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Publication Date: 
January 17, 1963
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T,O,S ANGELES UNIkA JAN 17 1963 Approved For Release 1999/09/17 : CIA-RDP75-00001 Divot 6 Wife ,Vr on Drurk C : 1411' ui.v ~.c + er testifying that his $wife w1l 1cteU ?f eight yedt He was an habitual drunk and ch rged her with habitual was ?"the only, person Who intoxication and said she fre- evermistreated me" duringlquentity "cursed and abused" his two years in a Russian him. Powers testified that his prison. wife sent him syci7 "cheap" Mrs.' Barbara Gay Powers,Imagazines during his im- Gary Powers, was granted a Last august. seven months', I..Olmr h1c rp1pARp. Powers;' Lns Angeles VMS News Ser,lcs ,~ i IILLEDGI?~VILLE, (a Former U-2 Pilot Francis Suit Filed in August , excn u1. ,e avi ~... r.r dolph Abel. I ang constantly and there couldh't breatne or sleep. i Fen got the Russians woi, just shook all the time." lied that he arrested Mrs. Powers for "drunk driving" June 22, 1961. Mrs. Powers, who had, filed a countersuit charging Powers with failing to treat her like an average Ameri- can housewife, testified that she had married "for com- panionship, love and chiI- dren, but I didn't have the opportunity for that." Mrs. Powers, weeping freely, said she didn't know her husband had been mak- DIVORCED-Mrs. Barbara Gay Powers and Francis Gary Powers, the former U-2 pilot. Powers was ill G a. e, granted a divorce by a jury, in Milledgev UPI Telephotos She said when Powers was, released "he took all his bit-, terness out on me." She de-1i nied. being an. excessive drinker. "All he wants is his, money," Mrs. Powers sobbed. Powers, during four hours on the witness stand, was asked about his patriotism. 'He said. he had. never voted and did not know who. was the Vice President dur- ing his imprisonment. The confinement, however, "made me appreciate this country quite a bit," he said, "but it didn't make me ap- ing U-2 flights over Russia preciat2 `thy wife." for the Central Intelligence) Asked -what, he thought of Agency, and accused him of the hardships his wife en- taking "our future into his dured to go to Moscow to be hands without;- my knowl- with him at his trial, Pow- edge." ers replied, "Why, I'll bet _ __- -- K 000 eo le here ere p p she said, "the phonelin Milledgeville who woui tured mobt house, was ordered to pay '$5,000' to Mrs. Powers and $500 to her attorney. No provision was made` for all mon3. The former spy pilot showed, no: emotion -at the verdC ; 1Powers was not in tl e ctolurtroom. Powers, during the trial whit peened Tuesday, testi- fied tl}at',1ie went,.as' long as 45 days without a; letter from his;>ii`e wife in prison. ei imprisonment started M yy, 1960affer Powers' high-flying U-2 was downed ovgr Russia. Rg, was sen- tenced to 10 years "depriva- tion pf liberty" for espio- nage, but was freed 20 months later in a dramatic rvwci0.~, -- - 11 heed test $ilot and resident A Milledgeville police o#- of a Burbank (Cal.) apart- ficer, Jimmy Niblett, test! hour. Must Pay $5,500 countered that imprison-, ment lzad left Powers "void pequest eotherhareadingamat of all feeling" except bitter= ter. ness toward her. He said the scarcity of lets A jury of 12 married men.,,_, frn.r, hi, if,.. became' a Approved For Release 1999/09/17 : CIA-RDP75-00001R000400090021-2