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.Sanitized - Appr P0IAb3b. CPYRG.HT 0 NDON DAILY TELEGRAPH ACK rlao good hear, 0 DE ? DAILY TELEGRAPH REPORTERS ' E WYNNE, the 45-year-old British %. businessman gaoled as a spyby.the Russians, was re-united with his wife and' elder son. Andrew,` 12, outside their Chelsea home yesterday. The,-couple embraoed, then ran arm-in-arm into 'the hnuse, Asked h'ow he felt after, his 18- mo11th'o1?d I M ea , r. said: I feel as I look. .So. you can judge for yourself." Mr. . Wynne, who lost nearly three stones in weight. during .his .17 months in' Russian prisons, was flown home after being exchanged at a Berlin border checkpoint -early, yesterday for. Gordon "'Lonsdale, the Russian spy gaoled for 25 years in Britain in 1961. Mr. Wynne's release followed reports that his, health was deteriorating, He was examined by a London ,doctor, Dr. E. C. A. Bott, two hours after arriving home. . Dr. Bott said Mr. Wynne is as well as can be expected, He is in very good heart." Mr. Wynne had a,celcbrati h o dinner, and drank ' champagne with his family and friends last night,' While a policeman sto d o gu ird outside his house. Be we t t o bed early ,, ? ; , POOR .BUSINESS " Bargain against West Meanwhile LonSdaJe an ...i.,..,_ somewhere behind the Iron `Cti thin. + Lonsdale was the master' M,Ofthe. Portland espio ... nage?t1ng,` Looking thin and' strained, Mr. Wynne came out of the aircraft and posed for pictures at the top of the steps, He was wearing a well-cut prey suit. with a Notting ham University tie,' and a fig t- weight blue raincoat. I1' would not speak to reporters abo t the treatment he had e= ceiv d in Russia, apart from saying. that the three meals a day he was offci ed in prison did not agree j with him. PRISON "MOVE" Prelude to release The first indication 'he had xhat he might be going home came less than 24 hours before he landed at Northolt. I ' was sitting 'in my 'cell in Vladimir Prison (about 120 miles from Moscowl when they came in and told me I was to, be moved from the gaol," he said, "I didn't', know where I was going or any-" thing about it. "I was -Put In a plane and got to East Berlin, at least I assumed it was East Berlin, because I didn't really know, The first time I knew' definitely tj was being freed was at four a,m. when I was handed ver," Mr. Wynne said he heard no ention of Lonsdale while yin rison. He did not realise he was me half of an exchange deal until to was safely in the British ca'r aking him to West Berlin. Asked why" he had pleaded uilty "with some reservations" t his trial. Mr. Wynne said: "At' he present time T ? am riot going o make , any comment on this.` tatter:" "twenty minutes after leaving the lane Mr. Wynne spoke to his wife; y.telephone,. It was the first time' (Continued on Back Page,.CoL !).".a (PYRG,H- YRGHT Sanitized Approved .For Release 00 .0020010-1 The exchange of" this -brilliant Russian intelligence officer for n Wynne's walk to Freedom-, aid Lonsdale's Family-Back Pag ' Pictures-P22 Editorial Comment-P16 ' Englishman always described' as, " a businessman " appeared to be poor business for the West. But to the Russians it was a fair exchange. They alleged that Mr,: Wynne .was the link between the; Soviet traitor Oleg Penkovsky, a" scientist and high-ranking ofcec; of their security service, and the* British Embassy in Moscow, which; transmitted the , secrets he dis- cl. THIN AND STRAINED Silent on treatment After the Berlin exchange, Mr. Wynne was flown to Nort.holt Air port in an R A F Transport Com mand plane, First aboard when: the plane landed was a Foreign; Office official, closely followed by public relations. officers from the. Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Civil Aviation. TOLD'' BY CA"TORS AyRDP75-001491 00.01.:00020010-1`