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Document Creation Date: 
November 17, 2016
Document Release Date: 
October 20, 1998
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Publication Date: 
August 23, 1964
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PDF icon CIA-RDP75-00001R000300490084-0.pdf89.56 KB
Approved For Release 2000/08/26 : C ROCHESTER, N. Y. DEMOCRAT & CHRONICLE tn. 132,711 S. 196,874 front #d QC cr Pogo Pape Page Dom. AUG 2 3 `1904 % CPYRGH - Drmocrat and Chronicle aervr.r.e ran i i is "serious doubt" the Communist'rebcllion i in South Viet Nam can be quelled an(l tnat' West. can hope for; This conclusion, reached in a scholarly ?mination to make the Vietnamese war a !low publication of the entire paper :in a 'nevtispaper---the t;bicago'rri)iiine-.-had ac-, quired a copy; The newspaper was'under stood to be planning a story of the docu- The State Department took the unusual step of attempting to'reduce the impact of tie story by making the article available porters Friday night. At the same. time., said that the document did not represent Rusk was said to have emphasized that the paper was the work of one man only -the author of it, Willard Matthias-and e -touched qn .virtuaily every aspect of ; the? -Cold. Var..It''s cgptxoversial...section' am South Viet am consisted ot just few lines: "The guerilla war in South Viet Nam. is in its fifth year and no end appear!i '11 sight. The Viet?Cong in the south, depend.' ent largely on their own resources hit under direction and control of the, Cow-.: monist regime in the North, are presymg their offensive more vigorously, than ever. The political mistakes of the Diem regime inhibited the effective prosecution of the war, which is really more of A political contest than a military operation, and led to the regime's destruction. "The counter-guerilla effort continues_ to flounder, partly because of the inherent d}' ficulty of the, prohlem and partly 'be- . cause Diem's successors have not yet dem- onstrated the leadership and inspiration ~neeessary. "There remains serious doubt That vie-` tory can be won, and,Ihe situation remains.; very fragile. If l;;r~e?scale. United States>i support continues, and if further political, deterioration within South -Viet Nam is p'rv, at least a prolonged stalenrate?} can be attained. There N also a chance that'~j political evolution within the country and'1 det?elopmeots upon the world scene gouldj lead to some kind of negotiated settlement, based on neutralization." - The paper,, will probably have intern'a tional, as well as domestic, political- reper-. cussions. It the Vietnamese came to belive there was predominant' sentiment in Washing-; ton for a settlement. through neutraliza?t tion,' the' governmenV4 already uncertain; :grip on the country coikid be. furtt er weakened '_ FOIAb3b Apprqvqd . ? RDP75-00001