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? 1-1)uf's Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2013/10/29: CIA-RDP74-00297R000900090027-8 ??,1 Spend, Spend?And No Accounting! By FULTON LEWIS, JR. WASHINGTON, Nov. 17?The Crusade for Freedom is one of those superprivileged organiza- tions to whith givers may ad- dress contributions "care of your local postmaster." Radio announcements in Its behalf are recognized by the Federal Cern- munications ? Commission a "public service" announcements. There are other. official spon- sorships and pressurangs . into which appropriate committees of Congress should Inquire. For example, the Crusade is One of the causes for which all gov- ernment employees are solicited for contributions, in a circular addressed to "my fellow work- ers In government," and signed by the President. Participation is all but man- datory. ? - Inasmuch as the het proceeds of the crusade go to support the profligate Free Europe and Its affiliated operations, I fall off the sled. One of the early organizers of Radio ?Frec Europe informs mi that from. the outset, It has been systernatically.mtumed by many confirmed Marxists, and for that reason he finally quit In disgust. It operates its own fabulous empire. in Europe,, wi t h an estimated minimum of 1,000 people there, not to mention an additional 500 in New York, In Munich, it has 'built plush modern apartment houses for Its staff, foreign and American.' with parquet floors, ' ? modern kitchens, all furnished with rentals below the' going rentals t CAPITAL REPORT CRITTENBERGER., for .Germatt accommodations, Which are notoriously low. ? ? WORST OF ALL, the overall. inanamment in- Neve:York-Is in the hands'-at a traape,oi. rich zons,.drawingefancy-sal. arles for playing an adolescent game of amateur, inreige ,in. trigue. If' this business is serions, it ought to be in the hands of se.rhaus men.. -* ? As It is, the titular bead is a military friend of President Eisenhower, a retired. Llenten. 'ant ,General named Willis D. Crittenberger, ? who was . with him in Europe in-World War IL But Immediately under him IS the Bmer Boy regime- the guid- ing 'Orinelple of which is .to measure accomplishment by the number .of dollars anent. ? ? With the tow ng of balloon ' ? ? . propaganda operations across the Iron Curtain, the heads of that operation .began scurrying about for some new ventures to ? justify their existence, and . came up with what they call the Asian coat:via program, and another called the book.dlittribtl* tion program. These I shall deal with later in detail. My point Is that the basic motivation is to spend money, somehow, and to keep knee-deep in clover. Purportedly. the Free Europe operation is a privately financed ; enterprise. It does not admit any barking by. the..CIA, chi' or otherwise. If this is Ito: Its recordS and 'finances should'' be subject to public inspection'i and public audit. That is not the way It works; however. Any such suggestion Is squelched immediately and arbitrarily, because of the CIA connection. in Washington., Even / Congressional corntrdtteee . are north)* tee break. the. sanctity , ?17411. of CIA.. . But They may be Able to, this A ,- time. At least three Calves.]: investigttleg committees IN 11)il digging inteitte Free Europe Mary, and wisit(. its officials t ?pear on theilitand, they'll I liter tem, to ten the books yet id recntki, or Idea beingte U er to get %?at,, a, least, will OM the oPen- ir [view tt errs.. ive.) v ? j: r r a Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2013/10/29: CIA-RDP74-00297R000900090027-8 a ci -44 - Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2013/10/29: CIA-RDP74-00297R000900090027-8 CAPITAL REPORT More On RFE Fiasco By FULTON LEWIS:JR. :WASHINGTON, Nov. 18?? The Board? of Disectors-of the- Crusade for Freedom includes 12- ting shed puhlie-spirited citizens, many of whom are friends of mine, and. s me, o whom, are. unhappy about the facts I have presented about Radio Free Etirope, for which the Crusade is the fund-raising - organization. , This surplises me :because I consider my expose as a favor to them, not a criticism. Frank- ly, they arP.- being. had,.. and for me, I would want to know about If criticisms come along, they are referred to the Radio Free Europe organization for an- swers; and, the answers are . pat. One .relatine 4lefense, for ex- ample, .11. fiat Radio Free EStropoihroadcasts must he el- t fectiwskter tha Russiane would not It vsksuting millions of dol- In efforts to "Jam"' 14 first glance, thiS isoaable. On second. It t ? FIRST place th'ere is no evtIe that the Russians are spei4 tig "millions of dol. tend and no pea- prove it. . ond. it assumes that ? t the Russians don't which is ridiculous. r'ojeiti K lion to R.F ' ? tars. ? them; . seems t Is hoesti IN Ti tars" tof sible wa /n th ?twain) like is The fa ibr AIN propaganda line Is VI i,` '41 le people behind the Iron away from MoSeow in h y persuading tablish their own na. of Commtmlsm, the h Is demonstrated of Poland, Hun* I., via.? : thesis is not Crefnlin, any ? -da material mple ,, pendence id n woul tsb. What 'Jamul, . ,.,.done is therefore entirely Ili, .,144.zdahle. It does 'Vft Nst. e however, that the policy I14.1urope broadcatt !Thes should be, nor' l'are'Anything but what iaccused of being--in favor of ' 1 4 national Communism. The fact Is, there is no rea- soni to betih ve that the Free Europe b eadeasts ore being heard be ild the iron Curtain to any appreciable extetit.-Theis ? trasismitterp. re ell. shortwave, . and shorit.iiv,.. receivers in sat- eflUe eountrie,; are ?erv scarce. Cuor: Core' them, tional:b folly ft by the Free what they rard' I. Tab ONLY RADIO sets avail. able for purchase are standard "People's Sets," capable of pick- ing up the frequencies of the Communist government stations on the regular broadcast band. These are useless for short wave. owe....top..Cong,ressionaf rater who has Interviewed liter- ally tlionSandg.of -Iron Curtain (racemes and, persecutees, forsits..ine that, he has ..asked ev- ,LTYAdividual about Radio Free Europe and per Cent of them have ever heard it, ve.fiear.df:of ft. Most of these didn't tare. The others reported that they had no way to get it, and wouldn't take the risk, any- way. For these results, Free Europe is spending an estimated 10 million' dollars a year. in Munic,h alone,- and Crusade for Freedom is ? Collecting the "Truth Dollars" to support it. If I were a diroctor, rd want to know what is going on, and for my money, I'm doing my friends a favor. (0.1557 by iCing Features Synd.. inc.) hib.a. Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2013/10/29: CIA-RDP74-00297R000900090027-8 a " irtC7 Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2013/10/29: CIA-RDP74-00297R000900090027-8 vvvvv onottliimmetimitiM11111111111111111111111111111111MMOm Balloon Propaganda Developed Slow Leak By FULTON LEWIS, JR. . WASHINGTON, Nov. 19. ? The Free Europe balloon prop- aganda program with 'Lead - quarters in Munich, GermAny, widely touted as one of the big guns of the so-called Crusade for Freedom, ceased operations in October a year ago, after the outbreak of the Hungarian Rev- olution. It had 359 employees, of whom 268 were on the scene, and the operating head of it is a pleasant young man named Samuel S. Walker, Jr., in New York. He has an Ivy League af- t rnosphere, was editor of the Yale Daily News the year be- fore William Buckley, smokes a pipe and is 31 years old. I have a photostat of an of- ficial memorandum, dated De- cember 3, 1956, formally sus- pending operations as of that date. IT GOES SO far as to recom? mend substitute projects on which the employees could be kept busy. ? . Nearly a year later, Mr. Walker has just dispatched Spa cial representative, G. A. ? Trutuovsky, a Czech, to finally Vdismantle" the project and dis, ? - ? ? pose of all equipment. He is assigned tO do the job in 45 days' at an 'allowance of twenty dollars a day plus transporta- tion. I asked Mr. Walker about this, because he already had a $15,000-a-year assistant in Mu- nich, Howard_ S. Weaver, who has been in 'charge of the bal- loon program since its incep- tion. Weaver alto is Yale. While 'Isruniovsliy is being sent to Munich, Weaver is being re- called. I asked Mr. Walker why. fle infernied me that 1Yea- ver's recall is because he' knd eight other members of the Munich staff were involVed In a cigarette Mai* market scan- dal, about which-the German government took a dim view.. The Americans had made a deal with a GI to have him buy The cigarettes for them at the Army post exchange at some thing less than 25 cents a pack, which is about one-third of what they sell for on the tax- paid German retail market THE FREE EUROPE head- quarters in New Yofk dis- patched Its own General Coun- sel, Richard Greenlee, from. New York to defend the nine, his trip cdstitir 'several thou- sand, dollars." There also was a German attorney. , AU nih4 were convicted and fined byqhd-German court, and Weaver was "recalled for a new assignment in New York." If The balloon project has the fr atmosphere of a sort of Yale / /ir post-graduate cops-and-robbers club, i '4, b, with, ? a Social Register .i; ? screening . system. %Volker.' deputy director p.?, ? CAPITAL REPORT THE BALLOON BROKE someivhat younger than he ? Johp,Kirk, alai a son of Old Eil also a son of Grayson pressItlent of Columbia Univrsity.'ie was hired inA,(4.alt, 1956, .this being his fir0A-0, at 35,500 a year. To. day Wts drawing $10,500, which seems to demonstrate how fast the mntlern young Man can rise in the wnrid. .11r.?Vralker is not very specif- ic about why the year elapsed between the end of the balloon operation$, and the long-last dis- mantlingi,Ne says it has been "gradualAtrocess, which seems to be it Masterpiece of under- statement. (C 1(J57, by Abg !tat are- Inc.) I.* a A 1 ? 11 r Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2013/10/29: CIA-RDP74-00297R000900090027-8