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Approved For Release 2007/01/18 1,&-, P 4B00415R000100110011-3
Wednesday - 28 June 1972
1.1 I Checked again with Bill Woodruff, Counsel,
Senate Appropriations oxriirY robe, and he said he had no objection and no
suggestions to the draft report which we proposed to submit to Senate Govern-
ment Operations Committee on S. 3529 which has to do with advisory committees
in Government.
2. I I Received another call from Miss Molly
Shulman, in the office of Representative J. J. Pickle (D., Texas), asking if
we could make some arrangement to give their summer interns a tour of the
Headquarters building. As I had indicated to her before, I told Miss Shulman
we did not normally provide tours of our Headquarters but I would have a
member of our staff drop by their office to see if we could arrange an informal
talk with their interns to tell them something about the Agency.
3, I (Advised Ed Braswell, Senate Armed Services
Committee staff, that the ena a Foreig_n,Re_],a_tions Committee had ordered
S. 2224 reported out of Committee. I told Braswell it was our understanding
that while the rules of the Senate normally require that a bill such as this which
has been referred jointly to two committees must have joint reports filed,
Senator Fulbright could file his report separately with the unanimous consent
of the Senate. Braswell acknowledged this to be the procedure and said he
would look into the matter.
4.1 1 The only copy of the Director's testimony before
the Senate Armed Services Committee on SALT verification was received
yesterday from Ward & Paul through Security channels and was provided the
Committee this morning. We will pick the transcript up each day and return
it the following morning as long as the Committee has a need for it.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel
Wednesday - 28 June 1972
Page 3
8. Spoke with Bill McAfee and Sidney Buford, INR/
State Department, to learn what information they had on the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee's action favorably reporting S. 2224 (the Cooper bill
requiring the dissemination of intelligence information to the Congress).
They did not know the nature of the amendments to the bill approved by the
Committee and I requested Mr. Buford to keep us informed of any significant25X1A
developments, which he said he would do.
Acting Legislative Counsel
Mr. Houston
Mr. Thuermer
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2
Wednesday - 28 June 1972
5. I I Received a call from Mr. Jack Sullivan,
House Foreign Al airs ommittee staff, who told me the Chairman would
like to schedule Wednesday, 26 July, if that date is available on the
Director's calendar, for a briefing on verification of the SALT agreements.
I told Sullivan I would be back in touch with him tomorrow.
6. I Talked to Mr. Arthur Kuhl, Chief Clerk,
Senate Foreign e a ions Committee, concerning the amendments made by
the Committee in S. 2224, a bill to amend the National Security Act of 1947.
In effect, the amendments eliminated the provision authorizing transmission
of Agency reports and analysis to other members of Congress.
7. I (Late in the day I called Representative
Charles Gubser (R. , Calif.) to tell him of the Director's plans to respond to
a letter (which we have not yet received) which Representative Les Aspin
(D. , Wis.) placed in the Congressional Record referring to new evidence
indicating that CIA operated helicopters have been smuggling opium inside
Laos. I told him we had thought of including a paragraph in the letter
indicating that the Director was sending a copy of his response to Aspin to
Mr. Gubser in view of his interest in this problem, but wanted to be sure
he had no objection to our doing this. He said he had no objection whatsoever
and for us to "go right ahead. " He said furthermore he was prepared to go
much further and would either insert the letter in the Record or make a
statement on the subject or do anything we wished since he also was very
much concerned about what he referred to as "part of a conspiracy to
downgrade our American public institutions. " I thanked him very much
and told him we would keep his offer in mind and very likely be back in
touch with him.
f ..f i - GfIV{:N 1
Excluded iron U,1,T,a?ic
downgradin; add
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3
Tuesday - 27 June 1972
7, Met with Mr. George W. Ashworth, Senate
Foreign Relations Committee staff, who asked if the Agency could provide
the Committee with a brief survey of weather modification in Indochina.
He said that this is a matter that Senator Pell (D. , R. I. ) has become quite
interested in and that he has requested staff assistance in developing the
question. I told him that with the exceptions of Senator Pell's short press
release over the weekend concerning alleged weather modification
of American forces over North Vietnam, I knew nothing of the modification
and recommended to him that he refer the question to the Department of
State. As a followon to last week's briefing he asked also if the Agency has
any information concerning the possibility or engineering capability. of the
Soviets to increase the missile capacity of the Y-class submarine from
12 to 16 or more missiles.
8. Met with Mr. Ralph Preston, House Appropriations
Committee s a , w o told- me that his time for this week and part of next
has been completely scheduled but he will meet with our people as soon as
possible. I briefed him on the following items: North Vietnamese offensive
action on the Bolovens Palteau, North Vietnamese concern over
toward Hue
support by allies, Soviet delivery of the Flogger to frontal aviation, 25X1
test, orbit of an unmanned Soyuz spacecraft and the French nuclear test of
25 June.
9. Met with Mr. Jack Sullivan, House Foreign
Affairs Committee staff, who told me with apologies thatthe Committee will have
to change the 25 July date for possible meeting with the Director on verification
of the SALT agreement. He will call as soon as the Chairman focuses on a
new date. Mr. Sullivan asked if we could have a transcript and I reminded
him that we have not had a transcript in the past in appearance before the
Committee. This point will require further discussion. The present schedule
of the Committee will be to have Messrs. Rogers and Laird on the first day
of testimony, Admiral Moorer and another military witness on the second, and
Mr. Helms on the third day to be followed by such members of Congress and
private individuals as may request to be heard. The DCI has been advised.
10. 1 1 Met with Mr. Richard Moose, Senate
Foreign Relations Committee staff, who told me that he has been working on
behalf of the Foreign Relations Committee with representatives of the Senate
Rules Committee and others concerning utilization of computer techniques.
He anticipates that the question of development of a vocabulary for Committee
use will arise within the next few weeks and asked if it wauld be possible to
meet with Agency personnel for informal discussion on the subject. Mr. Briggs,
OPPB, has been advised. "
,x."? L1. ?! " ExcluiW iram autmnatic
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2
Monday - 26 June 1972
5. (Received a call from Jack Sullivan, House
Foreign Affairs ommi eestaff, who told me that Chairman Morgan would,
like to schedule a briefing by the Director in Executive Session for Tuesday,
25 July, if that date is acceptable to the Director. I thanked Mr. Sullivan
for the call and told him I would relay the Chairman's request.
6. I I Met with Mr. Arthur Kuhl, Chief
Clerk, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, who told me that Senator
Spong (D. , Va.) will be chairing a meeting tomorrow on the drug question.
Messrs. Ingersoll, D/BNDD, Rossides, Treasury Department, and a
representative of the State Department will be appearing during the morning.
As a followon to his earlier question, I reviewed the question of release of
names, titles, positions, and assignments of Agency personnel with Mr. Kuhl
in the light of the National Security Act of 1947 and the Central Intelligence
Agency Act of 1949. The review appeared to answer any present question
that he has on the subject. I left with him a copy of the Guide to CIA Statutes
and Law.
I returned the transcript of the Laird briefing of 21 June 1972.
Met with Mr. Robert Lockhart, Assistant
Counsel, House Post Civil Service Committee, who told me that
a hearing on the Committee draft of the Federal Executive Service bill will not
be scheduled until the. Committee returns on 17 July. In brief, he will be
pleased to meet with our people and review any questions that we have on the
Committee draft. It was his intent in drafting the bill and it is his opinion 25X1
that the Agency is completely exempt under the terms of the present draft.
9. Met briefly with Mr. James Wilson, House Science
and Astronautics Committee staff, and briefed him on the most recent
Soviet Space launching.
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Approved For Release 2007/01/18 : CIA-RDP74B00415R000100110011-3
Monday - 26 June 1972
1. PPB, called to say John
Hurley, OMB, had been in touch with him to coordinate a statement in a draft
of a briefing to be given the Foreign Relations Committee by the Bureau of
Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs with respect to the Agency's role in the
drua 'p roblem. I told e had been in touch with BNDD through
nd suggested a minor revision which would state that the
Agency has been given an expanded role in combating the drug problem
since 1971. The word expanded was added at our suggestion.
2. I IAccompanied the Director and Messrs.
Steininger and Bruce Clarke w o appeared before the Senate Armed Services
Committee in connection with SALT matters. See Memo for Record.
3. I I Ed Braswell, Senate Armed Services
Committee Chief Counsel, called Saturday to see if we had any objection to
Richard Perle's sitting in on the Directory briefing of 26 June on SALT
verification. Braswell explained that Perle, on the staff of the Subcommittee
on National Security and:International Operations, had been detailed to work
with the Armed Services Committee staff on SALT matters. I said I was sure
the Director would have no objection if Chairman Stennis wished Perle to be
present. 25X1
k-l tlulsdad tram auto;natlc
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Fulbright and Laird Clash
Special to The New York Times
Senator J. W. Fulbright, Chair-
man of the Foreign Relations
Committee,. accused Secretary
of Defense Melvin R. Laird to-
day of threatening "the whole
spirit" of the new agreements
limiting strategic arms by
pressing Congress to approve
new offensive programs at the
same time as the accords.
Mr. Laird, obviously irked
by Mr. Fulbright's repeated at-
tacks, told the Chairman to-
iward the cloe of the three-
ihour hearing of the foreign
Relations committee, "You've
gone far beyond a reasonable
Doubts About Spending
The exchanges between the
Arkanses Democrat and the
brusque Defense Secretary en-
livened today's hearing-the
last of three in which Adminis-
tration spokesmen testified in
support of the two accords
reached in Moscow last month.
Mr. Fulbright and other mem-
bers of the committee have al-
ready indicated they will sup-
port approval of the accords,
but many have qualms about
the Administration's efforts to
link approval of the accords
with approval of new military
spending programs.
Their disquiet was height-
ened by Mr. Laird's statements
yesterday to the Armed Serv-
ices Committee that he would
recommend scrapping the
agreements if Congress failed
to support the miltibillion pro-
gram for construction of a new
long-range submarine, the Tri-
dent, and a new supersonic
bomber, the B-i.
Fulbbright Accuses Laird.
Tempers flared this morning
when Mr. Laird asserted that
the Russians were building new
"Y class" submarines compara-
ble to those being planned for
the Trident. He cited this as
an example of why the Ad-
ministration believed it was
necessary to accelerate the
modernization of the American
forces as permitted under the
Mr. Fulbright, arguing that
the Soviet Union was not even
at Hearing on Arms Limitation
close to building a Trident-like
submarine, said to Mr. Laird:
"I am hopeful Senators will be
able to vote on the weapons
without being scared to death
by your misinformation."
'I resent the fact that you
represent any of my informa-
tion as misinformation," Mr.
Laird responded. He added, "I
don't believe you can dispute
any of the information I've
given you.
Earlier, Mr. Laird had an
exchange with Senator Jacob K.
Javits, Republican of New York,
who said he was puzzled by
Mr. Laird's efforts to link sup-
port of the agreements with
the defense program.
He said that Henry A. Kis-
singer, President Nixon's ad-
viser on national security, had
said: "Our position is that we
are presenting both of these
programs on their merits. We
are not making them condition-
In light of Mr. Kissinger's
statement last week, Mr. Javits
asked, how Mr. Laird could link
them so closely. Mr. Laird
avoided a direct answer but said
Mr. Nixon had said both were
"equally essential."
Asserting that he was still
confused, Mr. Javits asked:
"What does the Administration
ask us to do?"
"It wants you to approve
all three," Mr. Laird replied,
referring to the treaty limiting
defensive missiles, the agree-
ment limiting ofensive weap-
ons and the new United states
defense program.
"That is not responsive to
my question," Mr. Davits said 1.
"Well, that is as responsive
as I will be, Senator," Ml-.
Laird said.
Senator Stuart Symington,
Democrat of Missouri, also at s-
tacked what he called th
"scare" tactis of the Adminh
Cooper Suggests Moratoriur
Senator John Sherma:
Cooper, Republican of Ken
tucky, proposed a two-yea
moratorium on further offen
sive programs to see if the Rus
sians would also avoid any nev
arms programs in that period
Mr. Fulbright and Mr. Laird
funamentally disagreed on their
interpretations of the strategic
arms accords. The Senator saw
them as insuring nuclear parity
-a step that should be trans-
Ilated into budget savings. Mr.
Laird, backed by Adm. Thomas
H. Moorer, chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, said that
the Russians would accelerate
their programs in coming
years and if the United States
did not keep pace, the strategic
balance would be upset.
Mr. Laird said that the Rus-
sians had tested new- missiles
in the month since Mr. Nixon's
visit to Moscow and were mov-
ing rapidly to catch up with
America's lead in multiple-war-
head technology.
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Laird, Fuibrightl
Clash at SALT
Treaty Hearing
By Michael Getler
Washington Poet Me& Writer
Chairman J__ W. Fulbright
(12-Ark.) of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee yester-
d $y bombarded Defense Secre-
tary Melvin R. Laird wi
charges that he was "a gem s
at semantic -confusion"
was ' turning the recent
Soviet-American agreement to
limit nuclear arms in_ o.. an
enormous escalation of the
ems race."
1n A heater debate. Ful-
bright and the defense chief
g/feet accused each other of
- in undermining American secu-
Laird has urged congres-
sional approval of the arms ac-
cords, but he has also threat-
ened to withdraw his support
and recommend projects that
would in effect break the
agreements unless Congress
*ives a go-ahead to multibil-
lion-dollar missile-submarine
and bomber projects, plus
spme others, allowed by the
accords and in the Pentagon's1
$83 billion budget.
Laird's position is that the
Trident submarine and B-1
bomber projects, in particular
-=which have a collective
But Fulbright, whose com-
mittee is charged with passing;
on the formal treaty provi-1
sions of the agreement limit-
Ing rival anti-ballistic missile
(ABM) systems, contended yes-
terday that Laird's pressuring
of Congress. and demands for
big weapons increases "will
force the Soviet Union to re-
spond in kind and continue
the arms ace. 11
Fulbright argued that the
weapons now in each super-
power's arsenal were "'quite
adequate to destroy each
o t'h a r" and that the ABM
agreement-which pledges
both nations to remain vir-
tually defenseless against mis-
sile attack-makes it unneces-'
sary to'pour billions more into
new offensive weapons.
"It will destroy the whole
spirit of the agreements if you
persist, or if our government I
persists, in seeking an advan-
tage from them," Fulbright
Laird said the United States
was not seeking any advan-
tage and repeated President
Nixon's assertion that Soviet
leaders had told the President
long-term price tag of at least
$25 billion-were under way
before the accords were
signed and that they are nec-
essary to eventually replace
current Polaris-type submar-
ines and B-52 bombers to pre-
serve the U.S. deterrent.
He has also stressed their
.importance, in his view, to .a
strong U.S. negotiating hand'
at forthcoming, rounds of the)
Strategic Arms Limitations
Talks (SALT). I
after the Moscow accords
were signed that they, too,
would go ahead with pro-
grams not yet covered.
Fulbright` expanded on
Laird's statement that, as Sec-
retary of Defense, he had the
responsibility to recommend
projects to insure American'
security. Fulbright said that
his committee, too, was con-
cerned with security but that
security is measured by more
that just "huge piles of weap-
"Some of us believe," Ful-
bright said, "your policies are
seriously undermining and
therefore endangering our se-
curity" by spending money on
arms that would be better
spent elsewhere, and' by caus-
ing "economic disarray and al-
ienating many of our citizens."
Sen. Stuart Symington (D-
Mo.) joined Fulbright in at-
tacking the economics of
SALT, saying that throughout
the recent White House SALT
briefings for the Congress he
did not hear any mention of
the growing federal deficit
and the impact of increased
defense spending on it.
svmin-._._. rit Atha n to
's re oerring
mans wou es anew M_
der is "~aavery
cleYer_deal Those w _o want
Fulbright charged Laird
with wanting to "give the im-
pression" that the Soviets,
with their big iSS-9 ICBMs
"were going for a first strike"
so that Laird could "scare ev-
eryone and get the budget ap-
Fulbright angered Laird by
contending that during the bit-
ter 1969 debate over approval'
of the U.S. Safeguard ABM
project, tl~e committee had
been given "misinformation"
on the Soviet missile threat.
.Laird snapped back that)
what he was talking about
were Soviet capabilities and
that he 'always said it was im-
possible to accurately assess
what their actual intentions,
Fulbright charged the De-
fense Secretary with now
trying to do the same thing
because Laird, in his com-
ments yesterday, compared
missiles for a newly modified
version of Russia's Y-class sub-
marines as "approximately in,
the same range as the Trident
The Trident subs, however,
carry twice 'as many missiles
and are eventually expected to
carry an extremely long-range
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