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July 20, 1971
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Approved For Release 2001/03/22. DP73-00099A0002001200u02-3 20 July 1971 MEMQRANDUM FOR: Executive Director-Comptroller THROUGH : Deputy Director for Support SUBJECT : Semi-Annual Report of the Records Management Board 25X1A 1. This report is for your information only. 2. During these past six months the Directorates have continued to purge their holdings at the Records Center and have succeeded in reducing the volume there another 2,700 cubic feet. This was primari- ly due to the changes made with the DDI supply of publications and maps for Supplemental Distribution. The overall result of this three- year purge campaign since July 19?8 has been a net reduction of 13,850 cubic feet of the total volume in the Agency Archives and Records Center. (TAB A) 3. In an effort to continue this trend and preserve the existing storage capacity, the Board members have developed a plan to limit the annual net volume retired to the Records Center by their Directorates. That plan was promulgated to the Deputies in your memorandum of 6 July 1971. The plan has a built in gradual reduction feature which it is hoped will control the annual growth and permit us to live within the storage facilities recently provided. 4. As indicated in the Board's last report to you, we have focused attention on establishing "Offices of Record" as well as developing Permanent Retention Plans. Revised Records Control Schedules and Permanent Retention Plans are being drafted in each Directorate. The DDS&T Permanent Retention Plan has been developed and is being coordinated prior to approval. 5. For the preservation of the Agency permanent records of legal, historical, and research vales has reserved a section for Archives within its A procedure to control the receipt and use of this Archives material has been established and accepted by the Board members. But, this interim processing only protects against inadvertent destruction of certain obvious and irreplaceable Archival records. A formal program and staff are needed to screen that interim collection and to identify, appraise, accession, and preserve other files in accordance with Federal standards prescribed by the Archivist of the U.S. A proposed Regu- lation formally establishing an Agency Archives function has been drafted and is ready to be coordinated with the Directorates. CWT t Approved For Release 2001/03/22Sf P73-00099AO002001 0 ` anfQmane anrlmgand declaulficaVen SECRET Approved For Release 2001/03/22 : CIA-RDP73-00099AO00200120002-3 6. Also the Board members have accelerated microfilm programs In their respective Directorates. The Support Services Staff has 25X1 A hired microfilm Consultant and he has conducted at Headquarters two 3-day training seminars on microfilm systems and equipment which 70 Agency employees attended. Hine new microfilm applications have been established ice the last six months and resulted in the filming of 145 cubic feet of records to date. Upon verifica- tion of the film the paper records will be destroyed. Some tan other microfilm applications established since July 1968 have permitted the destruction of 1,300 cubic feet of records. 7. Similarly, the projects to convert magnetic tape records to microfilm have continued apace. At present there are 23 Computer Outputs to Microfilm (CON) applications in the Agency. 8. The Board members intend for the coming months to have the component Records Officers further shorten their record retention periods and reduce the volume on hand.. Board efforts will be made to complete this year identification of "Offices of Record", Permanent Retention Plans, and to initiate a CIA Archives Program Board members will continue to stimulate component interest in the conversion of files to microfilm systems. It is too soon to evaluate the overall effect of the microfilm campaign on the total records volume Agencywide. This will be watched, reported on, and plans adjusted accordingly. Attachment Analysis of Purge DDS/SSS/RAB fns (20 July 1971) Distribution: Orig & 1 - Addressee I - DDS Subject 1 - DDS/SSS Subject 1 - DDS/SSS/RAB Subject 1 - DDS/SSS/RAB Chrono 25X1A 2 Approved For Release 2001/03/22;; f4A-RDP73-00099A000200120002-3 ~i a