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May 4, 1999
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Publication Date:
July 7, 1969
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?1. Approved For ReLuse 1999/09/S1FCR4DP73-00Q68A000200060001-1
DD/S 69-2857
7 JUL 1969
MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Director-Comptroller
SUBJECT : Quarterly Report of CIA Records Management Board
1. There is attached the quarterly report of the CIA Records Management
Board dated 30 April 1969. I regret the delay in forwarding this report
but there has been considerable- discussion on its contents.
2. As regards the four proposals set forth in paragraph 8, it was
nay thought that we would proceed along the following lines:
Frop2s5210ne: purchase rvioyabletjthelyhafor Records Cepter.
It in proposed that AA A&J tudy be conducted on the movable
shelving. proposal to consider all the related factors that should go
Into such an andertaidng. The A&E will cost be.tween $7,000 and
$10,000. If this proposal is feasible and the cost is within reason
It would achieve a caving of 40,000 cubic feet in the Records 25X1A
Center. This would give us a six year headroom at the current rate
of record growth. I would not propose to move the supplemental
distribution at but will endeavor to retain 25X1A
than in the Washington ores for ready access and in less costly space
than the Records Center. Additionally, through other IYM'OLU:Cf)
hope that we can achieve a limitation on the annwil growth in records
at by certain other actions consistiim of (a) bettor control 25X1A
by the components or the point of origin of records and (b) if fen!ble,
a ralcrofilniimicroforni program.
The DD/S has included within its contract personnel cellin;
seven slots for the purpose of meeting this requirement.
ExcludA Inn1
z-f4 ?
4 41nr,li,??3311:-.,alin
Approved For Release 1999/09/17 : CIA-RDP73-00099A000200060001-1
# Approved For Rase 1999/09/17: CIA-RDP73-04*99A000200060001-1
- 2 -
sal Th.......z____-imanete_LaIRN_Lt of Program.
This proposal is stated in terms implying that there is limited
attention by the components in support of the records program.
This is really not the case as each of the components has taken an
active interest in improving their records program. There is much
to be done, particularly responding to guidance front the professional
records management officers. I propose to Luke up with each component
certain aspects of their program which I think they are not pursuing
vigorously enough, however, it would be improper to imply in any
form, that they are failing to support the program.
Proymal Four: Developte,,d Mierofilnatilicroforra 1_12grant,
This is one a the more important proposals. The -deficiencies
of microfilming permanent records have new been corrected. There
has recently been developed vastly improved systems for microfilming
or microforming records which pertnit storage and retrieval in a
systematized form. We have held up microfilm/microform proposala
heretofore because of the deficieecies in the microfilm/mieroform
itself and the absence of developed systems. It is my intent to eatablish
a technical tasc force to etudy and propose the application of a microfilm/
mieroforra system for all Agency use. The system would pereeit
individual filing systems of the various components of the Agency but
bring them irito a broader system whichwoutd enstu:e certain common,
denomthator elements end comparability between the systems. The
syetem would bc..? designed with a projection into the future covering
A minimum of 10 to 15 year to minitniz-e the future critical
storage problems that will develop under our present system. At
the moment tam ignoring the estimate of additionel personnel ns
this was predicated on setting up a epecial group to accomplish a
rnic-rofilminticroform prop:Lona. I woad propose to reorganize it
Go that the microfilming will take place within the components at the
point of origin of the documents and thia would be a function the components
would have to.abserh. There -411 be other costs, of course, for
eqeipment aed thcl processing of the filth but hopefully these can be
projected and be within reasou. At the moment we have no idea as
to costs but it is obviolte we need to create a record storage sy_stera
and. microfilm/rnicroform can achieve a utorap saving at the rate
of 100 to I. It is quite possible that we have to establish the system
at a specified date end handle all rceords thereafter within the SyStein
end perhaps letting the present storage at tend to reduce Itself
with the echeduled destruction of records.
Approved For Release 1999/09/17 : CIA-RDP-73-00099A000200060001-1
Approved For Retuse1.999/09/SEGIETDID73-004a0A000200060001-1
Of importance is a 1)13/S study group, now in being, which is
considering the very nature of Agency records breaking them down
into archives, vital records, historical records and inactive records.
We expect to propose a new system of administration of such records
as the first three constitute types of records that should be controlled
and managed by archivists, historians and emergency management
officers and not by records management officers. Hopefully, we
should have a report from this group within the next six vteeks.
Additionally, I an going to reconsider the warehouse at
as a records storage vehicle even though the first report indicated
that it was not really suitable for this purpose.
Ate Memo (Itcl SO Apr 69
CAW% same sub,'
DID/S:R.L13:ksd (7 July 69)
Crrig & 1 - Adse w/att (DD/S 69-2201)
I - DD/S Subject w/att
1 - DD/S Chrono
Viail 11.
L L. Oaxmerman
Deputy Director
for Support
Approved For Release 1999/09/17 : CIA-RDP73-00099A000200060001-1
25X1 A
Approved For Release 1999/09/17 : CIA-RDP73-00099A000200060001-1
Approved For Release 1999/09/17 : CIA-RDP73-00099A000200060001-1