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December 9, 2016
Document Release Date:
February 1, 1999
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Publication Date:
January 1, 1962
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Approved For Release 2~~~/08 70048-7
FO~Ab3b eluded Mt?. and Mrs. Ft?ede-
Y 11 IIC `/ r ^ / (~ rick-Drake of Charlottesville, Christening
~EX~1~~/~5~1 K ELY .Yl l~ 1 R 1.~. ~ ~ - Y :r._ _ Va.-she !s Pamela Turuure's' ~ r ? , _
~ ^? ~ rr - - -~ ~+ ? ~~ i _ - ~ mocner; the Rab Wilsons, the
? . M ,_ , ~ ~- _ ., ' ' .;_ ~ ~~~ Andrew Souls, the Douglas
y owets of
By BETTY BEALE .. ~ 30:3q, ~ featured the -grape -white brocade, had gone to brightly colored Hghts of blue, Jacobo and Isabella Ar uelles -. uson ork and the Louis Fer-
etar 8tat[ Writer c
p - -
Oanselor of thn, n..--.
n s e an 'a gn In the diplomatic contln-
pro uced superb-:.Spanish' , the traditional Spanish grape and g o 1 d e n lights shone Isabel Araez aitd Al 1
exactly slip u on oclet 1 t -
P s
w sat t,a~~y az cne
i ry^ ^ club the night before; the
~.~,?~.a;.(,,,?,~~~'d ~.. .:~ S __ a ..M V _ eW e ~ Gale McLeans~ and James
,* ~ ~- V Glbsons, Gen. and tvrrr,
. Hato, vvestey r'rame,
CPYRGH~t the Spanish: Embassy; Rose Zalles at Sul rave Howard Hat?tmann, Mt?a.
-Clarence Mackay of New
York the Sttinle B
- ent were Chilean Ambss-
y as entertainment: at 3. In the . Cg1'~.mony. for everyone, Of through- the four crystal varez de Toldeo.
night. mortiing, ~ course, there's nothing teo chandeliers, and messes of odor and Mrs. Muller, Nor-
'.Hundreds of Ynmlllar ANOTHER, 400 ? OR Sq ~ difficult .about eatSng 12 fresh red carnations were TIIE E N T E RTAI ENT egian Ambassador and Mrs.
figures In the social World danced to Aiild,Lang Synq ?~ ~ crapes unless you have to de- banked on the mantel under orfginaily planned i' the oht, Ia?anlan -Ambassador,
were ready and waiting to - the wftehing hoar in;;;,i~-s ~ isslmo Franpo in the center
the baby year' Sn , at, 'gip ,.?T.t!. '~~~,~ o! "tilQ kSpanish ft?om Queen Vlotorla Eugenia and, Yellow i?Ibbons covered "oles" from the .Ambassador
pantsh Embassy Wh Ie }4m A{nija~,va{ior who gterwted' her and .the late Ktng of SPa1ri, the ceiling. of the alcove and others sitting on the floor
assador and?]Mt's Y aide guggt$ tYl a ,beajttlgUl ? full-. were entwined by pine gar- Where some. of .the enter- surrounding-.them.
ave a dance that ` red at a e ~alegciaga goorn" of lands and ,studded with taihers performed.. It began with songs of
.. ,
areas largest, most complete col-
lect'ion of fine coats and suits..
Real news in the wcrid of fashion
.the silhat:fettes .:.the rich
fabrics ...the new season colors!
See our fabulous values .
You're sure to be pleased with a
coat, .suit, dress. or sportswear
from Koplowitz.
hfisses' arzd [~oncen's 8 to 20;
Jur:iors' S to 15; Petites' 6 to I6
Daytime Dresses, Sportswear,
Eveaiug and -Qorktaif Dreasesr
- I?ancing to. a Deuron ot?- Spain 'and 'South America
oyiestra !n .the .ballroom, sung by five A r g e n t i n e
sUl?ping !n the patio or !n one gauchos in eolorfui ponchos
of the dfewing rooms after who were sensational. They
m1dri18ht br simply mingling were iq~lawed by an Sncom-
and ch'atting wet?e Mr. and payable guitarist. And the
Mrs;' Hdgh D. Auchlncloss, show ended with the gayest
French' Ambassador and of all, the Soleares, a mad
Mme. Alphand fresh back flamenco contest involving
wltlch bore the name "The Lorca.
White House" !n the -Dior Needless tosay
the Em-
show at the Embassy; Under- bassy dance lasted until the
secretary of the Air Force not so small hours.
and Mrs. Joseph Charyk,
.Postmaster General and Mrs.
Edward Day, Secretary oP the
Army Elvis Staht?, whose wife
has-been lll, and the Wiley
The Rowland Evanses, the
Philip Geyeltns, the Walter
Rldders, Henry Brandon,
and ..the.. President's Naval
'Aide sand Mrs. Tazewell
Shepard were among the
? w
ttte--teloatitlm~;.ws5`giiii5g a
terrifically gay party for the
Pour debutante daughters of
friends of hers. They were
Courtney -and Marguet?lte
Hagner, daug~htet?s of Ran-
da11 H. Hagner, lr.; Chris-
tiana Caracclolo dl Forfno,
daughter of Count and
Countess Caracclolo dl Forlno,
and Anne Thompson
- ~T]TE AMBASSADORS of daughter of Tezas Represen-
t Australia, Italy, Chile, Lux- tative and Mrs. Clark Thomp-
....,s +~e, naa
Ives. - the Sulgrave Club decorated
~' ` ,r like a
Other celebrating the ncca= pink Italfan garden Pot
sion were the new Deputy the big event. A pink trellis
Assistant Secretary o1 State flanked by marble mns hold-
and Mrs. Robert E. Lee, the !ng pink flowers formed the
deputy to the Secretary of backdrop, for the receiving.
Commerce and Mrs, Herbert line. All the debutantes wore
Klotz, the Woodward Red- long white dresses. Chris-
monds, Judge and Mra. Rus- tfanna's, mare of a cream
sell Trafn, Sormer Ambassa- satin, was the dress Set
dot and Mrs. Arthur Gard- grandmother wore when she
Her, Capt. and Mrs. Edwin was pt?esented at the royal
Graves, farmer Ambassador court of Italy. - It had a full
and Mrs. Stanley Woodward, skirt and off-the-shoulder
the Jantes Crosses, the Tay- puff sleeves.
]or-Chewntngs, our next Am- MASSES OF PINK BAL-
bassador tb Argentina and LOONS wfth pink plumes at-
Mrs. Robert McClintock, the tached were clustered around
.Lucius Battles, the' Bruce the big chandelier fn the
Sundluns, Betty Burton, ballroom where the orches-
George Baker and the Bill tra was Planked with atat-
Merriams?- ~ - - -. uary-. columns and a back-
Former Spanish minister drop of a green garland
here, now Ambassador to studded with roses. Balloons,
Norway and Mrs. Propper de plumes, roses and garlands
Callejon, were there, having decorated the other walls,too.
come to America Por the birth Wh11e Meyer Davis held
of a gt?andchild. They were forth 1n top form upstairs,
warmly greeted an all sides, some of Sidney's orchestra
as were U. N. pelegate and played in the nightclub down-
Mts. Jaime Plnies, who used stairs, An excellent supper of
to be stationed here, beef stroganoff, eggs, sausage,
Guests of honor at the salad and !ce cream and cake
young houseguestsatof cthe was served from midnight on i
Yturraldes, a nephew at Har- in the dinfng room.
vard Business School and a C'?eS~ at the patty in-
niece who flew over from
Madrid lust for the party;
The ambassador of the
Ivory Coast and Mrs. Konan
Bedie wet?e hosts yesterday at
a small party at .the Em-
bassy to celebrate the bap-
tism of their youngest com-
patriot and to .usher in the
Col. Tom Alexander, t
RO?t,Alnorys, the Charle
FSnucanes and scares of the
debutante set.
And everybody oP any age
who. knew how to Twist for-
got all the silly Notions about I.
it and had the fun of the new
fad. tro m
m. Come to think of 1tt it's
not how it came in but how tt
goes out that counts..
Il~~ ~~~ ~~
~ ~~~~. l~~a~ IlT
You can, if you answer these
? Will you be waited
who knows fur qua'
? Will you be dealir
their ability to r
years to come,
? Will you recei
at your requt
fur at regu'
To be sure of your ?
say "yes" to the a}'
here's what you s'
? At Ga
? At C
in ~'
? A
1 ROQ0100170048-7