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Approved For Release 2002/05/0
Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel
Thursday - 23 March 1972
Page 2
4. (Secret - GLC) Hand-carried to George Murphy, on the staff
of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, copy #3 of the corrected transcript
of the Director's briefing of the Joint Committee on 16 February 1972.
Murphy renewed his request for any information that we could give him on
the I case as well as any comment we could give him on the story
which appeared in the New York Times on the 12th of March alleging a
"revolutionary potential" among the native Taiwanese. I assured Murphy
that I was checking on these and would be in touch with him later.
5. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Met with Miss Helen Mattas, House
Foreign Affairs Committee staff, and reviewed the portion of the transcript
of the statement of Maurice J. Williams, Deputy Administrator, AID, of
21 March relating to questions concerning the GAO report referenced in the
New York Times of Sunday, 19 March. Mr. Williams repeated the agreed
statement verbatim with the exception that he corrected the figure 250, 000
Lao refugees giving the correct figure 280, 000. The tone of his response
was unequivocal and to the point that USAID is not providing support for
Lao military/paramilitary forces and dependents. Miss Mattas also gave
me a co of the prepared statement read into the 'record by Mr. Williams.
FE Division, has been advised.
6. (Secret - JGO) Met with Mr. Frank Slatinshek, Acting Chief
Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, and delivered to him the
Director's letter to the Chairman forwarding certain information on the
Soviet navy for inclusion in the Committee records. This closes out for
the moment the various actions that resulted from the letter of 7 March
from Representative Aspin (D. , Wis. ) to the Director.
In response to his earlier request I gave Mr. Slatinshek a blind
memorandum dated 23 March for his use concerning the GAO report of
USAID assistance to Lao military and paramilitary forces and dependents.
We were joined by Mr. Maury at which time Mr. Slatinshek briefed us on
two GAO actions of interest to the Agency. See Memorandum for Record.
He told us also that he has scheduled a current intelligence briefing
by DIA for the Intelligence Subcommittee on Wednesday afternoon, 29 March,
at 4:00 p. m. He will request a briefing by the Agency on selected current
items some time after the recess and will work out the details with us after
the AID appearance next week. He requested that in general the briefing
be conducted by individuals at the working levels to avoid formality and to
assist the members in developing a better feel for intelligence concepts and
I briefed Mr. Slatinshek on the Wu-Chai launch facility and the
Soviet Mod 3 SS-11 status.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel
Wednesday - 22 March 1972
Page 3
7. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Talked to Miss Dora McCracken, House
Foreign Affairs Committee staff, who checked the prepared statement used
by SAID Deputy Director Maurice J. Williams in testimony before the full
Committee yesterday. The statement prepared for Mr. Williams' use -to
rebut the New York Times report of Senator Kennedy's (D. , Mass.) charges
was not contained therein. The transcript of the hearing is not available
nd will not be available for some time due to a backlog of reporting.
7- 1
FE Division, has been advised.
8. (Confidential - JMM) Last night Dave Abshire, Assistant Secretary
of State for Congressional Relations, called to say that Assistant Secretary
of State for Inter-American Affairs, Charles Meyer, had information that
Representative Dante Fascell (D. , Fla.) felt he was in a "difficult position"
as a result of the revelations regarding ITT, CIA, and Chile, and was
considering taking up the subject in open hearings of his Subcommittee on
Inter-American Affairs of the Foreign Affairs Committee. Abshire said if
this happened he was afraid the Department "couldn't be much help. " I said
I was afraid we couldn't be much help either since we didn't appear in open
hearings and, moreover, even if we did, the first questions would concern
who made the policy decisions. I told Abshire that I'd take the matter up with
the Director and let him know the results.
9. (Unclassified - JMM) During the above conversation, Mr. Abshire
said that Senator Henry Bellmon (R. , Okla.) wondered if the Director would
be willing to talk to a small breakfast group of a half dozen Senators. I told
Abshire I would raise the matter with the Director but we might also consider
inviting them out to Headquarters for breakfast.
10. (Internal Use Only - JMM) This afternoon Mr. Abshire called to
say that when Secretary Rogers appeared before the Foreign Relations Committee
today, Senator Church had referred to information he claimed he had from
CIA, that the Chinese Communists were much put out over the alleged unseemingly
conduct of Ambassador Watson. After checking throughout the Agency and
conferring with the Director, I called Abshire to assure him that the Agency
had no such information and certainly no responsible Agency officer made such
an allegation. I urged Abshire to relay this to appropriate members of the
I also told Abshire that I informed the Director of the possibility that
Representative Fascell would conduct hearings on the Chile affair but we plan to
take no immediate action until we saw how things developed.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel
Friday - 17 March 1972
Page 2
7. (Confidential - LLM) In follow up to his earlier inquiry to
Mr. Maury, advised Mr. Richard Helgerson,_ USLA, that there were about
120 USSR and Bloc media representatives in Western Europe, Greece,
Turkey and Cyprus, and made it clear that this figure did not include press
or cultural attaches or indigenous employees in the media. Mr. Helgerson
explained that this information was being gathered for public use in hearings
before their committees on appropriation authorization legislation.
SB Division, had pulled together this information at our
Legislative Counsel
25X1A Ex-Dir
Mr. Thuermer
Mr. Houston Mr. Clarke
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3
Thursday - 16 March 1972
13. (Unclassified - LLM) Libby Reynolds, in the office of
Representative Jack Kemp (R., N. Y. ), called to say that Mr. Kemp was
very interested in visiting the Agency for a breakfast-briefing with a half
dozen of his colleagues and suggested that we recommend about four dates,
preferably on Tuesday through Thursday, to see what could be worked out.
14. (Confidential - LLM) Based upon information provided by
E Division, spoke with John Goldsmith, Senate Armed
ervice ittee staff, in response to his earlier call and gave him a
short critique on D. E. Ronk's article in today's Post, "U. S. Seen Violating
Ban in Laos. "
15. (Secret - LLM) Office of Personnel, alerted us
that Senator Philip Hart's (D., Mich.) Antitrust and Monopoly Legislation
Subcommittee, Senate Judiciary Committee, had requested from Mutual of
Omaha detailed information on their three largest group hospitalization
plans, which would include Government Employees' Health Association.
It was agreed that we would - get a copy of the Subcommittee's request from
Mutual, and that if it was determined that the information requested posed a
security problem, we would ask the Subcommittee staff to exempt our program
from their inquiry. Mr. Warner was advised.
16. (Confidential - JMM) Received a call from Mr. Helgerson, USIA.
who wanted unclassified data on the number of Communist Bloc information
officers operating in Western Europe. SB Division is checking.
17. (Confidential - JMM) Mr. Lawrence Eagleburger, Deputy Assistant
Secretary of Defense ISA, calle d to say Representative John Ashbrook is suing
the Defense Department and Eagleburger personally, under the Freedom of
Information Act to force publication of the Penkovskiy material. OGC is
following up.
18_.. (Confidential - JMM) I called to say he hackk8X1A
draft of the testimony he plans to give the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
on 28 March and would be happy if we would look at it. We will pick it up
and review it.
SEC tE-1.4
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 5
Tuesday - 14 March 1972
16. (Unclassified - PLC) Mr. Hadlock, Library of Congress, called
concerning a letter to a congressman from a constituent requesting the
testimony of Lyman Kirkpatrick in 1961 before the Internal Security Committee.
Mr. Hadlock stated that he had checked the House Committee on Un-American
Activities with negative results. I suggested that he check the records of
the Internal Security Subcommittee of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary
since Mr. Kirkpatrick may have testified before that Committee. Mr.
Hadlock called back shortly thereafter. and advised that he had located the
testimony which was titled "A Communist Plot Against the Free World
Police" given June 13, 1961, by Mr. Kirkpatrick before the Senate Subcommittee
on Internal Security.
17. (Unclassified - JAL) Pat, in the office of Congressman Peter W.
Rodino, Jr. (D. , N. J. ), called asking us to set up an interview for a
I called the Office of Personnel and set up an interview with
Ifor Monday, 20 March, at 3:30.
18. (Unclassified - RJK) Delivered to the offices of Representatives 25X1
Shirley Chisholm (D., N. Y.), Lester Wolff (D., N. Y.), John Murphy
D., N.Y.), Morgan Murphy (D., Ill.), Gerald Ford (R., Mich.), and
Senator J. W. Fulbright (D., Ark.j
19. (Unclassified - RJK) Delivered China Atlases to Nancy Granese, in
the office of Representative Donald Fraser (D., Minn.) and Mrs. Ong, in the
office of Representative Glenn Anderson (D. , Calif. ).
I F After checking with I told him that an appointment
has been sc eduled for 2.30 tomorrow a ernoon
McFall (D. Calif. ), called to set up an interview for a constituent,
20. (Unclassified - SMG) Ray Barnes, in the office of Representative John
25X1A ER O D I Ex-Dir
j Legislative Counsel
25X1A Mr. Thuermer Mr. Houston
25X1A Item 17 - OP
Item 19 - MLM
0, L, V -
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3
Monday - 13 March 1972
9. (Unclassified - PLC) The Special Subcommittee on Intelligence
of the House Armed Services Committee, chaired by Representative
Nedzi, continued its hearings on H. R. 9853 concerning the classification
and protection of information. The witness was Ralph Erickson, Assistant
Attorney General, Office of Legal Counsel, Department of Justice. Mr.
Erickson traced the legal basis for the authority of the Executive to classify.
He maintained the position that this is a matter for the Executive rather
than the Legislature. He hoped that the new Executive Order would resolve
most of the problems presently faced. He considered the role of Congress
to be one of exercising oversight and urging that the Congress monitor
carefully the implementation of the new Order. He related the position of
the Justice Department that H. R. 9853 was unnecessary and duplicative of
the efforts to be taken in the areas of classification and release of informa-
tion. Mr. Erickson acknowledged the discrepancy within the existing criminal
laws to protect against unauthorized disclosures and stated that specific
proposals are under consideration by the Administration and should be
submitted to the Congress in the near future. Mr. Buzhardt, General
Counsel, Department of Defense, will continue testimony tomorrow on
those actions within DOD to implement the new Executive Order.
10, (Confidential - JMM) Discussed with Ed Braswell, Chief
Counsel, Senate Armed Services Committee, the plans for the Director's
appearance before the Agency Subcommittee to discuss our budget. I
explained we would much prefer Thursday to Wednesday. Braswell later
called back to say that they would not schedule the meeting before Thursday.
11. (Confidential - JMM) Called Miss Ward, in the office of
Senator John Stennis, to make an appointment for General Walters to pay
a courtesy call on the Senator. She said she would see what she could do.
l i L
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel
Friday - 10 March 1972
Page 3
6. (Secret - GLC) in the Office of Personnel, calg*jA
about an inquiry which had been directed to the Pentagon by Representative
John S. Monagan (D., Conn.) concerning the Downey case. and I
agreed that if Defense can answer Monagan's inquiry without involving the
Agency and without making a statement which is untrue it would be best for
the reply to come from them. However, we agreed that if there should be
any difficulty about this, this office would get in touch with Monagan and
advise him of Agency interest in the case.
7. (Unclassified - LLM) Delivered a copy of the China Atlas to
Dorothye Scott, in the office of the Secretary pf the Senate.
8. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Met with David Dittman, in the office
of Senator Ted Stevens (R. , Alaska), concerning their inquiry on behalf of a
former applicant, I nd left with him a copy of a letter from
rranging for an interview in the field. Mr. Dittman
said that nothing i ur er need be done. 25X1A
Legislative Counsel
Mr. uermer r. no
Mr. Clarke DDI DDS
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2
Thursday - 9 March 1972 .
5. (Confidential - GLC) Made arrangements with Ed Braswell and
Jack Ticer, Senate Armed Services Committee staff, to borrow a copy of
the testimony of Nutter, Sullivan, Brazier, and Siegnious before the
Committee last Tuesday, 7 March, on the Southeast Asia free world forces
provision of the Military Procurement Act. They understand we will make
a copy of this transcript for the Director's review, but the fact that we have
made copies of this transcript should not be disclosed outside of the Agency.
We will return the Committee copy tomorrow.
6. (Confidential - JMM) Called Representative Les Aspin in response
to his letter to the Director requesting a briefing on Soviet naval matters.
See Memo for Record.
7. (Confidential -.JMM) Discussed above with Frank Slatinshek,
Assistant Chief Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, who appreciated
our problem and reiterated that the briefing should be coordinated with the
8. (Unclassified - PLC) The Special Subcommittee on Intelligence
of the House Armed Services Committee, chaired by Representative Nedzi
(D. , Mich.), continued their hearings on H. R. 9853 concerning the classifica-
tion and protection of information vital to the national security. Witnesses
were Mr. Joseph Liebling, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Security
Policy), and Mr. Fred Buzhardt, General Counsel, Department of Defense.
Mr. Liebling provided a statement on those actions taken by the DOD to
better their security program and to project future actions to meet the
objectives of the new Executive Order on classification and declassification
which was issued yesterday. The Subcommittee continued their detailed
questioning of Mr. Buzhardt concerning Department of Defense security
policy and other matters in his statement. Mr. William Blair, Assistant
Secretary of State, is scheduled to testify tomorrow. Mr. Ralph E. Erickson,
Assistant Attorney General, Department of Justice, is scheduled to testify
on Monday, 13 March. He will undoubtedly be questioned in detail on the
new Executive Order since the Department of Justice is responsible for
interpreting the Order.
0 Y F'AT
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3
Thursday - 9 March 1972
9. (Unclassified - JAL) Received a call from Carol Chance, in the
office of Representative Donald Fraser (D. , Minn. ), asking for a copy of
the China Atlas. I told her someone from our office would drop it by in a
few days.
10. (Unclassified - PLC) Left with Mr. Steeper, in the office of
Senator Alan Cranston (D. , Calif. ), a suggested reply to a letter from a
constituent. The letter expressed concern to reports that the Agency was
directing and financing the growing of marijuana in Saigon.
11. (Unclassified - LLM) Miss Dorothye Scott, Administrative
Secretary to Francis R. Valeo, Secretary of the Senate, called and asked for
a copy of the China Atlas for the Secretary, and I said we would drop one by.
12. (Unclassified - LLM) Robert Horner, Chief Investigator, House
Internal Security Committee, called and asked if we would have any material
which Chairman Ichord could use in a speech he will be delivering on theSTATSPEC
STATSPEC World Assembly for Peace and Independence of the People of Indochina which
met in Versailles, France, February 11 through 13.
"J Legislative Counsel
STATSPEC r, 'rnuermer r, ous on
Mr. Clarke DDI DDS
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel
Tuesday - 7 March 1972
Page 6
22. (Internal Use Only - JQO) Talked to Mr. Bun Bray, Associate
Staff Director, House Post Office and Civil Service Committee, who told me
that the Administration bill for Federal Executive Service, H. R. 3807, will
be reported out after hearings by the Subcommittee. The Administration is
putting quite a bit of emphasis on passage of the bill. A meeting with
Mr. Bray to brief him on Agency consideration relating to the bill is
tentatively scheduled for 13 or 14 March. Mr. John Warner, OGC, and
D/Pers, have been advised.
23. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Lisa Gerard, in the Office of Manage-
ment and Budget, called to ask if Chairman Nedzi had requested our testimony
on H. R. 9853, the Hebert/Arends bill establishing a Security Commission,
explaining that Mr. Buzhardt, Department of Defense, is scheduled to testify
on 8 and 9 March, State on the 10th, and Justice on the 13th. She said the word
around OMB is that the revised Executive order on classification will be issued
either today or tomorrow.
I reminded Miss Gerard that the Armed Services Committee was our
oversight committee and explained their interest in testimony from the Director
on the unique problems in the intelligence field, but that his runs agairA the long-
standing policy that the Director not testify for the public record. I said one
development might be an informal meeting with the Committee to brief them on
the areas in which they are interested. I told her that until this is sorted out, it
did not look like we would be taking a position on the bill, but that if the bill is
going to move, we would most likely have to ask for some protection. She
asked that we keep in touch as matters develop and I said we would.
24. (Unclassified - SMG) Lee Paden, in the office of Senator Henry
Bellmon (R., Okla. ), called to set up an employment interview for
After checking with I told him that an appointment Las ft=M L
scheduled for 2:00 this afternoon.
Legislative Counsel
Mr. Thuermer
Mr. Houston Mr. Clarke
Items 13 and 19 - MLM
em -OP
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 5
Tuesday - 7 March 1972
16. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Talked to Mr. John Garrity, House
Appropriations Committee staff, and asked him if he had any further informa-
tion concerning ho had been recommended for
employment b' Representative Jamie Whitten (D., Miss.). Mr. Garrity
told me he would again check with Mr. Robert Foster, of the Committee staff,
who is handling the case for Representative Whitten and be back in touch.
17. (Internal Use Only - JGO) In response to his call I met with
Mr. George Norris, House Armed Services Committee staff, and received
from him an application for employment forl
who was interviewed by WARO during her recent visit to Washington
from Germany.
STATSPEC 18. (Unclassified - JGO) Met with Mrs. Barbara Raver, Administrative
Assistant to Representative George A. Goodling (R.. Pa. ), and gave her a copy
for use for a constituent.
25X1 C
19. (Unclassified - JGO) Delivered to Miss Ann Gordon, in the office
of Representative Earl F. Landgrebe (R. , Ind.), a copy of the "People's
Republic of China" atlas.
20. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Met with Miss Fran Christy, House
Judiciary Committee staff, who told me that H. R. 2076, a bill for the relief
I was passed over today on the private calendar,
one inncatecr tne omy poss e explanation at the moment would be that one of
the "unofficial objectors; " Representative H. R. Gross (R. , Iowa), or some
other might have objected to several of the bills on the private calendar. She
will have Mr. Cline, Counsel for the Committee, check the matter and take
care of whatever the problem is before the next calling of the private calendar
25X1A on 21 March. WH Division, has been advised.
21. (Unclassified - JGO) The Intelligence Subcommittee of House
Armed Services Committee will begin hearings tomorrow in open session on
the classification and handling of information involving the national security
and H. R. 9853. Mr. J. Fred Buzhardt, Department of Defense, will be the
witness on 8 and 9 March, and a representative from the Department of
State on 10 March. Mr. Ralph Erickson, Office of Assistant Attorney -
Office of Legal Counsel, Department of Justice, is scheduled to appear on
Monday, 13 March.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3
Tuesday - 7 March 1972
8. (Confidential - GLC) Colonel Freed, of DOD, called to say that
Defense had run into problems in connection with the paper which they had
prepared on "Strategic Alternatives in Future Chinese Military Planning!'
in response to Senator Proxmire's (D. , Wis.) request for such a contribution
to be included in the Joint Economic Committee's upcoming study on China.
Freed said that their security review people had referred this to interested
offices for clearance and indicated that the State Department, the Joint Chiefs
o Staff and.ISA have all informally nonconcurred in having this study
submitted to the Committee at this point in time in view of the current status
of relationships between the U. S. and Communist China. Freed asked if we had
run into any similar problems in the preparation of our materials. I told him
that I thought all of the studies we had prepared were rather noncontroversial
in comparison to the one prepared by DOD and I indicated that to the best of
my knowledge all of our papers had been submitted to the Library of Congress.
Freed merely wanted to check to see if the Agency had a similar problem so
that we could join forces in resolving it. (I have advised lof 25X1A
the DDI's office, of this conversation.)
9. (Confidential - JMM) Called Representative Louis C. an (R. , N. H. )
and told him of my New Hampshire trip regarding He 25X1 A
seemed quite satisfied.
10. (Confidential - JMM) Introduced Russ Blandford, Chief Counsel,
House Armed Services Committee, who gave a lively talk to the Agency's
Advanced Intelligence Seminar on our relations with Congress. Blandford noted
that the Agency was coming in for more and more critical scrutiny, primarily
as a result of such questions as our involvement in Laos. He complimented
the Agency on its reputation for candor and leveling with the Committee, and
gave us assurances that if this policy continued we could count on Committee
support. He noted current concern in the Committee about over classification
and deplored the irresponsible tendency of all Executive agencies to overclassify
everything, which he said created far more security problems than it solved.
11. (Secret - JMM) Briefed Russ Blandford and Frank Slatinshek, House
Armed Services Committee staff, on recent developments regarding Soviet
strategic missiles, both land-based and submarine based, new type Soviet
aircraft, TU-16s in Egypt, and ChiCom missile facilities.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4
Tuesday - 7 March 1972
12. (Confidential - JMM) Left at the office of Representative Robert L. F.
in which Sikes had previously expressed interest.
13. (Confidential - JMM) Left a copy of the China atlas at the office
of Representative J. Kenneth Robinson.
14. (Confidential - JMM) Talked to Ed Braswell, Chief Counsel,
Senate Armed Services Committee, regarding today's appearance of
G. Warren Nutter and Maj. Gen. George Seignious, both of ISA, and
Don Brazier, DOD Comptroller, and William H. Sullivan, of State Department
on the Defense Procurement Authorization bill. See Memo for Record.
15. (Confidential - JMM) David Abshire, Assistant Secretary of State
for Congressional Relations, called to say they were deeply concerned over
the possibility that the Secretary would be asked, during his appearance
tomorrow before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, about studies
concerning RFE and Radio Liberty, and the cost of their termination, which
the Committee had requested. I told Abshire that I understood that all concerned
had agreed Chairman Fulbright should be provided a copy of the latest study
on the termination costs, but I was not familiar with the contents of various
other studies concerning the Radios and thought this would have to be discussed
between of the Agency, and Mr. Baker, of State, who were
already in touch in t is regard. Abshire suggested that if queried about
additional studies the Secretary should refer Fulbright to the Agency. I
said I thought we would object to this, since we had washed our hands of
the Radios and I thought any contact with the Committee in this regard
should be through the Department and Office of Management and Budget.
I said I would ask to call Mr. Baker immediately, which I
called me after having talked to Mr. Baker and said
he and Baker had agreed that, if pressed by Fulbright for additional studies
other than the one on termination costs, the Secretary should simply say
that he would have to take this up with the Agency. said 25X1A
Mr. Baker apparently had not been successful in se ing is so u ion
to Mr. Abshire.
Nt t i +
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2
Friday - 3 March 1972
4. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Mr. Robert Hull, Department of State,
called to report that the Office of Management and Budget had agreed with
Treasury on the definition of "unfunded liability" with respect to financing
retirement systems and that only "past" unfunded liability would be subject
to the graduated interest payments by Treasury. OMB has asked State to
come up with a proposal for funding the portion of "normal costs" not
covered by present employer /employee contribtuions. Hull said that he
understands that OMB intends to apply the same criteria to the CIA system.
One solution proposed by OMB would be merger of the Foreign Service
retirement system with the Civil Service retirement system. In response
to my request, Hull said he would send me a copy of the paper he is pulling
together on this general subject and it was agreed that somewhere down the
line, when more of the facts are sorted out, it might be well for the managers
of our respective retirement systems to get together to determine what joint
action might be in our mutual interest. (See Memorandum for the Record
of 27 January 1972. )
6. (Confidential - GLC) Jack Norpel, on the staff of the Senate
Internal Security Subcommittee, called to advise us that Arthur Waskow,
of the Institute for Policy Studies, is doing a project on prison conditions.
According to Norpel one of his contacts is Walter Lee Parman, the
convicted slayer of a Washington girl. Parman reportedly is in correspondence
with Waskow and has written much to him about CIA. Norpel has a copy of
some of this material and said he would pass it on to us if we wanted it.
I told Norpel that I would advise our people of this and be back in touch with
him if we were interested in getting a copy. I advised Mr. Houston who
thought it best that we not accept Norpel's offer since there has been no
Agency involvement in this case.
7. (Confidential - GLC) Richard Kimmel, on the staff of the Joint
Committee on Atomic Energy, called to say that the transcript of the
Director's briefing of 16 February was ready for us to pick up and correct.
I told him I would be by for it on Monday.
8. (Unclassified - GLC) I learned that the following persons will
appear before the Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday, 7 March,
to discuss the provisions of the Armed Services procurement authorization
bill having to do with Laos: Mr. G. Warren Nutter, Major General George M.
Seignious (both of ISA), Mr. Donald R. Brazier (DOD Comptroller), and
Mr. William H. Sullivan (State Department). Mr. Colby has been advised and
he in turn has advised the Director.
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