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Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00001R000100280070-0 i(1)111 BLIND! BEST COPY .AVAIT ABLE Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00001R000100280070-0 Date: National 'Goa Sanitized,- Approved For Release : CIA C. ) e. 22,624 ?. Other - , V#90# ? A sTupy PROPOSED by State of the Union Mes.T44,\ of 11/59, after much delay; This Is th,y!epom mission on Natiolial The aim of the stu long-range plans for the being. These "inidellnis _possibly ten y$tirV ? ? They were to be WOrkef . group?and that proved to Y President at .a press con that btotiad been unable 6#1` 4 TIMINGof the repdrt and of 4.tserilio*tn. 11 Its pubcaQc WASISeetA0e4 the beilig to keep out Ivor% published the President's COnt- of politics.. Both Self. 'Kehnedy, President Nixon, howfrier, were kept Informed Of the plogress of the ,Orn-. d, was to produce miSSOTL f The report Is expected to cbart a path toward broad 'iertalnly?tad, economic wen- floonatitipal objectives. Its mandate front the President was tc , .outline J'ptiogfams tor the next decade and longer." Never ,theleSs,' While it ill not expected AO stress governinenLil ac T-10, lion to &thieve these national objectives, it should be spect 'ee . L 19 keted 'Bed eopugh to be *Wu' to allot aficabOstration headed b3 inlidon" to stismAnou 'a President who tlirOughOut the campaign urged the neces i LI M1 ih private fund; 1143r14,/: Ak, pay for the study. AV. getling Amertes muting toward new nationa fkler Fund, wbik'n Nit conductedairrillix- *studies; gala, lo his 611V11. wart* "new trontiers." ? ? 0) , ! : shown interest, as tiod tht Carnegie, Ford and Sloan founda- tions. But these groups 1..t that lime had shied off, fat- lack. l.. , ,.:14; , ? . of specifictinformatiOn4 )out objeatilien and organization. ' .? ,,, 7,:, , , :By last February I e financing had finally been set,. and President EisenhoY f ' r appointed It.f;Cermmission?headedt:i.:!;.4.)7,4.," : by Henry Merritt 411 /A-, foriner,piesident of Brown lint- I: .. 47. ., 4e '''';!4;;:' ? :versity. The 11-nrixt" 14 -oup, nonpartisan in composition, ;.t. Includes men of tl,' Hi 1 4 1 of ceigtitt W. Darden, former :governor of1, Ire'svi.r., r 4 d U.S. AO0als Judge Learned. it,,; 'land. AFI,-C,10 Preside- 4 er ?loge Meap Pd Crawford ICI' * Greene%att, iirestdont I E. 't* 'du Pod de 'Nemours _.81?Co? ' -' , , , ' THE GOALS STUDY b . ., ,,,t ,- ed to the Brest- ' dent by Charles H.Perey, Br ; . i * ' d ' 49 WAS later to shape the Republic tion. 'After W1 , aevted In a iomewhi't ? Staff mirk for the* iamp.,,Bundy, fornier e recruited a group.o eigo'polleyi defense, atter consulting an r 1,67khapter c rot 41VP:..? ' AdV ampaig? urfiA` 0111 be Rub, , Oen, .w ,41 ? " G HT ? 11 FOIAhh Sanitized - Approved For Release: Cu Onhr Nationctl Coals A STUDY PROPOSED 1)y ?test tent ltlisenhoWer in his State of the Union Messogil of 1959 ? Vitt heir% published atter mach delay. This is '.iie. report (the President's COrn- nossion (r: :\;.lit,h.11 GO:Ohl. The .400 ol Int' siukt 33 in long-range plans for the Illii-r i. / being. These "i;uidelinia"t'M "td, wat4 to preduce and. economic possibly ten years" aimed. '..i?L ., -.' ' They were to be work.' k,out. bi!it Itim4i,*(,..??.1-4tinietital ,'?o-oup.--and that proved to V .4,01.sittcree If the ?ditia,..y. Tile President at a press corn .. ,' Oct. ? 1939 indleated ? '?'.?_' - ' .? ? ; a President who throughout the campaign urged the neces, that lie)haal been onilik, lii get tne ii milli'on to $o million , sity of "getling America moVing" toward new in private fund; neeit).,10. pay for the study.. The Rder-..e,-* fe goats-or, In his own? words, "new frontiers." .ler Fund. whi.'...h PA: conducted' sirr5lar studies, ...-,,,,,,--- --..--ie??-????-???????,*- -- 0 Th '.Tl interest ,i.,,. n:d the Carnegie, Ford and Sloan founda- i , , :: - ,,,:70. ? . ? ? - ' '' . - - .. , . ? Ittins But the' gt oups i .t that time had shied off for lack i , . ..,. of specificlinformanon .4 iout ?Wei:dives and organization. la't Fel)VilarY q e financing had finally been set,. i ....-....', ah,t PtAtsidtrill Eisenhoylo r appointed a:Commission headed In nre Nierri!I Vitt! ./A , former president of Brown Uni- . "';''...,?,',..:,, versify. The 11-rnero' 41,1.-torip, nonpartisan in (Imposition, ides re,....? ,?,f Pii.',41k Ili v of Colgate W. Darden, former . govei no. '' . ? pulk, re et d U.S. Appeals Judge Learned '1,,, ? ,, ,, Hand. AP., 1/4'4,.' ?reside 4 G .,orge Meany and Crawford IC 1 Crfteilf`Nk it]t. ;..o: it ;i 'if A E. .t... ' du Pont de Nemours & Co. i, ? ' THE GOAL s,s71/Dy hr/": , Aemsuggested to .the Presi- dent hv Charlet, H. Percy, B 118e later to shapc the Republic! al . tion. After W1I aeopted in a somewhat 'I ter's , ' Staff wirk for the" Immisektin?,4 liana. P. Bundy, former (/. , .r.ali-nteilifitePCit, Ile recruited a group 0 ;? eign policy, defense, after consulting an t Ili-, hapter backgres- report is based on , The Advert4 ,,campaign urgin? It will be pub' 12, s ?' . . MAASS of the rrpct art.i af its pub]itation wa.sintentional, the alp being to keep 11 out of politica.. Both Sen. Kennedy. and Vice President N on, however, were kept informed of the pi ogress of the ont, ntission. ? 'ple report is expected to c-hart a path toward tt?oa,i natienal objectives. Its mandate front the President e. as to outline "programs tor the next decade and longer.- Nycl - ,thelets, while it is not stress government. ac- 'tion to athieve these national objectives, it should be sheet Lied enough to ben,seful to a new administration headed ON, ipresideilt, who was t,?=t, .. ? Th e 1980 totwen- ? , ? - - ? 110.11, At Iv as 0" n n4. ? ? xities On Inch an acts as for- * like; E,acti *lithos?, ite'obe.c.hapterle a 0.11 OWII?SbOrt#' ? ? tice- c ? national