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Publication Date: 
August 23, 1964
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ST. TOUTS. POST-DISPATCFT Approved For Release N/4 -CIA-R f\1~6j~ F~f SI FOR CA~ Chicago Tribune which intended; V `{ ` to publish it. V.E. NAM \JIGTORY. 001EMOTIUL SAYS High Administration Men Deny Views } epresent Policy dPYRGH WASHINGTON, Aug. 22 (UPI) - High ~Admiftis_t_raLlon o tcta s said today that a Central Intelli- gence Agency document declar- i ing that victory over the Com- munists in South Viet Nam is doubtful and that eventually it may be necessary to snake a neu? tralization deal, noes not repre. sent United States policy. The 45-page paper, prepares by Willard Matthias of CIA': Board of National Estimates, at tempts to assess developments it various parts of the world withit the framework of the Soviet American power. relationship. The paper was written earl; this year. It has been circulates among various government ages ties wash a notation that it has "general approval" of the CIJ board which had, however, mad no attempt "to reach complet agreement on every point of it:' single official suggesting a pos- ;t correctly construed as Admini- sources said it was then decided demonstrate both that it was not, a secret and that it was of a dis- cursive nature. Summary of Changes Aside from the Viet Nam outralization reference, th e outine summary of the obvious hanges brought about by the? uclear stalemate between Rus-? io and the United States, corn- lictted by the Communist Chi- cse-Russian idcalogi'cal conflict: The fact that. both the Soviet Jnion and the United States no,r lave the nuclear capability estroy each other "has NOT only depreciated the value of strategic power in the achcve ment of particular objectives: it. i has also come to circun,scrib f a military power," the CIA r er South Viet Nam which apparent China and North Viet N: nr says. It has become increasing- ly touched a sensitive Adminis-i domonst -ate that they intend to ly difficult for either of the gi'eat;'tration nerve said: "leave their hei;;hbars alone." powers to project its mililarv: "The counter-guerrilla effort Discussing- the problems of the power in conventional. form into'continues to flounder, partly be- Communist world, including the other areas of the world Cr into cause of. the inherent difficulty Chinese-Soviet conflict as well as disputes which may arise." of the problem and partly be- the growing differences of some The paper continues: cause ([he late President Ngo cast European Reds with Mps- I Dinh Diem's successors 'have. rote, Matthias wrote: ]y iWithnhibililCd didfrom powe "rsbr increasing- inn;, not yet demonstrated the leader. "We can confidently expect their strategic capabilities and ship and the inspiration neces- that this situation will continue projecting their conventional sary. There remains seriour?' and that Communism in the fu-.I ones," the "secondary and mincr doubt that victory can be won, tore will come to possess still powers" such is Prance. Egypt, and the situation remains very less doctrinal uniformity than it and Indonesia, have taken th;; fragile. , now has. Indeed, the national and 1 opportunity to strengthen their? If large-scale United States doctrinal antagonisms whichl arsenals and try to play a great support continues and if further exist may occasionally lead to er role in international affairs, political deterioration in South armed conflict; the Communist For Others, a Nuisance i Viet Nam is prevented, at least world may come to be as diverse I a prolonged, stalemate can be at- and undisciplined as the non- Matthias wrote hands "a nuclear tained. There is also -a chance Communist world.", capability in the hands of ot;ur; that political evolution in the The CIA author said develop-; than the two great powers is a country and developments on the ments in the Communist camp nuisance and a potential trouble- world scene could lead to some "suggest that for the next several maker, is not much of a kind of negotiated settlement: years at least the world may be, factor in the world balance o[- - -- --- t military power or indeed in the I based on neutralization,' 'replete. with strife and disorder d S but not on the verge of nuclear 'No Win' Charges Administration officials wee disturbed by the possible petit cal implications of the docume at this time inasmuch as R -. publican presidential n o in i n e Barry M. Goldwater's charg of a "no win" foreign policy. The officials said they wants to emphasize that the paper ha never been presented to or Co - sidered by President Lyndon Johnson's N a t ion a 1 Securi y Council nor the top level Unite i States Intelligence Estimate Board. Working papers of officials the CIA are almost never mae public. This one was made pu lic, however, when Administr - tion leaders learned that a co y had failleg into the ~hde bf t pprove or re-s" ato~rwtnti to Its poasts? President Johnson far of StateDean Rusk have" disaster,-' e ease Icontended repeatedly that noI I compromise solution is possible until the Communists in South rt of the docwnent'oni Viet Nam are beaten and Red