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Approved For Release 2009/06/05: CIA-RDP74-0039OR000300130002-9
MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Support Services Staff
SUBJECT : Summary of Semi-Annual Records Program Report
1. Attached is the requested detailed report on the Records
Staff's activities for the first six months of 1970. Below is a
brief summary of some highlights from the attached detailed report:
New designs, revisions, and obsoletions required 313 actions
in this period versus 255 in the prior 6 month period. Control
of forms supply required another 176 actions. Final reviews
involved 750 printings and rejected. $4,300 - worth of unacceptable
forms. Procurement proposals reduced a reprint order by $4,000.
The staff holding action continues for these Programs and did
require much more attention than usual because of the increased
Federal concern in these two areas.
A total of 81 equipment requisitions were reviewed and three
were rejected. The completed movable shelving installations
now total ten plus two large motorized installations worth
a quarter million dollars. We completed plans in this period
for another that will cost nearly a half million at the Records
Center. Components from each Directorate were assisted with
file equipment and related systems problems. Eight requests
for Secure Areas were processed and equipment and systems
requirements for those Areas were developed for the components
involved. Some $24,000 worth of equipment and 150 sq. ft. of
Headquarters floor space were recovered in these secure area
conversions. Liaison activities by the Staffers with National
Archives, other Agencies, equipment manufacturers, and. special
training offerings continued high and seem to be increasing
in number and importance.
This Staff participated in a major study of the Agency Emergency
Plans. The Emergency Office and Plans were reorganized by SSS.
Approved For Release 2009/06/05: CIA-RDP74-0039OR000300130002-9
Approved For Release 2009/06/05: CIA-RDP74-0039OR000300130002-9
w1 1t1 ^
The Vital Records collection was reduced a net 2,397 cu. ft.
Some 1,500 references to the Vital Records were made by Offices
and they added 5,700 new documents to their collection in
the last six months.
In this period some 25 components reviewed their scheduled
retention and disposition plans and submitted requests to
revise the disposition instructions on 434 files. Our
staffers worked with the components to draft the new
instructions as well as completing the reviews, coordination,
and legal approval. The FY 1970 inventory was completed and
shows a net decline of about 1,000 cu. ft. in the Headquarters
There was a net increase of
ao")UZ .j, in e Foreign Field Stations. In the
last 6 months the Records Center net volume decreased about
3,500 cu. ft. which was more than three-fourths of its net
reduction for the year.
The Center's activities included receipt of 6,oo Cu. ft. of
records in the last 6 months and removal of almost 10,000 cu.
ft. (About 130 boxes in or out per work day.) The 35,000
references to Office records averaged 280 items per day.
Steps initiated by the Chief resulted in receipt of 114,000
less supplemental documents in this period. The S.D. references
dropped 11,000 but did total 18,169 in this period. (145 per day)
Archives references of 2,600 were a thousand more than in V. R.
and is an increase of 60t over Archives references last period.
Some 2c;5 people visited the Center in the last 6 months(up a
hundred) and each required the time and attention o7,f one or
more of the Center's staff.
2. I consider Program and Personnel Development to be extremely
important to current and future records control in the Agency. I am
placing increased emphasis on the Development problems, with special
attention for new people, concepts, and techniques. Training of
the Staff continues and so do Program orientations and meetings for
others in the Agency. I note greater acceptance of the Records Program
and increased recognition of the need to establish necessary elements
that are missing or only partially existent. The major problem we
face is the few short years remaining in which to: (a) Find and
develop replacements for our retiring records professionals and (b)
to select and establish a new media to replace paper copy for information
storage. The Program must be provided the use of the Development
Approved For Release 2009/06/05: CIA-RDP74-0039OR000300130002-9
Approved For Release 2009/06/05: CIA-RDP74-0039OR000300130002-9
Complement for new, young dpcumentation trainees. The media question
is even more difficult. The world has had the problem's persistent
presence despite a large variety of media in the past 6,000 years
since the time of the Babylonian clay tablets and cuneiforms. Nonetheless,
we will continue our Program services essential to Agency operations
and our search for new manpower and systems.
CIA Recor i ra on icer
Semi-annual Report --Jan--June 70.
Approved For Release 2009/06/05: CIA-RDP74-0039OR000300130002-9