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ApprgyM;_Fgr Release 2001/08/30: CIA-R[)P730 968000200130048-4 A COMPUTER LAG BY RUSSIA FOUND But U.S. Expert Discerns Potetnial for Parity By JOHN NOBLE WILFORD The Soviet Union dill lags behind the United States in the production and use of corn-' puters but has "the raw tech- nical, potential to achievesome- thing near parity" within 10 years, an American expert said after a recent tour of Soviet computer centers. Dr. Barry W, Bahem of the Rand Corporation said that one of the main problems hindering the development of computers in the Soviet Union was-,iron ically, for a Communist state- the lack of centralized plan. ning, Dr. Boehm's analysis of So- viet computing in general was that it suffered from a "serious lack" of equipment, a "very ragged situation" in program- ing and "virtually nonexistent" support services. But he reported that, in cer- tain high-priority areas, such as military and space activities, the Russians were less far be- hind" than they used to be and had demonstrated their ' impressive technical poten- tial. " Guest of Soviet Academy Dr. Boehm made a two-week tour of computer centers in Moscow, Kiev and Tbilisi last October as the guest of the Soviet Academy, of Sciences. He is head of the computer sys- tems analysis grout) at Rand, which is a nonprofit organiza- tion in Santa Monica, Calif., for research on military, scientific and public policy problems. His reports was published in the current issue of Rand's Soviet Cybernetics Review, a bimonthly publication of re- ports and translations on So- viet computer technology. Dr. Boehm elaborated on his ob- servations in an ' interview by telephone. In an opportunity rare for a Western computer expert, Dr. Boehm visited the Soviet Insti- tute of Space Research in Mos-I cow, which oversees scientific' aspects of the Russian space program. He was also allowed to conduct some experiments with Soviet computers. Solar Probe Planned At the space, center, Dr. -Boehm said, he learned that the Russians were "apparently ,not going for the grand tour of Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus." Such an unmanned mission, which is being planned by the United States for late in this decade, would involve a flight of more than nine years and a considerable advance in com- puter technology. But Dr. Boehm learn of So- viet plans for a three-year solar `probe using an unmanned spacecraft to fly by Jupiter and into a path perpendicular to the sun-earth plane. It is not known when the mission will be launched. The space Institute consists of -about 500 people and ex- pects to expand to 3,000, Dr. Boehm learned. The expansion is partly attributable to new programs, but also apparently to some centralization of mis- sion planning and spacecraft de- sign work. Computers Are Slower Dr. Boehm said that the Rus- sians "have a fairly compact standard spaceborne computer" with a 4,000-word core memory, 256 words of erasable memory and a speed of about 100,000 operations a.second. Computers on American spacecraft have the capability of performing 500,- 000 to a million operations a second. Discussing the poor coordina- tion among Soviet computer ex- perts, Dr. Boehm said: "Typically, the academically oriented institutes of the Acad- emy of Science develop the hardware [equipment] designs and basic operating system software [programing]; the elec. tronics industry produces the machines, often after long wrangles with the institutes and production delays - and neither is particularly responsi- ble to the user to provide maintenance or assistance in extending or debugging the software." As long as there is a lack of coordinated, centralized Soviet effort, Dr. Boehm said he thought the United States "will stay comfortably ahead in com- puter technology and usage." But he added, "Our lead in space land military applications will probably be less than our lead in general-purpose com- puting." What the Russians need, Dr. Boehm said, is a centralized computer development program headed by a "tough-minded, pragmatic technical man" like those who headed development of the Russian rocket and space program. He said that Acade- mician Viktor Glushkov, head of the Institute of Cybernetics at Kiev, "is probably the major candidate" for such a post. At present, Dr. Boehm said, the best Soviet computer inI fairly general use is the BESM- 6, which has a capacity for 3:2,- 000 words in its memory core and 500,000 operations a sec- ond. This is roughly compar- able with the IBZM 7094. A larger and more efficient computer, called RYAD, is planned to go into production late next year, Dr. Boehm re- ported. Meanwhile, the Rus- sians are buying some British computers as a "stopgap" meas- ure. It is estimated that there are 5,500 to 6,000 computers in the Soviet Union, against 24,000 in Western Europe and 63,000 in the United. States. Approved For Release 2001/08/30 : CIA-RDP73B00296R000200130048-4