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Contact 10 Approved For Release 2005/05/16: CIA-RDP74BO041Ragg0500020018-2 8 r, r In 0 tJ Out 7 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Tuesday - 7 December 1971 Mr. Art Lundahl, NPIC, I advised Mr. C. B. Morrison, on the staff of Senator Allen J. Ellender (D., La. ), that the Navy recommended against "winterizing" the Senator's personal camera for his forthcoming trip to Antarctica. The Navy will make appropriate cameras and photographic equipment available to him for use there. See Memorandum for the Record. 2. Hand-carried to Bill Woodruff, Counsel, Senate Appropriations Committee, the Director's Reserve withdrawal letter dated 6 December 1971 along with a brief explanation of the withdrawals. 3. Returned to the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy the study "Comments on Recent USSR Work on Laser-Driven Fusion (U). " Robert Blum, Robert Biles and Ann Hollick, of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee staff, who visited Headquarters to discuss their project analyzing the "Pentagon Papers. " Their primary objective was obviously to gain access to NIEs and SNIEs but we made clear that no one in the Agency could authorize this, since the Estimates were prepared for the President and the NSC and release outside the Executive Branch could be authorized only on that level. As an alternative, it was agreed that they would review trans- cripts of the Director's testimony on matters relating to Indochina, and that we would make available to them such transcripts as were held in Agency custody. We further agreed that, after reviewing these transcripts, they would develop a series of specific questions relating to the intelligence input involved in various developments and decisions during the course of the Indochina war. Mr. Carver said he would be glad to receive any and all such questions, but would, of course, reserve to the Agency the final decision as to which could be answered and if so how. SECRET Approved For Release 2005/05/16 : CIA-RDP74B00415R00050002001 , 4/1/2003 Approved For Release 2005//AfDP74B00415R000500020018-2 25X1 25X1A 25X1A 25X1 25X1 25X1A 25X1 25X1 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Tuesday - 7 December 1971 5. Senator Milton Young called to say he wanted to repeat his ur ent request for us to find a place for an enthusiastic applicant, who in Young's judgment was well qualified and was certainly highly motivated. I told Senator Young that I knew we had been trying to find a place forl but was not up-to-date on the present status of his case and would make sure it got prompt and sympathetic attention. 6. Called Stuart French, ISA/DOD, and explained our problem in making the classified "special collection" of the Penkovskiy papers available to an outsider in response to the request of Senator Strom Thurmond. Mr. French suggested I call Colonel Cowan, of Senator Thurmond's staff. Called Colonel Cowan regarding the above who asked that I provide, through DOD, a written explanation, perhaps in both classified and unclassi- fied versions, of why we could not declassify the material. 7. fter consulting the Director and others I called Ambassador Nolting and explained that we had no suitable vacancy for a friend of Nolting's who is exploring Washington job possibilities. 8. Frank Slatinshek, Assistant Chief Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, called to inquire about the statutory basis for Agency appropriations, and copies of the relevant laws, in behalf of Representative Nedzi, of the Intelligence Subcommittee. The material was promptly sent over. 9. Mr. Wymberley Coerr, Deputy Director INR, called to try out on us a proposed letter to Chairman Fulbright commenting on S. Res. 192 (Senator Symington's resolution which would require overseas agencies to report all their activities to the Foreign Relations Committee). We said we would examine his proposed text and comment tomorrow. Approved For Release 2005/05/16 : CIA-RDP74B00415R000500020018-2 Approved For Release 2005/05/16 : CIA-RDP74B00415R000500020018-2 SECRET, Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Tuesday - 7 December 1971 25X1 25X1 C 25X1 25X1A 25X1 25X1 10. Art Kuhl, Senate Foreign Relations Committee staff, said he was accompanying Senator Stuart Symington on a Far Eastern trip beginning about 15 December and wanted to make sure his (Kuhl's) clearances were in order. I assured him they were, 11. Delivered to Mr. Ralph Preston, Staff Assistant, (House Appropriations Committee, a letter for Chairman Mahon from the IDirector dated 6 December concerning withdrawals from the Reserves. After a brief review of the purpose of the withdrawals, Mr. Preston noted that this letter relates to monies "that have already been spent. " Mr. Preston told me that the Appropriations Committee conferees are meeting this afternoon on the supplemental appropriation. The question of meeting of the appropriation conferees s 25X1 still up in the air. He said the Chairman plans to take the foreign aid appro- priation bill to the floor of the House tomorrow under a rule waiving points of order. He noted that since the Chairman and principal Committee members will be on the floor there will be little time for any conference meetings. He told me also that no new continuing resolution is in the works to extend expenditure authority beyond the 8 December termination date of the present resolution. Mr. Preston told me there should be no difficulty with the Senate amendment to the supplemental which provides or 25X1 12. I Met with Mr. Richard Barton, Staff Assistant, House Post Uttice an Civil Service Committee, who told me that although the full Committee is scheduled to meet on 16 December, the meeting may well be cancelled in the interim due to a lack of quorum. He told me that the letter from Chairman Hebert concerning H. R. 11150 has been duplicated and will be placed at each Member's position the morning of the hearing. I thanked him for his consideration. 13. Met with Al Westphal, Staff Consultant, House Foreign Affairs Committee, who told me that the conferees are stalemated on the foreign aid bill due to Senator Mansfield's (D. , Mont. ) position concerning the end-the-war amendment. He also told me that the House had appointed conferees on S. 18, the Radios bill, but that he saw no hope at this time of the conferees meeting on S. 18 prior to conclusion of the conference on the foreign aid bill. Approved For Release 2005/05/16 : CIA-RDP74B00415R000500020018-2 Approved For Release 200 1 r in Ie-RDP74B00415R000500020018-2 25X1 25X1A 25X1A 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 2 41A Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4 Tuesday - 7 December 1971 14. Talked to Alma Louise, Subcommittee on Immigration an Nationality, Rouse Judiciary Committee, who told me that the public law version of has not yet been received from the printers. FE Division, has been advised. 15. I I Met with Mr. Jay Sourwine, Chief Counsel, Senate Internai Security SubcoTl~mittee, and gave him a listing of certain Soviet officials serving in Latin American and South American countries (see Journal of 3 December). 16. In response to his request earlier in the day delivere to Frank a .ins e , Assistant Chief Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, a copy of the "Guide to CIA Statutes and Law. " Mr. Slatinshek had misplaced the copy provided him earlier and was concerned that the copy he was using was not up to date. 17.1 I Met with Representative Lucien Nedzi, Chairman of the Intelligence, Subcommittee, House Armed Services Committee, and gave him a copy of the "Guide to CIA Statutes and Law. " We discussed very briefly sections 5 and 8 of the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as amended, relating to transfer of funds from other Government agencies and the Agency's permanent appropriation authorization authority. Since Chairman Nedzi was pressed for time, I made an open appointment with him at his convenience to discuss the deficiencies in the present espionage laws. He thanked me for coming by and told me he would look forward to getting together on the espionage laws. 18. Peggy Noll, in the office of Represen- tative Fred Rooney (D. , Pa. ), called and said they are trying to get in touch wit whom they believe is a Federal employee stationed in I She said they had checked with State Department with negative results. After checking with Office of Personnel, called Legislative Counsel 25X1 cc: ER O/DDCI Mr. Colby DDS DDS&T EA/DDP OPPB Approved For Release 25X1 25X1 25X1