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Publication Date: 
February 17, 1968
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The Times Picayune CPYRGHT PYRGH anitized Q~'l i -F ReleaseQ~f T'75-00001 R000100.050094-9 eDruarv 1 nnvn~i iT turn" to testify in New Or I ans If President Lyndon B ohnson and the CIA pay fo is "personal financial losses' United States government, we e many Louisiana politicians, i - eluding Mr. Garrison, and t j governor and the office of t hile included as a -figure I 'leans. My personal stereo ar>jl e investigation. monaural tape library Is extel~-, Garrison Asks -Dulles Testify March 7, 8 The subpenas for both Dulle nd Novel were issued throug e court of Criminal Distric udge Matthew S. Braniff. 'BY CIA' ELEMENTS' In asking for the Dulles sub ena, Garrison's office claime hat he would have "pertinen owledge as to substantial r orts that Lee Harvey Oswal as an agent and-or employ f the CIA." Oswald was sal 'the Warren Commission to ve been the lone assassin of Kennedy. Garrison also asserted that he "has succeeded in identify hng the assassination of Presi- dent Kennedy as an: operation conducted by elements of the CIA." The DA further charged That the Warren Commission suppressed certain documents 'which may have a bearing on -president Johnson and the C1 the case.. pay my extensive personal fi . Garrison also claimed that nancial losses for defending th 'CIA his organization worked at'jand guarantee t h e ' probabl in his Kennedy assassinatio `?? L, quVl 4lYG L CIJV UL i IBS (n- I-- IU lYll. "01I IJVIL I.7 (ILUUUII y asion in Cuba, and used Os- from granting immunity on, probe-the first for a forme ald's name. Oswald was in may return to testify to - Mr Central Intelligence 'Agency di Russia at the time. Garrison about his fraud and in rector, and the second for GRANTED IMMUNITY volvement In the death of Davi long-sought former bar operator The subpena request further-! Ferrie. alleged to have CIA connections.. tated that Novel, former opera-' "I don't believe Mr.Garriso The new Grand Jury subpe- or of a Rampart st. lounge, hadj will take a lie detector test o a id b Gi'ff nssueyarrsons oice was for Alien W. Dulles, head of the controversial CIA until Sept. 27, 1961, who is asked to' appear before the Orleans Parish Grand Jury March 7 and 8 to give testimony in connection with the DA's In- vestigation of the death of President John F. Kennedy. The other subpena again called for the appearance of Gordon Novel. Earlier efforts by Garrison to have Novel return here to testify have been un- availing. NOT DECIDED Friday night, Novel told The Times-Picayune by telephone from Columbus, Ohio,. that he had not read the new subpena and had not yet decided''wheth- er t play my, 'game or his o' LI(GaroUL =7 nlisted. CIA aid in order to void having to return to New rleans fot? Garrison, and that he late David W. Ferrie was mployed by the CIA while ulles was at the helm. Ferrie died last Feb. 22. He as?named by. Garrison as be-11more .cooperative, and t don'~? ennedy. ' In his statement to The Times-, icayune, Novel outlined his po- ition on Garrison's latest move; five points. The text of Novi, l's statement follows: "Number One " My primary. usiness In New Orleans was, nd still Is, in the electronic in?; lligence equipment manufac ring . field. , I am not a night' ub owner, That was merely a{ and his involvement-on one, o on his truth. serum or on hi s hypnosis before his grand jury duel in some place other that "Number Two-I never co - mitted any burglaries and a most certainly not a materi 1 witness except to Mr. Garr - son's attempts to fraudulent]( and maliciously involve nlysel , who was his former person I chief of security in his allege investigation of the alleged co spiracy to allegedly assassinat John F. Kennedy. "Number Three-I have neve stated to anyone that I eve consciously worked at, any time for or with the CIA. "Number Four-In referenc to his new subpena, I, persona ly, haven't read it so I will jus have to see it before decidin whether to play my game. o his. "Number Five Perhaps I Sanitized -Approved For Release : CIA-ROP75-00001 R000100050094-9