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Publication Date: 
February 17, 1954
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PDF icon CIA-RDP74-00297R000601240037-2.pdf73.67 KB
STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/11/08: CIA-RDP74-00297R000601240037-2 RADIO REPORTS, INC. 220 East 42nd Street New York 17, A. I. Washington Office '-4,rtrcw 17 February 1954 PRAISES '3-D FOREIGN POLICY' OF puLup FAMILY Ask Washington, at 11:30 A.M., over WWBW (Washington) and the NBC Television Network: HOLLY itnlIGHT AND MEMBERS OF THE PROCIP&P S PAM. kERE SEEN ON THE TELEVISIJN SCiEI SEATED AT A TABLE. HOLLY WRIGHT: "A question from Manchester, New hampshire, asks, 'Would you please give me some information regarding Mr. Dulles's background? I've been told that his son is studying for the priesthood. Am I right or wrong?' Background on Mt. Dulles." BILLY HENRY: "He has a long, long personal and family history- as a very prominent Protestant layman. He's been a high official of the Council of Churches, I believe, and he's a very celebrated churchman. About his son, I don't know." ESTHER VAN WAGONER TUFTY: "I think the son has gone into the priesthood, but I think we also, in mentioning Mr. Dulles's background, he's always recognized as a great international lawyer, and under another administration he was always an advisor, foreign advisor when it came to international relations, and I think those are the two things you always think of with Mr. Dulles. It's that he's an authority on international law and that he's a great Protestant layman." EICHARD RANKNESS: "It's really, I think, a most interesting family. The Dulles father was a Presbyterian minister in upstate New York, an uncle, Robert Lansing, was Secretary of State, a Dulles grandfather was Secretary of State, and, as Esther brought out so well, Dulles has literally 'grown up' in this field of international relations, and particularly, as she brought out, he's a member, senior partner, of one of the largest international law firms. W6 don't actnally know all about Dulles. I think, Holly, it's a '3-D1 foreign policy because there's John Foster Dulles, who is Secretary of State, there's Allen Dulles, who's the head of the Central Intelligence AgencT, and, then there is Eleanor Dulles, a sister, who is a European economist in the State Department, and between the three of them, a year ago, they, pulled off what I thought was one of the most brilliant strokes, of American foreign policy, it hasn't come to light as yet, but it's the '3.4), foreign policy of the Dulleses." wmar: "Quite a familyt" Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/11/08: CIA-RDP74-00297R000601240037-2