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Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00149R000100380013-9 BEST COPY AVAILABLE Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00149R000100380013-9 >.i AV!. ooscao voo.atiwoo:sitaiawvia ? -4svial9AA,94FtowcYlv - PezMueS 'S lit-Gel 4:14,1=tilef. 41,13,4 ats %cm( m ppm tiadus4, ci 'eauffiit,? 1r 111,nak 1,11 image,. ism 'a -g) aonnaaxa 'Voss* aqs, meat on repatriation of German nationals Ilia in the Soviet Union ?estimated to number some twang thbusand. * That West 'German 'press as. of Mr. fillkoyart's mychIe1ng to its ideas if the federal govemi hitherto has done. every- ponsiblo toward influenc- Soviet Union to be eon." an reunification. The tnocrstic opposition Vs. attributes Soviet stub. to the federal -govern - In Vs determinetiOnAttremaln In the North Atiardie ty Or- genisation aturtits lack pow it creels tlyiVing 06. DAP '101 WU*. any Kit olitrA AO; &Man telepitg- Ot eq$ re PetineZeria,1_, eevsj =WON cue pow' m *nal nettOptireAt 5.; '''411;" (.4 a 4 So so fe sweetheisso Avg Witt, ; the IDUlles-Adenauer "negotiating from strength" I failed. On the 'other hand, the Bc government.. tees that, had 'adopted the' Social Democra standpoint, West Germany to Would be defenseless, distrust and unsupported by the West( allies and at the mercy of Soviet ;Union. ? ? Soviets Intensify Drive Disappointed are those unre istic people who indulgeci? wishful thinking about ] Mikoyan's visit, meaning tl section of the population whi either from fear or convicti. dill thinks the, Soviet Union c change its, attitude on reunitit non.. ,Thei majority ?today, taowev ? United Ari) liePubirePresi- ' ow 4 dm, Nasser, the Middle East's most Influential leader,..has rived hareotor what he termed a wish to a "friendly people and' a friendly 'country." . The Chief ,Execudve of the now-combined nations of Egypt and Syria .and,?.their federation with Yemen flew in aboard a Soviet TU4104 jet airliner from' Cadre, April IL ? ? 111-dartettr will include level Wks that could mark incant turning point in re- s between the Soviet Un- due United" Arab Republic. the West. But a good part his visit )v*ll consist of a Ortusurd9u.sight-aeeing tour of the The President, who fiew. from Cairo by way of Bndagest, was ted at the airport here by et Premier Nikita S. chev, President Voro- shilov, and other Soviet leaders. This is his first trip abroad since the nationalization of the Suez Canal in 1050, Colonel Kaiser is expected to Waite Mr: Khrushchev to 'visit Owl/lifted Arab Eepublic, pro- claimed art FeV. 1,,while he is ly is the cornmu- e aw? Ov Wele9rr; lVfititing a brief .stopover Budapest, oh his .516-hour fii to the Soviet capital, Colo Nasser said the main reason his visit to the Soviet Union v because it ?was friendly to ? Arabs two years ago. This- was taken. as a referei to the situation, after Egyi nationalization of the S' Canal in July, 1958, and Anglo-French-Israeli invas the following October. 'Colonel Nasser told report at Budapest airport; "We 11 to the Soviet Union as a frien PooPle and a friendly colinti Egypt's aims, hisaid, were have friendly relations and. strengthen .relations in all ftc between our two countries'' . When be sits across the tt from Mr. Khrushchev, Cok Nassir. is expected to disc pan-Arab unity and Arab eh to restore the state of Palest ' On this issue he will seek So, support in the United Nati. Economic issues also will be'e, cussed. Colonel Nasser's prograd) c for only about tour days in. M cow. He will stay at the $ tingyished visitors* suite of Kremlin.? ? flarOW. Tho red_ of the ttml4iiiit -usesoli .5 jo wept 414t cnini pmal ApoVOIJ Os PIOAaq31.103.1 2i.tiVli1 BOLA ionuon lauspg ungetsto stiz sgani.mi writuag ?I plo.nm Ag nj pai!uin hwise let _LHOIAdO ? ffmtfil 10 : aseeleN .10J p0A0.1ddV - pezmues c; Sir)K1711` )C MV!! c ri TT')