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Publication Date: 
December 17, 1965
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Approved Fo:i~`ReI~~~,~,~~Q?~Q$/ . ,~,~,~7 Yutii, rJ.Y. 'Iti4:~LL'-'EL~.Gf{Aivl ~ SUN ''Ca 373,89 ~._CIy4-RDP76F~000'~ D6C 1 71965 _.._ ,_ ~y ~ics7ard a~~rn~ CPYRGHT , . --Merry Christ,mc~s 9975 A Look Into tl~~ ~Fu~ure was not possible this. year.. As most of ,you know by now, ,the whole Western Hrmi~ ' "Ndrmally," said'. President Soapsuds, }~ beaming:..uncertainly at the television Catn?" j: eras; "the tree is lighted in the weelc~hefore I' Christmas. Unfortunately, however, that i can Pinchley Bleak in the election o.f 19 i:? news, .indeed," Presidennt Soapsuds con- ~~ (and, of course,- had promptly adopted that tlnued. "Ambassador McNamara; of course, , poor man's entire foreign polio i, tried to added. a small postscript. He feels that 1.5 ' 1. put a brave face on things when he lit: the million troops should be sufficient to do the '' traditional White House Christmas tree. job, but (the smile vanishes) we are dealing 1975, was as joyous a seaso~~ as could v,~inning, and by 'springtime at the latest reasonably, be expected. should be able to foresee the day when we ' President Ernest J. Soapsuds, who ha.d will have positively started not losing,' ,, administeY?ed a sound thrashing t.o hepubli? "I'm sure we will agree that- is good , sphere was blacked out by a power .failure that lasted from December 19 to Decr..mber 26 inclusive, and it was noC possible to .light with an exceedingly-treacherous foe, and it may .ta.ke up to tuttb n5illioh, soldiers to finish tile task of civilizing thern." .President Soapsuds furnbles momentarily with a sheaf of papers on his desk. "Now, ~ jusC as an illustration 'of why the anti?rtamor act'was in our list of anust legislation. Here 1 is a letter from a little girl in Cincinnati.. `Dear President ,Soapsuds;' it bcglns.' `My ' , the tree .until the electricity had been little friends fell me, that our nice plastic 25? restored:" '? cent pieces, are to. be' replaced by quarters " Here Fresldent~ Soapsuds fixed his audi? made of cardboat~d? I hope it isn't true. Y can. i ence (estimated at 400 million as a result of play.; tiddle?winks with plastic quarter's, but ;: the compulsory viewing act of 1974) with a ` ; I'm afraid I can't do it any longer if you; tern expression. start making them ' of cardboard. fan -you"' - ~. - F..11 -._... ....'L._a 4. ____ a_ ~___ ._i~._ r__. ___ . ... .. "The Central Intelligence Agency has ~ President Soapsuds brushes away a tear.; raced tile, cause bf the failure' to a short . ~ "Just let me assure this loyal little American ; ircuit in an electric guitar being played in that her little friends are wrong: The, mint pickup combo in the Tierra del Fuego, As` assures me that our plastic` quarters are. herb WOY'ds arG being spoken, elemenks of working just fine, they'ue~licked"tile melting'i he United States Marines are landing, to ,. problem, and-without intending any slight 7rotect American lives. Already (here Presi? . to our great. pasteboard uxt~ustry-there is ent Soapsuds: consults a tejetype flimsy) :: absolutely no plan,fdr fi~.fting over to card- ~ore than 200 electric guitars have been cap. board' quarters. W~1en you write to .your d used or destroyed. little friends. at the youth. rehabilitation.: "So much (the., famous Soapsuds. smile ? ,~?camp, you will teh,'them you have the word foods 200 million living rooms) for not?mce of President Soapsuds, and they'd better~be? ; ews. We are happy to report that reports Ileve it." ~ 1 ~ .rem the other `side of the world are a dif? (Suddenly the'1lglits on the huge White ", eY'ent matter. News from Viet Narn can. :'House tree begin to flicker and fade..So, in? tnues to be good. Arribassador McNamara,. deed, does the image of Mr. Soapsuds on 200.i ho after all knows more about war in Viet, million TV screens. His last .words, before; am than anyone else, has sent me a special tote poker falls completely. are, "Da~nab it, hristmas message in: which he assures me -tell whatshisname over at CIA that I want.: FnaL we nave. iurnea tine corner ana tnar, tr. Approved For Release '2000/08/03 :CIA-RDP75-000018000100100015-0