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CPYRGHT RASINOVIT 1634 )943.48; vice consul, o aY, - In a, 3 7 s ., ffi!e: v 1 d A ?~ ., f ., ty, attache Am. embassy, Rangoon, Burma, 1098-40; N.Y C 17 ~ Feb 12 1003? s Isaac and Feny (Laver) R.; B,C.S., asst. attache,- 2d sec., consul Am. embassy, Lisbon, 1'ortugel, 1050-54; consul. Luanda, Angola, 1954-; 58; career development officer Dept. ` State, 1957- 58, intelligence spedallat, 1058-80; consul, Gunya- qull, kcuador, 1800-81; consul Recife, Brazil, 1961- 92; Dept, of SCnte, Washington, 1902-03. Mem. U. S. delegation NATO Conf., Lisbon, 1952; mem. African seminar Dept. -ot State, 1058. Home: 8021 Sulky Lane, Rockville, Md. Ofhce: Dept.., of Stntc, WasMngton 25, D. C. RABINOVITZ, Borld, lawyer, mem. Democratic. Nnt. Com.; b, Sheboygan, Wis., May 22, 1005; s. Meyer and Sarah (Gordon) R.; student Marquette U., 1925-27; LL.B., U. Wis., '1930; m. Charlotte Udell, June 20, 1038: children-Ronald, Judith. Ad-. mltted to Wfa.-bar, 1930, since practiced 1n 8hetioy- gan; circuit ct. commr., Sheboygan County, 1952- -; atty. UAW-CIO, Kohler Co. strike, 1084--. Mem. Sheboygan Plan Comma., 1039-53: mem,,Cov. Wis. Comma. Human Rights, 1958--. b1em, Nis; Dem, Adv. Com? 1998--, Dem. treas. Wis., 1058- 80; mem. Dem. Nat. Com: for Wls., 1880-=,'Chmn. Wis. Jewish Refugee Com., 1048-59, W1s: Israel Bonds com., ID51-b3; dir. Milw. Jewish Home for Aged; dlr. Jewish Welfare Council, Sheboygan, 1932- - pres., 1990-50. Mem. Am., Wls. (chmn, civil rights com. ID58), Sheboygan County bar assns.; Comm). Law League Am., Zionist Orgn: (pres. Sheboygan 1090.42). Jewish religion (synagogue pres.). Odd Fellow, Moose; Eagle; mem. B'nai B'rith (pros: Sheboygan 1939-38). Contbr. articles to proG. Sours.-Home: 3016 Evergreen Parkway. Of- Nce: 817 New York Av., .Sheboygan, Wis. pA01NOVITZ, Joseph (rat-bl'nd-alts), president BtoP and Shop, Inc:; boro 1n Russia, Aug. 28,' 1878; e. Nathan Solomon end Yent1 (fkftlln) R.; m. Lottle R. Wolf, Jan: 18, 1900; children-Sidney, Norman,: Jeannette (Mrs. Sidney Solomon), Irving. Came to, U.8? 1891, naturalized, 1888. In grocery business with father, 1891-03; with grocery lobbere,,1899-95; Rabinmitz Bros., 1895.98; with Standard grocery; t8D8-1Dt7; began with Economy Grocery Stores (:OID?; 1010 (name changed to Stop JJ Shop. Inc.), Hour pres. Han. life trustee Asso.'Jewlsh Phllanthroptes. Director Beth Israel Hosp. Home: 900 Common- wealth Av., Boston. Office: 383 D St., Bostop; Mass. RABINOWIT4IH, Eugene,.phys. chemist, writer; b:' St. Petersburg (Lenfngrnd), A r. 27 1001; s. Isaac. and Zfnafda (Walnlud) R.; Ph.D., 1J. Berlln, 1028; D.A.L, '(honorary), Brandeis University,. 1900; m. Anna Melerson, Mar. 12, 1932;`children-Alexan- der, Vtetor (twins). Research esso., U. Qottingen, 1020-33, Unly. Coll., London, 1939-38, Mass. Inst. Tech., 1939-49, Manhattan Protect, 1044-98: research prof., U. Ill. since 1947. Mem. Am, Chem. Sod:, American Physical Society, Fedn. Am. Sclentlsts, Amerlean Blophgsical Society. Author: (monographs) Rare gases (German), 1928; Periodic System IGer~ moat, 1830; Phgtosynthesls, Vol 1, 1995, Val. II 1, 1950, Vol. II 2, 1058; Minutes: tq Midnight, 1950, also articles In nrog; lours.- end gen. press: Editor and editorial writing Bull: of Atomte $clen- tiste. Home: 1021 W. Church St., Champaign, IIL. Office: U. hL, Urbana, III. RAl10RN, Hubert Nordin, oil. co. exec,; b. New Harp, Tex., Sept, 8, 1905: s. Oscar Orville and Emma Jane (Orlffin) R.; student {ViBiam Jewell Colt., 7925-28, 9t. Lsufs U., 1943.95; Bred. exec: program bus.. adminstrn.;.Columbla; 1853; m. Gladys Floyd -Starnes,' June 20, 1827; children-Hubert Hardin,- Maynette. (Mrs. Richard D. Whitworth).. Bookkeeper. First Nat. Bank, El Dorado, Ark.,. 1925.29; accountant Imperlals'Retinerlea, Little Rock and St. Louts, 1820.43; with Touche, Nlven, Bailey and Smart, C.P.A.'s, 1093-50, resident mgr., Hous- ton, 1948-50; v.p., sec, Triangle Reflnerles, Inc? Itouston, 1050-=?; treas. Kerr-McBee Oil Industries, Inc., Oklahoma Clty, 1957.8E v.p., gen. mgr. mar-~. keting, 1981-; sec., dlr. Bell 011, Inc., Bell OII Terminal, Inc., Coast Stations & Bgtane Co., Coastal Stations, Inc., Cotton Valley 8otventa,~ Co., So.~. States Towing Co., Triangle Barge- Linea, Ina, Triangle Realty Co., Triangle. Stations of Loulsvllle,~ Inc., also petroleum companies in Ale., Qa., Ky.,' Mo., Tenn. Mem. bus. adv. Com. Okla. U., 1059--; bd. dire. Bantlst Laymen's Carp., Oklahoma Clty.; Mem. Ark. N.g., 1023-25. C.P:A., Tex., Mo. Mem.' (dlr.), Navy League of U.S., Young Presitlent?9 Am. Petroleum Inst., Mid-Continent Oil and gas Orgn. Mason (Shrh:er, Jester). Clubs: Amen Corner, Assn., .4m. Inst. C.P.A.'s, Tes.~,Mo, rocs: C. P.A.'s, Univeralty, Duquesne (Pitts.); Lake Shore, Mld- Oklahoma City C of C. Baptist (deacon, Sunday America (Chgo.); Marco- Polo (N.Y.C.); Vera ech supt.). Clubs: Golf and Country Petroleum Beach (Fla.) Yacht; Mountain (GOV.) (Champion, (Oklahoma Cltyl: Houston. IIome: 7~A1 Country Pa.); Mt. Lebanon Country (Canonsburg, PaJ. Club Dr. N., Oklahoma Clty 18. Office: Kerr McQee ]tome: 18 INllmont Av. Office: Jessop Steel Co.; _- ~~aa+rrairrrmwa~:r~rsr"~~;~;;su~ Washington, Pa. i officer,~corporationP~executlve;~bom in theytown of ^A~'"ter, Dann na,vn, Decatur, Tex., June 8, 1005; s. William Frencls and Okla., Aug, 29, 1007; a. John Wlllism and Mertfe Aasn. Award, 1053; fYfedel of Honor, Am. C. of C. Cornelia Victoria (Moore) R,; B.S., U:B, Naval (hammer) R.; A.B., U. of Okte? 1031, A.M., in France, 1059. Served as D+t., later 1st B., U.B. Acad., 1025; student Naval War Coll., 1951-52;' m. 1935; grad. work, Yale, Vanderbilt U.: Ph.D., George. M,C., 1017-18; Yeoman, 1818.17, caaDpt., M.C. Br., Mildred T. Terrell, Apr. 6, 1965: children-Barbaia Peabody Coll.; 1090: m. Virginia Douthlt M1Ils, Feb Naval MBitla, New York, 1022-24. Methodist.. Reborn Richardson, Wllliam'Francis III. Commd, en- 9, 1837; 1 eon, Gordon Mills. II1gh ech. teacher of Club: Madison Qo][. Author. The Amerlean Taritt` sign USN, ID28, advanced through grades to vice social science; Oklahoma Clty, Okla., 1930-30 (leaves on AloohoUc Beverages, 1038. Editor:- The American' adm., 1900; designated navel aviator, 1939; assigned of absence for grad: study, 1033-39, 1937.38); mem. ImDartar, 1038.90. Contbr, articles on import trade faculty, Teachers Colh of Conn., 1839-9D, Drot. of !n export trade pubis., N,Y. Jour. of Commerce, battleships, destroyers, aircraft carriers, 1928.90:, social eclenee.and dean of college, 1940-40; prof. of N.Y. Times, etc, Home: 20 Wilmer St?.-Madison,' established Aviation Gunnery Sch., Barbers Point,. edn. and dean, Coll. of Edn.,- U. of Okla., 1999-? N.J. Office: 111 Fifth Av., N.Y.C. 8. Pearl Harbor, T.H., 1940-92; exec. officer U.S.S.' S5; deputy United States dommlesloner of education, RpDEBAUGH, Cushman Shelton, beet cattle llancock, Fast Carrier Task Forces Pacltic, 1993-45; ~ 1D5b-58; prof. edn. and dean co16 edn, Pa,-State reacher; b. Union City, Tenn., Aug. 3, 1808; a. chief staff Comdr. Task Force 08, Comdr. Carrier U., 1056-62, v.p. resident instrn., professor of .Otis Barclay and Lana B. (Shelton) R.; LGB? Div. 2, Western. Padlfic, 1995-47? operations officer, education, 1982--. Chmn. Gov.'s Adv. Cam. Pub. Vanderbilt U., 1026; m. Adelma Giles, June 7,. Comdr, for Air West Coast, 197-99; research and Edn, Pa., 1857.58. Mem. Nat. Couneft Accredlta- 1027;. children-Cushman Sholton, James Qlles, development guided missiles Bur, Ordnance, 1940+ lion at Tchr, Erln., 1957-80; mem. Middle States' LeRoy Nefl,~ Nancy (Mrs, IIans Qrosklos). Ad-. 60; dap, dir. guided missile div. Oftlce Chief Naval Aesn. Comma. on Instns. Higher Edn., 1002--: milted to Tenn. bar 1626 Fle, bar, 1929; Dractlce Dperations, 1052-59; comdg, officer U.S.B. BennJng- Chmn. Cornell U, Adv. Council for Edn., 1982--.' 1n Orlando, Fla? ~02b-56; chmn, bd, dirs. Cush- ~kon, ?1934.55; asst, chief staff Comdr, Atlantic Served with Signal Corps, U.S. Army, 1943.48, now - man 8. Radebaugh & Sons, Ina, beet cattle and 'Fleet, ]955; Jst dlr. Navy's Fleet Bnilistld Mlsslle ]t, col. res. Mem, Am. Assn. Coils. for Tchr. Edn. citrus fruit, Orlando 1825--. isres. Central Fla,. Program; mr. OtGce - of Spl. Protects, ,Polaris Pro- , (pres. 1081-021. Alpha Tau Omega. Home: 017 CsEtlemens Aesn.,_ 1f~42-98, Fla. Cattlemene Assn.,, UBN, 1963; now v.p. program mgmt, Aerolet-Oen. RACKMAN, Emanuel, rabbi; b, Albany, N.Y., ~ mem. Nat, Beef Cattle Leglslatlva Com:, 1860.82;, Corp., Azusa, Cal. Distinguished Service Medal, :June 24, 1910; s. David and Anna (Manneaovltch) die Fla. Farm Bur., 1942.48; mem. Com, to revise'. 1980; Robert J. Collier Trophy Nat. Aero, Assn., It.; D.A., Columbia, 1951, LL.B., 1933, Ph,D.,?: - Fin, Agrl. Dept., 1857-68. Served with U.B. Navy,. 1081. Itaptist, Masor.. Home: 316 Madeline Dr., 1953; rabbi, YesMva U., 1939, D.D., 1081; m. Ruth 1920.21.- Mom, Delta Theta Phi, Phi Kappa Phl,, 1'asgdenn, Cal Otflce: Aerolet General Corp., 'Sylvia Fischman, :Des 28, 1030; children-Michael . BiBma Phi Omega., Methodist (chmn. bd, stew-: Atiuga ?1 v, arda)._ Home: 002 Lake Davis Dr, Office: P, O., _-.... t.~ .................~.,,....._.,..........,^,,.....,:,-+m~: r?sra,rM: -i.. nannof! M-. Jn^anh R. itahhL Can?re?atlon- _ _ _ _. a,,,r ,,~, v,~,...~?~? ^-???~???????, --?? dnaataY 1'eltla ana Jew19n cancer, n~ac iwcaaway -??^ - ?? ~??? - ~. iend~1907~~Pres., trg~5 ~1- k Igg-~q~~ po) ~ ~{p~{ l~p~.~I ~ya~}~~1st~er; b,, dlr. First Nat. BenkrA~dal~~~:~1?[n161;eV~~d~j~'~~3jgg7SU~~'Q~d+yfob,~ y,"VI~IIfa~Mrdlr~slfb-(7rranken- Ar. Office: P.O. Box 078, Xalamazoo, Mlch, the president, 1082-. President N Y.. Board ~ berr9) R.I Pb R Chgo 1010; LL.B? Harvard, . .,frl(CNAt... abe fderedlibr engr.; b. Union, Ky., Rabbis, IB85-07, Rabbinfdal Ct,,:Am 19?0.-=) pres. 1922 m MurIeI~RaPkbr; O~t ;. 10 , tr f4~; 1 c. Q'i(,Jlfi Ma n and 01aude, (Nor- Rab6lnlenl :Cop f~l; B5 ~pn0~ ho rep.y ~ , 1,4 (, r u 'rrgyjyl.,r i}~~ 1 e~ ?~ iaz1l,,yy t ~~ ~ ~ +~ ~ t af( d p. t ~ i D 9f , ,ffl~ r~C C t'R (,?~ ? ~~,~7/r1~1]' ~ ~.If t7 ..i?+r ~MI~, 12 11)! RACNIE, Cyrus, lawyer, church orgn. exec.; b. N.Y,U., iD2~; 1 daughteq Marlene Snikln; Comp- Ilmnr, Minn., Sept. 5, 1908; s. Elias and Amanda troller $runswlck .Radio Carp., N.Y, Cfty, ]820- (Lien) R.: student U. Minn.; 102T-'L8; LL.B., 31: eec. Bmnawlek Record Corp., 1032-34: trees., Qeorge Washington U., 1932; m, Ilclen Evelyn Dun- Deccs Records, Inc., N.Y. City; 1939.37, v.p., 1837-- canson, Nov, 25, 1936; children-John Burton, Janlcs 98, exec. r. D,, 1998-49, dir. since 1948, pres. since Carolyn, EBz?beth Dorothea. Admitted to Mlnn. 1099: pres., dlr: (fniversal Plctures~ Co., Inc., sloce bar, 1934; atty. Minn. Ilwy. Dept., 1934.43; apt. 1952; dlr., vice chmn. bd. A1CA, Inc. C.P,A.,_ N. Y: asst. atty. gen., Minn., 1948-60; counsel Luth, Bede. Mason. Ottlec: 995 Pnrk Av., N, Y. C. Brotherhood, fraternal life fns. co., 1950-B1; pat. Rp~2, padre, Dafnter, engraves, educator; b. Clut, practice law, Mpls., 1901-G2; v.p:, asst. counsel Rumania, Nov. 21, 1918; s. Blmion and Ana (Rasen- Qamble-Skogmo, Inc., Mpls , 1062--; dlr. Qen. moan) R.; B.A., U. of Bucharest, 1935; married Outdoor Advt. Co., Inc? 8te~mnn Bros., Ltd. Luther- Claire Enge, Mny 25, 1962'; children (by a an Ch. in Am. del. to 4th Assembly Luth. World previous marrlagel-Juan Andres, Marla Simone,. Fedn., I[elslnkl, -1083; exec. bd. Minn. Synod Luth. Ana Constanaa. Came to U.S., 1939, naturalized, Ch. Am. Mem. epcaker's bur. United Fund; 1t~~ast 1948. Teaching assistant Atelier 17, N.Y.C., -1944; pres. Lath. Welfare Soc. Minn.; pest chmn. )Nplsp dlr. Academia Vfflavlcenclo, Santiago, Chile, 1850;- Mnyor's Council on Iiumnn Relations. Trustee, v.p,. asso. prof, painting Columbia, 1951--; vls. prof. U., Lath, Student Found, o[ Minn,; trustee William Ity., 1980; one man shows, N.Y.C., ]992-44, 90, 48, Mitchell Coll. Lew, Augsburg COIL and Theol. 99 81, b3, 68, b7, b9, 81, Phila? 1945, Wash- Sem.; hd, dirs. Mpls, YMCA. Mem. 0ipls. Council. ington, 1947, U. Tenn., U. 7a., 1998, green Lake, Cks. (dir.), Nat. Lath. Conncit (sec.), Am., Atinn. ly)a,~ 1851, Rio de Janetra, Brazil, 1998, Santiago, bar assns., Am. Legion, Minn. Fraternal Congress 1847-60, Buenos. Aires, Argentina, X999, Cordoba, (past pres.). Mason, home: 8213 Idylwood Lnne, Argeutlne, 1949, Valdivia Valparaiso; V15a, Chile,. Mpls. .Office: i6 N. 8th 8t., Mpls. 3? ID57; one man show circulated by Am. Fedn. Art, RAGINE, Louts F(rank), Jr., lawyer; b, Pocatello, 1946-51; retrospective show graphic work N.Y. Yub. Ida., Dcc. 25, 1917; s. L. F. and Edith (Smalley). Library, 1859-56: retrospectlve'show-Museo de-Bel- R.: B.A., U. Ida., 1038, LL.B., 1840; m. Jean lax Aries, Santiago, 1957, U. Ky., Lexington, 1980; Iliingsworth, Dec. 15, 1040; 1 dau.; Jean Antoin- - exhibited group shows Mus. Modern Art, Whitney cite. Admitted to Ida. bar, 1049; pros. atty., EI-. Mus., Bklyn. Mus., Carnegie Inst., Phila. Mus.r more County, Ida., 1991-92; asst, gen. atty. U.P.- Library Congress, Ban Francisco Mua., N.Y.-Pub. Li= R.R., Ida., 1848-48: pat. practice law, Pocatello, Qermuny, iAustrla, Norweg Polend~ Yugosta fa,SB it- 1098-, Served es ]t. USNR, 1942-96; now Comdr, Res. Fellow Am. Coll: Trial Lawyers; member Am- ; zerland, Argentina; Peru, Bollvfa, Chile, Mexico, cricnn, Idaho (examiners committee 1950-G5, board ; Venezuela, Australia; exhibited FJfty Years of Am. cammrs. 1952.65; Dros? 1954-55), B.E. Ida. (pres., , ArE, Mus, Modern Arts show, Pears, London, Barcelona 1997-48) bar' assns., Am. Legion, 91Bma Nu, Phi and Belgrade, 1968, tat Inter-Am. Blenniel in Mexico, Alpha Delta. Democrat. Eplscopaltan. Mason (Shrln-_; 1958, 1st Bfennielof Religious Art, Salzburg, Aus- er). Clubs: Exchange dPocatello). Home:. Box 1368.? trla, 1068, Internat. Watercolor Biennial, Bklyn,. Office: Center Plnaa, 1'ocatcllo, Ida. Mus., 1981: works tn. permanent collections Mus. RAC(