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July 17, 1960
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Sanitized - Approved For ReI a JUL 17 1960 T 7. .what th was' By COLONEL; ULWS~AMOSS o % CPYRGHT VIM b1A-RDP75-00149R000100100007-6 watch. liiternat[on "!' 1O nignt and,2 although liort[ons pt the "- ?u -v same [or Yourself.'" 4 -do, ttyQ late late show could be) y-trappd gither side they errs t Thia let me know that England was going off knows Lull well.tlia eovernmennn,.oti -?on ~y -Awnat rules o the bossin b ess Yet both h tan fitly, 8qutgd when the U-2 dmnned .a .. '+~ the old les don't l .a >YPl f E, high-f1yt , tromcage,when lt" j".gS00 milllon.a ""ri `C8? WOUNacK nanging in my study. TO briish up on m a erg e r . .._~. __ , y Greek for the sojourn in e recognized very quickly by those who find hemselves i l e tnat he met his brother, every afternoon at a side- walk cafe. Each time as th with the Turkish names t an pos dilint G nvo v d. During the last war the rman and American lines faced each other for , ey chatted, the same ragamuffin bootblack shined their shoes. It was o erman. Of course there are rogues in our business, but I couldn't hn+e +L.:_ _ lariti a d le" VFLAI "" me Alps. About halfway be ween the two t lines was the village of osDei in ween ., n the mo el in the evenings and we became fri ends. ueess, , I should Speaking of rogues, perhaps make r Reconnoitering parties were sent out fo at ,? ;U. i can tell you what those two men were talkin about this afternoon," I would say, and make some by h i?or r her r g gov v sent on a fact-gathering mission by nt ernment is an agent. Usually an CPYRGHT Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00149R000100100007-6 CPYRGHTSanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00149R000100100007-6 lm 1y,-, , mos y: ' , re al#9e e113 a ions. He Is not, in our termiilolbgy, a spy. re the in- formants, either paid, or voluntary, who supply the agents with the stuff they are. looking for. It is,not at An unusual for a spy to serve two masters. Governments have re- luctantly accepted the fact that this hi-often necessary if the spy is to continue to exist in one oil the world's most peril- ous occupations. Although it is acceptil+ nwritten code of espionage for a ' spy to be r two conflicting interests, there is a definite li which his or her activities cannot go.. Princess Tamal* `must have known that. Washington cabled-one iii~Caire.tY keep an eye on her. I didn't, mind at all. She was a fiery beautiful redhead (the color may have, been as phnfity` as her title). HF"' specialty was getting American o drunk and cuddl}, got; to know her and, in her. My liking lessened considerably when `?n ktoo 'a pot shot at me one afternoon while we.were walking down the Kasr el Aini, one of Cairo's main streets. , wasn't it?" she said coolly. -Probahly a warhat you shouldn't pry too deeply into ? ffairs." She hin broadly that she was working for the Btitish, and the British confirmed this. It didn't account fort er interest in American officers, so I wasn't at all sliirised when I discovered that she was also being paid by the German Admiral Canaris. Shortly before the following Christmas I had. a n fision to London. The RAF plane, that was taking me back had engine trouble and was forced to land on a Libyan airstrip. I had resigned myself to spending a miserable Christmas Eve, but along-for a refueling-came a Soviet plane with several officers, one of whom spoke English. "Going to Cairo?!' he asked. I jumped at the chance. 'On the way, very casually, me if I knew *Prin- cei~s Tamara. `O? course I said lE n t, but I made it a point to see `who was" dancing that night'at Shepheard's 'Hotel. When Tamara and the Red Colonel swept past me in close abrace,, I kept my face well covered. Before morning I let word get around. Tamara vanished, I know pot where. I do know that in the espionage industry two may be com- pany, but three is a crowd nobody,likes. Agedts' or spies grow to be suspicious Of everyone. I've known source Who didn't even trust the members of their own family and' maybe rightly so. When I. was attemp_ to $i~ter' ills fatheTeatlts; I had deal with a spy gang in Munich consisting of a sleek hut `named Lill, her husbapdt'her lover, her sweet-faced old ber, called Frau, and two other men. JUL 17 1960 where he V M {Iargely mother (the real appeared behind t Vassily to the United States, sed_up. Later I of the gang, it turned out), who dis- Frau to ee because pme agent in the Western World would certainly, have managed her execution for double-dealing--- not with me but within her own group. Both~jj*ateur,_ and professional spies have scruples, even those who may be selling out their own country. For ex- ample, i y of them feed -vital facts to the International al Serve Infoltipn, a privately-supported g ionage system which T nr2?ni~. Ve dT ected for y4. We nave no connection with the government anTllnl r~y pass along our gleanings to subscribers. All Ie major, powers train espionage agents in secret "sch ,but the most effective ones often come from un- ex sources. There was a young Britisher named John Br ho sold heavy machinery: Traveling through the Bat x1948, the year of the Berlin blockade, he noticed that, lever he passed large rivers, -pontoon sections were being ssembled as emergency bridges, Fearing a possible ,,Red pincer movement against West Germany, he hurried back to n and got the information to Britain's vast ,Secret. nee service. Brewster was promptly sworn in as, a, .. agent-last I heard he was observing all the rules of the strange etiquette of spying. "I Tried, to Kidnap Stalin's Son," The American Weekly, Nov. 8, 1953. Sanitized Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00149R000100100007-6