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Document Release Date: 
May 18, 2006
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Publication Date: 
October 10, 1966
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PDF icon CIA-RDP73-00402R000100300004-7.pdf53.98 KB
Approved For Release 2008/03/05: CIA-RDP73-00402R000100300004-7 jj/a oo-5324 10 OCT - 1966- MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief of Support Services Staff SUBJECT : Federal Records Center, Suitland Maryland 1. Some time ago I requeste o document our plans for the use of the Federal Records Center in Suit and, Maryland, as a storage facility for NIS and certain other records. I also requested justification for three additional positions which Lou felt would be required to man the new facility. This was done in the two memoranda dated 25 May 1966 which are attached. 2. We requested the three additional positions in the FY 1968 budget, but these positions were eliminated in a subsequent Agenc review. I believe the PPB representatives felt that a shift in personnel now[ to Suitland STAT to handle the same records would, at least in part, meet this requirement. They also felt that we might detail personnel to Suitland until exact require- ments could be ascertained and justified. 3. In view of this, I believe we should present a new paper to DD/S describing the current situation and suggesting alternative methods of handling the NIS records. One alternative might be to delay use of the Suitland facility and make another effort to obtain the required positions, this time in the FY 1969 budget. In this regard, we should update estimates of available STAT space or the next several years. This alternative might also raise a question as to whether the space now reserved for us at Suitland would be available to us at a later date. 4. The current Government-wide records management program may have a bearing on this. Executive Officer to the Deputy Director for Support Att 1: Memo dtd 25 May 66 to EO-DD/S fr C/RAS, subj: Storage of CIA Records in the Federal Records Center, Suitland, Md. Att 2: Memo dtd 25 May 66 to DD/S fir C/RAS, subj: Request for Increase in Ceiling of CIA Archives and Records Center T/O tn7TT7Tfi"iT TT?r7 - TT'^y;,:' ll 4? Approved For Release 2008/03/05: CIA-RDP73-00402R000100300004-7