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Approved For Release 2004/08/31 : CIA-RDP73B00296R000400030002-3
Thursday - 26 February 1970
1. 1 1 Talked with Miss Jardine, Personal
Secretary to Senator Daniel Inouye (D. , Hawaii), about his addressing the
Senior Seminar on 17 April 1970. I told Miss Jardine that I had arranged
with the staff of the Senate Preparedness Subcommittee for the use of their
Preparedness hearing room on that afternoon if the Senator would be willing
to speak to the entire Senior Seminar class which numbers 30. Miss Jardine
said she would take this up with the Senator and be back in touch. Later in
the day she advised that Senator Inouye would be glad to meet with the entire
2. 1 At his request, I met with Bill Woodruff, on
the staff of the Senate Appropriations Committee. With. reference to the
discussion on the floor of the Senate yesterday (principally by Senators
Mathias and Mansfield), Woodruff asked if we could provide him with the
total number of people in Laos, the number of these who are former
military personnel and whether either of these numbers have increased
since the Defense Appropriations bill was passed on 20 December 1969.
Woodruff added that following briefing on Laos here, he
reported to Senator Russell the grave nature of the situation of the Plaine
des Jarres and this was very timely and useful information.
3. I I In followup to our conversation
yesterday Bernard Dobranski, Administrative Assistant to Representative
William T. Murphy (D., Ill.), said that the Congressman had talked to
Representative William Broomfield (R., Mich.) concerning a briefing on
Red China, which they would like to have take place in Mr. Murphy's
office preferably in the morning on a date to be suggested by us.
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Approved For Release 2004/ttt,R DP73B00296R000400030002-3
Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel
Thursday - 26 February 1970
Page 2
4, Called on Senator Stephen Young (D. , Ohio)
in response to his request and gave him a general briefing on the background
and current situation regarding our role in Laos. See Memo for Record.
5. I I In the absence of Chairman Rivers, of the
House Armed Services Committee, I briefed Messrs. Blandford and Slatinshek,
of the Committee staff, on the background and present situation regarding our
Laos operations. Blandford promised to inform Chairman Rivers as soon
as he was available, possibly not before the first of the week. -S.latinshek
asked for a breakdown of our financial and logistical support to the Laotian
guerrillas, i. e. amount spent for salaries of indigenous personnel, food,
clothing, ammunitions, weapons, air support, etc.
6. I I Called at the office of Senator Peter Dominick,
who is on the Agency Subcommittee, and in his absence briefly outlined the
Laotian situation to Walter Morgan, the Senator's Special Assistant for
Armed Services Committee matters.
7. Called at the office of Senator Henry Jackson,
who is on the Agency Subcommittee, and, due to his unavailability,
summarized the Laotian situation for Miss Dorothy Fosdick who handles
Agency matters for the Senator and she promised to pass on the information
to him.
8. I I During a chance encounter, John Finney,
of the New York Times, said public concern over the Laos situation was
reaching major proportions and was likely to "force" the publication of the
full record of the Symington Subcommittee hearings on this subject. Finney
also asked about our hiring of Green Berets, to which I replied that I only
know what I read in the papers and didn't believe that.
9. I I Delivered a personal letter from the
Director to the office of Representative Jim Wright (D., Texas).
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25X1 Approved For Release 2004/08/31 : CIA-RDP73B00296R000400030002-3
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8/31 : C
Friday - 27 February 1970
Counsel, Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, the travel voucher
for The Subcommittee will forward the check to
has been so informed.
3 Mark Talisman, Administrative Assistant
to Representative Charles Vanik (D. , Ohio), called to set up an appointment 25X1A
for a friend of his who recently returned from Yugoslavia and wants to meet
with Agency representatives. Talisman said the Congressman had suggested
this procedure. Talisman does not know whethe is a
citizen or a resident alien. Arrangements were made for ~to call
4? Representative William Murphy's
(D. , ill.) Administrative Assistant, Bernard Dobranski, said he would try
to firm up a morning next week for the joint briefing of Representatives
Murphy and Broomfield and will suggest Thursday, 5 March, starting at
9:30 or 10:00.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel
Friday - 27 February 1970
Page 2
5. I I Jim. Lowenstein, on the staff of the
Senate Foreigns Relations Committee, called to advise that Richard
Moose who has been working on the ABM subject will be attending the
Director's briefing of Senator Gore's Subcommittee on Monday.
Bill Woodruff, on the staff of the Senate Appropriations Committee, on
the numbers of Agency personnel in Laos and also provided him with a
breakdown of the cost of the paramilitary program there for FY 1970.
(See Memo for the Record for details.)
Armed Services Committee, and briefed him on the situation in Laos using
the briefing material used by Mr. Maury in the briefing of Senator Stephen
Young. Braswell was most interested in this. He commented that Senator
Stennis had indicated to him this morning that he wanted to receive a briefing
from the Pentagon on what was going on in Laos. At that time Braswell
suggested that the Chairman also receive a briefing from the Agency and
the Senator said he wanted to do this. I told Braswell we were available to
do this at Senator Stennis' convenience. Braswell mentioned in passing that
the Pentagon has refused to provide Senator Symington with a briefing on
B-52 raids in Laos. He said General Ryan has declined to even see
Symington on this.
Internal Security Subcommittee- I cuss his recent request for the two
25X1 Czechs: I told Sourwine that he had a clear
25X1A claim forl at such time as he could be made available. (I indicated
that this would not be feasible for some time yet). I also advised Sourwine
that we had a prior specific request from the House Internal Security Sub-
nr_\/4 n
for him. I added that I doubted that there would be much interest in I 25X1A
and that he does not desire to make any public statements at the present time.
Sourwine accepted all of this and merely asked that,if the House Subcommittee
25X1A did not use testimony, the Senate Subcommittee would like to talk
with him. Sourwine feels that Senator Hruska, being of Czech descent, would
be very much interested in him.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3
Friday - 27 February 1970
9. Dr. Reichardt, of AEC, came by to fill
us in on areas involved in an AEC briefing of the Joint Committee on
Atomic Energy on 5 February which might have a bearing on the 25X1A
Director's briefing of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy on
Wednesday. We are passing this information on to
of OS I. 25X1 A
egislative Counsel
Item # 4
Item # 8 -
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C ont acts 5
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In 0
Out 2
Friday - 27 February 1970
1.1 I Met with Mr. Arthur Kuhl, Chief Clerk,
Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and finalized arrangements for
the Director's appearance before the Gore Subcommittee on Monday,
2 March, at 10:00 a. m. in room 5116 of the Capitol.
2. I I Met with Mr. Austin Smith, House
Appropriations Committee staff, who told me that 25X1A
whom we discussed during the week, has qualified for scientific a
level with one of the departments. Mr. Smith also advised that 25X1A
will have a form 57 for me the first of the week. (See Journal
item of 26 February.)
3. Met with Mr. Ralph Preston, House Appro-
priations Committee staff, who told me that the Agency budget letter from
BOB was forwarded to the Chairman today. OPPB, has been25X1A
I delivered to Mr. Preston for Chairman Mahon the unclassified
statement on Soviet military posture that the Chairman requested during
the DCI briefing of the Defense Subcommittee. After review of the paper,
Mr. Preston advised that in his judgment it is right on target to meet the
Chairman's needs.
I briefed Mr. Preston on the following items of current intelligence
a. 26 February Soviet ABM test;
b. Egyptian 8chistosomiasis epidemic;
c. fedayeen Lebanese border actions;
d. Communist collaborations with fedayeen organizations.
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Addendum to Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2
Friday - 27 February 1970
4. I I Met with Mr. Frank Slatinshek, House
Armed Services Committee, and briefed him on the following items:
a. 26 February Soviet ABM test;
b. Egyptian schistosomiasis epidemic;
c. fedayeen Lebanese border actions;
d. Communist collaborations with fedayeen organizations.
5. Met with Representative F. Edward Hebert
(D., La.) and Mr. Frank Slatinshek, House Armed Services Committee
staff, and briefed them on the termination of nd the
GSA release of facilities at (See Memorandum
for the Record.) 25X1A
6. Transcripts of the DCI testimony of
23 April and 23 June 1969 before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
were forwarded to the Committee for their use during the day and were
returned at the end of the day.
-Legislative Counsel
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Contact s
Approved For Release 2004/08/31 : CIA-RDP73B00296R000400030002-3 Calls
j~ Out
Wednesday - 25 February 1970
1. I In response to her call on Friday,
told Mrs. E na Pearson, in the office of Senator Stennis (D. , Miss. ),
that we had written Ion 4 February that we did not have
a suitable vacancy. This apparently is a routine request on behalf of a
constituent and Mrs. Pearson thanked us for the information.
DD/I, and in a ongressman's absence, told Bernard n-7--
a11 s i,
Administrative Assistant to Re-p esentative William T. Murphy (D. , Ill.),
that were apparently still under house arrest
and closed ou e Congressman's request of Friday for this information.
Dobranski said he would ask Mr. Murphy whether he would like
to pursue a briefing on Red China for himself and Representative Broomfield,
as he had suggested last Friday.
---, _-- ,,.... V111-; vl aenacor
Stephen Young . , Ohio), called to request a briefing for the Senator on
"this business in Laos" either 4:30 this afternoon or 9:00 a. m. tomorrow.
I tried to get Mr. Gerber to be more specific, but he said he just did not
know what the Senator had in mind. I suggested that perhaps the Senator
might want to receive his briefing from the Department of State, but
Mr. Gerber said the Senator had said it would be nice to hear the views
of the CIA. I reminded Mr. Gerber that we could not discuss operational
activities and he said he realized this and was sure that the Senator did
also. Not being able to either dissuade or clarify matters further, I told
Mr. Gerber that we would look into it and be back in touch.
of the late 'Representative Glenard Lipscomb (R. , Calif. ), called and asked
25X1A ~+t~~~~PEC
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Approved For Release 2004/08/31 : CIA-RDP73B00296R000400030002-3
Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel p?-o 7
Wednesday - 25 February 1970
Senator Jacob Javits (R. , N. Y. ), called to request a copy of a~23yFebruary
I I Pravda article concernin- efense Minister Andre A. Grechko and the ABM.
said this article will be published in the Soviet
Union Daily Report to be distributed tomorrow and she will forward a copy
to us.
iaiii/.fl 111
the office o Representative Thorn S L. Ashley (D., Ohio), who requested an
interview for m After making the arrangements with the
Office of Personnel, I advised Mrs. Rinck that the interview was scheduled
for 3: 00 p. m., Friday, 6 March 1970.
1+"111"?' STATSPEC
11C.1.4V1 O
Stuart Symington (D., Mo.), Frank Church (D. , Idaho), William Proxmire
(D., Wis.), Harold Hughes (D., Iowa), and George Aiken (R., Vi.) and
Representative Gerald Ford (R., Mich.) stems which mentioned fl,-;
V1 UiL
Senate Foreign Relations Committee, called to ask how the Director's
testimony before Senator Gore's Subcommittee on 2 March should be
billed. We agreed on "the strategic threat. "
Senator Step en Young's (D. , Ohio) staff, to brief the Senator at 0900
tomorrow on the situation in Laos.
staff of the Senate Armed Services Committee-
I commenting on
on a school desegregation issue.
SE rl 1.%
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Approved For Release 2004/08/31 : CIA-RDP73B00296R000400030002-3
Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel 1D 2
Wednesday - 25 February 1970
11. IMr. Arthur Kuhl, Chief Clerk, Senate
Foreign Relations Committee, called and requested that the transcripts
of the Director's appearance of 23 April and 23 June 1969 be forwarded
to the Committee for their use during the day on Thursday and Friday
of this week and on Monday, 2 March.
Armed Services Committee, and briefed him on several items of current
intelligence interest. (See Memorandum for the Record.)
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Approved For Release 2004/08/31 : CIA-RDP73B00296R000400030002-3
Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel TD,__ n
Wednesday - 25 February 1970
Appropriations Committee staff, who gave me a copy of Represen-
tative John Marsh's (D., Va.) report on Vietnam. M:r. Preston told
me the Chairman would appreciate such comments as we might have
on the report. The photographs furnished by Representative Marsh
in part of the report were forwarded to Representative Gerald Ford
(R., Mich.) by the Chairman. Mr. Preston will get them to us as
soon as they are received from Re?pge~ntative Ford.
Legislative Counsel
Item #6 - Office of Personnel
Item #12 - SB Division
Approved For Release 2004/08/31 : CIA-RDP73B00296R000400030002-3
r__ n_1____ 1%nnA1n01154 . /+1n nr~n~oonnnnr_nnnn~nnnonnnn o Contacts 8
Calls 8
In 1
SECRET out 6
Tuesday - 24 February 1970
2. Met with Mrs. Oneta Stockstill, Executive
Secretary, ouse rmec ervices Committee, who requested verifi-
cation of the transcript pagination of the Director's briefing of Tuesday,
18 March 1969, which is held by the Agency for safekeeping. Verification
is required for audit of billings by Capitol Reporting Service, official
reporters to the Committee.
Special Investigating Subcommittee, House Armed Services Committee,
who advised that testimony of witnesses before the Committee on the
My Lai matter has identified two or three Agency persons by name who
are reported to have been "in the area" at the time of the My Lai incident.
Mr. Reddan was on his way to a meeting with the Chairman and said that
he would call me and set a time to talk about this matter.
?J t Loy
Spahr, National Security and International Operations Subcommittee
staff, Senate Government Operations Committee, who requested a copy
of the Andre Grechko address relating to the ABM which was reported
in Pravda over the weekend.
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Approved For Release 2004/08/31 : CIA-RDP73B00296R000400030002-3
Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel
Tuesday - 24 February 1970
5? Met with M.r. Ralph Preston, House
Appropriations Committee staff, who advised that a copy of the
Marsh report on Vietnam has been forwarded by the Chairman to
Representative Gerald Ford (R., Mich.). A copy for the Agency
will be available in the morning.
Representative William Murphy (D., Ill.) a China map portfolio.
Page 2
7? I I Yesterday received a call from Ted
Darby, Security Duty Officer, who said that Marshall Laynam, in the
office of Representative James Wright, had called to inquire about the
death of J. C. Maerkl, an Air America helicopter pilot in Laos. I called back to say that I knew none of the details beyond the press reports,
and that he should call Air America. He said he had been unable to reach
anyone at the Air America office which was presumably closed because of
the holiday. I said I would see if I could get someone familiar with the
case to call him. 25X1A
8. I I Called Representative William E.
Minshall (X. Ohio), of the Defense Subcommittee of House Appropriations
Committee, in response to his query at the Director's briefing on 3 and 5
February regarding the Soviet T-62 tank. I told Minshall this tank, which
first appeared in 1961, had probably been in development for some five years.
Minshall said he was much concerned about the foul up in the American tank
program and he would like further details, particularly performance character-
istics, about the Soviet T-62 program for comparison. I told him we would
have the answer in a few days (which of OSR is preparing).
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Approved For Release 2004/08/31 it
Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel n_ -- Tuesday - 24 February 1970
25X1A called
-.. .. 1...~v...w.ii. ~. a.1.iVe rilueri Qule (K. , Minn.
sai he would a reciate ou
r taking a look at th
e qua
Minnesota, a constituent who is
res e in Agency employment. Later in the day I picked up a personal
25X1A resume on ~rom Quie's office and will forward this to the Office of
Miss Jardine, Personal Secretary to
or Dance nouye . , Hawaii), called concerning my request that
the Senator address the Senior Seminar on April 17th. Miss Jardine said
the Senator would be happy to talk with a group of 15 people in his office
on the afternoon of the 17th but indicated that space limitations would
prevent his talking with a larger group. After talking with Mr. Shumate,
of OTR, I told Miss Jardine that we would select 15 members of our
Senior Seminar to hear the Senator but, of course, would prefer to have
all 30 members of the group present if this could be arranged. It was
agreed that we would both look into possibilities along this line and be
back in touch.
Joint Committee on Atomic Ener v - r-- I Y - -- o Ul l.lle
gy, called to say that he
had no record
of our having sent a followup letter from the Director to the Committee
providing information on the Runge case in response to Congressman
Holifield's request to the Director's last briefing of the Joint Committee
on Atomic Energy. After checking our files, I advised Murphy that we had,
in fact, delivered such a letter on 24 March 1969 and a second letter on
4 April 1969. After double checking his records, Murphy confirmed that
this was the case.
Internal Securi y Subcommittee, talked with me after his conversation
with about a Soviet whom Sourwine identified as 25X1
who a been called to the Subcommittee's attention by Sourwine 25X1
asked if we would prefer to advise the FBI concerning or if it 25X1
was all right for Sourwine to contact the Bureau directly. I told Sourwine
he should feel free to talk to the Bureau directly about this without reference
to the Agency.
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25X1 25X1A
Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel
Tuesday - 24 February 1970
Page 4
13. I I Picked up from Representative 25X1A
John O. Marsh (D., Va.) materials for us to send to
for him to pass in turn to This will be given to 25X1
for pouching to te field.
14. Messrs. James Gehrig, Craig Voorhees,
and William Parker, of the Senate Space Committee staff, visited the
Agency for approximately two and one-half hours for a briefing from
and I I of FMSAC, bringing
them up-to-date on activities in the Soviet space program. The staff
members were most appreciative of time taken and were impressed
with the information provided them. They indicated that they would
like to do this more frequently in the future (perhaps every six months)
but acknowledged that the initiative rested with them.
Legislative Counsel
Item #3 - SAVA] 25X1 A
Item #9 - Office of Personnel
Item # 14 - FMSAC
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Contacts 2
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4 In 1
Out 1
Monday - 23 February 1970
I I Transcripts of the Director's testimony of
23 April and 23 June 1969 were forwarded to the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee for review during this week. When the transcripts
were picked up at the end of the day, the courier was advised that they
would not be needed again until further notice
)Legislative Counsel
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Approved For Release 2004/08/31 : CIA-RDP73B00296R000400030002-3
Friday - 20 February 1970
Contacts 5
Calls 10
In 0
Out 2
a..uu 1-' VUla Clu raul,
Special Investigators for the Symington Subcommittee of Senate Foreign
Relations, which is looking into U. S. commitments abroad, visited
Headquarters in preparation for their upcoming trip to the Middle East
and Europe and were briefed by DDI and DDP officers on conditions in
Morocco, Libya, Ethiopia, and Iran. Agency operational matters were
not discussed.
Prior to the briefing the Director met with Messrs. Pincus and
Paul and emphasized to them the i
sensitivity of a. the
25X1A 2. 1 lAccompanied D
25X1 D
/OSR, and
C, who briefed Senators Charles Percy and John Sherman
Cooper on a "secret/sensitive" level regarding Soviet and ChiCom strategic
offensive and defensive weapons systems. The interest of the Senators
centered on the Soviet SS-9 and Moscow ABM system and their admitted
purpose was to inform themselves of certain facts relevant to the upcoming
Senate debate regarding the ABM issue.
staff, called and suggested that they come to the Agency
"PcLuu for the briefing
on the Soviet s ace programs on Tuesday afternoon, 24 February, at 2 p. m.
has been advised. 25X1A
.v11-eccor oI the
Senate Subcommittee on National Security and International Operations,
called concerning the AP ticker item indicating that an explosion had
occurred at the Soviet submarine yards at Gorky. Miss Fosdick was
interested in knowing whether we could confirm or deny this report. After
into this report but could neither confirm nor deny it at this t meWeShe oolong
asked if we would let her know whether we had any information on this over
the weekend.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2
Friday - 20 February 1970
Secretary to Senator Daniel Inouye (D. , Hawaii), to determine the Senator's
availability to address a senior seminar group on 17 April on the Hill.
Miss Jardine said the Senator's calendar was clear for the afternoon of
the 17th and added that she would be taking this up with the Senator and
be back in touch with me.
Senate Foreign Relations Committee, who requested that beginningW
Monday, 23 February, the transcript of 23 June 1969 be made available
to the Committee together with the transcript of 23 April 1969 for review
by the Committee prior to the Director's appearance on Monday, 2 March.
Counsel, Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, who requested suchy yyyv~
information as we could provide on a nonattributable basis about the author
or persons sponsoring the television show "Who Invited Us?". After
checking with Mr. Goodwin's office, I gave Mr. Sourwine the name of the
writer, Mr. Allen W. Levin.
Fosdick, Senate Government Operations Committee staff, concerning the
invitation of the Agency Joint Military Reserve Training Command to speak
on 16 March on the subject "Congress and national security affairs. "
Miss Fosdick told me she had discussed the invitation with Senator Henry
Jackson (D., Wash.) and she is pleased to accept.
9. 1 1 Talked to Kitty Blackwell, Senate
Internal Security Subcommittee staff and informed her that we have no
information available on
ffice of Senator John tennis (D., Miss.) called on behalf of a constituent,
r- I
to check the status of his employment application.
Mrs. Pearson was advised that we would check and be back in touch.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3
Friday - 20 February 1970
(D. , Va.) called and said he understood from Ralph Preston that he
was making a copy of the Congressman's report on his recent trip to
Vietnam and Laos available to us. Mr. Marsh wondered if we have in
fact received a copy as yet. I told him we were to get a copy but to my
knowledge it has not been passed to us as yet.
Mr. Marsh said he had some material which he would like
to get to Clyde McAvoy and asked if we would be good enough to pouch it
to him. I will pick this up from Marsh's office on Tuesday.
I2? Jay Sourwine, on the staff of the
Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, called and expressed an interest
in two Czechs: I at such time as these men
might be made available. I told Sourwine that I thought we had a prior
request from the House Committee for one of these men but that I would
look into it. Sourwine thanked me and merely added that he thought the
Subcommittee was the first to "get into the United Nation thing. "
13. I I Met with Representative William T.
Murphy (D. , Ill.) and answered his request for comments on Dr. Julius
Mader's offering of the "Yellow List: Where is the CIA?". Mr. Murphy
raised a number of questions concerning his keen interest in Red China
and suggested the possibility of a briefing for himself as chairman of the
Subcommittee on Asian and Pacific Affairs and ranking minority member
Broomfield on Red China which I said I would look into. He also requested
another copy of the China Map Folio which we will send to him,
Legislative Counsel
OPPBApproved For Rb ease %0a t 8/31 : CIA-RDP73B00296R000400030002-3
Contacts 6
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Thursday - 19 February 1970
In 1
Out 1
U kj-.,. , ienn.
Chairman o the International Organization and Disarmament Affairs
Subcommittee of Senate Foreign Relations, to review plans for the Director's
briefing on Monday, 2 March. Senator Gore said that he thought we should
cover approximately the same ground covered last year, particularly
emphasizing Soviet and Chinese Communist strategic weapons, both
offensive and defensive. Senator Gore said he would like us to project
our estimates concerning these weapons programs, and enemy intentions
regarding them, as far into the future as possible. Gore said that while
he could not predict what questions might be asked by Subcommittee
members, he saw no need for the Director to include the Middle East
in his prepared statement.
b.. iv "' Nlly k11- , Ua.u2.
and offered to brief him on significant current developments. He referred
me to his Assistant Richard Spears who handles Armed Services matters
for the Senator. I briefed Spears, on a Secret level, on recent developments
regarding Soviet weapons and the situation in Middle East and Southeast
spoke to the Agencyls Mid-Career Course, making gayspecial point fact that the Foreign Affairs Committee, of which he is a member,owase
"flying blind" and receiving little or no up-to-date information from its
own staff or the executive agencies. Afterwards I told Frelinghuysen we
would be glad to try to respond informally to any specific questions he
might have in the future.
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Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2
Thursday - 19 February 1970
4. I I In a chance encomter, Senator Margaret
Chase Smith said she would appreciate an Agency situation briefing in the
near future and would be in touch with us.
5. During a brief conversation, Senator
J. W. Fulbright commented (in his usual facetious fashion) that in the
current hearings on Southeast Asia he was "learning a lot of things he
never knew before" including the fact that "you folks seem to be doing
the work of the Lord out there. "
6. George Murphy, Joint Committee on
Atomic Energy staff, asked w ether in view of the unavailability of
Senator Pastore on Tuesday, 3 March, the Director's appearance could
be put over until Wednesday, 4 March at 10:00 a. m. I said I would check
with the Director and let him know.
7? Met with Frank Slatinshek, House Armed
Services Committee staff, whom I briefed on the Middle East situation,
developments in Laos, and recent Soviet missile tests.
Sllatinshek asked some questions about what the Soviets, Japanese
and Chinese Communists were doing in the field of using high-voltage
electronic microscopes in the development of micro-miniaturized computers.
He said he had been told recently by Dr. Fernandez Moran of the Fermi
Institute at the University of Chicago, that the Soviets, Japanese and
ChiComs were working intensively in this connection, using a powerful
microscope "in reverse" to develop micro-miniaturized computer,
circuits and that this technology might be important in weapons application.
Slatinshek was concerned that this might result in a major breakthrough
in weaponry, particularly with regard to the ABM. I said I would consult
with the experts and report back.
8. After checking with Cuban
Operations Group, U-Division, I called Jay Sourwine, Senate Internal
Security Subcommittee staff, and told him that the list of names that had
been left out of the Castro testimony was inadvertent and that it is all right
to include them for publication.
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Journal - Office of Legi slative Counsel Page 3
Thursday - 19 February 1970
9? Jay Sourwine, Senate Internal Security
25X1A subcommittee staff, called and asked for an information we could provide
concerning a Russian named He said
a Cuban passport and is the working captain of a Cuban ship,
25X1A1Ia fishing vessel. He said there are other Russians in the crew.
He said there is a Cuban captain (for show) and the Russian captain who
runs the boat. Sourwine said his source told him this man is a Russian
naval officer in the Russian navy of current rank. I told him we would
look into this and be back in touch.
Senate Foreign Relations Committee, who requested that the transcript
of the Director's testimony of 23 April 1969 be made available for
Committee use each day next week starting Monday, 23 February, and
on 2 March for the Gore Subcommittee meeting with the Director.
11. Received a call from Miss Nadine Jacobson,
in the office o Senator Charles Percy (R., Ill. ), who told me that
Senators Percy and John Cooper (R., Ky.) would appreciate it very much
if Messrs. Dave Brandwein and Bruce Clarke could meet with them at
2:00 p.m. tomorrow in Senator Percy's office, room 1109, New Senate
Office Building, for the briefing on the Soviet and Chinese missile threat.
After checking the offices of Messrs. Brandwein and Clarke, I confirmed
the time of the meeting with Miss Jacobson.
-- ------ -----o ULQ. 11LU11,
assistant to senator ward Brooke (R., Mass.), who requested a copy
of the Communist China Administrative Atlas published by CIA in March
1969. A copy will be forwarded to Senator Brooke.
..-ILegislative Counsel
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Contacts 4
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In 1
Out 4
Wednesday - 18 February 1970
1. At the request of Representative Bill
Nichols (D., Ala.), which was relayed through Frank Slatinshek, House
Armed Services Committee staff, I accompanied WH
Division, to a meeting with Mr. James Amaro, of the University of 25X1A
Alabama. At our meeting with Mr. Amaro in Mr. Slatinshek's office,
it was learned that his field of interest is the economic and labor situation
in the Dominican Republic. In brief, Mr. Amaro was advised that these
matters are within the jurisidiction of AID. There is little this Agency
can do to assist him in this matter. No further action is required.
2, I Miss Elma Henderson, in the office of
Representative Spark Matsunaga (D. , Hawaii), called to ask how to address
a letter from the Congressman on behalf of an individual who has applied
for summer employment, and I told her. 25X1A
3. I I called saying he had
been referred to us by Senator J.W. Fulbrig t s . , Ark.) office and
was interested in employment prospects. I made arrangements for him
to get in touch with Personnel. 25X1A
25X1 4. Advised Jim Gehrig, on the staff of the
25X1A Senate Space Committee, that ould be happy to give him
an updated briefing on the Soviet space programs next week and I suggested
some alternative dates. Gehrig said he would check on these with his staff
and be back in touch with me. I told him that we would like to keep the group
as small as possible but had no objection if he wanted to bring Craig Voorhees
as well as Bill Parker.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2
Wednesday - 18 February 1970
I IJay Sourwine, Senate Internal Security
Subcommittee staff, called about the testimony o
which had been reviewed by our people. Sourwine said that our
sources had inadvertently deleted a list of Cuban nationals which had been
attached as an appendix to the Itestimony and which the Subcommittee
had obtained through overt sources from the State Department. He saw no
reason why this should be deleted and said he plans to keep it in the testimony,
identified as being from State sources, unless we have reasons to object.
I told him I saw no reason for the Agency to object but I said I would look
into it.
Sourwine also expressed some concern over several deletions
which we had made, specifically deletion of questions which Sourwine had
asked and material which one of the witnesses apparently wants to use in
a book. I told Sourwine that I thought the procedure which he had used in
these cases in the past (use of a shorthand reporter) was far better than
the system used by Tarabochia in these two cases. I also indicated that our
office proposed to monitor these cases more closely in the future.
6. I uIn response to his request that we provide
a briefing on the Soviet and Chinese missile threats for Senators Cooper
and Percy and staff which Bill Miller and Scott Cohen would also attend, I
advised Scott Cohen, on the staff of Senator Charles Percy (R. , Ill. ), that
the Director had indicated he would be glad to have the two Senators briefed
alone excluding the staff members. I told Cohen that as I had expected
yesterday, the Director wants to limit extremely sensitive briefings of this
sort to Senators only. I also indicated that the Director had talked at some
length with Senator Cooper about this problem and Cohen did not press the
matter further. I told him if he wished to schedule the briefing for the
Senators alone to let me know.
7. I I Left with Bill Woodruff, on the staff of the
Senate Appropriations Committee, the figures which I had used
in his briefing of Preston and Woodruff on Laos last week.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3
Wednesday - 18 February 1970
8. I I In a telephone conversation with
Jim Lowenstein, Consultant, Senate Foreign Relations Committee,
I confirmed the Director's availability to testify before Senator Gore's
Subcommittee on International Organization and Disarmament Affairs
on Monday, 2 March at 10:00 a. m. Lowenstein said the Committee would
like the Director to cover exactly the same ground covered in his appear-
ance before this Subcommittee last year except they would also want to
hear something about conventional anti-aircraft in which there was
considerable interest. He said he thought we could cover the necessary
ground in the morning and no afternoon session would be necessary.
In the same conversation Lowenstein gave me his impressions
of the Vietnam hearings yesterday and today. See Memo for Record for
Legislative Counsel
Item 4 - FMSAC
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Approved For Release 2004/08/31 : CIA-RDP73B00296R000400030002-3 Calls
J tURET out
Tuesday - 17 February 1970
1. Accompanied John Warner to a meeting
with Jay Sourwine, Chief Counsel, Senate Internal Security Subcommittee,
to discuss possible amendments to section 783(b) of the Internal Security
Act of 1950. Sourwine was most receptive to the proposal and advanced
suggestions on his own. It was agreed that we would both give additional
thoughts to the amendments and get together at a later date.
2. I Jim Lowenstein, Consultant, Senate Foreign
Relations Committee, called to say Senator Gore, Chairman of the Subcommittee
on International Organization and Disarmament Affairs, would appreciate a
briefing of his Subcommittee by the Director on Soviet and ChiCom strategic
capabilities, offensive and defensive, on Monday, 2 March. I said I would
call him back after consulting with the Director.
3, Frank Slatinshek, House Armed Services
Committee staff, called to say that a constituent of Representative Bill
Nichols (D. , Ala.) was in town and had some possibly interesting information
regarding the Dominican Republic which he would like to pass to the Agency.
I told Slatinshek an Agency officer would be available for a meeting in
Slatinshek's office at 0900 on Wednesday, 18 February 1970.
4. I I attended the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee's open hearings on the Vietnam Pacification program with
testimony given by Ambassador Bill Colby. The open hearings will continue
tomorrow and Thursday with an executive session on Friday.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel
Tuesday - 17 February 1970
Page 2
Senate Arnie ervices Committee, about the SI and TK security clearances
held by Donald Lynch who has come to the Committee staff from the Bureau
of the Budget. Braswell indicated that Lynch was occupying a slot on the
Preparedness Subcommittee staff but would be working directly for him
(Braswell) on revisions of the law relating to military procurement. He
said it was possible that Senator Stennis would want Lynch to sit in on an
occasional hearing in the SI-TK category and asked if we could continue
Lynch's clearances if we had no objection. I told Braswell I saw no reason
why this could not be done.
6. I Talked with Bill Woodruff, on the staff of the 25X1A
Senate Appropriations Committee, who asked if we would get for him the
order-of-battle figures which were included in briefing on Laos
last week. I told him I would be glad to do this. 25X1A
Woodruff also asked if I would mention to Woodruff's
interest in getting our total intelligence effort dollar figure when it was
available. I have passed this on to 1of OPPB. 25X1A
mittee, called and said he would like to meet with Dave Brandwein at his
convenience early next week for a briefing which would bring him up-to-date
on Soviet space activity. He said he would also like to have Bill Parker and
Craig Voorhees, of his staff, attend if this was agreeable. Gehrig said that
he could come to Headquarters for the briefing. I will check with Mr.
B randwein on this.
Percy (R. , ' III. , called and requested a briefing on the Soviet and Chinese
missile threat for Senators Cooper and Percy and Bill Miller, of Cooper's
staff, and himself for their background use in connection with the upcoming
ABM debate. I told Cohen I could foresee problems on this because it has
been the Director's practice to limit briefings in these special briefing
categories to members and committee staff personnel designated by the
Chairman of their committee after mutual agreement with the Director.
I told Cohen I would raise the question however and be back in touch.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel
Tuesday - 17 February 1970
Page 3
9. Delivered to Ralph Preston, House Appro-
priations Committee staff, the transcript of the Director's testimony
of 3 and 5 February 1970 for review by Representative Glenn Davis (R.,
Wis.). Representative Davis reviewed the transcript in the Committee
hearing room and it was returned to the Agency at the close of business.
(D. , Hawaii and advised him that res o had been received from the
field concerning Representative Matsunaga
greatly appreciated Agency consideration given this matter. (See Journal
item of 16 February.)
v~o~:lal oecur1Ly
Center, concerning the debriefing of Mr. Daniel Lynch who is transferring
from BOB to "Senator Stennis' (D. , Miss . committee. " Mr. Lynch has been
cleared for SI and TKH. I suggested to hat he hold the question
of debriefing for the moment and that this office would check with the
Senate committee staff and see whether continuation of clearances will be
required for Agency use in Mr. Lynch's new assignment.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4
Tuesday - 17 February 1970
13. I I Delivered to the offices of
Representatives Jonathan Bingham (D., N. Y.) and Richard McCarthy (D. , N. Y. )
in which their names were mentioned.
14. Delivered to the offices of Senators
Mike Gravel, George McGovern, and Mike Mansfield, I I in
which their names were mentioned.
Legislative Counsel
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Calls 1
Out 1
Monday - 16 February 1970
2. I IMet with Mr. Ralph Preston, House Appro-
priations committee sta , who advised that Representative Glenn Davis
(R., Wis.) would like to review the transcript of the Director's appearance
before the Defense and Military Construction Subcommittees during the
day tomorrow. The transcript will be kept in the Committee hearing room
for Representative Davis' use at his convenience during the day.
Mr. Preston also told me that he has not had a "final" conference with
Chairman IV ahon concerning Representative John Marsh's (D., Va.) report,
so he will have to wait until this is completed before sending the report to us.
I briefed Mr. Preston on the withdrawal of government forces in the
area east of the PDJ and defenses at Xieng Khouang air field, and fedayeen
pressure on King Husayn.
S C 1
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel
Monday - 16 February 1970
Page 2
3. Talked to Mr. Daniel Manelli, Staff Attorney,
Special Subcommittee on Investigations, House Interstate and Foreign
Commerce Committee, who told me that the draft of the Committee
report on CBS news programming is still in process. He will call me
before it is finalized so that we can review the portions relating to
allegations that CIA had knowledge of the 1966 abortive Haitian invasion.
(See Journal item of 16 September 1969. )
4. Delivered to William Woodruff, Counsel,
Senate Appropriations Committee, the Director's letter to Chairman
Russell concerning withdrawal from the Reserves.
Mr. Woodruff spoke enthusiastically of the budget briefings he
and Ralph Preston received when they visited the Agency on 12 February.
5? I I On the Director's instructions, I called on
Senator Gale McGee (D. , Wyo.) telling him of our concern over the
disto rtions and misconceptions regarding our role in the Phoenix program
as reflected in statements and publicity about the upcoming Senate Foreign
Relations Committee hearings on the subject. I recalled for McGee the
origins of the program, its present objectives and the Agency's limited
role therein. McGee said he would do everything to keep the hearings on
the track, and made clear that he shared our concern over what he considered
irresponsible comments of some of his colleagues on the Committee.
Legislative Counsel
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Friday - 13 February 1970
Personnel Security Division, I talked to Miss Miyasaki
secretary to Representative Spark Matsunaga (D., Hawaii), as a follow-
up to Representative Matsunaga's call of last evening. I told her that
is being advised by cable that the Representative
wants to contact him and that I would come by the office on Monday after
Representative Matsunaga's return to the city and talk to him. (See
Memorandum for the Record.)
3? in the called
to advise that two members of the staff of Senator Edward Kennedy's
(D., Mass.) Subcommittee on Refugees and Escapees (Messrs. Wenk and
Oliva) were in touch with him last week. The Senator and his staff have
been in the Miami area looking at the Cuban refugee situation.
said that the Subcommittee staff had raised questions with him on matters
such as political prisoners in Cuba, the sugar crop, etc. Hogan explained
to the staff that questions of this sort were outside of his area and should
be directed to the Legislative Counsel in Washington if an Agency response
was desired. Iwas merely alerting us to the fact that we might
receive a call om either of these men.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2
Friday 13 February 1970
House Armed Services Committee, whom I briefed on recent developments
in Laos and Jordan; indications of Soviet interest in high-powered gas
dynamic lasers; and Soviet work on nuclear radiation.
On the question of how best to keep Chairman Rivers briefed on
current matters, Blandford indicated he himself had difficulty in keeping
in touch with Rivers and in keeping straight in his head various items he
receives from the Pentagon, CIA and elsewhere. He therefore proposed
that when we have items of major and urgent significance we brief Rivers
ourselves. Blandford pointed out however that Rivers is not interested in
substantive items but rather in developments that may get press attention
or arouse political controversy.
5. I I Met with Frank Slatinshek, House Armed
Services Committee staff, whom I briefed on the same items as above
and with whom I also raised separately the question of briefing Rivers.
Slatinshek indicated that the staff relations with Rivers have become
increasingly difficult lately and for this reason it would be best not to
rely on the staff channel for keeping him informed of important matters.
Like Blandford, Slatinshek said Rivers really is not interested in any
developments which do not have political or publicity value.
of the Subcommittee on National Security and International Operations of
Senate Government Operations Committee, whom I briefed on Laos and the
Middle East situation. She said she would pass this on to Senator Jackson
upon his return Monday, but that he may wish to be briefed personally on
recent developments in the near future.
Armed Services Committee, whom I briefed on latest developments in Laos
'Legislative Counsel
Mr. Houston, Mr. Goodwin
Approved For Release 2004/08/31 : CIA-RDP73B00296R000400030002-3
Approved For Release 2004/08/31 : CIA-RDP73B00296R000400030002 ,11s
Thursday - 12 February 1970
1. In the absence of Ed Braswell, I briefed
Herb Atkinson, on the staff of the Senate Armed Services Committee, on
a situation in Laos and asked that he call it to Braswell's attention at his
earliest opportunity with the thought that Chairman Stennis would be
interested in knowing this.
Picked up the
from Jay Sourwine, Chief Counsel, Senate Internal Security Subcommittee,
for editing and left it with
25X1 3. I I Spoke to Peggy Papp, in the office of
Representative Manuel Lujan (R., N.Mex.), concerning a letter from a
constituent, I which complained about the Agency's
STATOTHRactivities in Laos. I suggested to Miss Papp that she inform
that there are four subcommittees of the Congress which oversee the
Agency and in addition Senator Stuart Symington (D., Mo.) recently chaired
a subcommittee which has investigated all U.S. Government activities in
Laos, including that of the Agency. Miss Papp thought this would be more
than satisfactory.
4. During his visit to Headquarters for briefings,
I gave Mr. Ralph Preston, House Appropriations Committee staff, the
Director's letter to the Chairman concerning withdrawal of funds from the
Reserve for the Radios.
5. I I William Woodruff, Senate Appropriations Com- 25X1A
mittee staff, and S. Ralph Preston, House Appropriations Committee staff,
visited the Agency for a budget briefing by OPPB,
on our R&D program by DDS&T, and our Southeast Asian
operations byl Chief FE. (See Memo for Record for details. )
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2
Thursday - 12 February 1970
6. In response to his request of yesterday, I
met with Mr. John R. Blandford, Chief Counsel, House Armed Services
Committee, and discussed with him the blind memorandum of 11 February
commenting on the William Beecher article in the New York Times of
11 February. Mr. Blandford had no further questions and the memorandum
was returned to the Agency. Mr. Blandford noted during our conversation
that Chairman Rivers will be back in the office in the morning and he suggested
that I might want to take the opportunity to brief the Chairman on the current
situation in Laos and such other matters we feel should be brought to his
I briefed Mr. Blandford on the following items of current intelligence
Soviet nuclear tests;
c. Communist tank and armor supported action into
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel
Thursday 12 February 1970
Page 3
8. Betty Driver, in the office of Representative
Richard L. Roudebush (R. , Ind.), called and asked if one
ver worked for OSS or CIA. After checking
with Security, Miss Driver was advised
that we had no record or either of these two men having worked for OSS
or CIA.
Legislative Counsel
Mr. Houston
Mr. Goodwin
Item 7 - C/FE, D/Pers
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Contacts 7
Approved For Release 2004/08/31 : CIA-RDP73B00296R000400030002-3 Calls 3
Wednesday - 11 February 1969
In 2
Out 5
George Murphy, on the staff of
the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, called and expressed interest
in any information which we could provide him about the Soviet who
was recently arrested in Washington state.
3. I I Hand carried to Dorothy Fosdick, on the
staff of the Senate Subcommittee on National Security and International
Operations, two documents which the Director wanted to have made
available to Senator Jackson. I admonished Miss Fosdick regarding the
sensitivity of this material stressing it was for Senator Jackson's
background use only.
4. In response to her request, I left
with Miss Eileen O'Neill, on the staff of Senator Peter Dominick (R.,
Colo. ), a number of page-size maps of the Soviet Union.
In the absence of Senator Dominick and his Administrative
Assistant, Charles Kendrick, I talked with Maxine Hyde, Personal
Secretary to Senator Dominick, about the Senator's letter to the Director
forwarding a copy of Julius Mader's announcement of his publication
Where is the CIA. Miss Hyde said she would mention our conversation
to the Senator and pass on our offer to talk to him personally about
Mader if he wishes any further information.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel [[ ~~
Wednesday - 11 February 1970
Page 2
5. I I Hand carried to Proctor Jones, on
the staff of Senator Richard Russell (D., Ga. ), the Director's personal
letter to Jones.
6. I I Made arrangements with Bill Woodruff,
on the staff of the Senate Appropriations Committee, for his visit to the
Agency tomorrow for a briefing on the Agency budget and related matters.
7. I IMet with Mr. James Wilson, House Science
and Astronautics Committee staff, and briefed him on the SL-12.
Mr. Wilson advised that Representative Olin Teague (D., Texas) has
returned to Texas over the weekend and that both Chairman Miller and his
wife are laid up with the flu. No further mention has been made by the
Chairman of an Agency briefing for selected senior members of the Com-
mittee. Mr. Wilson is letting it ride for the present.
25X1 8. In response to his call, met with
Mr. Gil LeKander, Administrative Assistant to Representative Frank Bow
STATOTHR (R., Ohio), who showed me a letter from an old friend of Representative Bow,
Florida, who is interested in employ-
Representative Bow had forwarded the letter to
Mr. LeKander requesting that he contact this office and see what could be
done to assist I who at one time was the flight instructor for the
Capitol Hill flying club and had taught the Representative among others. I
referred Mr. LeKander directly to the Air America offices downtown.
has been advised.
9. I I Met with Mr. John Blandford, House Armed
Services Committee staff, who advised that the dates for Committee hearings
are not settled and will be subject to determination by the Chairman. Although
the Chairman will want the DCI to meet with the CIA Subcommittee, no
determination has been made as to whether the Director will be asked to brief
the full Committee during March. Mr. Blandford also advised that matters
deemed to be of interest to the Chairman should be taken directly to him
rather than being channeled through Mr. Blandford for relay. This request
to take matters for the Chairman directly to him is being made to DOD and
military department representatives. Mr. Blandford gave me a copy of the
William Beecher article in the New York Times titled "U.S. Satellites Detect
Soviet ICBMs in Medium-Range Missile Complexes" and requested Agency
comment on the article by this afternoon if possible.
I briefed Mr. Blandford on several items of current intelligence interest.
(See Memorandum for the Record.)
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel
Wednesday - 11 February 1970
Page 3
priations Committee staff, and briefed him in general terms on the current
situation in Laos. Mr. Preston will brief Chairman Mahon on Laos on his
return. I also reviewed with Mr. Preston the Agency comments on the
Soviet satellite destroyer article in the New York Times of 6 February and
the Agency memorandum of 4 February on Mr. Preston 25X1
is looking forward to his visit to the Agency in the morning.
I briefed Mr. Preston on the following items of current intelligence
a. ChiCom improvement of defensive installations
along Soviet-Manchurian border;
b. Y-class submarine from northern fleet to North
Atlantic patrol.
Legislative Counsel
Mr. Houston
Mr. Goodwin
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Contacts 2
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[CRET Out 1
Tuesday - 10 February 1970
1. I I Elizabeth Lewis, in the office of Repre-
sentative Richard Bolling (D. , Mo. ), called for a constituent for information
on military intelligence satellites. She said the Air Force had sent some
information to the constituent and that someone on the staff of the Armed
Services Committee had suggested that she call the Agency. I explained
why we could not be of any help and she seemed fully satisfied.
25X1A 25X1A
2. accompanied by
met with Representative Ogden Reid (R., N. Y.) and updated information
previously provided on the Mid-East, Sino-Soviet relations, and Vietnam.
Representative Reid was most complimentary of presenta-
tion. No followup action is required from today's meeting. 25X1A
3. Met with Mr. Frank Slatinshek, House Armed
Services Committee staff, and discussed the New York Times article of
6 February concerning the Soviet satellite destroyer. On the question of
Committee schedule of briefings, Mr. Slatinshek suggested it would be
well to check with Mir. Blandford after his return to the city tomorrow.
4. Talked to Mr. Ralph Preston,
House Appropriations Committee staff, who confirmed the visit to Head-
quarters for Thursday, 12 February, at 9:00 a.m. for further Agency
briefing. He asked that I provide him a map or other specific directions
during the day tomorrow since this will be his first trip to the Agency
from the Maryland direction.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel
Tuesday - 10 February 1970
Page 2
7. On the Director's instructions attempted
to reach Senator Gale McGee regarding a matter in connection with the
Senate Foreign Relations Committee, but found he will be out of town until
Monday, 16 February.
8. Talked with Steve Wexler, Counsel, Senate
Subcommittee on Education of the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare,
about the Subcommittee hearings on Senator Dominick's bill to establish
a U. S. Foreign Service Corps (S. 939). Wexler felt that the two instances
in which the Agency was mentioned in the hearings on this bill could be
handled without any direct or formal response from the Agency. See Memo
for the Record for details.
9. I advised Peggy McDonald, in the office of
Senator Henry M. Jackson, thati and other Agency officials had
carefully reviewed the qualifications of bout whom
the Senator had contacted us but that we do not have a suitable opening for him
and would not want to raise his hopes by arranging a personnel interview at
this time unless the Senator was particularly anxious that we do so. Miss
McDonald said she would inform the Senator.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel
Tuesday - 10 February 1970
Page 3
10. I I Mr. McAndrew, in the office of Senator
Claiborne Pell, called and requested a professional brochure and a set
of application forms for a constituent. These were put in the mail.
Legislative Counsel
Mr. Houston
Mr. Goodwin
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Call 5
In 3
Out 4
Monday - 9 February 1970
1. accompanied by
provided to Representative Joseph Addabbo (D., N. Y.) a summary of the
Director's presentation to the House Appropriations Committee on the
Soviet and Chinese threat, Middle East and Southeast Asia. The briefing
was well received by Representative Addabbo who noted in summary that
the overall situation hasn't changed very much since last year. There
are no followup actions from the meeting. (See Memorandum for the
2. 1 1 Talked to Carol Tuchmann, in the
office of Representative Ogden Reid (R., N.Y.), and confirmed with her
the meeting with Representative Reid scheduled for 2:00 p.m., Tuesday,
10 February. (See Journal item of 6 February.)
3. I I Talked to Ralph Preston, House
Appropriations Committee staff, and advised him that Bill Woodruff's
schedule is clear for a visit to Headquarters on Thursday, 12 February.
Mr. Preston advised that his schedule is not yet clear, but that he is
continuing to work on it.
4. 1 Talked to Miss Berniece .Kalinowski, personal
secretary to Frank Slatinshek, House Armed Services Committee staff,
and gave her the breakdown of military pay and allowances utilized in
computing the Agency salary supplement for appointed officials under the
National Security Act of 1947. (See Journal item of 6 February.)
5. I I Bernie Dobranski, Administrative
Assistant to Representative William T. Murphy (D., Ill.), called to ask
for two additional Communist China Map Folios for the Congressman.
(Murphy is chairman of the Far East Subcommittee of House Foreign
Affairs Committee and we had given him a copy of this folio in May 1969.)
We will send these to him tomorrow.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2
Monday - 9 February 1970
of the Education Subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Labor and Public
Welfare, regarding the testimony of State Department witnesses on the Foreign
Service Corps (S. 939). Wexler was involved in the floor debate on the secondary
education bill but I was able to obtain a copy of the transcript involved from
his staff. Excerpts of pertinent parts are being forwarded to the Director of
Personnel and the Cover Division.
7. In response to his request, I provided Bill Woodruff,
on the staff o the Senate Appropriations Committee, with a copy of FMSAC's
blind commentary on the Richard Lyons' column in the New York Times on the
Soviet satellite destro er. I also provided Woodruff with a copy of the blind
memorandum on the case used by the Director in briefing Senator Fulbright.
Woodruff appreciated having both of these items.
Woodruff said he would be available to visit the Agency on Thursday,
12 February, along with Ralph Preston for a briefing on Agency programs. I
asked him to stay on for lunch.
8. I I In response to his request, I provided Ed Braswell,
on the staff of the Senate Armed Services Committee, a copy of the FMSAC
commentary on the Richard Lyons' column in the New York Times on the Soviet
destroyer. I also left with Braswell a copy of the blind memorandum on the
case which was used by the Director in briefing Senator Fulbright.
]Legislative Counsel
DDS&Tp Mr. Houston E 1
OPPBDApproved For NerleasL026b }t)8/31 '~#IA- [[Du B00296R000400030002-3
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Friday - 6 February 1970
1.1 Met with Mr. Ralph Preston, House Appro-
priations Committee staff, who advised that he will try to work out a
time with Bill Woodruff to visit the Agency while the House is in recess
next week. He will try for Thursday, the 12th. I also confirmed with
him the briefing for Representative Joseph Addabbo (D., N. Y.) for
Monday at 2:00 p. m., room HB18. He was most appreciative.
I briefed Mr. Preston on several items of current intelligence
interest. (See Memorandum for the Record.)
2. Delivered to Mr. Don Shasteen,
Administrative Assistant to Senator Carl Curtis (R., Nebr.), a sealed
envelope from (See Journal item of
23 January.)
3. I I Received a call from Carol Tuchmann,
in the office of Representative Ogden Reid (R., N.Y.). Representative Reid
would appreciate, if possible, a briefing early in the week updating the
information previously furnished him on the Middle East. I thanked
Miss Tuchmann for the call and told her I would be back in touch with her
on Monday.
4. I I I advised George Murphy, on the staff
of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, that at the present time the
Director has no commitments for March 3 through 5 which would preclude
his briefing the Joint Committee on one of those days. Murphy said he
planned to concentrate on March 3 as the most likely date and said he would
be back in touch with us.
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Approved For Release 2004/08/31 : CIA-RDP73B00296R000400030002-3
Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel n- __
Friday - 6 February 1970
????, v.+u.aioci, n.uuse
Armed Services Committee. In response to his question to Mr. Maury
concerning the possible reintroduction of missiles to Cuba, I satisfied
his question by detailing for him in general terms the sequence of events
during January leading to the identification of an increase in SA-2 cannisters
in Cuban - storage sites. I also touched on the continuing interest in this
problem that is focused in the Interagency Cuban Panel. In response to his
earlier question concerning a news report that the Pueblo is "to sail for
Reds, " I told him that the status of the Pueblo at dockside does not appear
to have changed during the last year.
Mr. Slatinshek advised that ACDA has requested legislative
authority to supplement the pay for military officers holding appointed
positions in the Disarmament Agency. He requested an outline of the
Agency's practice in computing such pay and allowances under the CIA
National Security Act authority. After checking with Mr. Harry Fisher,
in the Office of Personnel, I told Mr. Slatinshek the computation is
relatively simple. The pay and allowances are totaled by the individual's
parent service and this figure is used as a simple deduction from the current
salary for the position. Mr. Slatinshek was very careful to point out that
the Committee is merely looking to the Agency as one having many years
of administrative experience in this matter. He requested additionally, if
available without too much effort, a breakdown of the specific pay and
allowance items that are utilized in computing the military pay total.
I briefed Mr. Slatinshek on several items of current intelligence
interest. (See Memorandum for the Record. )
6. At his request, I met with Ed Braswell, on the 25X1A
staff of the Senate Armed Services Committee, to discuss the article by
Richard D. Lyons in today's New York Times on the Soviet satellite destroyer
I briefed Braswell on the situation using information provided by
and David Brandwein. Braswell was interested in this and anticipated
questions from the Armed Services Committee members on it. I told him
our people were preparing a commentary on the article and I would be happy
to provide him with a copy. Braswell said he thought Senator Margaret Chase
Smith (R. , Maine) would be particularly interested in it.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel
Friday - 6 February 1970
Page 3
7. I I In the absence of Bill Woodruff, I briefed
Guy McConnell, of the Senate Appropriations Committee staff, on the facts
concerning the Soviet satellite destroyer.
Acting Legislative Counsel
Mr. Houston
Mr. Goodwin
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Approved For Release 2004/08/31 : CIA-RDP73B00296R000400030002-3 Contacts 5
Calls 3
In 0
Thursday - 5 February 1970
1. Accompanied the Director who appeared for
a combined session of t e- Defense and Military Construction Subcommittees
of the House Appropriations Committee. See Memo for the Record.
2. I I Attended a hearing of the Internal
Security Subcommittee, Senate Judiciary Committee, at which
testified. Senator Strom Thurmond (R., S. C . )
presided. The witness was questioned by James Lucier, of the Senator's
staff, and Jay Sourwine, Chief Counsel of the Subcommittee. Also present
were Jack Norpel and Al Tarabochia of the Subcommittee staff, Paul
Weyrich from the staff of Senator Gordon Allott (R., Colo.), and
~nd myself from the Agency. The hearing took place without
3. I I Delivered to the House Appropriations Committee
for use by the Chairman copies of the transcripts of DCI briefings of
Wednesday, 3 February 1970, and of 13, 14 and 15 March 1969. The tran-
scripts were returned to the Agency at the end of the day.
4. George Murphy, on the staff of the Joint
Committee on Atomic Energy, called to check on the Director's possible
availability for a briefing of the Joint Committee during the first week in
March (March 3 through 5). I told him I would check on this and be back
in touch.
5. Met with Bill Woodruff, on the staff of the
Senate Appropriations Committee, to discuss several matters including
a Headquarters briefing for him on Agency programs, relationships with
the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and format for our budget presenta-
tion. (See Memo for the Record for details. )
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Approved For Release 2004/08/31 : CIA-RDP73B00296R000400030002-3
Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel
Thursday - 5 February 1970
6. Met with Mr. Ralph Preston, House
Appropriations Committee staff, and reviewed with him the budget
summary forwarded with a cover note of 4 February from Mr.
Page 2
, OPPB, Mr. Preston indicated that this summary is more
than adequate for the Chairman's needs at the present. Although he
is unable to commit himself at this time, Mr. Preston is attempting
changes in his personal schedule to allow a visit to the Agency for
briefings on Thursday, 12 February.
Later in the day I received a call from Mr. Preston who advised
that Representative Joseph Addabbo (D. , N. Y.) had been unable to attend
the Director's briefings Tuesday and today due to a death in the family.
He would appreciate, if possible, a summary of the Agency briefing on
Monday at 2:00 p.m. by an Agency representative. Mr. Preston told me
he offered Representative Addabbo the transcripts of the meetings for
his review but that the Representative would like a briefing by an Agency
representative, which he feels is in keeping with the importance of the
briefings presented by the Director. I told Mr. Preston I would relay
the request and be back in touch with him in the morning.
7. Charles Frandolig, on the staff of
Representative Bob Casey (D., Tex. ), called and asked if we would
arrange an employment interview for
I told Frandolig that I could not be optimistic
in view of the present personnel situation-but arrangements were made for
to be interviewed by omorrow.
Legislative Counsel
Mr. Houston; Mr. Goodwin
Item #7 - Office of Personnel
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