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Approved For Release 19J9~/0f/07 CIA-RDP72-0045OR0001000601 : wu '/ MISCELLANEOUS INSTRUCTIONS REGARDING PICK UP OF MATERIAL BY BUILDING SERVICES BRANCH/LSD/OL During Operations Cleanup '68 temporary special procedures will be used to collect excess equipment, furniture, and supplies. (The review and disposal of records will not be included at this time). The pick ups will be conducted by area, not by offices, according to the attached time scheTule ann -the following procedures,: 1. Operation Cleanup labels are to be filled in with room number and telephone number in spaces provided. (Labels are available through your Administrative, Log, or Support Officers). 2. Fiberboard boxes will be available in the Building Supply rooms in your area and are to be used for small items-- paper, pencils, staplers, etc. Do not include broken packages of paper, forms, stencil mats, etc. tedistribute opened, but' useable administrative supplies within your components. 3. Personnel are requested to refrain from returning supplies on an individual basis during this campaign. This will help prevent an overload on storekeepers attempting to restock material turned in on scheduled dates. 4. Dispose of trash items through normal channels-- do not mix with Administrative Supplies. 5. Large items, such as furniture, should be late ed, listed on a Form 1490, and the 1490 should be received in the Building Services Branch, Room GJ-10, Headquarters Building a few days in advance of scheduled pick up date for your area. 6. Filled, taped, and labeled Fiberboard boxes should be placed in hallways before 1730 hours on the day indicated on the attached schedule. Material will be picked up from hallways and labeled furniture from offices after 1730 on the days scheduled or as soon as possible the day after. Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP72-0045OR000100060011-4 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP72-064501tO00100060011-4 7. Care should be taken that 'specialized and/or technical items charged to Accountable Officers or Responsible Officers' Special Accounts are turned in on Property Turn-In Form 1707 in the normal manner and not included with excess Administrative type supplies and equipment 8. If furniture or equipment to be turned in is located in a secure or vaulted area, a notation should be made to this effect on the Form 1490 and special arrangements will be made to pick this material up during rggular working hours. 9. Upon completion of this campaign, the Building Services Branch will furnish the Director of Logistics with a detailed report of the results; therefore, participants are requested to list on their Form 1490 the most information available, i.e.; correct stock numbers, nomenclatures, quantities, locations, and etc. It is not necessary to list expendable supplies that are packed in cartons. Include the number of cartons of expendable supplies only. 10. Additional supplies of labels or other information regarding pick up of Cleanup material may be obtained by calling the Building Services Branch, extension 25X1A9a 7975. Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP72-0045OR000100060011-4 25X1A6a k Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP72-0045OR000100060011-4 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP72-0045OR000100060011-4 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP72-0045OR000100060011-4 OPERATION CLEANUP SCHEDULE 1968 AREA Hqs. Bldg. 7th Floor D & E Corridor 12 Friday B, Co F, $ G Corridor 15 Monday 6th Floor B, C, F; D Corridor 16 Tuesday E, F, F, G Corridor 17 Wednesday 5th Floor B, C, & D Corridor 18 Thursday E, F, $ G Corridor 19 Friday 4th Floor B, C, $ D Corridor 22 Monday E, F, $ G Corridor 23 Tuesday 3rd Floor B, C, F, D Corridor 24 Wednesday E, F, & G Corridor 25 Thursday 2nd Floor B, C, $ D Corridor 26 Friday E, F, $ G Corridor 29 Monday 1st Floor A, B, L D Corridor 30 Tuesday 1st Floor C, J, F, $ G Corridor 1 Wednesday E & H Corridor 2 Thursday Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP72-0045OR000100060011-4 Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP72-00450R000100060011-4 -s- OPERATION CLEANUP SCHEDULE 1968 CONT.) Ground Floor A, B, $ D Corridor C, J, f K Corridor E $ F Corridor G & H Corridor 25X1A6a 9 PSD Bldg. Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Approved For Release 1999/09/07 : CIA-RDP72-00450R000100060011-4