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Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP73T00325R000100020027-2
SUBJECT: Creation of a Management Staff
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.vY 1. The management of data and the information derived and re-'
ported from data where it pertains to the management of center
activities has been performed in a rather ineffective way.
2. A look at the center reveals that data c-information is
collected, maintained and disseminated for a variety of reasons,
at many locations and levels of management throughout the center with 46,
no ~i ' to correlate such data in order to be used in an effective
decision making process by the top level managers of the center, and
bring it to bear on the center,,,top level management decision process.
3. Examples of these are data files containing target statistics,
film usageA and inventory, report and briefing boards production,
personnel, finance, budgets equipmentmaintenance, supplies inventory;`
4. The Management Information System to a lesser degree is
also some what ineffective as a management tool because certain prime
functions have been delegated to a line organization.
Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP73T00325R000100020027-2
Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP73T00325R000100020027-2
5. Namely, PSG/AID is responsible for the following functions:
a. The collection and verification of manhour data
(recorded on time sheets) and submission of these data to
the Operations Branch, AID for imput to the computer based
Management Information System.
b. The collection and verification of project data (e.g.,
project information work phase notices, products, etc.) and
submission of these data to the Operations Branch, AID for
inclusion in the MIS.
c. The maintenance (e.g., updating and purging) of data
contained in the MIS.
d. The preparation of algorithms.for the retrieval of
information from the MIS and the collation and presentation of
this information in a format mutually agreed to by AID and PPBS.
This will, however, be limited to those services amenable to
existing MIS software and/or which require minimum manual ex-
traction and formatting operations.
e. The continuing review and redesign of system components
of the MIS in an effort to improve MIS products and meet the changing
Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP73T00325R000100020027-2
Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP73T00325R000100020027-2
demands of MIS customers as determined by PPBS, in consulta-
f. Serve as the interface between operational and develop-
mental components of AID and MIS customers in all matters per-
taining to the MIS.
6. While, PPBS is responsible for the following functions:
a. A determination of management data elements which
should be recorded in the MIS.
b. The determination of the information elements which
should be extracted from the MIS.
c. The analysis of data extracted from the MIS.
d. The preparation of management analysis reports based
in whole or in part on information extracted from the MIS.
7. The main problems evident by this dichotomy of functions
is that those functions necessary to insure a timely MIS are not
the responsibility of the PPBS.
8. Further, to gain insight into customer usage of the MIS,
function 'F.4serve# this purpose better under the PPBS.
Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP73T00325R000100020027-2
Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP73T00325R000100020027-2
9. The d$vision of functions described in paragraphs 5 and 6
have been in existence since August 1968. Prior to that time all the
functions were under PPBS.
10. Prior to August 1968, the MIS was a system that responded
to users needs on a weekly basis. The files were kept up to date,
there was systematic checking of data, improvements to the MIS were
continually made and the system as a whole received center wide ac-
11. Today the file is in 1 shape. It has not been purged of
closed projects since before August 1968. The latest pay raise tables
have not been input into the file and updates take from two to four
weeks. All this taken together is a cause for .j lack of acceptance
of the MIS by mpst center personnel.
12. Part of the problems are directly attributable to PPBS for
not providing direct support to the MIS on a routine basis.
13. To summarize, there exists with in the center many informa-
tion files and among them the MIS, each of which, if properly controlled
by a higher level organization can contribute significantly to the de-
Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP73T00325R000100020027-2
Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP73T00325R000100020027-2
cision making process of Center management.
14. Further, there will be many additional information
systems imposed on the Center by the SIPS. Already, the Automatic
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Budget Control System is being utilized by the Center. PPBS has
tamed control of the Automatic Budget System... '4' d ""'f "7'-
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15. Some of the information systems to be imposed on the Center
by the Agency SIPS are those dealing with performance measurements k-4k
work load factors
16. What is being alluded to here is the implication that
some sort of system or systems requiring the collection and analysis
of manhour data will become an Agency wide requirement.
17. NPIC is the only component that has an MIS which collects
and analyzes manhour data.
18. If it becomes an Agency requirement for all components to
collect and analyze manhour data we must do so in a much better way
and under a higher level of management than we do so now.
19. We cannot allow a line organization to be in control of a
Center wide information system which must be responsive to the Agency.
Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP73T00325R000100020027-2
Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP73T00325R000100020027-2
20. We must reorganize the PPBS staff to allow for the con-
trol and analysis of NPIC information systems on a routine basis.
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Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP73T00325R000100020027-2
Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP73T00325R000100020027-2
MISSION: The Data/Information Management Staff (DIMS) is respon-
sible for collating all center data/information systems to provide
NPIC managers with essential planning and operating information in
forms that combine manpower utilization, program schedule, targets,
reports, finance, and budgets statistics and personnel and inventory
levels into meaningful relationships. In addition, the DIMS has
the responsibility to insure that all Center data/information
systems are designed, maintained, and operated in such style as'to
provide useful, accurate and timely information to all Center managers.
FUNCTIONS: The Data/Information Management Staff in cooperation with
Center manageshall:
1. Operate and improve the MIS to ensure identificationcol-
lection, storage and retrieval of essential elements of
management data.
2. Analyze the utility, accuracy, and timelines of all NPIC
data/information systems which4 provide management infor-
C5- IVT i
mation oflp'1~0* wide interest.
3. Analyze all data/information systems and produce reports
which translate current and past performance data into
meaningful predictions of future performance.
4. Correlate ,and interpret data from the various data/infor-
mation, .o provide a wide range of information on which to
t the management decision making process.
5. Respond to Center manager requests for ad hoc data correla-
tion of the various data/information systems.
Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP73T00325R000100020027-2