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Publication Date: 
June 19, 1968
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Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP72-00450R000100100023-5 SECRET CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Agency printing requirements in FY 67 amounted to just over 300 million impressions and 5.2 million photo- graphic items at a cost of some 0 Fifty-six percent of the impressions and 90 percent of the photo- graphic items were produced by the Printing Services Division, Office of Logistics. The remainder is produced by several smaller facilities within the Agency as well as by the Government Printing Office and private firms. Agency printing facilities in general appear adequate to meet present printing requirements at a cost which is reasonable and compares favorably with printing costs outside the Agency. The Study Group notes, however, that printing requirements on PSD are again rising after the significant reduction from an FY 63 peak of 203 million impressions to 152 million impressions in FY 65. Requirements increased nearly 9 percent in FY 66 and another 5 percent in FY 67. By FY 69, the number of 1 pressions may well exceed the FY 63 peak` The dramatic decrease in requirements in the two fiscal years following FY 63, was almost certainly the result of 25X1 25X1 Committee Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP72-00450R000100100023-5 discovered that by 1963, Agency printing requirements had W kkoi proliferated to the point wkrn excessive overtime was required in PSD,throughput /times were long and publication delays frequent. It also discovered a lavish use of expensive graphics in Agency publications. The Report recommended that a stringent review of printing and graphics requirements be made especially by the DD/I where nearly 70 percent of such requirements originate. The resulting toughening of standards for printing and graphics y.rv- smtw,,,e.- a,.- C.. Deputy Directors be instructed to establish 0at the nffi level .$ livision in-)DP-1 a Publications Control Off-tcer. tighter control .? Therefore, we recommen that the not affect the general throughput time of PSD, we consider, printing requirements?Jsheuld---bebrought - under which is printed in a controlled environment and does the major increase is caused by the service is now being received. We consider the upturn in printing requirements over -.a. the pastvo,fiscal years a matter for concern. A recurrence of the FY 63 situation is certainly not desirable. Even though printing capabilities have rru-t.ith.Ad A-? r~--o ,.- M~..t, increased since the Report and even though Approved For Release 2007/10/23 : CIA-RDP72-0045OR000100100023-5 -Af "~?d'tit ~ arc' C'/' 4 '4 4s 2ku . ? 1r". each publication wkieh~mcat--beOT to service INME subsequent requests for copies. NIS production is the most expensive volume printing job in the Agency. At roughly $.11 per page it is 55 1 -1 and w:ha-t, graphics "'are n-eede!4for polling recipients on an annual or other suitable basis to determine the need for each publication, and for averMng-.-with -the4Yff?ce Beards azragenrerrt ?,bwfficer -aicd? the CIA Records- Manag ~f }o determinQ the minimum number of copies of NIS publications contain highjquality being phased into the EPIC system of automatic composing. While this conversion will eventually reduce the cost of an NIS page to approximately $.098 t\wlil be3he standards of other Agency publications,' still be expensive. While the Study Group does not recommend the deliberate cheapening of NIS printing standards, it does urge that the DD/I consider instituting a review of the NIS Program to ascertain current needs for the various NIS sections and the present validity of the updating cycle. STATSPEC Approved For Release 2007/10/23 : CIA-RDP72-0045OR000100100023-5 that the daily age "imitation be increased by 60 pages until such time as a autom \ted system is adopted. NPIC's present composing system is comprised of a computer-driven chain printer for publications with short deadlines and a rather antiquated ATF composer for more formal publications. NPIC has completed a cost study which reveals that by switching to a Photon 713 automatic composer, there would be a cost saving over the next ten years of more than $135 thousand. In addition, because NPIC reports composed on a Photon 713 would consist of far fewer pages, savings in the Government in top secret storage costs might well exceed $100 thousand. In any event, the implementation of the National Tasking Plan over the next few years will increase NPIC's printing load considerably and will necessitate some new faster method of composing. We recommend that NPIC working closely with PSD test the feasibility of using a Photon 713 in its publication cycle, preferably a Photon 713 on loan from PSD and that the decision as to whether NPIC should have an independent automatic composing capability be deferred until the results of such a test have been evaluated. While the origination of Agency forms requires the approval of the Central Forms Management Staff there is a proliferation of unofficial forms over which little or no control is exercised. We recommend that since the Records Management Officer in each component of the Agency has a responsibility for the forms produced in his component he be required to exercise greater control over their creation and reproduction and that allnforms 7 printiug-z ques-ts including reprints require the approval of the Component Records Management Officer or theeCentral Forms Management Staff Another area of rapidly increasing reproduction requirements (some 8 percent per year) exists in the Cable Secretariat. The limits of the present system's han~t, capability 4ae virtually been reached. The Cable Secretariat is studying the possibility of automating the printing and distribution of cables. We urge that the Cable Secretariat make the development of a modern high-capacity system the highest priority and that it examine the present cable distribution lists for possible reductions in the number of cables being printed and distributed. The Inspector General's Survey of the Printing Services Division released in September 1966, recommended Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP72-0045OR000100100023-5 that the CRS photographic processing facility be eliminated when PSD moved to its new building. We recommend that PSD and CRS, examine what, if any, of CRS's activities and facilities should be absorbed by PSD. Automation is causing a revolution in printing as well as methods of distribution of information by non- printing means. Many of the new techniques undoubtedly have application within the Agency. We urge that PSDc;?,,, --t keep abreast of the rapidly changing developments in, automatic composing and printing,with-an_..e. ta)ta4 cr+'as'ng e?-fliciency andreducing fii"ioughput"tinf"f Agency publ'icaaions. We also urge that Agency units producing reports and documents for extensive distribution examine the possibility of using1non-printing means (such as M?cn ' e for-d-istribution and stor e, *their reports. uzvrrcmr~