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Document Release Date: 
May 27, 1999
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Publication Date: 
January 16, 1963
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PDF icon CIA-RDP75-00001R000400090028-5.pdf45.83 KB
W ASHTNGTON STAR JAN 16 1963 Approved For Release 1999/09/17 : CIA-RDP75- STATINTL a ump-su p plus $500 in attorneys' fees.1 and that she cursed and abused The jury deliberated about half him without cause. A Superior - Court jury granted Mrs. Barbara Powers 1 m' ayment of $5 000 Alimony Ruled for Wife MILLEDGEVILLE, Ga., Jan. a reconnaissance mission over 16 (AP).-Francis Gary Powers, the Soviet Union in May, 1960. former U-2 pilot who served a; A jury of 12 married men prison term in Russia, was' heard the divorce suit, which granted a divorce today. Mr. Powers filed last' August. owersGranted Divorce` deal . . . he's not the same," the 28-year-old Mrs.' Powers said, adding, "he took all his bitterness out on Me Mr. Powers, 33, testified yes- terday in his cofitested divorce suit that "the only person who ever mistreated me while I was in prison in Russia was my wife Barbara." "I went for 45 days without a letter. It was just too much," said Mr. Powers, who spent nearly two years in a Russian rison after being downed on whom he married in 1955, was guilty of habitual intoxication Mrs. Powers in her counter suit, asked an unspecified amount of alimony. She charged that since his return to' this that her husband was "not.thelcountry, Mr. Powers "had lost same" since his return from a,his whole sense of values and as an American citizen Russian prison. al his Bitterness Cited I toward his wife, his counrty and "Gary has changed a great' toward his fellow man and is an hour. Mr. Powers charged his wife with habitual intoxication and cruelty. Mrs. Powers filed a counter- suit and told the jury yesterday She said she is ill and linable to work and that her husband told her several times after his release from prison that he could not love and live with a sick woman. "I suffered just as much as Gary did when he was in pris- on," she said. Mr. Powers testified he is now employed as a test pilot in Cal- ifornia, and earns about $310,~ a week. t Approved For Release 1999/09/17 : CIA-RDP75-00001 R000400090028-5