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November 29, 1971
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Approved For Release 2005/05/16: CIA-RDP74B00415R000; J 24-5 7 Call 7 In 0 d-~' -- Out 6 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Monday - 29 November 1971 1. Called George Murphy, Joint Committee on Atomic Energy staff, and arranged to brief him and other members of the Committee staff, on the latest ChiCom nuclear test at 3 p.m. tomorrow afternoon. 2. Mr. Keith Hall, Legislative Assistant to Representative Albert H. Quie (R., Minn.), called to ask how they could get a message to an Air America helicopter pilot in Vietnam whose folks haven't heard from him in several months. I suggested to Hall that they call the Washington office of Air America directly. 3. I I Frank Slatinshek, Assistant Chief Counsel, house Armed Services Committee, called to say that Representative O. C. Fisher, of the Intelligence Subcommittee, planned talking to a ladies organization in San Antonio about CIA and would like some material. I said we would be glad to provide some. 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/05/16 : CIA-RDP74B00415R000500020W 4/3/2003 Approved For Release 2005/06IkDP74B00415R000500020024-5 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Monday - 29 November 1971 Page 2 5. Called Ed Braswell, Chief Counsel, Senate Armed Services Committee, who said he thought it would be an excellent idea for the Director to thank Senator Stennis for his support during last week's debate on the intelligence situation. Mr. Braswell said he was still concerned over the legal authority under which the Director carried out his "two hat" responsibilities over the Agency and the community. He indicated that this authority might come under further attack in the Senate and he and Senator Stennis wanted to be prepared to debate the issue from a strictly legal standpoint. I pointed out the broad provisions of the National Security Act, but Braswell noted that nowhere did the Act authorize the establishment of a United States Intelligence Board or prescribe the Director's authority as Chairman of the Board. He noted too that there were no Executive Orders covering this ground, and in the absence of any specific documentary authority the whole system was subject to legal attack. He asked whether we had anybody in the Agency who could prepare a legal analysis of the Director's authority. I said we would be glad to have a go at it. He said he might also query the Attorney General in this connection. Referring to followup questions from the Director's appearance before the full Committee on 23 November, Braswell said I should go ahead and make arrangements to brief Senators Tower and Dominick privately on the internal situation in China. When I asked about followup questions which Senator Stennis said he planned to submit following the Director's appearance, Braswell said these were questions he had prepared and were of no urgency. I said in that case we would forget about them until we heard from him further. 6. Called Phillip Trimble, Senate Foreign Relations Committee staff, and arranged for him to visit Headquarters at 2:30 p. m. on Wednesday, 1 December, for a briefing on the ChiCom strategic weapons program by Mr. Duckett. 7.1 1 Called Jean Garnett, Secretary to Representative Lucien Nedzi, to make a date with Mr. Nedzi to follow up on some matters we had discussed previously. She said Mr. Nedzi would be tied up most of the day on the floor and I agreed to call again tomorrow. 8. Delivered to the offices of Senators Alan Cranston (D., Calif.), Lee Metcalf (D., Mont.), Russell B. Long (D. , La. ), Mike Mansfield (D. , Mont. ), and J. W. Fulbright (D. , Ark. ) FBIS items in which their names were mentioned. 0 T ECRE Approved For Release 2005/05/16 : CIA-RDP74B00415R000500020024-5 2?gfTOTHR 25X1X1A 25X1A 25X1A cc: ER 25X1A O/DDCI Approved For Release 2005 61I=RDP74B00415R000500020024-5 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Monday - 29 November 1971 Page 3 9. Delivered a suggested reply for a constituent, I a student, to Senator Richard S. Schweiker (R. , Pa. ). 10. Accompanied OCI, to the office of Representative John Murphy (D. , N. Y.) for a briefing on the situation in Panama for the Congressman in his capacity as Chairman of the Panama Canal Subcommittee, House Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee, and for three staff members of the Subcommittee, Messrs. Jim Larocca, Bernard Tannenbaum, and Carl Perian. No problems developed and Representative Murphy said briefing was the best intelligence briefing he had ever heard on Panama, including those he had received from ambassadors, in the nine years he has been closely following the situation in Panama. The briefing was conducted on a classified and off-the-record basis. Mr. Houston Mr. Goodwin Mr. Colby DDI DDS DDS&T EA/DDP OPPB Item. 10 - OCI ,egislative Counsel Approved For Release 2005/05/16 : CIA-RDP74B00415R000500020024-5