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pproved For Release 2007/01/03: CIA-RDP73-00402R000100060014-0 SECRET. phoned to a*ks`.at `e $860 ,000 for shelving at the Records Centerincluded. or some re aaceeh into then otiati?ns of NPIC and RID contracts plus t$ eat x h*ld to date on plan I informed him: a. No oral has yet bid Or mally 01' ontract . This has been at the sptcific roquig% or the ajs had Logistics procurement'Cb tf problems on the RID eo treft when bids were permitted without engi ng performance speei- fica'tions and thy; vendors! 'later ciaims$ to have different u ide rst6hdings of the require- ments. Cone the $860,0 is a "ball pant" estimat Logistics will. ask f or detRd bids after survey is in- and the D approves that ue~ stepx The 0 engine. a completed their r~ ray interim report and .neor received hfnrmation tstate ad taken (~ and Von. rucroxwu +a++ aurveyiug engine rs to view motorized those shelving installatiorl produced by: 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 c. Past contrasts. a.nd eurrei}discusaiOns for motorized shelving indicate:lIplens are to includes Shelving and insta stion 112" h t& x 15" deep x 140" Wide units Lighting above 'ami'able ah ws 7 Flooring level, Vith rails ' Reinforced main w U d. The NPTC and Ri ?ivc atract''bid Cost Installed Cu. Ft. ` Capacit; Cost per tilt inch Cost Installed' Cu Ft. Capacity Cost per file itift "Sall Park Estimate" Cost Installed Cu..Ft. Capacity Coat per file inch f. Reasons for Difference .50 The N C installation included deluir finish on exposed ends of aisles. This "Marrlite #755" finish is beautiful and iimp *ovel the work area tremendously< ?s,No lighting inciMed. SECRET Approved For Release 2007/01/03: CIA-RDP73-0040 Approved For Release 2007/01/03: CIA-RDP73-00402R000100090014-0 SECRET The NPIC shelving is` 84" high 12" deep and 36" wide. (plan is for larger., units with lights. Additional Costst +e~ngineers anticipate a need to relocate water nes, ire hoses, amine, and phones in the Records Center if movable eihllving in installed. The Records Center Chi$ anticipates a for 6 laborers end one clerk (QS.3) to move and keep track' of 100,000 boxes of records during the, six to twelve months the removal,, installation, and re-shelving will be underway. Provision for iO6h temporary contract ,employees is. inclu d in thee D1)S ceiling for contract employees . The vendors prottiije delivery of tht-140,000 feet of shelving in 3 to 6 months with installation requiring about 6 more montane Chief V Records Administration Branch, S88 SECRET