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CPYRGHT FOIAb5 Approved For Release ,ND FINES HERALD APR 2 0 1964 CPYRGHT By Lewis H. Diuguid Staff Reporter olitical tasks. Accordingly, new appointees the $20,000-d year positions i the Committee of Nine are pected to be more techni- cally than politically oriented. nominating c o m m i t t e e r a w n from hemispheric gencies Is expected to meet ris month after resolving the uestion of the role of CIAP i selecting ? the new genera- l ii Five of the "Nine Wise Par o the reason or tne! Men" of the Alliance fort exodus from the Committee; Progress have left, or -soon seems to be just the lure of, other positions, coupled, with! the fact that the three-year will do so. I Among them is Raul , Saci, commitment is now over two-, coordinator of the group morel thirds met. formally known as the Com-;?: But the changing structure mittee of Nine. Saez, a Chil-i of the Alliance has played its can, was one .of many hemis=i part, according to sources mentioned for; close to the Nine. Founders ri leader h p e c s the chairmanship of t h e of the Alliance recall a ? bit. newly-formed Comite Inter-,, bitterly that originally the amcr-icana do la Alianza par,,; Nine were to have been the el Progreso. "Latinizing" agent, with a Carlos Sanz do Santamaria strong mandate allowing them of Colombia was given thr virtually to cut off funds from CIAP job Formation of tht .a committee, an attempt to, nations laggard in reforms. "Latinize" the Alliance, is one The United States reluctant- of many factors in the depar-'ly bought the multilateral ap-I tore of the five Wise Men, proach, but Argentina, MexicoI The Alliance charter signed' and Brazil figured they could, three years ago provided for do better by dealing directly; the panel of nine experts who with the main source of funds,' would evalualc the national the United States. The result plans to be submitted by the' was a compromise that. Latin American nations as sheared off much of the Nine's blueprints of economic and power. social developments. Still, the Nine proved. vigor- Opinions of the expert, ous not'only in criticizing sub-; would largely determine the !twitted national plans but, in amount of foreign aid the na- calling for .changes in the tions would receive. Nine ex- !Alliance itself. The Committee ports, some with international of Nine suggested the study reputations, were chosen for that.resulted in formation of three-year teLms beginning in CIAP:' January, 1962. ?1 Gradually Argentina and The original coordinator! Mexico have swung tov; ard'. was Raul P rebisch. Other the position of the smaller commitments soon forced his countries and the planners un-, esignation. He is now head tit with CIAP, a multilateral of the . U.N. Conference on direction of the Alliance may Trade and Development in be possible. Advocates of this Geneva. Saez, Prebisch's re- approach, including the Ni',, placement, will leave by July i:sry the Latins.may be sterner on of Wise Men. Those leaving besides Sacz rclude: O Manuel Noriega Morales, ]ready returned to his native xuatemala to head a technical astitute. No is an economist ho has u4?orked closely with Morales Perloff . .,leaving Alliance ntegration. liarvey S. Perloff, author and educator in the field of economic planning and the my U.S. national among the inc. He has agreed to serve ut his term ending Dec. 31 f needed before returning to he job lie left two years ago, rogram director for the pri- ate research foundation here, resources for the Future. 9 Jorge Grieve, an engineer ho was a Peruvian delegate o the Punta del Este confer- nee that set up the Alliance. Hernando Agudelo Villa, olumbian lawyer and ?econo- ist who like many of the Tine has also held important political appointments, to return to the directorship !'enforcers ? of reform among] of Chile's big government-1 themselves than the United owned electrical industry. States could be. I But even if this power po- (tential is realized it will rest in CIAP, with the Nine ex- pected to evolve into a techni- Ical adjunct. I CIAP, with the seven mom- l~crs, under Sanz' de Santa-i b.-.Y `L' . the Alliance's considerable CPYRGHT maining is P l s:Cir',-. Rodan,. a Del: :. citizen and author. He ::'H? no of the Nine holds another job simultane- ously, as professor of econom- cs at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Other memebrs are Brazil- . an Romulo Almcida, Argdn- I ine Ernesto Malaccorto and _uban Felipe Pazos, all eeon- )mists and all as far as is II known planning to stay at east through Dec. 31' Author Perloff-asked jibe hought the Alliance aug-I rented by still another com-' nittee, could achieve the lofty goals of planned economic .rowth-posed several condi- ,ions based on the intent of, he participants and said, "At cast now it has a chance," He doled that he intends to do a of of writing about his Inter- FOIAb5 ? CPYRGHT Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00149R000100030021-8