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Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/25 :CIA-RDP73B00296R000100130004-3 Journal -Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Wednesday - 2? October 1971 25X1 25X1 6, Bill Woodruff,. Counsel, Senate Appropriations Committee, called and asked me about the status of legislation covering the funding of RFE and RL. I told him that as he recalled the Senate passed the bill originally proposed by Senator Case (S, 18) but the Foreign A.f.fairs Com- mittee, after hearings on the subject, had reported S. 18 with language substituted by Mr. Fascell which provides .for one year of funding of the Radios by the State Department pending the completion of a study on the whole subject of support of other similar organizations. I said my last-. information was that the this was now pending in the House Rules Committee. 7, Jim Woolsey, Senate Armed Services Committee staff, called an sas a wou ike to be brought up-to-date with respect to the status of intelligence on the Soviet ICBM "holes" sometime the early part of next week. I told him we would be in touch with him on this. g. Met with Mr, Frank 5latinshek, Assistant Chief Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, and received from him a copy of Chairman Hebert's letter of 21 October to Chairman Dulski, .House Post Office and Civil Services Committee, concerning H. R. 11150. 10, Talked to Mr, Art Kuhl, Chief Clerk, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and reserved the Committee hearing room (4221 New Senate Office Building) for 1400 to 1530 Thursday, 28 October, for use by the Senior Seminar, 11. I talked to Lynn Harris, in the office of Representative William Minshall (R. , Ohio), and confirmed with her Representative Minshall's luncheon with the senior seminar for 12 noon tomorrow, 28 October, in the Speaker's dining room, I finalized also for Representative Minshall the luncheon arrangements with Mr, Cowan and Mrs. Leakin, of the House restaurant. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/25 :CIA-RDP73B00296R000100130004-3 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/25 :CIA-RDP73B00296R000100130004-3 SECRET 25X1 25X1 25X1 Journal -Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Thursday - 21 October 1971 4. H. R. 11150, relating to invasion of privacy of Federal employees, scheduled for hearing before the full House Post Office and Czvil Service Committee this morning was not considered. Objection was raised that a quorum was not present and further consideration by the Committee has been put over until the next regularly scheduled meeting on 4 November, 5. Met with Representative William 25X1 Minshall (R. , Ohio) and talked to him at various times throughout the day meeting on Thursday, 28 October, with the Senior Seminar, r. OTR, has been advised, and confirmed with him the preliminary arrangements for the lunch M ~~ n~+.,~,p,-_ at ge~0 a. m. to debrief him on his trip to Poland 6. Received a call from Mr. William Cook, Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, who told me that he has his visa and tickets for travel to the USSR and requested, if possible, a defensive briefing tomorrow or Tuesday afternoon. I told him I would arrange it and be back in touch with him in the morning. 7. Talked to Mrs. Carol Berde, Administrative 25X1 Assistant to Representative Og en Reid (R. , N. Y. ), and scheduled Wednesday, DDI, have been advised. 25X1 g, In response to his call earlier in the week, I talked to Mr. Ray McConnon, Investigator, House Internal Security Subcommittee and told him that a request was received from the Senate Committee a day before his call to meet with the at 25X1 such time as he might be available. Mr. McConnon t an a me o e call. See Journal of 18 and 19 October. 9. In the absence of Carl Marcy, Staff Director, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, I delivered to Art Kuhl, of .the Committee staff, a letter to Chairman Fulbright from the Director, asking that Kuhl give it to Marcy and for Marcy to call me when he wa s ready to discuss the matter raised therein, In response to my question, Kuhl said that recent legislation before the Committee which concerns the Agency appears unlikely to move in the near future. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/25 :CIA-RDP73B00296R000100130004-3 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/25 :CIA-RDP73B00296R000100130004-3 Journal -Office of Legislative Gounsel Wednesday - 20 October 1971 25X1 25X1 East and Iran. As we were departing he mentioned that he had some interesting conversations with various officials during his recent visit to , Y, ), Mr. Page 2 G T, 25X1 updated the information previously given Representative Reid on the Middle to a meeting with Representative Ogden Reid (R. , N 5, ~ I accompanied Mr. Radio Free Europe arrl. Radio Liberty noting that in his opinion the Radios had played an important role in getting Gierek into office. He told us also that his office had had a meeting recently with Mr, Oleg Krokhalev of the Soviet Foreign Ministry who is also identified as an interpreter at the SALT talks. Mr. Krokhalev had been referred to his office by Representative Brad Morse (R. , Mass. ), In addition his office was visited yesterday by Mr. Gregory Rapota of the Soviet Embassy. After brief discussion he agreed that it would be well if one of our Polish/Soviet people could come by Tuesday or Wednesday to talk to him about the trip and the Soviet visitors to his office. I told him I would be back in touch with his staff as soon as possible. 6, Met with Representative William Minshall (R, , Ohio), concerning th~'IrR. Senior Intelligence Seminar program for Thursday, 28 October. Representative Minshall will be pleased to meet with the group and made preliminary arrangements for a dining room, Representative Minshall thought it would be well if he were to invite Representative Frank Bow (R. , Ohio) and possibly one or more of the Democrats from the Committee to join in such a luncheon, I thanked him very much and told him I would relay his suggestions and be back in touch first thing tomorrow. 7~~ As a followon to Mr. Houston's, OGC, and Mr. ~~ s; O-P; meeting o ey sterday afternoon with Mr, Bernard Rosen, Deputy Executive Director, Civil Service Commission, I talked to Mr. Anthony Mondello, General Gounsel, of the Commission, to insure that our offices are in accord in the various actions being taken concerning H, R. 11150, Mr. Mondello told me for our information that the Chairman had forwarded a letter with a copy to each member of the Post Office Committee outlining the Commission's continued opposition to the entire bill and detailed in the letter the fact that comments made by Commission representatives during the various hearings on the bill had been in the spirit of providing technical assistance to the Committee and had in no way been intended to soften or qualify the opposition of the Commission to the bill, The official report of the Commission is in process in the Office of Management and Budget and is expected to clear there some time this afternoon for delivery to the Committee this evening. It is anticipated that the OMB approved report will contain language to the effect that the proposed bill is in opposition to the Presidentrs legislative programs and policies. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/25 :CIA-RDP73B00296R000100130004-3 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/25 :CIA-RDP73B00296R000100130004-3 25X1 25X1 Journal -Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Wednesday - 20 October 1971 8. I met briefly with Miss Llona Modly, Press Secretary to Representative Lawrence J. Hogan (R. , Md. ), and gave her a copy of the final draft amendment to H. R. 11150 which was prepared by the House Post Office and Civil Service Committee staff which would require annual detailed reporting of activities and cases together with justification for continued exemption by CIA, NSA, FBI, and other sensitive agencies exempt under the bill. I gave her a brief outline of objections to the measure. She will call if Representative Hogan needs anything further, 9. Met with Mr. William Irvine, Assistant Staff Director, ,House Post Office and Civil Service Committee, and reviewed H. R. 11150 with him and outlined for him various general objections to the measure. Mr. Irvine had-not been involved in Committee consideration of the bill until this week and will be assisting the minority members tomorrow at the- meeting of the full Committee. 10. Received a call from Mr. Anthony Raymond, House Post Office and Civil Service Committee staff, who asked far a listing of the USIB board members and the proper designation for the intelligence components of the national intelligence community for his use in drafting a possible amendment to section 1(b) of H. R. 11150. After conferring with the ADDS the listing was given to Mr. Raymond by telephone. 11, I accompanied Messrs. John Clarke and Ed forthcoming markup by the House Committee. See Mr. Clarke's Memorandum for the ~t.ecord. Committee staff, and Mr. William Woodruff, Senate Appropriations Committee staff. The group reviewed certain aspects of the Agency budget prior to the OPPB, to a meeting with Mr, Ralph Preston, House Appropriations 12. Received a call from John Wilson, Staff Assistant to Representative Paul McCloskey (R. , Calif. ). Wilson was interested in receiving a subscription to the FBIS Daily Report for the Middle East and also some current copies of that report. I made arrangements with FBIS to secure these and later delivered them to Wilson's office on the Hi11. ~~~~s~~' Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/25 :CIA-RDP73B00296R000100130004-3 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/25 :CIA-RDP73B00296R000100130004-3 ~ ~ ~-+ OLC 71-1104 20 October 1971 SUBJECT: Conversation with Mr. Anthony Raymond, House Post Office and Civil Service Committee Staff In response to his telephone call for a listing of the USIB board members and the proper designation for the intelligences components, the following designations were provided after consultation with Mr. Wattles, ADDS: Central Intelligence Agency National Security Agency Federal Bureau of Investigation (Justice) Defense Intelligence Agency (Defense) Atomic Energy Commission Office of Naval Intelligence (Navy) Bureau of Intelligence and Research (State) Office of Chief of Staff (Army) Office of Chief of Staff (Air Force) Office of Special Investigation (Air Force) STAT Distribution: Original -Subject 1 - Chrono OLC /JGO:rnmc (22 October 1971) Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/25 :CIA-RDP73B00296R000100130004-3 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/25 :CIA-RDP73B00296R000100130004-3 .'~~~~~~ Journal -Office of Legislative Counsel Tuesday - 19 October 1971 25X1 25X1 Page 2 4. Received a call from Mr. Ray McCannon, in the office of Representative John M. Ashbrook (R. , Ohio), who called on behalf of the House Internal Security Subcommittee and requested that be made 5, After talking to John Glarke, OPPB, I confirmed the meeting with Mr. Preston for 2:00 p. m. tomorrow afternoon in his office. I met with Mr. Preston during the day and gave him a suggested draft of a letter from Chairman Mahon to the Ghairrnan of House Post Office a_nd Civil Service Committee concerning H. R. 11150. Mr. Preston said he would do his best to get the letter off before Thursday morning, the date for the next shceduled meeting for the House Post Office and Civil Service Committee. I briefed him on the following items: Soviet naval units en route to the Caribbean, Foxbat flights over the eastern Mediterranean, and MIG-21 attempted intercept in Laos. repair the sa~ a utilized o~ncy materials by Mr. Appropriations Committee staff. 6, Accompanied OS, to Ralph Preston, House 7. ~ Met with Miss Jean Gordon, Administrative Assistant to Representative Gharles Gubser (R. , Calif. ), and reviewed with her constituent correspondence received from f Palo Alto, California. We will prepare a draft response to the correspondence for Representative Gubser's use. 8. Met briefly with Mr. Frank Slatinshek, House Armed Services Committee staff, and gave him a clean draft of a letter from Chairman Hebert to Chairman Dulski, . House Post Office and Civil Services Committee, concerning H, R. 11150. _.,..~ ` ry pia; Y... ..~ ~. i:n ~.~Ll:~~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/25 :CIA-RDP73B00296R000100130004-3 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/25 :CIA-RDP73B00296R000100130004-3 CQ~~~~~uT~~L Journal -Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Monday - 18 October 1971 8. Mr, Roy Bullock, Staff Administrator, House Foreign Affairs Committee, called to say that Chairman Clement Zablocki of the Subcommittee on National Security Policy and Scientific Developments, would like a briefing on the Soviet strategic situation similar to the one given the year before last by Mr. Duckett. Bullock said that Chairman Morgan, of the full Committee, was agreeable to any way we handled it, but suggested we make sure that we give Zablocki's Subcommittee the same kind of treatment we recently gave the Hamilton Subcommittee. Bullock said Mr. Hamilton apparently was well pleased with the briefing his Subcommittee had received. 9? Met with Mr. Charles Whitley, Adrninis- trative As -a-ni:-to Representative David Henderson (D. , N. Car. ), who told me that th case has been settled administratively by the Department of Army and thanked me for such assistance as the Agency might have provided in review of the case. See Journal items of 19 March and 20 April 1971. 10. ~ Received a call from Russ Blandford, Chief Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, who asked if we could locate a copy of a book titled "Water on the Brain" which is pre-World War II by a British author, he believed, The book was mentioned by Mr. Packard, DOD, in meeting with the Intelligence Subcommittee during the week last week. After checking I told him we would have a copy for loan to him in a day or so. 12. Met separately with Mr. Richard Barton and Mr, Ro~Lock a~House Post Office and Civil Service Committee staff, and reviewed with them the draft amendment to H. R. 11150 concerning annual reports by agencies otherwise exempt from the bill which was prepared for Representative Udall's (D., Ariz,) use at the meeting of the full Committee scheduled for this Thursday, 21 October. Mr. Lockhart gave me a copy of the revised draft that has been reviewed with Representative Udall. Mr, Lockhart suggested that it would be well to discuss Agency objections to the proposed amendment with Mr. Martiny, Chief Counsel of the Committee, on his return to the city on Wednesday afternoon. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/25 :CIA-RDP73B00296R000100130004-3 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/25 :CIA-RDP73B00296R000100130004-3 Journal -Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4 Monday - 18 October 1971 Press Secretary to Representative Lawrence Hogan (R. , Md. ), who told me that Representative Hogan had received a copy of the proposed amendment concerning annual reporting of agencies otherwise exempt from H, R. 11150 and that he would appreciate our comments on the amendment for his use prior to Committee meeting scheduled for Thursday, 21 October. 14. Met with Louise O'Brien, House Foreign Affairs ornmittee staff, and received from her a copy of Repre- senative Peter Frelinghuysen's (R. , N. J.) itinerary for his recent trip to India and Pakistan, 15. In response to a call from the Committee staff, I picked up a letter from House Foreign Affairs Committee mail desk addressed to Mr. Maury. 16. Met with Mr. James Wilson, House Science and Astronautics Committee staff, and briefed him on the following items: Salyut and Lunar 19. 17. Met with Mr. Frank Slatinshek, House Armed Services Gommittee staff, and reviewed with him a draft letter concerning H. R. 11150 to Chairman Dulski, House Past Office and Civil Service Committee, from Chairman Hebert, Mr. Slatinshek made several suggested changes and asked that we clean the draft up for him. Mr. Slatinshek told me, in passing, that the first conference meeting on the Military Procurement bill, H. R. 8687, will be scheduled in the next couple of days and suggested that any comments we might have should be forwarded to the Committee at that time. v vL11V 1V1. 1V11'1. U 1~, Y ~~egislative Counsel cc: ER O/DDCI DDS DD5&T Mr. Mr. Houston Mr. Goodwin DDI OPPB EA/DDP Item 5 - D/Pers, Item 7 -CDC Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/25 :CIA-RDP73B00296R000100130004-3 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/25 :CIA-RDP73B00296R000100130004-3 ~~~F~Q~~~~~~~~ Journal -Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Wednesday - 6 October 1971 $? At his request, met with Mr, John Martiny, C~iie ounsel, House Post Office and Civil Service, together with Mr. David W. Bowers, Inspector, FBI, Mr. Anthony Mondello, General Counsel, Civil Service Commission, and Miss Marcia MacNaughton, Constitutional Rights Subcommittee staff, Senate Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. Martiny outlined briefly the request to him from Representative Udall (D. , Ariz.) for staff assistance in drafting a proposed amendment to the Committee bill on invasion of privacy of Federal employees for introduction in the full Committee hearing. Mr. Martiny appeared to discard completely a conversational suggestion that had been made during the Subcommittee meeting this morning that the "exempt agency employees" might file complaints with the board established under the bill. Discussion centered on possible amendment to the bill to require annual reporting to the Committee of cases of a similar nature processed within the intelligence community framework. Mr. Martiny indicated he would be back in touch with the individual participants in the meeting at a later date. 9. 1VIet with Mr. Marvin Leibstone, Staff Assistant to Representative William Randall (D. , Mo. ),in response to his call and reviewed with him a staff paper that was being prepared for Representative Randall concerning possible introduction of legislation by Representative Randall relating to release of intelligence information to the Congress. The paper is a rational attempt to set out guidelines for controlling the release of sensitive information and indicated in part that no action should be taken without prior consultation with Agency representatives. I pointed out to Mr. Leibstone that a bill almost foursquare with the stated objectives was introduced earlier this year by Representative Charles Gubser (R. , Calif, ). I also suggested other areas of review that might be of interest. Mr. Leibstone was most appreciative and said he would call if any further assistance is desired by Representative Randall. 10. Left with Richard Perle, on the staff of the Senate Subcommittee on National Security and International Operations, the FBIS translation of a portion of Castro's speech in which he referred to hijacking of U. S. planes to Cuba. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/25 :CIA-RDP73B00296R000100130004-3