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Document Creation Date: 
November 17, 2016
Document Release Date: 
October 20, 1998
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Publication Date: 
August 25, 1964
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PDF icon CIA-RDP75-00001R000300490054-3.pdf58.46 KB
Approved For Release 2000/08/26 : Cl CHARLESTON, S. C. NEWS ,& COURIER 5. 0! 053 6 731976 Pam Paoa Pago AUG25IS S; ?o: Trial Balloon Release by the Johnson adminis- tration of a Central Intelligence' Agency study that"cefl?'for "soffie' lUnd of negotiated settlement" in South Viet Nam looks to us like a trial balloon for appeasement in1 Southeast Asia. The paper was written 'by a mem- ; ber of the Board of National Esti- .` :mates - a top echelon group with- ;' in the CIA. Never, to our knowl-' edge,'has this kind of secret docu- ment been released to the press. If this is the kind of thinking that', fers the excuse' that it was to be prevails in the Johnson administra published by a Midwest newspaper. I tion, it IS doubtful that the war cans; We would like to know much more be won. No war is won by defeat 'about the circumstances. All Board; is Nor will the war in South Viet' of National Estimates papers are Nam be won when the communists top secret. Anyone who leaks one enjoy a privileged sanctuary in of these documents is subject ? to ! North Viet Nam. Existence of al prosecution. The President should privileged sanctuary cost the U.SA launch an investigation. :the war in Korea. The content of the paper shows Guerrilla fighting, student riots "that the unidentified author is' in- and internal subversion are forms clined to appeasement. He terms of warfare in which communists ex- the war in South Viet Nam ""more eel. If the United States and its a political contest than a military free-world allies cannot find a suc operation," blames reverses on the cessful way to combat these tactics,.! assassinated President Diem, and they not only' cannot win a war, in says "there remains serious doubt the Par East, but anywhere else that victory can be won." including home territory. CPYRGHT ;Approved Edr`Release 2000/09/26 :4 C'iA-RDP75-0?001R0'(f030d490054-3