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Document Creation Date: 
December 9, 2016
Document Release Date: 
September 1, 2000
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Publication Date: 
May 13, 1970
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PDF icon CIA-RDP72-00337R000200200001-4.pdf63.12 KB
1__ u C-Jf Approved For Release 2000/09/11 : CIA-RDP72:,RO337R000200200001-4 7O O 5 DD/S 70-1961 13 MAY 1970 .SUBJECT: GAO Survey of Refugee Programs in Vietnam and Laos 1. On 13 May 1970 I telephoned Mr. Hunter to advise him of the Agency's position. concerning the General Accounting Office survey of refugee programs in Laos. I told him that the Agency's position, which is being communicated to the field, is that elements of Agency interest which are raised by the survey must be referred to Headquarters for handling. I also explained that, on the Air America side, he would appreciate that a carrier works under a contract and that substantive aspects concerning what is carried must be handled by the contracting U. S. Government organization. I further stated that any classified worry points which arose in this connection must similarly be sent back to Washington for handling. I told him that this was not intended to mean that we would provide no information but rather that we felt it important to control the dissemination of whatever information is fur- nished. Mr. Hunter noted that the men involved in the survey were security cleared and he assumed, therefore, that it was Agency association rather than access to classified information which consti- tuted the problem. -- I agreed. 2. Mr. Hunter asked if our people in. the field would inform the team members when a matter was being referred to Washington. I told him that I assume they would volunteer this information, but would attempt to have this idea incorporated. in instructions to the field.. Mr. Hunter also asked for an Agency point of contact for Washington inquiries. I told him that I could be used, initially and that I would attempt to get an additional :came or names for him. 3. Mr. Hunter closed the telephone conversation by stating that they would carry on normally and deal with snags as they occurred. (signed) John W. Coffey John W. Coffey Assistant Deputy Director for Support Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP72-00337R000200