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t IAIi 1Ii:lI.g: - JUL 2 7 196;3 Approved For Release 2000/05/24: CIA- STATINTL And Back Honte, Too a io Free Russia For 1van-1n Herald tdttortaI Writer CONSIDER a 21-year-old Russian soldier on occupation duty in Cuba. How does he feel about it.? H e 's 5,000 m l i e s from home, among strangers who are largely hostile. Cu- bans don't speak his language. He lacks civilian friends in- , Mlss eluding girls. Bellamy The news he gets from home is Russian radio propaganda beamed to the "masses," not to him personally. His number may range from 17,000 to 40;000, mostly sent to Cuba because of their technical skills or know-how in operating sophisticated machines of war -- not because they are hardcore Kremlin stooges. * * * CAN THESE Russia n youths in Cuba be turned Into allies of freedom? Con- stantin W. Boldyreff and his colleagues think so, They're trying. Their Radio Free Russia talks to "The Russian boy in Cuba" for 15 minutes every night. "Our hroadc.a.sts," Boldy- reff explains, "are aimed at Moving the decent. Russian officers and men to take the honorable course of action. To turn their arms -- -. when the time comes -- against their oppressors. To fight for the freedom of the Rus- sian people by helping the Cubans to. throw off the hated yoke. "Their behavior at the time of crisis will he of crucial Importance for the cause of freedom. The down- fall of communism in Cuba will deal a severe blow to inn Coin in uIt ist rulers of HOMMYHH3M- *TO f PoPf3iOf1, 11of1XO3HfR 6apu{HHa, KUHt{HaropH, HMLL4OTa. HOMMYHM3M - 3T0 flOpa60LLteHH. 40noneKfl. 3a PoocNlo2 HIC Anti-Red Stickers Show Up Amidst Reds ... suppleni.enting regular broadcasts his co-workers in Radio Free that garrison food for Russia are the only Russians thought: outside the Iron C U r t a i n "t'omr;a tn, think --- by talking to the Ruwian,s in are 'tiff hr.--rF'" asks a Rus- Cuba in their own tongue as sian in fltssian. "Why, in a fellow patriots. 'liberated, brotherly' nation, * * are you confuted to carefully guarded camps in isolation BOLDYREFF directs and from the population which, edits the programs from an allegedly, you are supposed office outside Washington, to he helping? D.C., where the recorditg is "Did it ever occur to you done. A radio station in the that F hrushchev and Castro Dominican Republic beams keep you in Cuba because the messages to Cuba. they hope to crush a revolt Although Boldyreff's group by the Cuban people with is 33 years old, its Cuban the use of your bayonets?" t ven ure did not begin until last Nov. 3, at the time of the Cuban nti.s*le crisis, The hands reddened with,,, tt-e blood of Innocent people," He recalls that the Soviet garrison in Hungary refused to shoot freedom fighters there in 1956, and many of the troops joined the rebels. "Twenty-three Russian soldiers are known to have joined the anti-Castro guer-; rillas in the mountains of Cuba," Boldyreff reports. RFR's work in Cuba and inside the Soviet Union is sponsored by Narodno Tru- duvoi Soyuz, known In Eng- lish as the National Alliance of Russian Solidarists. NTS claims "thousands" of mem- bers in 30 free world coun- tries, plus an undisclosed number of underground members in the USSR. BROADCASTS to Ftussla go out from a radio station near Munich, West Germany. So do leaflets, booklets and other literature -delivered by balloons and by other means. RFR often waits for a long-winded Soviet speaker to pause for breath, then exclaims, on the some wave length: "Don't believe a word he says, the bum." "This gives courage to thl resistance through knowledge that we are able tb get through," Boldyreff' explains. An NTS stunt denounced by Red Star was a duplicate of Komsomolskaya Pravda, mouthpiece of the Commu- nist Youth League. The replica used the journal's masthead, the same head- lines, even the same first sentence of each article. All the rest was "dynamite," according to Boldyreff. Agents dropped copies on stacks of Komsomolskaya Pravda at newsstands, to be bought. by customers. Instructions for anti-Com- munist action are sealed in plastic and floated. into So- viet rivers and coastal v.,- I