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Document Release Date:
April 9, 1999
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Publication Date:
June 11, 1970
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Approved For Release PRUP73-00099A000200100005-2
11 June 1970
MEM)RANDUM FOR: Executive Director-Comptroller
THROUGH : Deputy Director for Support
SUBJECT : Records Management Board Report - 1 January - 31 May 1970
1. This report is for information only. You will note that it
covers a period of five months rather than the normal quarterly report-
ing period established two years ago. We have done this in order to
include progress on major items pending at the time the quarterly report
was due. Also this enables us to provide summary statistics on progress
made during the two years of effort devoted to purging Records Center
2. As a continuing effort in our purge of material at the Records
Center, during this reporting period Agency components disposed of
8,800 cubic feet and deposited 5,400 cubic feet resulting in a net gain
of 3,400 cubic feet in Records Center space. This rather significant
gain is primarily attributed to reduction in the DDI supplemental
distribution holdings.
3. Since the campaign to purge material from the Records Center
began nearly two years ago a total of some 39,700 cubic feet has been
disposed of but new accessions have permitted an overall net space gain
of 8,000 cubic feet of storage capacity. These figures confirm our
earlier contention that in spite of concentrated efforts by all components
to reduce their holdings in the Records Center our requirements to augment
storage capacity will continue. The purge was successful to the extent
that for the first time in the history of the Agency we were able to
effect a significant net reduction of records holdings over a two-year
period. It appears that we have gained our maximum savings from the
purge of the Records Center holdings. our emphasis will now be focused
on the miniaturization and improvement of records systems in the offices
to reduce the volume being created and on careful screening of material
scheduled for deposit to the Records Center.
4. The office of Logistics has started action on the project to
install motorized shelving on the second floor of the Records Center
and the conversion of the for a tempo-
rary records storage faci ty. en completed these projects will resul 5X10
in an additional 38,000 cubic feet of storage capacity.
will administer these projects and serve as
the Agency's agent for all aspects of the installation. Target dates for 25X1A
completion are November 1970 for the and April 1971 for
the motorized shelving in the Records Center.
Approved For Release 2000/04/14: CIA-RDP73-00099A00020010 0 t
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Approved For Release 2000/04/14: (A EP 3-00099A000200100005-2
5. We can report some developments on the microform front. In
February we received a final draft of the National Archives and Records
Services (NARS) regulation on Federal Microfilming Policies and Pro-
cedures. Federal policy emphasizes that the microfilming of material
now in Records Centers to reduce storage space is prohibitively expensive
and not generally recommended, The payoff on microform comes from
miniaturization of records in current use by designing microform systems
adapted to provide efficient, accessible, and accurate means of manipu-
lating information to meet the operating requirements of the organization.
Standards established in the MARS regulation will permit us to proceed
with a program to convert to microform active office records destined
for permanent archival retention, and to destroy the hard copy.
6. In January the office of Logistics completed an inventory of
microform equipment and usage in the Agency. This data has been reviewed
by the Records Board and our initial conclusions are that there is valid
justification for differences in the nine major microform systems identi-
fied in this survey. Within these nine major microform systems there are
aiproximately 55 microform applications in current use and we are pleased
to report that there is adequate compatibility among the 55 microform
applications within their respective systems. Recurring breakthroughs in
microform technology regularly open up new fields for its application in
day-to-day business, The problem now facing us is how to obtain manpower
and resources to develop systematic programs to manage installation of
new microform systems in order to expand the use of microform as a means
of processing and manipulating information in a more efficient way. The
secondary benefit of microform will be savings in records storage space
in headquarters offices and ultimately in our Records Center,
7, Since the major thrust of activity on the records purge has
been completed, we would like to discontinue quarterly reporting and
report to you in the future when we feel we have something of interest
or which warrants your attention.
Records Management Board
DDS/SSS/RAB1 baf-fs) (11 Jun 70)
Approved For Release 2000/04/14: C1 \,fRDR73-00099A000200100005-2