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September 24, 1972
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\O CPYR WASHINGTON FOS` BOOK WORLD Troved? For Release 2000/0 / 3 : CIA-RDP75-00001 R 4 SEP 1972 _9 V .0 chlesin 1 t, provided an excellent overview of the, role of OSS during the 'two-front war., against Nazi Germany and imperial Ja- The .S cret history o l America's First Central Intelligence l.gency .By R. 71,arris Smith Cali f ornirt. 470 PP. $10.95 CPYRGHT .By DAVID WISE pan. He has woven together the richest .material from dozens of existing mem- oirs, books and articles about OSS, all carefully footnoted, but in addition, he has performed prodigious original re- search, interviewing or corresponding! wyith some 1:30 former members of _OSS, many of whom, apparently, could hardly stop talking..: The chapter on the-OSS's dealings with Ho Chi Minh is especially illuminating. As is well known, an OSS medic saved II WHAT UUU ar n o's life in 1945, and as the .war drew bert Marcuse, Arthur Schlesinger. _, Jr. o a close, OSS officers maneuvered to Julia Child, Benjamin.Welles, Pope Pau id the Viet Minh against waning French VI, S. Dillon Ripley, Sterling Hayden colonial power in -Indochina. It.was not, and David Bruce possibly have in com o be, for Washington would not allow it;.~ anon? Or, for that matter, John Gardner ut at least briefly.. the : Unitecl__.States Frank Sc hoonmaker.; the -wine connois 'as supporting, in. Vietnam,-what Dean seur, SEC chairman William Case Rusk liked to call "the other side." And Douglass Cater, Henry Ringling North o :- -Smith -notthat Peter Dewey, a` young the circus family, Merian Cooper, direr , SS colonel, was the: first American to-'. for of the film King Kong, John Oakes tie in Vietnam; the date was September page, and Arthur Goldberg? "wild Bill" Donovan's OSS; created Answer: all formerly toiled for the Of With Franklin D..: Roosevelt's -backing,.., five of Strategic Services, better know rought together ,what surely must have as the OSS, the World War II cloak-and ern the most:. diverse group of "spies dagger agency that, for better or worse : ver to gather..under age cloak for a nd.Whitney Shepardson, moved out into e universities, the foundations,. the anks, and corporations, where many of hem could be relied upon to carry water or "the Agency" when asked. Some of hose names showed up on the boards of oundations and other CIA conduits two ecades later, for they had not. forgotten e old ties that bind, Tracing the names, e half-submerged links between the intelligence community, and::what Rich rd Rovere has called-the American Es- blishment,' is what makes Smith's book o' fascinating and valuable. - In a- final - chapter;:Smith, accurately-i oints out that there were,-and are, many berals in the CIA, but his effort, to ortray-the Agency as the Virginia chap r of the ADA is not entirely convincing,. articularly since Smith himself., argues at over the years, "TheAgency's covert owes was consistently exercised on be- alf of political repression and dictator- ip." And ? Smith notes that a dynamic artime secret service may ,lead, - in eacetime, "to irreparable disaster" c'.~ became the forerunner of today's Centra Intelligence Agency. common purpose. Upper-class WASPS, the adenoidal scions. of America's great Co get right to the point, In OSS, banking and-industrial families,.mingled Harris Smith, who served briefly as with Communists and crooks, labor lead- research analyst for CIA and then fle ers and professors-there were a lot of to become a political scientist in Califo professors-in a bouillabaisse that might nia, has written the best book abou have beenwhipped upby i4irs. Child .America's first modern secret servic hasel h iii Others have told of their own exploits i General William J. Donovan's colorful And it is the names-the astonishing ,chaotic spy agency; Corey Ford has prlist of names-that form- the strength of, vided an interesting portrait of DonovSmith's work, even more than the indi himself, and Allen Dulles, in The Secrvidual episodes of OSS derring-do or Surrender, detailed. the story of his su failure. With. the aid of ,a special system cessful negotiations leading to the su of footnotes,. Smith not only "reveals doz- render of the German army in Italy. BI-- ens of names but. tells -us where they lh It. Harris Smith has put it: al togeter and added a great deal more. No matter that he ealls.the CIA. `.th . most misunderstood bureaucracy of th American 'government," for perhap Smith wishes to keep his friends wh still toil ' invisibly across the river i Langley, Virginia. No matter that th "full" story of 0SS cannot be writte unless and until CIA unlocks the wa time files of OSS, which it still has squi pct ' c ' '-~ are now. Some of the OSS operators had found their life's calling. Smith makes it clear- 4 hat the top echelons. of the CIA, past and present, were former OSS men, and, scattered through, the pages, they. are, FOIAb3b named-Allen Dulles and Richard Helms, who became directors of CIA, Thomas Karamessines, Larry Houston, Tracy Barnes, Lyman Kirkpatrick Jr., John Bross, Alfred Ulmer Jr., and William Colby, all of whom became station chiefs ! reled away out there. I or top officials of the intelligence agency. For all of that, Smith, combining th. Others with wonderful reversible names, style. of a ournalist with the scholarl ~pproved For Relea ' 12001di69, dJoledAA kbP v}b9b R000100010.015-0