A-RBP24464144000300010001-3 PAGE Co
? .tr.& IS RFVIWNG
Assays Prospects if Soviet
Bars On-Site Arms Checks
al to The 2+Tew York Timm
WA51-IINGTON, Oct. 1?The
Vixon Administration, as it ap-
Mathes the start of talks on
.tmttrol. of Strategic arms, is
1- :Inducting an intensive review
If all its espionage capabilities
ki determine what types
# accords the nation can live
tVith if on-site inspection can-
Et he negotiated.
Officials involved in the high-
ority study say that while
they are not foreclosing the
liotsibility of working out a
-nug alinspection procedure
ith the Soviet Union, they
? would not want to see the ta'ks
- bog down over that issue.
Consequently, they are at-
_te ting to find out with as
=mtj1i precision as possible the
-extent to Which the United
---Bt4tes could depend on unila-
? teral means of gathering intel-
,4-ence to show whether the
-Russians were abiding by
various possible measures on
arms limitation.
While stressing that the Ad-
ministration does not assume
that the Russians will cheat,
-Otte official insisted that it was
only prudent to find out "just
-how sensitive our intelligence-
gathering capabilities are to
? cheating."
1 More than 100 analysts at
the White House, the
State Department, the Penta-
gon and the Central Intelli-
gence Agency are said to be
:Tarticipating in the review.
Appraisal of Power Balante
The review is focused on
what the United States can
t ount on learning from pres-
ent and proposed spy satel-
? lites, eavesdropping planes and
ships, radar, Soviet publica-
tions and spies and informers.
- The study is also attempt-
ing to provide President Nixon
with an appraisal of whether
- the strategic balance of power
with the Soviet Union is a
delicate one, subject to sud-
den tularitilnifiriby Some de-
ter/lilted. cheating, or is so well-
based as to be difficult to upset.
. . .
? American officials View
it, ley To -fh-e---arrent- bal-
ance is the continuing ability
.ef each nation to deter the
other from attacking by pos-
sessing sufficient protected mis-
siles and bombers to be able
to retaliate overwhelmingly. In
this approach offense rather
than defense is stressed.
The officials say it is by no
tirneans certain that Soviet lead-
ers share that philosophy ofi
strategy. This is expected to
be one of the first points to be
explored once talks begin on the
limitation of strategic arms.
In general terms the United
States seeks agreements that
would freeze the number and
size of intercontinental bal-
listic missiles, limit the. scope
of antimissile defenses, limit
submarines and limit or even
reduce the number of strate-
gic bombers.
Key Areas of Uncertainty
Ranking officials say the
study has pinpointed a num-
ber of key areas of uncer-
gIf the Russians agree to
field only a thin antiballistic-
missile system, can some of
their large number of ground-
to-air missiles be surreptitiously
upgraded for attacking inter-
continental ballistic missiles?
("Once multiple independent-
ly targetable re-entry vehicles
(MIRV's) for ICBM's have been,
successfully tested, is there any,
way to monitor a ban on theirl
deployment without taking a
missile apart at an operational
silo? Would either country
agree to such "intrusive" in-
cm what extent can spy
satellites determine whether the
Soviet Union tries to substitute
bigger, better ICBM's in exist-
ing silos?
(Kan all the spying devices
keep track of mobile ICBM's if
the latter are not barred com-
ftlIf the Russians put all their
Missile submarine construction
under cover, as is not the case
at present, could the United
States still keep track of new
The officials here point out
that it was uncertainty over
what the so-called Tallinn sys-
tem was designed for that led
several years ago to the deci-
sion to develop and deploy
VIIRV's, which are meant to
overeome a heavy missile de-
fense, thus preserving the
American retaliatoty capability. '
The Tallinn system involves
ground-to-air missiles, which
started appearing in northwest-
ern RuSsia in 1964.
Tafitia%TiM MAU-it was
tiew antimissile system, but
triter sive analysis over the
years since has convinced them
that it is simply a better de-
fense against bombers.
A tentative conclusion of the
study is that the balance of
power would not be easily
upset, the officials say. The
United States maintains three
strategic systems ? Minuteman
missiles, Polaris missiles and
B-52 bombers -- any one of
which is believed to be strong
enough to cause tens of millions
of deaths in a second strike.
"This is the most comprehen-
sive assembly of technical anal-
ysis on what we know and
don't know in the intelligence
field that has ever been done
in Government," a high Admin-
istration official commented.
"We thing it will prove invalu-
able as we enter the drawnout
debates over possible agree-
ments with the Russians."
Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : CIA-RDP71600364R000300010001-3
Josep sop
PAGE tptibioeL.
Missile Buildup by Soviets
Exceeds Worst U.S. Fears
1,HERE IS much to be tion currently relevant is
leArned from a conversation the frightening deterioration
ibtween the chief scientist of the nuclear balance in fa-
of the Defense Departmentd sci-
vor of the Soviets. zathai.
D'',. John Foster, an a
e ific colleague who had nr!etzizi-r siEmaiapsetar of De-
p viously served the de- _ _ _ . .-.
pitrtment in a high capacity. altiLSarzelar-Y-1161-YAL 4-UICA=V
I was at the time of the
logue Was a vocal opponent S.,9 I/ i e t nuclear program
fight, and the col- Vaaling.--Calaga-tha-tiboe
s ene._ta_Ps_g=a....tar.....a
the ABM.
oster asked him why he
th %,e 0.2L en nr_avegi ..A.
IriTST-s5i_lay,,ke ca ab" " t
this stand. The col-
lie replied, quite USCI- jaiLaY1411aW"Before testifying, Laird
?Ically that the risk of
ear apons being used
and Packard had to chose
aserproportionately to between minimum, medum
e. iner/ase in numbers of and maximum estimates of
ear Therefore,
future development of Sov-
WeaPohs. S
the 'United States let nuclear missiles. The. key
V to take "another kind estimate concerned the rate
sk--unilaterally ceasing of deployment of the giant
This kind of weap-
SS-9 missile, with its triple
as a- 'signal to the So-
warhead. The SS -9 is clear-
" Who might then re- IY designed for the sole pur-
d ?to the "signal" by Pose of destroying the Mi-
in their own produc-
nuteman missiles that gcon-
stitute the primary Arrieri-
()stet. pointed out that no can deterrent.
spectable Soviet expert in
the interval unhaly,
It ?
IS country predicted any ASE..9.-clexau.y.mentne
" Ad of response to such a luzzi.naLjust a
lanai" except continued than the maximum rate en-
evict production of nuclear
ifie0onS And Foster added ;rd. and there lye alp
Th e' bleak auestion: b? two highly succes ful
" what if your 'risk' 2.dditional
V ,A -
"Now, Johnnie." the reply
the back, "t h e Soviets
t fun this country. There
Went enough of them. We'd
fuSi have a different kind of
hVernment, that's all."
!hat ended the conversa-
op. Yet of course the view
a risking "a different kind
e government" is better
tan the risks inherent in a
licsOrtable nuclear balance
intellectually respectable ,
ri-vtdlng all the risks are
orthrtghtly defined. Its
tthryhtness, in fact, was
made the above-quoted
ation interesting.
triple warhead. Deployment
thp SS-11 and SS-13 pis-
.51.1 arable to our Mi-
Duteman, has proceeciecf
tu. Launchings of
Yankee class submarines,
comparable to our Polaris
subs, have again exceeded
past estimates by a little.
Projecting from these new
facts, the Soviets should
have enough SS-9s to take
out our Minuteman deter-
rent by the end of 1973. They
should also have enough
Yankee-class missile sub-
marines to take out our 3-52
bases by that time.elAmailai;
th have a cer-
tain number, dge1=1".1
firm ev will
k th onversa-
ma es e c
ed ? . ?-, ' wth
; min of about 3 00t 10 I
- :rramintiral . ? bin!
- ? Fw-ts
That does not mean that
by 1974 the Soviets will be
ready to consider the first
strike their program seems
to be aimed for. But it cer-
tainly means that the Krem-
lin will begin to show quite
new orders of boldness in
all sorts of situations. The
first increase of Kremlin
boldness is indeed already
visible, in the middle Eas-
tern situation explored in
the last report in this space.
So this is also a matter
for the left wing intellect-
uals to weigh, unless they
have made the open choice
of the scientist above-quot-
cur _ ac sm-
ddsfirt?? destroy
s "nififines', in
conslitaT - eltEe' SFirets'
only lag. TheSe' fast aFe too
slow and too 'noisy to do
b effi ie tl .
ebinn o
hire, our -"Al3M de-
pyment will still be quite
,equate to protect any-
nificant niiinber, of our
nujeiman fhisgles. Unless
"Ming urgent is done
out it, in short, the nu
clear balance is going to tilt
very sharply against this
Approved For Release:2002d01/0211dCFAeRttp711300364R0003000100
" was 5 to 1 in our avor,
please remember at the
time of the Cuban missile
05 1969, Los Angeles Times
DATE I 0 dC0699
PAGE 2.4r
let Agent Blocks Swap, ities that both she and her hu
refers Trial 14 West - band came under KGB suspi-
By Antony Terry
London Sunday Times
BONN?The Soviet Union
has rebuffed by one of t
Yevgenii Runge, who
its qT ents in an attempt
e a large-scale spy
e with West Germany.
o barter a group of
erinan spies under ar-
oscow for one of its
operatives, Heinz
was torpedoed by
n a former?terlin
er turned spy, pro-
Soviet espionage or
it KGB with a steady
ow of more than 50 top-se-
ret NATO plans from the
files of West Germany's For-
eign Ministry, in addition to
about 1?,000 other high-grade
NATO security documents.
Moscow had sent its chief
spy-broker, Wolfgang Vogel, to
Bonn to negotiate the ex-
Olen% Vogel, 40, one of the
few t Berlin private law-
era owed to practice in
Communist East Germany,
also acted as intermediary in
e negotiations with Britain
exchange of Soviet
les Peter and Helen Kroger
F British lecturer Gerald
Feels Saferin West
Suetterlin, who was arrested
two years ago and is due to
appear in a Cologne court
Monday, turned out to be one
top Soviet spy who did not
want to be released if it meant
returning to Moscow.
- Recently Suetterlin refused
to be sent back to his one-time
Russian paymasters. He said
that ,be felt safer if he could
ittand trial in West Germany,
where one of his minor fellow
pies NIS just been sentenced
To three years' imprisonment
on similar charges.
The West Germans believe
that the KGB's o
change a number p
spies for Suettkrlin
a Soviet plan kP
on their own roaster
o America two years
Runge, on whom
cion of being double agents
vy orking also for the West Ger-
an Inte1flgeii?Service. They
ere temporarily "withdrawn
froin active service" while the
Russians made secret inquir-
ies as to how the Suetterlins
were able to transmit details
of highly classified documents
before they even rented the
desk of Bonn's Foreign Minis-
Runge, who was also under
Soviet suspicion of playing a
double game, defected to the
West and, according to U.S. se-
curity authorities, he "sang
like a prize canary." Among
sians have passed a death
sentence, gave away his exten-
sive spy network in 'est Cer-
many?including 8uefteilin
and his wife, Lore. The iatfer's
position as confidential secre-
tary in the Bonn Foreign Of-
fice gave her access to most
classified NATO material.
Runge Under Guard
The Russians reportpdly_be-
lieved that, with SuetterlinI
help, they could gaintrifoiina-
tion which would lead then' to
Runge, who is under heavy
guard in New York. U.S. secu-
rity authorites have refused to
let Runge go to Germany to
testify in court because they
believe the Russians Have
made plans for him to be 'kid-
Instead the Cologne court,
complete with legal staff, will
go to New York to take a
statement from the former So-
viet master spy. The court will
hear how 24 rolls of .mierefilTP
with photographs of secret
NATO and Foreign Office doc-
uments were found on Suet-
terlin when he was arrested in
Suetterlin's attractive, rav-
en-haired wife, who had stolen
the documents for him, corn- ,
mitted suicide in her prison '
cell. She is said to have been
shocked by the discovery that
Suetterlin met, seduced and
married her on KGB orders
because she held a key job in
the personnel records depart-
ment of the Bonn Foreign Of-
Too Efficient as Spies
Her name was one of three
Given to him by the KGB. All
three were secretaries with ac-
cess to secret documents and
Suetterlin was ordered: "Get
?inal2pcLand if possible,
y one of them."
kiso,46such s,plocl4?os.1, in such quanti-
other things revealed by the
former KGB colonel, who was
Suetterlin's spymaster, was ex-
treme laxity in West German
government departments' han-
dling Of top-secret and classi-
fied NATO plans.
Between them, Runge and
the Suetterlins provided the
Rssians with a complete pic-
Iture of all major NATO and
I Western defense plans during
' several years. These included
long-range plans of the West
German armed forces until,
1972, the location of secret
NATO m i ss i 1 e centers
throughout Western Europe
and NATO's evacuation blue-
print in case of war.
NEW ydegkraittfgr Release 2002/01/02 ?raiPirry/1070434000301)/A1M1-3
Over,se are ntelli enceMen1
specie to The New feii, Tune. litifiglegt had ordered home
WASHINGTON Dec. 13- /037 American military per-
states Gletninc4 simnel and the elimination of
notably the &Tense. 5,100 overseas civilian jobs
exit's agencie held by Americans, 10 per
s=tavZ" "
s -rif3n: - cent of whom are Foreign
mption fne
f their pestiiii61-, Service officers.
order by Prestlent . This is to be effective on
reduce by IT pe June 30, 1970 with a saving
t' '
of $50-million a year.
number of American ' ..The White House said that
crying abroal.
f these exet n-r - _`
tale order excluded troops in
Pentagon's elTt
Southeast Asia, South Korea
Till -r-
psycliblogiciewar ' ' and Berlin and those in Eu-
ations in East rope under the North Atlan-
a total of
tie Treaty Organization.
S are engaged
ilitaiar_ intel i
,,,... .?,.....
s, along with sma
other Gove
e granted brfhe The total military strength
Ad-the United States abroad.
e despitemrtare *TA.Aw-iibout 1,7 million.
al cam .................I.ri addition, the Defense De-
nt reconimenartment employs 324,682
dy of further cu t reign
igence oper citizens abroad. The
ln (MS ,, 40 aichardson group is to make
abroad be undertaken .recommendations by Dec. 31
leaders independent of trini4 on
telligence- uri v un reducing foreign employ-
it- 5F der i ?ees. Total emp12ment of for-
the aegii o national' pol-
fev level." 8 eigners abroad by all the
ithel;,afer-".ageilteee: t?Government agencies is 351,-
e St'ate 411-5'ePrt6"enr694Sirict1y speaking, the Defense
,cu-5l7 of
,y aaderell its- SiVar- Department is making a 10 per.
e 5,1667po7 cent cut in both its military
road. -civilian personnel abroad.
' - f ' ' iir" STalF- -But the distribution of the cuts,
ecre ary , , _
ardson served as left to the department's discre-
of the NatiOnaT tion, maintained abroad intelli-
& gence and psychological-WarounciPs perrnantir fart personnel in numbers that
of under seder the Richardson report consid-
ech was char ?r ..ired as highly excessive.
ni out the Fre ' On the other hand, the Cen-
ration Reductioh.' :val Intelligence Agency was
reported to have reduced its
Araerican personnel abroad by
between 10 and 12 per cent. It
rilieffeved that the agency em-
ploys 30,000 foreigners abroad,
directly or indirectly.
?The Richardson report said
that 28,000 "Americans, maint
D fense De artrnent personne
op...Subject to the cut in the
field, therefore, were
ence 144,889 Defense Depart-
personnel, of whom 39,-
low.4 an were civilians.
in a repoK
under the Defense
exemptions 'ST
_?psychological - war-
would aseunTe r"it-
ionate rale in Corn-
-Ufe reduction in file intelli-
gence staffs in East Asia were
only 6.4 per cent instead of 10
per cent.
Mr. Richardson's report com-
mented that although the in-
telligence community as a
whole had complied with the
10 per cent cut, he believed
there were "intelligence activi-,
ties which can probably stand
further reductions without a
real detriment."
The report discussed the
feasibility of alternative sys-
tems of collecting intelligence
following the closure or con-
solidation of some activities,
including the establishement of
mobile operations in the United
States and "closely allied coun-
A joint C.I.A.-State Depart-
ment subcommittee was
charged with the "reconsidera-
tion of the role of intelligende
collection organizations over-
seas" operating under Wash-
ington's direct guidance or un-
der foreign control points.
It was in this context that
Mr. Richardson proposed the
independent study of intelli-
gence operations under "the
aegis of the national policy
level"-meaning the National'
Security Council.
U. S. I. A. Is Involved
The Richardson report fur-
ther found fault with the
Pentagon's insistence on main-
taining the level of its psy-
chological warfare operations
in Asia. These are coordinated
with the C.I.A. and receive
"general policy guidance" from
the United States Information
Agency. The information agen-
cy's legal mandate, inciden-
tally, does not provide for
involvement in psychological
warfare in war theaters.
These operations are chiefly
aimed at Communist China,
North Vietnam and North
Korea and include radio broad-
casts, leaflet drops and the
dissemination of written pam-
phlets "through other means."
The Richardson report said,
"In Southeast Asia and Korea,
civilian agencies are reducing
. the level of operations, but the
*Richardson report ife-gitgageX in intelligence ac- Department of Defense does
as not been /nag' Wities in East Asia. not plan to reduce the level of
'Evvas obtained frorn - Under its interpretation of a psychological warfare opera-
ministr qu
ation arters. July 21 directive to Mr. Richard-tions.
son from Henry A. Kissinger,
ince the policy trend is in
Tit Nixon ordered the President's Special Assist- the direction of reducing the
nRductiofl,",!Mtfl ant for National Security, the level of psychological warfare
' on as OpizErf, Pentagon was able to exempt operations in the area, it does
12,000 of the 28,000 intelli- not appear fully consistent with
ichardSon s , repo ence personnel in East Asia Department
, - g that trend for the
trom the cuts. This meant that, of Defense to exclude its units
to ie htt?fonie -
1,600 in-stead of 2,8001 from any reduction on the
rove 6b6 ntelictne NitiVA-1040444b151rleft6411ktf6
ov 26, the E
emptions, the militaiz Jsycho-
House announced that the
"As a consequence of ex-
logical warfare units will as-
. ?,.....
iittrite-A-disproportionate rule in
compariscn to civilians," it
Mr. Richardson then cited a
number of examples of military
and intelligence operations
abroad that may be eliminated
or reduced.
He urged the elimination of
the Voice of the United Na-
tions Command, a radio station
in South Korea run by the
United States military.
Its liquidation has been rec-
ommended by the American
Embassy in Seoul.
Mr. Ricnardson noted that
1,950 American employes, main-
ly military, operate a highly
secret intelligence operation in
Ethiopia and that the Pentagon
has exempted the entire staff,
although "it is in our interest
to reduce our profile as much
as we can."
He said that there had been
only 4 per cent reduction in
two military intelligence sta-
tions in Morocco, where 1,700
Americans, chiefly military, are
The Richardson committee
also asked the Defense Depart-
ment to re-examine the need
for a separate unified command
In the Panama Canal Zone
which has 12,000 Americans.
The report remarked that in
1967, the Panamanian Govern-
ment only "with the greatest
reluctance" agreed to let the
United States continue using
the Canal Zone for military
training and "liaison" with
Latin America.
In addition to Panama Canal
defenses, the command is re-
sptmsible for planning and con-
trolling "military contingency
operations" in Central America
and South America.
The special report due on
Dec. 31 is to suggest alterna-
tives, such as moving the
oommand to the continental
United States, presumably Flor-
ida, or to Puerto Rico.