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Document Release Date: 
October 1, 1998
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Publication Date: 
February 16, 1968
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PDF icon CIA-RDP75-00001R000100050096-7.pdf119 KB
D NEW MEANS STATES-ITEM Nair Orleans, La. Sanitized.- Approved f6r ee4ei A-RDP CPYRGHTI 1[1 S ie aistrict attorney subpena for Allen W. Dulles, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency, to appear before the jury March 7 and 8 in connection with the probe of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. A new subpena also was issued today for Gordon Novel, former New Orleans nightclub owner. Previous efforts to get Novel back to. New Orleans to testify have been un- successful. . . DISTRICT ATTORNEY JIM GARRISON said his office "has succeeded in identifying the assassination of President Kennedy as an operation conducted by elements of the .CIA," and said both Dulles and Novel' were needed to testify about CIA activities. Both subpenas were issued through Criminal District Judge Matthew S. Braniff. The request for the Dulles subpena' alleges that Dulles was CIA director until. Sept. 27, 1961, and as such "would have pertinent knowledge as to substantial reports that Lee-Harvey Oswald was an agent and-or an omploye of the CIA." THE DOCUMENT SAID POSSIBLE information relative ,to CIA knowledge or contact with Oswald (named.by the Warren Commission as the sole'slayer of the President) was (suppressed in certain commission documents. It charges that while Dulles headed the CIA, the. organ- ppizgtion negotiated with a New'Orleans firm for the purchase of trucks and vehicles to use in the CIA-sponsored Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba and used the name of Lee Harvey tOswald, who was at that time in Russia. J . THE SUBPENA REQUEST QUOTED a copyrighted story .in the States-Item April 25, 1967, as making public Novel's 'claim to have been employed by the CIA during Dulles' t,tenure as' chief. "Gordon Novel fled the state to avoid, rtestifying and sought to enlist the aid of the CIA in. pre- venting his return," the document said. The request said "David W. Ferric, who has been named in an indictment as 'a conspirator to the murder. of John F. Kennedy, was an employe of the CIA at a time when Allen . Dulles was the head of the CIA., Among other things, he was a flying instructor in Guatemala prior to the abortive. Bays CPYRGHT Sanitized - Approved For Rele of Pigs invasion." Dulles was never called be- fore the Warren Commission, the document said. The document said it was is- sued for the purpose of being., presented to a judge in New York, "where said Allen W. Dulles now is, upon proceed- ings to compel said Allen W. fy..." Both the Dulles and Novel subpena requests contain pro- - visions granting the men im- munity from a r r e s t and process service, while in Lou- isiana on matters which arose prior to their entrance into the state' to answer the sub? penas. IN THE PAST, Garrison has refused to grant Novel such immunity, Novel has said he would be willing to return if it were granted. Tlie Novel subpena request says 'Novel now lives in Co- lumbus, Ohio. It alleges that Novel "by his own admission in public statements is affiliated with the CIA." It further alleges that Novel "has been established to be a frequent visitor of and as- sociate of attorney Dean A. Andrews who has been con- victed of perjury in connec- tion with his testimony' rela- tive to the conspiracy to mur- der John F. Kennedy." ALSO, IT says he' was an associate of F errie in connec- tion with CIA activities. . "Information has been giv- en to the DA's office which located Novel at No Name Key in Florida where.a num- ber of CIA employes were training for an invasion of Cuba," the request said. It also says Novel has been identified by a witness as a frequent visitor of Edgar Eu-. gene Bradley in North Holly- wood, Calif. Bradley has been charged in Orleans Parish as a conspirator in the Kennedy slaying. Novel, the request says, has been identified by various wit- nesses as having been in vari-. tion on gun-running activities involving Clay L. Shaw who has been indicted by the Or- leans Parish Grand Jury as a conspirator to the murder of John F. Kennedy, and Jack Ruby, whom it is commonly accepted is the slayer of Lee Harvey Oswald," the docu- ment says. IT SAYS Steven Plotkin, Novel's attorney, when-press- ed for information relativ to the gun-running activities as- serted the attorney-client priv- ilege and named ? Gordon Novel as the client involved. The document requests that Novel be taken into imme- diate custody and delivered to. an officer of the state of Loui- siana to assure his attend- ance. It says Novel was sub- penaed to appear before the grand jury March '17, 1967; and adds: "Gordon Novel, by his own public admissions, sold his business on the weekend and left the city to-avoid nbt only. the aforedescribed subpena but also a new subpena which CPYRGHT. IR000100050096-7'