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November 21, 1966
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NOV 2 7
Appr6 ' 1 ~pU~VUI-J S200 18 !^?C~7q` , ~;P tc
Fnlhr,, might. make
TO CLARIFY ETHICS.I ,~t`?~lfmhum a? we
;Plan Guide for Scholars Who
Work on U.S. Contracts
Special to The New York T,mel
,American Anthropological s50-
'elation ended its 65th annual
meeting here today after agree-
ing to elaborate a set of "ethical
guidelines" for scholars who
work on Government contracts.
Differences over the' whole
range of Government relations
with the academic community
and a sharp clash over a resolu-
'tion on the Vietnam War made
it the most turbulent annual
gathering of the association in.
the memory of its senior
The guidelines are expected
to recommend that, except in
the case of war, academic insti-
tutions not undertake research
-projects that are subject to
security restrictions.
The decision to tighten tile
ethical code of anthropologists)
came In a response to a report'
by Dr. Ralph L. Beals, a former'
president of the association. The:
report strongly criticized at
tempts by Government intel-I
ligence agencies to use social
scientists for undercover work,1
especially in foreign countries.
Recommendations Tabled (bold
However, the association's
1,100-member Council of Fel
'Iowa voted. last night to table
a series 'of-- recommendations'
prepared by Dr.? Beals. Some
members wanted stronger lan-
guage,. and others found it too
.strong ,
The association's executive
board interpreted the action to-
day as giving it a mandate to
rewrite the recommendations as
Cindy Lasted :1 a Year
concllNjnrls tvel -
based on a year'-long stud,
during which hetravt?lr? d 35,0
miles in Latin An;erica :u
the Middle East. Thu study was
requested by the association
after Operation Camelot caused
a furor in the academic com-
T,,.... ' UFu
\ Operation Camelot was an
anthropologists and .oei.dogist,;.l
Profcsenr, Kaplan reports
that while shulcnts attend%a'
,meetings mainly to hear papccs,l
older members of the profession,
seemed more interested In sa :'
newing friendships.
The four-day meeting had A
record ILUA dance, of 2,300.. ,
I 49RO001 6Q29=
Almy- I
dertaken by The American
University 'of Washington to de-
termine the potential for "ht-,
surgency and counter-insurgen-1
cy" In Chile. Although It was,
canceled by the State Depart
meat a month later, the project,
pruducca sharp criticism of;
American scholars throughout,
Latin America.
One of Dr. Beals's recom-
mendations that was irenerallyl
accepted held that with the ex-i
ception of a "Congressional
declaration of war," contracts
in the soci;,l sciences which are,
not related to their normal
functions of teaching, research
and public service."
The reference to a "Congres-
signal declaration rd war" was:.
added during last night's coun-'
cii nlr'eting and reflected the
general reluctance of the an
throe d'?fists to accept the Viet-:
Dan, rnnflict as a national emer-
genwy that would allow scicn
tists to engage in secret defense
work under the proposed guide
An attempt by a group of
younger members of the council,
to pass a resolution .sharply con-
dentlling the Johnson Adminis
tration's Vietnam policy was
thwarted' last night by several
moderates, including' Dr. Mar-.
garet ;Mead of New York and
Philleu Nash, a former Commis-.
sinner of Indian Affairs and aide
to President Truman,
Nevertheless, the Administra-
diem to a mail vote before orl ""`" scored an unen-'
'lehortly' after ;Christmas.'. Pectcci victory when the meeting-
The board met to clarify a voted down the council's presi-
adopted dent, Mr. Frederica de Laguna
ntmber of resolutions
amidt the confusion of last) of Bryn Mawr College, who had
:mle,ht'a rnnnen session' ruled the' resolution out of
session, it was at this point that Dr,'
course of
which was closed to the press Mead: a small forceful figure
Dr. Beals had urged brandishing a black-lacquered
;and public
swift action by the association, staff, was instrumental in se-
.saying that the majority' of curing the adoption of a coned-
members now favored safe- "do the wn use of n n r appalm" and cond"a "bomb- i l
guards to protect "the .rode- lo
e an
e world.
pendence and integrity of an- Although the resolution obviJ
. ousiy referred to Vietnam, the
Dr. Beals, a professor of an- implied attack on President
thropology at the University o[ ,Tottnson that had been o:n?
California at Los Angeles, pre-, tamed in the original draft v'aF
faced his recommendations with' omitted,
the following warning: Tie final draft, which was
'Constraint, deception . and adopterl by an overwhelming;
isecrecy have ' no place in ; vote, a Iso called on all govern-:
science. Actions which compro- . lnellts to "proceed as rapidly as.
rmise the intellectual integrity possible to a peaceful setlement
and autonomy a of - reasearch of the war in Vietnam"
scholars and institutions not x .ri Danes read this mornIng,)
only weaken those international erns. lscrnice A.' Kaplan ' of
:underatandings.ebsentlal;,to our Wayne -State . University pre.!
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