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;TAT, ? - Declassified in Part Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/06: CIA-RDP73-00475R000100510003-8 WASHINGTON CLOSE-UP a urashoe Vicric%:.'1. ? ' :By. WILLIAM 1-11NES ? A subject not officially on . fund-granting agency's black-, ?the program gripped . the ? list; ?. ? ? , attention of many scientists' The ? question of scientific,. :? 'attending the annual meeting funding is a vexing one in this .. ' of the. American 'Association- :connection, since the 'vast. for ?'the ? Advancement of.' 'preponderance of scientific Y? Science- here last week. It research and Study money,, Vrelated. to the propriety of these days comes from the :- t? undercover intelligence activi- federal treasury. Not all this. ? ties in foreign countries in the money ? is -channeled through guise of legitimate scientific agencies which scientists.. ?? research. ? would normally regard as,.? ? A deplorable amount of CIA- scientifically responsible. . tyne gumshoe work apparent- "Research grants from the., ly goes. on *abroad, camou- National Institute of :Mental flaged?with varying degrees Health, the National Science , r. of authenticity? as anthro-. Foundation and the Smithson-1' pological investigation, botani- Institution (are) less sus- cal ? or zoological: field 're- ? pect abroad than ... research. ;? search, geological exploration,'" grants from the U.S. Informa-. . and whatnot. The situation has tion (Agency), the CIA and the become so notorious overseas Defense and State Depart- . ; that traveling ?.:Itmerican ments, and . . . most anthrov., scientists, dre worried about pologists would prefer governr? their future' effectiveness and ment support from the three. ' their rapport with". foreign. first-named a gencie ? F???? colleagues. ? ? Science said. 'It was probably "'more than The statement-was based on mere coincidence that the' findings :of a panel of scien.. ? AAAS' official magazine, ' tists headed by Ralph L. Beals. "Science,". featured in the .,? of the University of California ? '?,? issue current at the meeting a (Los Angeles), a former? , lengthy article on the science-', 'president of the American., ,'vs.-espionage controversy. ? . Anthropplogical Association. - The, article focused ? Beals'study was instituted,. problems ?faced-bi.arithropolO:c, '''after -the -?"Camelot" fiasco, a'1' gists, using as its news peg.a;,' purportedly scientific research ? ;??? repOrt of!. a .meeting, of. they,?project ,Chile which was Americ an Anthropological ? unmasked as . a psychological ? Association a few weeks warfare exercise, to the horror J, earlier at Pittsburgh. of the Chilean government. -/ ? The difficulty arising when ? government snoops invade the Pcientifid: field breaks down l'into:three broa4 areas:' ? 1., Spies ,posing as.sCientists ? r usuilly perfore?so ineptly in ? . . As 'it 'does abroad with false- front "private businesses" (which fool nobody in the, ..,; . countries concerned), the CIA apparently maintains dummy. ? "educational foundations" at ?:i , home,. equipped to disburse ,4 .? money to young scientists? .4 and to do little else. ? ? A Loren EiseIey or a Marga,-; ret Mead, loaded with prestige . and ?too busy for cloak-and- dagger foolishness, can thumb - his or ber?nose at these ques- tionable. sources of funds. But ; as long as the academic rule of "publish or perish" hangs .? t ? ? over young' men and women, '1,? the scientific bucket-shops of the "intelligence community" ? ....are likely to flourish. ? Typical of k) much of the ham-handed spy work of U.S. ; gumshoes, this sort of hanky- ,1 panky backfires on the nation ??', ' whose tax money supports it.' ." A former executive secretary :1 of the Anthropological Assoc.': ?ation complained? to a Senate ? committee last 'summer about ' discourtesy and worse on the ? part of some anthropologists; operating abroad. Quite frequently, Science ' magazine noted, U.S. scholars Tail to co-operate with fellow, scientists in "host" countries, ,), ? even to the extent of neglect- ? ' ing to send back reports of '? their work. There may be *. more than just bad manners ? involved here,?however; there , , is always the possibility that. ? some spy-master may have . slapped a "Top Secret" stamp on the grantee's research,', , thus preventing his fulfilling a .. ? .basic nicety of science. I ' Another was later revealed in the Republic of Colombia. , ? It seems? to be shockingly easy for an anthropologist? , for example?to get a "Scien- tific" grant these days, even ' ;' the-scientific role that Amen-. after reputable public and ? 1. can science is disgraced private foundations turn him : thereby. down,- Beals' report, quoted in 2. Scientists, succumbing to Science,' said:' the blandishments and. pres- "S o m e anthropologists, sures of spy-procurers; usual- particularly younger anthro- .:. ly perform so ineptly. in 'the '?:,.pologists, 'who have encoun? 't espionage role that their good tered difficulties securing faith as scientists is shattered. 5. financing for legitimate 3: Scientists: rebuffing t'h e,,',:,-research undertakings, have ? appeals of 'the spy-hus- .been approached by obscure ' tiers' often find their patriot- foundations ... only to discov-* ? ?ism called into question, With er later they were expected to the implied possibility -that provide intelligence informa- ,. they, may ,end up on OM% tion, usually to the CIA. Although' no vote was taken '? or formal consensus reached ? at the AAAS?meeting here last , ? week, there is little doubt' -where' most U.S. scientists j stand on the issue of science-?'..? . vs.-spying. The world image of American science is so good? and of American intelligence' ? work so bad?that the gum- '; should desist.before they ruin the former without, im- proving the latter. . ? IThme-laccifiimr1 in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 201-4761/66 CIA-RDP73-00475R000100510003-8