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November 11, 1971
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Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/25 :CIA-RDP73B00296R000100130003-4 Journal -Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4 Thursday - 11 November 1971 12. (internal Use Only - JGO) Met with Dr. Roy Bullock, Staff Administrator, House Foreign Affairs Committee, who told me the Radios bill, S. 1$, is scheduled to come up on the floor of the House on Monday. The Committee does not anticipate any real problems in the House, but they are unable to make any forecasts with regard to the Senate. 13. (internal .Use Only - JGO) Met with Mrs. Lois G. Myers, ~ouse_Post.Office a~nd_Cvil Seryice_Committee staff, who told me Chairman Dulski will probably cancel the full Committee meeting scheduled for Thursday, 18 November, This could result in ?no further meetings of the full Committee until next year and, in consequence, no further considera- tion of H. R. 11150, the bill far the protection of the constitutional rights of Federal employees. 14, (Unclassified - JGO) Talked to Mr. John Lally, Assistant Counsel, Investigations Subcommittee, House Armed Services Committee, and reviewed with him the ground rules for Agency assistance iz1 security sweeps of committee facilities. Iri a word, I told Mr. Lally that though the Director is pleased to assist: the chairman in special checks (as was done last week), we are unable to provide this service on a routine basis. Our manpower situation will not allow it. ~` .JOHN M. MAURY -''`Legislative Counsel cc: ER O/DDCI Mr. ouston ~,. uermer Mr. Colby DDT DDS DDS&T EA/DDP OPPB Mr. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/25 :CIA-RDP73B00296R000100130003-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/25 :CIA-RDP73B00296R000100130003-4 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGIS LATIVE COUNSEL Thursday - 4 November 1971 25X1 25X1 I 25X1 1. Met with Mr. Robert Lockhart, House Post Office and Civil Service Committee staff, who told me that the regular meeting of the -full Committee has been scheduled far 10:00 a, m, , Thursday, 18 November with the same agenda including H, R, 11150, the Ervin bill, that was scheduled for the last meeting when the Committee was unable to reach a quorum, 2. Met with Miss Valerie Duval, Legislative Assistant to Representative John E, Moss {D, , Calif, }, and gave her a copy of the unclassified pamphlet "The Central Intelligence Agency" and a copy of Mr. Helms' speech of 14 April 1971. This was in response to her call of yesterday in response to a constituent inquiry. Miss Duval was most appreciative. 3, Met with Mr, Ralph Preston, House Appropriations Committee staff, who told me that he has learned from Don Brazier, Department of Defense, that it is the Department! s intention to include the Agency shortage in a supplemental request. Mr. Preston noted that this was quite different from the information OPPB, had given hixn. Mr. Freston sees no particular problem with going the supplemental route if it is what the Department and OMB desire. Mr, OPPB, has been advised. 25X1 4, Talked to Dr, Al Westphal, House Foreign Affairs Committee staff, who told me that the Committee Chairman is ready to appear before the Rules Committee whenever he is called to testify on S, 18. The bill is pending in Rules Committee but no date is scheduled for consideration, He does expect, however, that the will have the measure cleared through the House this year, CA Staff, has been 25X1 advised, 5. Met briefly with Carol Berries, Administrative Assistant to Representative Ogden Reid (R. , N, Y. ), who told me that her final da in the office will be the 16th. I told her I will be by before she leaves to close 25X1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/25 :CIA-RDP73B00296R000100130003-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/25 :CIA-RDP73B00296R000100130003-4 ~.. k~,r Journal -Office of Legislative Counsel Tuesday - .2 November 1971 Page 4 11. Met with Mr, Ralph Preston, House Appropriations Committee staff, who told me that he has not received a comeback copy from Chairman Mahon of the letter to Chairman Dulski, House Post Office and Civil Service Committee, concerning H. R, 11150. He assumes the letter did go out, however. He asked-that I hold off on delivery of the safe probably until after the 11th when the Committee is scheduled to go to the floor with the Defense Appropriations bill. In response to my question he agreed that this will be a good time to clear out the back documents that have been held by the Committee for return to the Agency. JOHN M. MAURY JLegislative Counsel cc: ER O /DDI r, ou s on Mr. Thuermer DDI DDS DDS&T EA /DDP OPPB Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/25 :CIA-RDP73B00296R000100130003-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/25 :CIA-RDP73B00296R000100130003-4 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Page 2 Journal -Office of Legislative Counsel Tuesday - 2 November 1971 3, Met with Mrs. Anne Sullivan, in the office of Senator Sam J. Ervin (D. N. C. ), and left with her a suggested reply having to do with Air to a constituent inquiry fro America. The reply stated the Agency did not comment on allegations concerning its acta.vities, but did discuss the matter of congr over- sight of the Agency which had been raised in Mrs. Sullivan said the suggested reply was most helpful. 4. Called Harry Symmes, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Congressional Relations, to say I planned to see Senator Clifford P, Case at the first opportunity in response to his letter to Secretary Rogers inquiring about Government- relations with various aircraft charter companies. I said I planned to remind Senator Case that this subject had been discussed a year and a half ago at a Senate Foreign Relations Gornmittee briefing which he attended and refresh his recollection atisfy him 't did ' s n this regarding information provided at that time. If I said I hoped to find out just what it was he was driving, at and why and I would pass the results on to the Department. Mr. Symmes said this seemed a good idea to him. 5 Met with Robert Horner, Chief se Internal Security Committee, and he gave me material H ou Investigator, 25X1 on and on the hich were forwarded to of WH Division, and CI Staff, respectively. 6, Delivered to the offices of Senators Mike Gravel (D, , Alaska), Thomas agleton (D. , Mo.) and Representatives Robert Michel (R. ,Ill. ), Philip Crane (R. ,Ill. ), Joe D. Waggonner (D. , La. ), and G. V. Montgomery (D. , Miss.) FBIS items in which their names were mentioned. 7, Talked to Mr. Bun Bray, Associate Staff Director, House Post Office and Civil Service Committee, who told me that the hearings scheduled for next week on H. R. 3807, a bill "To amend title 5, United States Code, to establish and govern the Federal Executive Service," has been cancelled, The Administration now desires a delay until next year, Mr. Bray indicated that at such time as hearings are finally scheduled or other interest evidenced in the bill, he will be pleased to sit down with Agency representatives and go over our needs with us. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/25 :CIA-RDP73B00296R000100130003-4